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Hi there =D

I really feel bad writing this, simply due to me loving talking to you all in DMs and in all the other channels of communication I got going, be it Discord, Patreon, f95, Nyaa or wherever, and whenever I get a "Wow, that worked, thank you!" reply, it truly makes my day.

However, at this point I find that answering the support requests have blown up my schedule, and now make up about 100% of my awake spare time, and that means that working on my various repacks and modpacks have taken a hefty back seat, getting pushed forward every day.

I want to work at, and quite a few of you are waiting for, new releases of
- Koikatsu (usually take 7-8 hours to pack and a variable amount of time to release)
- PlayHome (Usually take 14-30 days to pack and a variable amount of time to release)
- the AI Shoujo modpack (Usually takes a solid day, but quick to release)
All of those will take time, as you see, time I don't really have when I answer DMs from dusk till dawn.

I won't turn anyone away seeking help, no matter if they support me or not of course, but I plead that you please utilize other venues of seeking help as best you can. For instance, I see that f95 users more often than not have answered all questions aimed at me well before I have time to answer, and the same goes for the IllusionSoft and Koikatsu server help channels, on occasion they even answer stuff way more efficiently than I can, so if those of you looking for help, I'm asking that you try to ask there before DMing me.

Currently I have 84 DMs in discord, 2 DMs here and a whole lot of comments in my various release posts both here and on Nyaa I'd wager, so DMing me directly really isn't much of a shortcut, it's a queue that I simply fail at cutting down much no matter how much I get at it. 

Also, I am way on my way to overextending myself, yet again, so I will be taking sunday off as to not tempt fate.

I have also noticed the frankly humbling amount of support gained lately, and for that I wish to say thank you all. Not only monetary support, but I've also gotten feedback through other channels, as well as wishes for my health, and that has done wonders for me lately, so... thank you  🤗💖 

And in ending, I'd like to again wish you all the very best during these depressing days. Stay safe, and 

if you've come into economical hardships during this time, and am still supporting me, please cancel your pledge prior to the month change! 

I have full understanding for people needing to take care of themselves in these times, and want no part in making life harder for anyone.

To underscore this request: I will not change the entry password to the patreon only download for the month of April! If you're a current $10 patron, and need to cancel due to current events, please take note of the current password.

For those left, I'm looking into getting another server going, but will need to experiment a bit with automatic file sync between the servers, as it's limited how much I can upload to different servers one by one, it's already taking a good while as is >.<

I thank you for your time, and apologize both to those waiting for updates to my pack, and those in my ever growing queue for support. 🙇‍♂️



Fantastic Post. No need to respond. Keep up the Great Work.


Great news! is there not enough new stuff for an EC update?

Frank Leo

Thank You


Thank you for your hard work. Keep healthy ~!