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A shrill cry rose to the sky as the Auror lost his left arm, allowing the white sand to finally receive its first bountiful flow of blood.

"Enough, Han!" An old man in the stands stood up and shouted, stopping his son from landing the killing blow on the already fallen Auror.

"Yes, Father." The young man in white did not even hesitate as he retracted his Aura Blade, and the judge of the battle, a soldier of Hecate, raised his right hand and declared him the winner.

Up in the King's Box, the blonde Mortal Goddess disappointedly shook her head as there had been no deaths so far, and then she giggled when she glanced to her right and saw the twins pale in fear.

They were really trying to put up a brave front, but after watching the brutal duels of the morning, they were already feeling a little sick.

It was the twelfth and last round of the Open Challenges of the morning, where people entered the arena to settle their disputes, and now, there was going to be an hour-long break before the Battle Royale for the strongest Auror under fifteen years would start.

The last ten standing young Aurors in the Battle Royale would be declared winners, earning a point each for their respective Families, Sects, or Schools that they represented, or if they were independent, they would earn a point for themselves. But no one participating today in the Under Fifteen category was an Independent Auror.

"Amy, are you sure about letting Helena fight in the next round?" Kiara could not help but ask, fearing the worst.

Groups from all the Ancient Families in Magic City were going to send in their best Aurors Under Fifteen, and even though killing was forbidden in the Under Fifteen Battle Royale, everything else was allowed.

She was certain that the enemies planned on crippling the brightest of the next generation and allowing Helena to fight was very risky.

"She will be fine." The emerald-eyed Demiliore assuringly nodded to her. "She has Strength and Speed Runes on her body, as well as some Shields."

"Oh..." Kiara was a little surprised but then mischievously smiled. "That's cheating."

"Maybe." And Amelia simply shrugged at her. "But she's only going to use them if she finds it necessary."

"Do you think he will figure it out of she uses the strength or speed Runes?" Rebecca smiled and asked, and Amelia narrowed her eyes at the question.

She knew who she was referring to, and she inadvertently glanced at the boy who had returned in Time.

"It's possible. And I want to see his reaction as he watches Helena fight." She meaningfully said, and this time, Rebecca narrowed her eyes as she understood her intentions.


"I am letting Victor fight as well. He requested it." She informed them, and all of them understandingly nodded their heads.

The Muscle-Head had been ecstatic when he learned what the Ancient Trials were about, and he had been requesting all of them to allow him to fight as well. But since he was currently acting as Amelia's bodyguard, it was her call.

"He will represent the Mourntale?" Kashish curiously asked. "Or is he going to fight Independently?"

"Independently, but he will be helping the Mourntale, Ravenstein, and Glasisius fighters," Amelia told her and then turned to look at Marianne, who was quite interested in fighting in the Trials as well. "And you?"

"I am not going to participate." The girl with a bob cut shook her head, obediently standing behind her Master.

It was clear that Rebecca had refused her request, and it was understandable as well. She was her Shadow, and the blonde was not keen on letting people know how strong she was and what she was capable of.

Even though it would have not mattered much, since no one would really take advantage of it even if they knew how strong her Shadow was, Rebecca was still a very cautious person. Also, she did not want to give anyone the opportunity to harm her Shadow. She was mostly taking into account the boy who returned in Time, and she was not wrong to be wary of him. It was an unnecessary risk.

It was clear that Yexuan held hostility towards her, and he could take advantage of the opportunity and harm Rebecca under the guise of the Trial.

Amelia now frowned as she felt that Victor could be in danger as well, but she highly doubted that Yexuan would kill people today. Nonetheless, she stood up and excused herself, going to the backroom where the Muscle-Head was stationed.

"My Lady." Victor respectfully bowed to her as soon as she entered the room and the Vampire Guards did the same.

"Don't drag the battle with Alana's younger brother if it happens. Forfeit before it turns serious." She clearly told him, and Victor could not understand why she wanted him to Forfeit if he battles against Yexuan.

"Yes, My Lady." He still nodded her head, and Amelia kept looking at him intently.

"He will kill you if you drop your guard or prolong the battle." She saw his hesitation at the prospect of forfeiting a battle. And knowing his personality, she had to make him very aware of the danger that could befall him.

Victor looked at her in surprise, but seeing the seriousness in her eyes, he lowered his gaze and obediently nodded again.

"I will not let my guard down and will Forfeit the battle before he can harm me." He promised.

"Don't hesitate to use the Rune if it comes down to life and death." She sighed and then returned to the King's Box, taking her seat.

"Why let him fight?" Kiara asked, having clearly heard their conversation. "Is it because of the enemies?"

"The plan is already set." She nodded. Victor would be needed to help the Mourntale and their allies. "And I want to see how he reacts."

The others thought she was talking about Victor, but those who knew understood she was referring to Yexuan.

They were not taking his name because Alana was sitting with them, and the girl was unaware of the things that surrounded her now estranged adoptive brother.

"Yingying, where are Keith and Iseul?" Alana curiously turned to look at the Shadow who was standing behind them.

They went out last night, and they had still not returned.

"I don't know." Yingying shook her head, and Alana turned to look at Kiara, hoping she would know.

"He did not tell us where they were going. But it must be something important since he has not shown up here." The girl guessed.

"He's not going to come today or tomorrow." Rebecca shook her head, and everyone turned to look her way.


"He will come to the Trials when the Finals start. That's what he told me." She revealed. "But I am not sure where he is or what he is busy with."

The girls nodded to her words, and Alana felt a little sad at not having him with her.

She had already spotted Yexuan in the stands, and she had caught him looking her way as well, which had made her a little restless. It would have helped her if he was there by her side, but then she decided to distract her mind by chatting with her friends.

The hour passed quite quickly, and the Under Fifteen Battle Royale was announced, along with its rules.

There were only three rules.

First, killing was not allowed. Second, the Auror that forfeits can not enter the battle again and can not be attacked as well. And third, the last ten standing Aurors will be declared the winners of the round, earning a point each for the group they represented.

A few seconds later, Aurors Under the age of Fifteen, entered the Arena from the stands, and the Vampire soldiers ascertained the ages of those participating in the trials by tasting a drop of their blood.

It was only then did some people understand what these men in black were, and they became even more fearful of them.

Surprisingly, none of the participants broke the rules, and they were all under the age of fifteen.

Seeing the Arena filled with over a hundred young Aurors, the crowd was excused, and encouraging cheers rose to lift the spirits of the fighters, who were a little alarmed at finding themselves up against so many enemies.

Rebecca stood up from her seat and then approached the edge of the King's Box, smiling as she looked at the Young Aurors.

"The Auror who takes out the most enemies in this round with receive a monetary reward from me, and they will be healed completely of their injuries, as long as their limbs are intact. The monetary reward is 10 Million Neris."

The people in the stands were shocked at her words as the sum of 10 Million was not a small amount for most of them. And even the young Aurors were excited now.

Only girl girl was seemingly indifferent to the reward, and she was a girl of eleven with beautiful emerald eyes and raven hair.

Her eyes were focused as she found herself surrounded by enemies who were most older than her, but she did not seem scared of nervous at all.

Seeing her calculatively picking up her first targets, Rebecca and Amelia smiled in their hearts.

Little Helena was truly special.



Love this series so far but it’s getting harder and harder to keep up with characters, especially the women. Is it possible to get a character list with a brief synopsis of each current character? It’s not so bad when your binge reading, but after a couple days, go by, you start to forget the story as well as the major and minor characters.


Character Sheet as of Chapter 250: 1. Keith Argus Demiliore; Age: 23 Hair: Black Eyes: Deep Brown Height: 6'5 Weight: 86 Kgs Status: Master of the Demiliore Family of Sameran City. Cultivation Realm: Primal Desolation (Completion) 2. Venessa Evelyn Demiliore; Age: 45 Hair: Black Eyes: Deep Brown Height: 6'1 Weight: 66 Kgs Status: Keith's Mother and his Wife. Lady of Demiliore Family. In charge of Family Business. Cultivation Realm: Primal Desolation (Completion) 3. Kiara Angelini; Age: 18 Hair: Black Eyes: Dark Blue Height: 5'11 Weight: 57 Kgs Status: Younger half-sister and Wife of Keith. Cultivation Realm: True Profound Realm (Middle Stage) 4. Amelia Jane Mourntale; Age: 28 Hair: Black Eyes: Emerald Green Height: 5'10 Weight: 62 Kgs Status: Wife of Keith. Daughter of the Ancient Mourntale Family. Inheritor of Runic Monarch. In charge of Black Forest Group. Cultivation Realm: Primal Desolation (Completion) 5. Lin Qingyue; Age: 22 Hair: Black Eyes: Sterling Grey Height: 5'8 Weight: 59 Kgs Status: Keith's Wife. Daughter of the Lin Family of Sameran City. Bearer of the Myriad Poison Supreme Physique. Cultivation Realm: Spirit Profound Realm (Peak) 6: Lin Celine; Age: 44 Hair: Brown Eyes: Sterling Grey Height: 5'6 Weight: 58 Kgs Status: A talented Artist. Qingyue's Mother and Keith's lover. Cultivation Realm: Great Profound Realm (Middle Stage) 7: Nana Smith; Age: 20 Hair: Black Eyes: Hazel Height: 5'6 Weight: 56 Kgs Status: Keith's lover. Assistant to Amelia and Keith at the Black Forest Group. ||Cultivation Realm: Nascent Profound Realm (Late Stage)|| 8: Yingying; Age: 29 Hair: Black Eyes: Light Brown Height: 5'3 Weight: 57 Kgs Status: Keith's Shadow and Lover. Cultivation Realm: Spirit Profound Realm (Peak) 9: Rebecca Grayson; Age: 27 Hair: Golden Blonde Eyes: Ocean Blue Height: 5'8 Weight: 64 Kgs Status: Keith's Wife. Daughter of the Grayson Family of Sameran City. Inheritor of Hectate. 10: Alana Parker; Age: 21 Hair: Chocolate Brown Eyes: Light Brown Height: 5'5 Weight: 56 Kgs Status: An god-gifted Musician and one of the most famous Celebrities in the world. 11. Minami; Age: 18 Hair: Black Eyes: Black Height: 5'8 Weight: 56 Kgs Status: The cutest girl and maid ever! Keith's Princess. ||Cultivation Realm: Spirit Profound Realm (Late Stage)|| 12. Ayesha; Age: 30 Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Hazel Green Height: 5'7 Weight: 65 Kgs Status: Keith's Lover, and Qingyue's Assistant. ||Cultivation Realm: Nascent Profound Realm (Late Stage)|| 13. Ingrid Carmilla; Age: 19 Hair: Auburn Eyes: Amber Height: 5'10 Weight: 59 Kgs Status: Kiara's Shadow. Pure-Blood Vampire. Cultivation Realm: Spirit Profound Realm (Early Stage) 14. Marianne; Age: 22 Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Dark Brown Height: 5'11 Weight: 60 Kgs Status: Rebecca's Shadow Cultivation Realm: True Profound Realm (Middle Stage) 15. Sibyl; Age: 58 Hair: Silver Eyes: Ice-Blue Height: 6' Weight: 65 Kgs Status: Venessa's Shadow. Keith's Lover Cultivation Realm: Spirit Profound Realm (Late Stage) 16. Avriel Jean Valois; Age: 12 Hair: Pearl White Eyes: Electric Blue Height: 5' Weight: 44 Kgs Status: Princess of the Kingdom of France. Second-in-Command of Esper Association Cultivation Realm: Foundation Profound Realm (Aura Soul Formation) 18: Iseul (Iris) Age: 23 Hair: Black Eyes: Light Brown Height: 5'6 Weight: 56 Kgs Status: Member of the Phoenix Cell 969. Keith's secret Assistant and Slave. Cultivation: True Profound Realm (Peak) 17: Ginara Dusk; Age: 16 Hair: Wavy Brown Eyes: Blue Height: 5'4 Weight: 48 Kgs Status: Venessa's Personal Maid. Cultivation Realm: Great Profound Realm (Middle Stage) 18: Zoey Alvarez; Age: 18 Hair: Chestnut Brown Eyes: Green Height: 5'7 Weight: 53 Kgs Status: Daughter of the Alvarez Family of Mystich City. Keith's Fan. Cultivation Realm: Ordinary Mortal