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For those still using this: new version available at https://www.patreon.com/posts/ai-shoujo-ai-sr1-35281123 


Updated pack to include Preorder extras and clothing DLC from the japanese version as well as the illusion patch, so that you don't have to apply that as well... just extract to game dir, overwrite any files that conflict and you should be good for now :-)


Updated pack to a slightly newer uncensorselector. should improve uncensor problems experienced in main game


Oh my, let's get to it...

this is for those of you not following me on discord:

R4 mods won't work at this game, so went out on a limb, trying older packs... anything newer than R1.2 makes the game go highwire, so been poking at files from R1.2... 

If you're one of the happy souls that bought it on steam, here's uncensor at least:  https://ai-shoujo.com/download/update/AIS/%5bBetterRepack%5d%20AI-Shoujo%20Steam%20R0.3.7z 

Most mods don't work, like at all... but at least the thing that annoyed most people during AIS launch, the lack of uncensor, isn't a problem now at least 

Current status is:
- Some mods from R1.2 and older works.
- Several key mods aren't working, need involvement from the modders that worked on the mods
- Sideloader mods works, but doesn't save properly due to lack of woring extsave
- Studio is borked, does not seem possible to just stitch it on without a mod bridging the two. Likely some change in abdata that I have yet to identify 

If you haven't bought the steam game, don't

The game seems to genuinely be v1.0.0 with no studio or DLC. Translation is good and there's a uploader that's split off from the japanese one, but that's it.. adding to that is that the game is carrying a hefty price tag... yeah, hard to recommend... you'd do better buying it at DMM.




Doing God's work


Thank you! I hope you're feeling well


I'm quite new to Koikatsu, this refers to Koikatsu Party (I bought it on Steam, but I've yet to play with or it)?


No, this is for AI Shoujo (The steam version). If you're looking for Koikatsu Party, take a peek at https://www.patreon.com/BetterRepack?filters[tag]=Koikatsu%20Party




Yes, feeling rather well today and yesterday, so seem to be getting better, thank you :)


Do you have a tutorial on how to install the files if you bought the game on steam? thanks!!


I'll probably buy it to show support for the translation in the hope they see interest and are willing to commit to releasing the updates and dlc


The price is crazy. 60 euros, for the Steam version. I bought it through DMM. I would like to support internationally, but not for this price. Unfortunately, illusion is not happy in the West. Because, if there were no sex share, it would be no more than a sims replica. Especially in spite of my 2060 Super and 3600 always laggs, and has to put everything down. (with the DDM version) Illusion should take more time. You could certainly create a good simulation. But as ?


I bought it , now I can play the Japanese version without quilt.


what is DMM i would like to buy the game..


i feel dumb but can someone please describe how to install this to the steam version?


yes you are because someone already asked this and it was answered in this same post


so question it might sound dumb but how do i install this after i download it and yes i am one of the dumb people that bought it on steam sorry


I have download the mod and extracted into the main file. The game is still running vanilla. Is there a specific folder or additional action that need to be completed?\


You're not dumb, though I recommend against buying it there :P Just go the game folder, right clicking the game in your library, going to manage and choosing browse local files should take you there. Just unpack the pack into that folder and you should be good to go, just run the game as normally from there on


make sure you extracted it to the right folder... should be something like C:\STEAM\steamapps\common\AI-Shoujo


I wanted to give this game a try. You have the full game here or do I have to get it on DMM?


Is the steam version actually so bad that you can't put mods on it?


Hello. Thank you for this great mod. Works well but for some reason the male thing looks too colourful, or is it just me? How do you fix it? Thank you again.


was wondering i will so patreon when i get paid after this craziness but is it possible for skin color make a transparency bar i want to make some diferent types of slime girls to share


well, Illusion has made changes to the code, and some of the code are relied upon for some mods, like the studio stuff. so we're looking at base plugins just dying. There is work going on though to improve the situation, and it's partially working now, so it will probably come sooner or later, but for now, modding has pretty much reverted to pre-studio release (so back to november or so).


It's not just you... it's a problem with the older variant of the uncensor mod. Work is en route to fix mod compitability so that newer fixed versions can be used with the steam version.


The english version is only available through steam. There are fantranslation intermixed with machine translation available for the JP one though, and work is ongoing to grab the translations over from the steam version to the JP version and it's making good speed.


there is a mod to make slime girls, but don't think that works properly with the modding level the steam version is at currently. (not tested, not really been a priority I'm afraid.)


how do you extract the files


The steam version of the game is full of bugs. Broken fishing, camera issues, despawning girls which never reappear.. This pack fixed all of the bugs I've encountered so far. Thank you for this awesome pack:)


steam version have bad optimization, is non steam ver. also have bad optimization too?? Or better?


You're a GOD!


i had no problem with fishing so far explain the problem i been having is the girl to eat like really girl eat something already have enough foods

adam holding

you clearly know more about this steam version then most people being able to hatch a update and a load of mods to a outdated version of the game and fixes , do you know of any sort of updates or fixes to allow better modding for steam version in the future or if there is a work around ?

John White

Is the patch you refer to as the "Illusion" patch the same as the ecstasy patch from the games main site? I noticed the ecstasy patch is a few gig's larger than this patch and was wondering if I should install it first then overwrite with this patch but that seems to break some things in game. Also, I am playing the Steam version of the game but I see there is a Japanese version, should I just download it? And... what is your Patreon exclusive content? If it's something cool I will be happy to donate. Any advice on what the best version of the game is and what I should do to have the best experience would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


hi, after installed i can see the new clothing ,but cant find the uncensor option, is there other way to do it?

MJ Out

Just because of modder I was able to play AI Shoujo. That's why Im here to give u some bucks and a big Thank you! But I don't understand ILLUSION in this matter, I thought they are enjoying a good reputation? But the Steam Version is such punch in the face.


was wondering if you thinking of adding mods to diferent races for facial at least ebony latina and latino male character also how can i fix the Penis part because it looks like my guy has 2 penis adds for some reason isnted of one it is half censored and the one u gave me did i instal something wrong and thanks for your hard work happy to have you here


also anyone has the trouble to upload character it never lets me even with clean install from steam and with mods ether


Optimization is kinda all over the place in all illusion games... so it's in the "mileage may vary" territory I'm afraid


Yes, the illusion patch is the ecstasy patch. it's in my pack, just that I've compressed it stronger than Illusion did


It's a dissapointment for sure, but on the positive side... more people now know about the game, and using Marcos HF-Patch or my BetterRepack will help a long way towards fulfilling its potential :)


I don't model faces, but head mods are inevitable, so will probably come an assortment over time.


if you've saved the card while having mods active it will reject it. Just load the card and save it without mods active and it should probably upload if illusion is having the same policy as they did for Koikatsu Party


Is there a way to use the translation from the steam version in your better repack R4?


Uncensored version's penis looks like a white gypsum... I couldn't change that. How to fix?


anyone nows a way to remove all mods with out instaling fresh to upload the girls any easy way ??


For those still using this: new version available at https://www.patreon.com/posts/ai-shoujo-ai-sr1-35281123