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Hotfix 1 available:

- Adds Scriptloader
- Fixes misssing animations 




  • Replaced 100% save
  • Compressed base game, saving ca 10GB from base footprint
  • Added AIS Preorder extra aigirl_sexy_souki
  • Added AIS Preorder extra aisyoujyo_yoyaku
  • Added AIS DLC ai_syoujyo_miko
  • Added AIS DLC ai_syoujyo_sb
  • Added Sideloader Modpack
  • Added HS2_BepisPlugins R15.0
  • Added 2155X’s AI_UnlockPlayerHeight v1.2.0
  • Added DeathWeasel’s HS2_AnimationController v2.2
  • Added DeathWeasel’s HS2_AnimationOverdrive v1.1
  • Added DeathWeasel’s HS2_CharacterExport v1.0
  • Added DeathWeasel’s HS2_FKIK v1.1
  • Added DeathWeasel’s HS2_InputHotkeyBlock v1.2
  • Added DeathWeasel’s HS2_PoseFolders v1.0
  • Added DeathWeasel’s HS2_StudioObjectMoveHotkeys v1.0
  • Added DeathWeasel’s HS2_StudioSceneSettings v1.1
  • Added DeathWeasel’s PoseQuickLoad v1.0
  • Added DuDu’s Frames
  • Added KKY’s AI_ColorPanelX v1.1.0
  • Added Marco’s HS2_BetterAA v1.5
  • Added Marco’s HS2ABMX v4.3
  • Added Marco’s HS2API v1.12
  • Added Marco’s HS2_OverlayMods v5.2
  • Added Yue + Duck Preset Pose Pack VX - D33P
  • Added Ore’s Graphics v0.3.2 as semi-optional (turn on in launcher)
  • Added 01010101lzy’s HSLipsync v0.2.0 as optional
  • Added 2155X’s HS2_StudioPOV v1.0 as optional
  • Added FairBear’s HS2_POVx v1.0.0 as optional
  • Updated IllusionLauncher
  • Updated IllusionFixes HS2 to v13
  • Updated XUnity.AutoTranslator to v4.11.2
  • Updated enimaroah’s SB3Utility to v20.4.1
  • Updated Marco’s KKManager to v0.10.1
  • Removed temporary fixes (Superceeded by IllusionFixes)

Patreon-only download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224 

Links: https://ai-syoujyo.com/public 




Have you fix the graphic setting plugin? Seem like they're not working at all.


I haven't noticed any issue with it during testing, but errors are expected this early in the games lifespan. Do tell me if you experience problems


Did this version have fixed the unloaded scene on studioneo?


Vsyn still run in 60fps even I change it to half or disabled it Framerate limit doesn't effect either I tries reduce my performance to see if it has any fps Gain also Anisotropic filtering and anti-alias multiplier do the same. General, display mod, resolution work fine


Hello, you know how to set how to fix the mods made by Roy12? The girls' faces are extremely buggy.


Don't know that illusion has announced anything more than that it'll be VR, not when


Thanks! ... So does this pack include all your other recent HS2 modpacks, Studio modpacks, AI Shoujo modpack, fixes, etc?


Bug report: Pp will mix censored when using monochrome Avatar.


Thank you so much for the amazing repack! However, I can't get around my head over how to use the the files from [OPTIONAL][AI-HS2][20200601] Sideloader Modpack Studio.7z. I am particularly interested in the maps for studio, but when I copy them to abdata/studio/maps nothing shows up when I'm trying to locate them in Studio Neo V2. Is there some ReadMe or instructions on where to put those files? Many thanks!


Nevermind, I read your other post where you have posted the Sideloader Modpack only. I just extracted all files into the HS2 mods folder and happy days!


Do roy12 character mods work? or not yet? trying them gives me a scary looking result

Bob Bashley

Er can anyone tell me how this works? I joined at £10 tier level, want to download honey select 2 and i'm being asked for a monthly patreon code??

Man Man

still censored?


Tina works, but none of the others as they require BoneFramework, and that hasn't been released yet


will grab it from torrent and seed it like always


KKM refused to work after upgrading from 1.1 to 1.2 + hotfix Log - https://imgur.com/PC5vrN8


I think something is wrong with your updater. Getting "No valid update sources were found" errors since last updates. Any ideas? - And thanks for your fantastic work!

Bob Bashley

I am such a confused noob lol Do I need to buy the main game from illusion and then add the files from here to the game folder or are these files the main game because I can't open them! Sorry for being thick but please help!


Just noticed that high heal shoes are all bent downwards (don't look right) in Studio. I've noticed the same behavior on HS1, but it could be corrected before by turning them off then on again. But not here. Any ideas?


it's currently disabled. Working on replacing the contents serverside, so HS2 and AIS has been disabled to make sure everyone don't get broken files while work is ongoing


it's currently disabled. Working on replacing the contents serverside, so HS2 and AIS has been disabled to make sure everyone don't get broken files while work is ongoing


I will always recommend you buy the game and support the creators, but this is the full pack, so a extract and play kinda deal.


Hi, does this version support heels on shoes or not yet?


where can i find the password to unzip the repack R1.2?


does this include sideloader mod pack or do i have to install that again


Hey, firstly great work! I know I'm on the min pledge atm, but I am working on it! I was going to ask is there a reason that your releases of the games pin my 1080Ti to 99% at 55fps? Just the vanilla games are usual at 40% at 60fps! How can I edit some of the settings to reduce graphics demand? Mostly for HS2, PH and Ai girl? Thanks a bunch again!

Simple Jack

R1.1 to R1.2 update is showing a virus?


Everytime I try to google drive download it says stuf like ive reached my download quota sometimes and whatever zipped folder i can download is either corrupted or incomplete.


Studio is not loading scenes.


Exelent game but VR It does not work :(


It includes that. If you downloaded my sideloader modpack the other day, you can skip downloading the studio optional part of it, and just use the one you already have


I recommend you drop by the discord for help as that may require some back and fourth


Yes, that's a limitation with google drive, and why I split the game into parts there. You can copy files to your disk and download it from there


PH had some settings that made the game heavier, that's fixed in R3 hotfix 3. AI and HS2 are just kinda heavy games, and optimization leaves something to be deaired still


Roy12 Honoka and Nyotengu face was down... but TinaAlpha is no problems...


Hey, I can't thank you enough for these well implemented repacks! Bravo! It's about time somebody did it right... So what's on the agenda for the next HS2 pack? - And when do you think it might be released? Should I just wait for R2? - I keep coming back here every day to see if you've added anything new. And I am seriously considering becoming a Patron. (First time I've ever considered doing something like this) ... Can you please let us know whats next? - Thanks!


So, for $5 I can't access the sideloader modpack? And there isn't any other way to get that is there?


Hi hi! Whenever I save a new character, the frames grinds down to about 2-3, forcing me to restart the game to be able to play. I installed the Sister DLC (I think?), what was it supposed to add? I can't see any new personalities or mindsets? Keep up the good work!


How do I install the sister dlc into the game?


i know you said bonemod wasn’t in this but somehow i have it lol thanks!


its full uncensored ??? i did try r1.1 it was not full uncensored :x


The uncensors can be gotten via the sideloader modpack. Go into HS2 folder, launch InitSettings.exe then click on Update. It should show a bunch of stuff.


Roy12 girls from AI showed up in sideloader... but without cards? I added card from AI but didn't work properly (only tried Honoka so far).


please update the sideloader modpack from the launcher, those seem to break expressions, so have been marked as AIS only now


when you extract the DLC you will get a few files and a setup folder, copy the contents of the setup folder and paste it into your game folder


All packs are available publicly in some manner or another. Sideloader modpack is available as torrent and the studio part is available through gDrive


I'm hoping for a few more mods, namely BonesFramework and MoreAccessories. At that point all AIS cards should be loadable in HS2. I also hear murmuring about some bugs in existing mods, so getting those fixed would be good as well, though they don't seem critical. The game is well playable now for the masses, and if it were any other game I'd be comfortable marking R2 right now, but due to the lack of those mods, AIS cards may load incorrectly still if they use those mods, and some clothes look broken. Hard to say... If it drags on for too long, I may just mark R2 with a few warnings.


ther any way to do BDSM or force thing in this game?

Tom jim

Thanks for the great repacks! Is there a reason the VR.exe was removed? is this intended to be added back?


i would like to know,do you have plan to make wildslider like honey select?i like that


In the link you put out, are all the mods already included in the Full Pack after downloading it? Do I have to download anything else or do anything else with the files after downloading it


Hey Screw, I recently switched to version R1.2 (I was before on R1,so I downloaded the full pack) but I have some problem with this version. (I know that the R1 versions are experimental) But here is what I resent as a problem. Clothing : Certain Clothing glitch in the character and does not load correctly. (and creates warning or error in the consol) Infinite loading: When we go to play is that we interact with a model if the model offers you a scene, or we decide to have a scene, a white screen appears and nothing loads. (everything is up to date. Except Sidloader Modpack Extra Maps and Items for Studio (takes up too much memory) Do you know where it could come from? or if there is already a way to fix this.


The R1 games had a lot of problems that are now fixed in the R2 version... some smaller problems still exist in R2, but are due to be fixed in a upcoming hotfix tho