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This is the current AWS bill, 5 days into the month. I may have to move AWS to a higher tier or straight up discontinue it at this phase.

I have been contacted by several users about alternative solutions and am looking into it, but I may not have the luxury of even keeping this going while going through the offers...


Last months AWS bill came in, and it's quite sizable. Let's first say this:

I am not asking for anyone to increase their pledge to offset this, this is just some transparency.

As you see, the net cost for just the patreon downloads last month ended up at almost $3000, adding to that $3500 for server purchase, $1200 in commissionwork and about $400 in other server related costs... I kinda blew past the patreon income last month, and even had to cut really deep into my private funds to make sure all ends are being met.

I expected to go above this month due to the extra one time costs incurred, as well as a certain HS2 release (let's play "spot HS2" in the graph >.<), though the blast up in amazon costs took my kinda by surprise.

This is fine though, I'm not suffering a crushing defeat due to this, as I said, more or less expected, just a bit more severe than I had hoped. I have gotten the patreon pay for this month, and that very much fixed the problems outright.

So, this would be the reason I can't really lower the pledge requirement to access this download option, it's kinda expensive.

In the good news section, I really don't want to increase the pledge requirement, even if it means that I will need to fill in some dollars out of pocket every so often, so as far as I can, I will avoid that. $10 is accessible, if I increase it to like $20, I may see some more money come in, but at the cost of making a lot of you lose access and make the world a bit thougher for those of you that really can't use BitTorrent for whatever reason.

For those of you that can use BitTorrent no problem though, I'll ask that you use BitTorrent wherever you can, as it helps out quite a lot <3 

For those of you wondering why I'm charging $10 for download options that aren't google drive... hope this answers the question for you.

Also, for everyone, thank you a lot for your support, thanks to you all I am able to help getting these games to shine and make for the best entry point to the game I can, it means the world to be able to (^_^)



Opticon Studios

I highly recommend you push torrents as a primary download.. and put the servers for high paying patreons


yes, I know that would be the savvy thing to do. but gonna try to go with it as this for now, hoping it's just a HS2 release thing that it blew this much up... if this becomes a pattern I may have to, even though I'd rather not.


What you do is an astonishment of kindness. Thank you for everything you do and would like donate more if ever of need. I Rather donate more how much on average would put you well over your budget per month.


I love doing this, but don't feel pressured to give me. As I said, I kinda expected this, and can survive this happening every so often, just hope it doesn't happen that often... And also get some understanding why I can't really lower it to $5


Donate more you say? Happily! 10 dollars are a steal anyway. Game and mod support. I'd don't mind paying double.


For the time being, I'll try to proceed as this. I know a lot of my $10 supporters are stretching already to support me at that level, and as far as I can, I want to meet them at the lowest I realistically can go. A thousand thanks for the support though =D


I might not be a supporter right now (maybe in the future :&gt;) but i just wanted to say that i'm so thankful by the fact that you do theses repacks of the games. I imagine it would be quite a bit annoying to get all my current mods working without your repack as a starting point. Looking forward to HS2 R2.0!


I bumped mine to $20 already. Always been a big fan of the mod community as I've been a game developer for more than 30 years and you folks have kept many of my games alive for, literally, decades. So thank you!

Matt Schulte

Have you ever looked into mounting a Google drive on your server? With a business account you get unlimited storage.


Understood. When in doubt just use the torrentlinks since those are of $0 cost. Otherwise be thorough about what you need and dont need to redownload


we were due for some group ettiquette.


https://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/faqs/#:~:text=The%20maximum%20size%20of%20a,Amazon%20CloudFront%20is%2020%20GB. AWS seems expensive - make sure you use the whol ething and not just what you see at a first glance.


I use feralhosting for my seedbox, it's unlimited traffic at exceptional speeds


Could it be possible that someone is giving out the monthly passcode to forum sites or other non-patreon individuals? Is it possible to give individual codes? Just a thought. I will increase to $20 as well.


It may be... that would suck though, as that would make it impossible to keep the service going and I would be forced to discontinue that or make it more expensive... ='(


try digitalocean.com? their storage space cost ~ $10/TB transferred


Make a 20 or 30 dollar tier for people who are happy to pay more. That way those who can afford it and like to pay more can do it.


i cant give more then 5 dollars. you are doing a lot of hard work bringing mods and updates to my games that saves me the time to look for them.


There is a 5 times pay jump between 10 usd and 50 usd tier and that will make you loose many tier payers that would like to pay 20,30 or 40 usd. Why focus on 50 usd tier payers when you can make mutch more usd on 20,30 or 40 usd tiers . I will gladly be the first to raise my my tier from 10 usd to 30 usd but to bad there is no sutch tier rate.


You don't need a tier. In the edit pledge you can pledge whatever you want. You can pledge $100 and have a $1 tier. The tiers are simply a minimum pledge for that tier.


That's fine, I don't mean to beg for more money here, just asking people to not overuse as I'm en route to crossing 10k USD AWS bill now. Do take care of yourself first and foremost, I'll work this out somehow... I may have to cancel, change or make the offering more expensive, but somehow I'll find a way through this if it keeps going on this path. All of this can be avoided if those with access keep this in mind though, and that's what I hope will happen


You can overpay for tiers, but since multiple people have made the same suggestion, maybe I should create specific tiers to avoid confusion...

Kin Chia

Due to the currency exchange, my finance is limited on how much i can pledge, therefore will assist on the Seed in Bit Torrent side.


Yes, don't worry about it, make sure to take care of you and yours first, that's way more important than me, AWS or no. Appreciate your seed though 😊


im not quite familiar with how to use cloud service, but you can check out alibaba cloud. Chinese company are always cheaper.