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So based on the feedback some of you guys gave yesterday, and my own general impressions of how things will work best moving forward, I've decided to make a Patreon-exclusive Discord server where I'll post all of my full artwork from now on. All you should have to do is go into your account settings and connect your account here to your Discord, and you'll automatically be invited to my server.

Let me emphasize again what I said yesterday - I understand not all of you will be okay with this, and I totally understand if you don't have a Discord and unsubscribe because this Patreon page won't be getting my full artwork from now on. No hard feelings and you'll still be able to get my work at a slower pace as it goes public!

This page won't be empty or anything - weekly polls will still be done here every Sunday, Patron Appreciation scene suggestions once a month will be put into comments here, and I'll post thumbnail previews and announcements every day to make sure you all know new artwork has been posted to Discord. It's just that I think it's safest if all the actual art is on Discord now. 

Bear in mind that still means I'll be adjusting what I make slightly to fit within the rules the Patreon staff clarified for me this week, since my work is still being linked from this site. Really, though, the changes will be barely noticeable, and the themes I've been doing for a long while now will still continue 🙏

Let me know if you have any questions, either here or on the new Discord server!



No point going to Discord if you're still going to do adjustments to follow Patreon rules


Sweet. Though I still think it’s weird that you’d get targeted of all people I mean I’ve seen “worse” stuff from other artists


I'm literally just going to not draw certain rule 34 characters and there are plenty of others, but you do you.


I might have been reported by someone salty over the stuff I make, who can say.


Oh my bad, I see what you meant. Yeah I had the same thought that maybe I could just do business as usual with the adjustments, but I still think it's better to take the extra step of having all the actual artwork off of Patreon. Hopefully that makes things easier for them and for me.


Now, I know now Patreon says it includes Discord rewards but how exactly does one access the Discord. My bad, never done this before.


No worries, man! This is new to all of us. All you should have to do is have a Discord account and go into your settings here, then link the accounts via Patreon. Once you do that you'll instantly get invited to the server.


I accidentally left the discord server is there a way i can join back or be invited back?


If you haven't already figured out how to get back in, send me a private message here on Patreon and I'll give you a Discord invite!


How do I find you on discord


All you should have to do is link your account here to your Discord! You'll automatically join the new server.


I didn’t get an inv ;(