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As soon as the fighting in the Arena Started, the young Aurors attacked the one closest to them, however, a certain girl decided to rush straight towards an Auror who was several metres in front of her, taking many by alarm as she passed by them, who, unfortunately, then fell victim to the attacks of those who had targeted them.

She jumped up in the air and kicked hard at the back of the head of an Auror, around the age of fourteen, who fainted right at the impact, and then nodded to the boy whom she had rescued, and who held the same features as her.

The two of them paired up as they rescued the rest of their Family members, and then proceeded to work as a team as they fought against a group from the Hazenborne Family, ignoring everyone else as they fully trusted the girl with their backs, who did not allow anyone to interfere in their battles.

Helena proved relentless to any young Auror that became her target or dared to take her on. Her four limbs were covered in her aquamarine-coloured Aura, and she deftly defended and attacked using them as she took out one enemy after another.

She alone eliminated half the Aurors in the Hazenborne group, and then she charged at random people, taking them out to make the arena less crowded, whilst the rest of the Mourntale group went to help their allies.

The spectators were in sheer awe of her skill and talent, and the expressions on the faces of the Hazenborne Family were very grim.

Despite her age, she was probably the strongest in the Arena in terms of the Cultivation Realm, and no other Auror was seemingly her opponent when it came to fighting, where her skill seemed unparalleled in her age group.

And though most appreciated her and cheered for her, some had already put her on their kill list. She was a prodigy that could not be allowed to develop. Such was the decision that the Eastern Faction of Magic City reached.

Up in the King's Box, the girls happily cheered for their little friend. The twins were especially were existed since they liked little Helena a lot, and Amelia had a smile on her face too as she watched her little cousin effortlessly dominate the arena. She was proud of her, and was even more proud of her when the girl did not even hesitate to attack their own allied families after she was done taking out the others.

She galced at Yexuan, who was watching the battle intently, his eyes narrowed in concentration, and she clearly saw a reminiscing expression that stayed on his face as he watched Helena battle.

There was not really any hostility in his eyes, but there was confusion, and slight fear. And it ascertained her guess that she had taken Helena with her even in the Timeline that Yexuan returned from. And it also ascertained her guess that she and Helena were the two people he was most confused about.

It was almost as if he was not expecting her to be with Keith and Rebecca. And as if he was expecting her to be their enemy.

She frowned a little at the thought, and her eyes inadvertently looked at the back of her left hand, were the Sacred Rune of Wedlock permanently existed.

Amelia remembered her Vows, and she remembered being accepted by all of them, including the Divine Law of Time.

Even though she was not much knowledgeable about these things, she had listened to Rebecca when her sister-wife had told her how special this Rune was and what the Sacred Wedlock accepted by all the Divine Laws meant.

There was no way she was not going to marry Keith one day. But it was possible that from the Time that Yexuan returned from, she had not yet married him, which was probably why he was so confused.

She remembered how confused the boy was when he came to their Manor last year. He had looked at her in slight fear and reverence, and then there was that look of longing in his eyes which she had not paid attention to before.

All of a sudden, Amelia lost all interst in knowing what was going on with this boy who returned in Time.

Even though she was not sure about what exactly happened in that Time, what she guessed did not please her.

The boy seemed to have held some romantic feelings for her, not as deep as the one he held towards Alana. It was sort of an unrequited love. And it was likely that they were acquaintances in that Timeline, but anything more than that was unacceptable to her and she considered it near impossible to happen.

She could not even imagine herself being romantically involved with some other than Keith, the mere thought of which sickened her.

And her thoughts might have disturbed her if she did not have the Rune of Sacred Wedlock on her hand, but since she had it, her mind and heart were completely at peace about her love and bond with her husband.

In her mind, Yexuan was a danger to her family, and even if she had guessed that they were likely on good terms in the Time he returned from, it was not going to help him. She wanted him dead just as much as the blonde sitting by her side did.

Rebecca glanced at Amelia's left hand and caught the Sacred Rune of Wedlock visible on her hand. She frowned a little as some guesses ran through her mind, and when she looked at Amelia, she found her completely at peace.

What Amelia had guessed now, she had already guessed it long ago. But she did not speak as she wanted her sister-wife to understand things for herself and not speculate anything unpleasant.

And Amelia was lucky that she was married to Keith through a Sacred Wedlock, otherwise, she would have had to think of a plan to eliminate her as soon as she had guessed that Yexuan and she were familiar with each other in the timeline that the boy returned from.

Amelia was far too dangerous of a person to keep in your family if you could not completely trust her much less have her as a potential enemy.

The two sister-wives met each other's eyes, and nodded slightly before returning their focus to the Arena, where now stood only 10 young Aurors, having survived the battle. They were all panting heavily, and they all alarmingly looked at Helena, who still seemed to have some fight left in her as heart breathing was still relatively very stable.

Rebecca smiled and stood up as she walked over to the edge of their Box.

"Congratulations on winning the Battle Royale, Young Aurors." She lightly said. "As things stand, the Mourntale Family has earned 5 points, the Ravenstein Family has earned 2 points, the Glasisius Family has also earned 2 points, and the Belharth Family has earned 1 point."

The spectators cheered as the results were announced, the Families that had failed to earn points, especially the Eastern Faction of Magic City, had very unsightly expressions on their faces.

"With a total of 51 Eliminations, Helena Mourntale has proven that she is the strongest Auror under then age of 15, perhaps, in the entirety of Netheria. And since she has the most Eliminations in the round, she will receive the rewards I had earlier promised."

Rebecca did not say anymore words and return to her seat.

The Open Trials for the afternoon were announced as the Under Fifteen Battle Royale ended, and once again, those who held grievances against each other stepped in the arena one by one to settle them.

But there were also some people who just wanted to battle against a strong opponent out of excitement or with the intentions of testing their own limits.

There were also a few people who wanted to showcase their abilities to catch the interests of some Ancient Family so that they could be accepted by them, but it was near impossible as the Ancient Families would not just accept anyone because they prove themselves to be strong enough. To them, a stranger could never be trustworthy enough to accept into their families.

However, taking in some tools to be used for benefits was still a possibility.

The girls were not really interested in the battles that had started so they all left the King's Box to have their lunch, and they found little Helena waiting for them in the backroom.

"Congratulations, Hela!" Kiara was the first one to excitily approach the girl and give her a hug.

"You were brilliant!" And the Twins were nect to give her a joint hug.

"Thank you." The little girl politely bowed to them, not in the least shy or embarrassed at the praise.

And it only made her look more adorable to everyone.

Helena brightly smiled when finally Amelia appreciated her. She seemed happy to have lived up for her favourite sister's expectations.

"Come, Helena. It's best to use One-Fold Heart Pulse right now." Rebecca called her over, and the girl obediently walked up to her before she sat down on the soft wooden floor and closed her eyes, bracing herself for the pain that was going to be inflicted on her.

She managed to not leak out a cry, but failed to hold back her tears. However, she had already proven herself to be braver than most adults.

The pain was truly excruciating, but her willpower was very strong, and being familiar with the technique, she immediately started utilising it, recovering her torn muscles, Aura Reserves, and overcoming her fatigue.



So many interconnected plot lines at this event, love it

Transcendent Apotheon

Author, I wonder if she would cheat or distrust Keith, if there was no Sacred wedding between them?