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Updated in release 4 (this release):

- Updated AI_BepisPlugins to R13.1.1
- Updated IllusionFixes AIGirl to v1.10.1
- Updated XUnity.AutoTranslator to v4.9.0
- Updated DeathWeasel's MaterialEditor to v1.9.5.1
- Updated Enimaroah's SB3Utility to v20.3.2
- Updated Joan6694's BonesFramework v1.3.0
- Updated Keitaro's VNGE to v16.0
- Updated Marco's AIABMX to v3.5.2.0
- Updated Marco's AIAPI to v1.9.8
- Updated Mikke and KKY's GravureAI v1.3
- Added Craft6's AIVMDPLAY v0.5.0
- Added Joan6694's AIUS v1.8.1
- Added Joan6694's NodesConstraints v1.1.0
- Added Marco's AI_RemoveToRecycleBin v1.1.1
- Added Roy12's AI_PVCollider 0.1 as optional
- Added Scenes from the following community members:


Anime-Sharing:  http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/hentai-games-38/english-%5Billusion%5D-ai-shoujo-ai-girl-%EF%BD%81%EF%BD%89%2A%E5%B0%91%E5%A5%B3-betterrepack-r4-931881
f95zone: https://f95zone.to/threads/ai-girl-ai-v1-0-7-illusion.34853/post-3178293 


GDrive Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MH3cxqkmMUrxFk2VIw-iHppZ8v6IB5YV/view?usp=sharing
Nyaa:   https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2968245
Patreon-only download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-patreon-only-34099224

DOWNLOAD LINKS // Update from R3.2:

Mega Download: https://mega.nz/#F!ELYEUahC!4gnFfzdOTXHznVSnBVvWYg
GDrive Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1liGnQGuA2KpprkgpjuPK5P1bIfGp2i98
BR Host Download: https://ai-shoujo.com/download/update/AIS/UPDATE/ 




Does this version contain the steam translation? If not, how is the latest translation? Last time I play the translation looked like machine translate.


I'm currently working alongside a third party trying to get the steam translation out, so it's not present in this pack. It will arrive later as a hotfix or in a new pack tho


thanks STN, and stay safe and healthy out there :D

good stuff

ey so is this like the full game or just the mods?

Joe Mesh

It's an all-in-one pack. Full game, updates, and mods included.

good stuff

Sorry again, question about the Patreon download. Where do we get the entry code? Thanks


For some reason the game is not running its stuck at a black screen


Excuse me people.... just joined and installed one of the mods onto the steam version to fully uncensor and it works... but have a question... are there any mods that work for translations to English that work? Thank you for your responses :)


make sure you didn't get any warnings while extracting, might be a bad download if you did. If you didn't get any warnings, do drop by the help channel in the illusionsoft discord with your output-log.txt file, or DM it to me (long queue for help that way I'm afraid)


sorry i wrote that then i realised that the mod launcher has that button htat says ENGLISH as an option where you click language selection... it was Hidden :P


hello there, are you going to make a stema version of this?


Trying to start the character creator leads to a white screen and then a crash, the same thing also happens trying to start a new game - it gets up to the loading screens then crashes. Any idea what's going on here? I had this problem trying to play the Steam version as well.


Which release is the newest, the download server shows X3 at the top followed by 5, then 4.


For AI Shoujo: R4 for Koikatsu: RX3 for Koikatsu Party: R5 for PlayHome: R2 for HoneySelect: R0.5


gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you have an AMD CPU, see this image for instructions in that case: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/616996855909318676/643583397943574558/unknown.png


Yes, though I won't include the game itself, so just a modpack. Gonna have to wait a bit though, work is happening to make the mods work well with the steam version. I have a pack ready to go, only need the last piece of the puzzle, but seems that last piece is kinda troublesome. It will come tho, eventually


Its work on this pc: processor: intel core i5-2410m Graphics Card: Intel HD Graphics 3000 Ram: 4GB


Soo were you able to apply the steam translation at the end? Thanks a lot your work! Edit: just tried the steam version for 5 minutes and it is quite good!


This version have genitals mod? im getting troubles finding mods than make my characters dont look like a babydoll, sorry for the ingrish.


i just finished the steam version main story (without mods only the base version provided by steam) and yet i have not encountered any kind of ecchi stuff( sexual stuff). I tried everything and no luck thats why i ended up here........... Can any1 help a dumb brother here to experience sexy quality of this game........ In case if the steam version is a no go.......... what should i do to enjoy the best experience of this game ( i am completely new to illusion games ).


there is an official uncensor patch, but this AiO is a lot better, the only problem with it is that the translation is done with GTranslate (ScrewThisNoise is trying to apply the steam one tho)


On the mega drive the r4 of AI Shoujo do i need al those files of 3.4 gigs?


Hello, The scriptloader and the Agent cheat dont work :(


Hi. I downloaded R3.2. After extract, I tried to launch game but it shows a white screen. I thought game was freeze but I can move mouse pointer. After, you released R4 and I updated my game but game is still shows white screen


What exactly is the aisyoujyo_02 stuff in the updates? Are they important things that we need to Download?


Here's the system requirements: https://i.imgur.com/3TQ7SIC.png I don't think it'll run very well on a laptop, but you could always test...


I got much worse suddenly, so I've pretty much been in bed for 3 days straight now... I'm picking up on where I left off currently.


Yes, they all combine to one game. It's split up due to mega limitations for free users.


I'd recommend you drop by the discord help channel for assistance, those should work just fine in this pack. I use the Agent mod during testing so quite sure that should work


gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you have an AMD CPU, see this image for instructions in that case: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/616996855909318676/643583397943574558/unknown.png


Guessing you're talking about the official updates. Those are there for people not using my pack so that they can update their games. (The official download site is region fenced, so it's a hassle to download). If you're using my pack you can disregard those


is there a way to use the steam translation instead, cause the default one is slightly off?


Thank you for your great work ! Foolish me, I want to ask how to change the length of the male's penis ? It is rather too long... :)


how to update from 3.2 ? just overwrite the file ?


Thanks for the work STN. I'm sorry but is there some missing ddaa33_bdsm_bodys?


can i update from this from the updater?


No, it's not currently possible to my knowledge... and yes... it's rather too long >.<


AI Shoujo R4 for some reason i can't run the game my directory is set to as: D:\illusion\AI-Syoujyo i tried running registry fixer with and without admin perms i also tried running game launche with admin but still no luck


i also tried enabling NET frameworks and all of that my specs are Intel i7 7700HQ 2.81Ghz 24Gb RAM Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060Ti running on windows 10


I am trying to update Sideloader mods and the updater isn't working at all. I deleted one file to check and its taking a very long time to find anything that needs to update. Do you need to be a patreon pledger for this to work or what? Or is the server having issues?


Found out why it's not working: [18:12:02]Application startup [18:12:02]Found UpdateSources file at F:\AI-Shoujo\[UTILITY] KKManager\UpdateSources [18:12:03]Starting update search... [18:12:07]Failed to download file Updates1.xml from https://mega.nz/#F!UPQS3KTS!P-ZJGg6tAGKWEfVsShRcjA - File doesn't exist on host [18:12:07]Failed to download file Updates2.xml from https://mega.nz/#F!UPQS3KTS!P-ZJGg6tAGKWEfVsShRcjA - File doesn't exist on host [18:13:46]Failed to download file Updates1.xml from ai-shoujo.com - File doesn't exist on host [18:13:46]Failed to download file Updates2.xml from ai-shoujo.com - File doesn't exist on host This pops up in the logs.


am having same issue as iAnimeDeath3000, i had your old r2 betterrepack i installed it and updated it all the way to r4 with updates but now when am trying to update sideloader modpack with launcher it just stays stuck on searching for mod updates please help


Found a fix for the Updater issue: Go to: AI-Directory\[UTILITY] KKManager Find File: UpdateSources Open with TXT editor and delete the mega links and leave the ftp link alone. Save Make sure you run UpdaterStandalone as admin and InitSettings launcher as admin as well. Otherwise it might not work properly. Will only update the Sideloader Modpack stuff. Nothing else.


Hi ScrewThisNoise, hope you are feeling better and getting plenty of rest. Thanks for everything. I have a small suggestion: can you make the gdrive download size smaller than 15GB? The gdrive trick to bypass download quota doesn't work if the file is too big, maybe it can be slit into two? Also, why is this new release so much bigger than the previous ones?


Looking into how to do it. Going forward the studio sideloader mods will be separated into a seperate archive, so that will make the main game download quite a bit smaller. I'll look into it :)


Hey ScrewThisNoise, hope you're back to your health. a quick question: Is this version of AI Shoujo something similar to the steam version with the ecstasy v2 patch applied?


Hi there. This is the japanese game with mods and the whole shebang. This contains the base game as well, so should get you up and running by just extracting somewhere and starting the game with no more fuss. :-)


So this includes the full game alongside the mods? If so then are there any other steps after installation? Not really good at modding games and such, thanks. Edit: Just read through some other comments, so I'm guessing this includes the base game along with the mods, without having to do a whole bunch after installation.


Yes, this comes with the full thing, just extract, run initsetting.exe, the game launcher, and you're good to go :)


I accidentally install this r4 on my steam folder , so then my game is crashed. its crashed on the white loading screen and cant do anything. How to fix STN? hope you get better soon :)


The woman does not take off her clothes in the shower and bath, what should I do?


hello, i am your fans, i download game ai shoujo at your web sukebei.net, and then i extract it, but i finnd game error , the error is -(AI-SYOUJO HAS STOPPED WORKING) WHEN I START A GAME OR WHEN I TRY TO CREATE THE CHARACTER, PLEASE HELP ME .. I CANNOT PLAY THE GAME...


someone please help me,,


that error isn't very easy to answer... did you get any errors during extraction of the game?


just backup your UserData folder, delete the game and redownload it from steam, then apply the RS1 pack instead, as that's meant for steam :-)


she decides based on what clothes are selected in her bathing wardrobe. you should be able to access it somewhere close to wherever she can bathe so that you can change what clothes are available for her to choose from. If you want her to be nude... just create a clothing card without any clothes and store that alone in there.


hello screwthisnoise, when i start the game, it can't load any sideload mod and the console show the below error. could you help me for this?System.NotSupportedException: Encoding 932 data could not be found. Make sure you have correct international codeset assembly installed and enabled.


oh, that's a new one... can you contact me on discord? and please have your output-log handy (should be in the game folder)


is the full link download is last updateD from you i mean do i need to update it into R3.2 ?


Hey ScrewThisNoise, i have some problem in game. 1. i can't trade with merchandise, the game run normally but trade icon and item not showing up in screen. 2. same problem during H scene, i want to quit from H scene but nothing happens. the game got stuck in H scene but i can move camera. i'm using BetterPack R4.


Please somebody help me, what is the problem


H scene problem solve, the trade problem error : unity log category ID:15, ID:240


When i extract it says "Write error in the file . Probably the disk is full" Which doesn't really make sense as i have 930GB space left.


[Error : Unity Log] 読み込みエラー assetName:additional_bones keep getting this errors someone help!!!


Most unzip applications use C as a temp drive, so might be you're having a lack of space on C


Those are expected, please diregard them. They're due to a plugin that attempts to look for something in the scene. Whenever it does so and don't see it, aka nothing is utilizing the mod in the current scene, it gives those errors