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Anybody get the reference? 



Brandon, you’ve got your priorities exactly right, so there is no need to apologize for that. When we support your channel, we are also supporting (in some small way) You. And you are going through some difficult stuff right now. I would bet that (speaking for myself) a lot of folks are in their own boat of difficult stuff, therefore I am behind on keeping up with your postings. But when I make some self-care time, listening to music, new or old to me, is a haven and I particularly enjoy listening to your knowledgeable reactions. And you know what? I can go back and listen to some of my favorites again anytime because they’re right here for the listening/watching. So please don’t decline our $ support, just wish I could offer more. Anyone who is still here chooses to still be here. And folks will return when they are ready as well. I haven’t been active in discord yet only because I can’t figure it out, but that’s on me🤦🏻‍♀️.. but I’ll get there eventually! Please remember to be kind to yourself, you know.. you are right for prioritizing family.. I respect that a lot. You are real, and this is your difficult reality right now. So if you can, please keep my Patreon donation active. I appreciate you and support you. And I’ll work on figuring out discord! We’re all just doing our best. Like Clara said, we love you.


Hi Brandon, just go through your stuff first, because I will be waiting for you to be back with us when you are ready and only when you are ready. No rush. Cheers.