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Hey folks

I've finally gotten everything I had to deal with this month sorted. Unfortunately, in doing so, it's become clear to me that I'm in a much worse state than I normally register. I'm used to just trying to push through things, but it's been affecting my health, and thus affecting the quality of my work. Both of those things are pretty important to me, and I think I need more time to get stuff back in order. A healthy DZ puts out much better stories than a non-healthy one!

So, after going back and forth on it a lot, I've decided to pause patreon for another month. I'm really not happy about it (I love writing for you guys, *and* I need the money!) but it seems like the best way forward - it'll help me sort things out, and then I can come back strong just in time for Christmas.

I'm super sorry for the delay - I know people had their requests already lined up - and I'm hoping that, once I get on top of things, I'll be able to handle some of those through this patreon's discord server. Keep an eye out there! But yeah, I wouldn't do this if I didn't feel I had to.

In the mean time, as an apology, another story - I'll try to keep them coming over the next month.

So, please enjoy - and I'll try to get back to work as fast as I can.


(Contains Risky being Risky)

“Are you sure this big scary curse thing is down here?” Shantae the half-genie hero grimaced as she shook yet another spiderweb off of her arm. This old ruin was absolutely cramping her style – there hadn’t been anyone down here in ages and ages judging by the dust. Not even monsters to fight! And all the traps were completely out of service! Tch, how was a belly-dancing beauty supposed to strut her stuff without a dangerous beat to set her tempo, huh? “This place is a wreck. Any big bad evil must have escaped years and years ago!”

“Oh yes, I forgot that you’re such an expert on ancient dark curses,” a reply followed after her, dripping with enough sarcasm that it could have washed copper clean. Risky Boots, Pirate Queen of the Seven Seas, villainous mastermind, and woman who clearly took her skin care routine from a certain gothic member of the Teen Titans, was following in the half-genie’s wake with an irritated expression on her face and an impatient stomp in her step. “No, I just called you all the way out here because I like your company! Let’s gossip – does your hair naturally do that, or do you need to stick a fork in a socket to get those puffy spikes?”

“Hey!” The purple haired heroine pouted as she shoved a stone door open, revealing a set of stairs leading into the dark depths below. “… I only did that once, you know.”

“Figures.” The Pirate rolled her eyes. “Anyway, no, dumbass, the bad mojo is still in here.” She leaned forward, peering over the steps into the darkness beneath them. “An ancient evil curse sealed here by the ancients. One my box of tricks can’t touch – so you’re going to have to beat it instead.”

Shantae folded her arms, giving her villainous rival another suspicious look. “I still don’t get why you care. Normally you’d be trying to use this stuff for yourself and laughing about it. All ‘Ohohohohoho!’ like.”

Risky twitched at the impression. “Listen, I know a half-genie like you only has half a brain, but try to think this through, yeah? If this thing breaks loose, it’s going to consume the entire Seven Seas. And I live on the Seven Seas! I just got all my furniture moved into my new lair, and I’m not budging until I’ve had at least one good climactic showdown there.” She huffed. “So, get down there and kick this stupid thing’s ass, before I kick yours instead!”

“Okay, okay, geeze!” The purple haired protector raised her hands in surrender, before shuffling over to the stairs. “Good enough for me. But if you try any Risky tricks on me, you’re going to regret it!”

“Whatever!” Risky followed after her, making a big show of rolling her eyes again. “Let’s just get this over with.”

She waited until the heroine’s back was turned to let her smirk show. Heh, sucker. She wasn’t moving into her new lair until next week! And that meant she had plenty of time to scheme with this new dark power, once her rival’s magic had woken it up…

At the bottom of the stairs, down a lengthy, winding path that twirled around the edge of a large circular room, was a small stone alter, stood in the middle of the pit. And on it, stood a small stone carving. It looked rather mundane, honestly. No big dark vibes or anything. Just a strange little statue. How dull. This adventure was just going nowhere.

“There’s nothing here!” Shantae whined, flicking her hair in frustration. “This entire trip was just a big waste of time!”

“Patience, Sequin-brain. I said the curse was breaking free soon. I didn’t say it was free yet.” Risky stepped over to the altar, studying the idol on top of it without touching the thing. “Come take a look.”

The half-genie wandered in closer, stepping up across the altar from her rival and looking at the statue with a raised eyebrow. It was a simple figurine, carved in the shape of a woman – a woman with really big… coconuts. “This thing? This is the big curse you were so scared of?”

“I wasn’t scared of anything!” The pirate shot her a glare. “And no, obviously this is the seal keeping the evil contained. Hey, your little genie powers might actually be useful for once – if you can repair the seal before it breaks, then there won’t even be a fight!”

That didn’t seem to make Shantae feel better. “Uuuugh, how boring can this place get? Fine, give it here, lemme…”

She reached out for the idol – only for her hand to shoot back the instant she touched it. “Hot! What the heck?”

But her questions came too late. Already exposed to a source of fresh magic, the idol, long dormant, was starting to glow with a strange pink light. And Risky was starting to cackle.

“I knew it!” She gloated between bursts of laughter. “I knew your stupid genie DNA would be good for something! Oooh, I could do a little dance myself right now~ Though I think I’ll wait – I’ll have you to do that for me in a minute.”

“Huh? Wait a sec – I knew it! I knew this was some kind of Pirate prank!” Shantae was quick on the defensive, hips cocked just in case she needed to bust out any of her transformative dances. “What are you up to, Risky?!”

“Ahahahahaha!” The Pirate Queen was all too glad to show her foe what a real pirate laugh sounded like. “Oh, just using a certain heroic airhead to give me the power to conquer the rest of the Seven Seas~ You see, this ancient doohickie isn’t sealing a terrible power, it is the terrible power. And now that you’ve helped me turn it back on, I’ll be able to use its magic to turn anyone who tries to defy me into brainless minions to do my bidding!”

“What?!?” The half-genie gasped in horror, before clenching her fists. “There’s no way I’ll let you! You’re going down Risky Boots!”

But the purple skinned babe just grinned. “Oh, don’t worry, my gullible little helper – I’m giving you the first taste!”

The purple haired heroine paused, blinking. Somehow, she hadn’t been expecting that. “Wait, what?”

Then the statue turned to face her, its eyes glowing pink.


The light washed over her, and Shantae felt something… change. The breeze, for one – was there a draft in here? Where had that come from? But it was really hard to concentrate on that, because all of a sudden it was really, really hard to think…

If she could have seen herself from the outside, she’dve seen her eyes cross, her teeth gritting hard as her light red and gold silk clothes were suddenly blasted off her body, leaving her naked body quivering in the light of the statue. She’dve seen the dazed expression on her face, as though something had struck her right in the brain. And she’ve seen the way her lower lips were starting to drip.

But she couldn’t do any of that. All she could do was flutter her eyelids and groan as pleasure blasted through her brain and began to leak out of her cunt…

Risky couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing, watching her rival’s expression turning stupid and goofy. “Oh you poor thing. You have no idea what’s happening, do you? Well let me tell you, my dear half-baked doofus~ The Idol of lust is currently in the process of turning the nearest weak-minded simpleton – that’d be you, by the way – into a brainless busty bimbo slave! Not that it has to do much work with a brain like yours, but you know~” She giggled. “Once you’re done, you’ll be mine to command. And then I’ll take you and the idol back to your precious Scuttle Town, and get you to give everyone a nice demonstration of your new dumbass calling – before I turn everyone else into bimbos too! Ahahahahahaha!”

“Guuuaahhhh…” If Shantae was listening to Risky’s rant, it didn’t show. The idol was still at work, after all. By now, her breasts had started to swell, growing out round and proud, and drool was already pouring between them down from her lolling tongue. There was plenty of fuel to help them grow – her brains weren’t going to be used for anything else once the power was done with her!

She was in no hurry to complain, either. No, with mind melting pleasure coursing through her entire body, forcing the perky heroine to orgasm after orgasm, she was barely even aware of what was happening in the first place! Though, of course, with every climax her brains shrank smaller and smaller, while her tits grew larger and larger, but that was a small price to pay for such delights. Maybe she would have objected if she could think, but with a brain rapidly approaching the size of a peanut, that wouldn’t be happening any time soon.



The process was done. The half-genies tits bounced proudly, now truly massive at three times the size of her head, and her tongue hung out of her mouth brainlessly, wind whistling through her ears to show there was really no one left at home anymore. And to show that the deal was well and truly sealed, her eyes filled with pink and purple circles, mindlessly swirling in place, showing that she was well and truly vapid. A brainless busty bimbo through and through.

And Risky was, of course, laughing her ass off. “HAHAHAHAHA! Perfect! Finally, that little pest has learned her place, and become the proper bimbo I always knew she was! Go on, Shan-tits, dance! Dance for your Mistress~”

The newly named Shantits couldn’t even think of refusing. She may have only been half-genie, but now she was all bimbo, and a good bimbo never turned down the chance to strut her stuff! A mindlessly happy smile on her face, the former heroine folded her arms behind her head, shoving her massive chest forward, and spread her legs to stick her ass out as well. Then, with the shamelessness that only a babe who’s brain has turned to total mush can manage, she began to twerk – bouncing her behind and jiggling her tits for all to see.

Not that there was anyone here to watch other than a certain Pirate Queen – but she seemed to enjoy the performance enough for fifty people, so that balanced out fine. Oh yes, there was no way Risky was ever going to get tired of watching the long-time thorn in her ass now shaking her booty mindlessly on command. Seeing those hips thrust. Watching those boobs bounce.

Bounce… Bounce…

“Mmmm…” The pale maiden giggled, leaning over the altar, her hugry eyes feasting on her rival’s display. “That’s the stuff. More! Harder! Show me how much of a slut you are!”

Well Shantits was happy to obey! She rose up on her tiptoes, an arm rising up behind her, and then-


Down she came, her hand slapping against her lower cheeks and sending them smacking against one another, echoes of the sound bouncing through the dark chamber. The vibrations seemed to travel through the mindless bimbo’s body, sending her tits wobbling and jiggling, still bouncing in Risky’s face.

Bounce… Bounce… Bounce…

“Heh…” The Pirate licked her lips, trying to pretend she wasn’t drooling. That she wasn’t captivated by her new bimbo minion’s display.

But if she hadn’t been, she might have noticed the idol still glowing beneath her, its gaze now fixed on the next weak-minded target…

“’S a good thing ‘m not a… a fee-febul willed dunce like you,” she giggled, her head swaying a little. “Oth-otherwise I might’ve fallen under the idol’s power as well!” The very thought made her snort. “But forsh… fonch… luckily, I’m, like, way, way smarterer than you ever were~ Heheh, only, y’know, a total moron’d fall for this dumb thing…”

Hey, when had it gotten so drafty in here?

Risky’s smile didn’t dim even a millimetre as her proud captain’s outfit vanished under the statue’s light, leaving her just as nude as her booty bopping friend across the room – save for her big pirate hat, which remained. But no, if anything, her giddy grin was just growing even wider, and perhaps, maybe even vapider by the second. By now, her eyes were firmly rooted on those bouncing boobs just yonder.

“I wuh- wonder how it felt,” the pale skinned beauty continued to giggle, even as the pink light grew brighter still. “Having your mind melted like that? Just totally oblivious as your stupid dumb brains got fucked out of your slutty skull. Only a complete clown’d ever let that happen to-ngh?!”

Risky’s teeth grit together as her eyes crossed – focused on the point in the centre of her brow, where a phantom sensation was steadily, gently, but firmly, pulsing into her brain. It felt good, and she could already feel herself starting to drip between her legs.

“Wh- wait, what’s…”


“Nnnghhooooohhh…” Risky’s grin grew wider as her tits began to swell, swiftly starting to catch up to Shantit’s proud pendulums. But before they got that far, her eyes fluttered, and she tried to shake her head. “H-hey, wait a sec-”


“Huaah!!!” Something thrust firmly into her brain, and the proud Pirate Queen nearly fell to her knees. Once again her chest began to grow, her cannonballs now well and truly a match for her rival’s horde. But still she tried to resist. “Tha- Tha’sh not right! I’m not… I’m not sum kinda… sum kinda bimb-”


“OOOOHHHHH!” Another, final thrust shoved its way into Risky’s skull – and the pale skinned maiden’s mind melted caved completely, surrendering to the piercing pleasure like the slut she most assuredly was. Her tits busted out, practically doubling in size all over again as they drank up all of the smarts squished out of the former Captain’s brain. Her eyes burst into pink, bright spirals, swirling with a mindless determination to show off that she was every bit as dumb as she looked – a fashion statement she completed with a drooling tongue that hung brainlessly out of her mouth.

Perhaps Risky would have been proud to know that her tits were now bigger than her rival’s – she had always been the smart one of the two. Of course, now neither of them could be considered any smarter than a rock, but bigger tits was definitely a fine consolation prize.

Alas, with no one with a functioning brain left anywhere close by, neither slutty whore would be used for their real purpose any time soon. But someone would surely find them eventually, and put their ready holes to use.

In the meantime, Risky Boob’s spiralling eyes watched Shantit’s performance with a mindless interest – and soon she, too, began to mimic the half-genie’s actions. Steadily, her ass began to rise and drop, her hips thrusting, her arms folded behind her head, tits bouncing with an unheard rhythm. Before long, she was dancing as well, the pair’s booty beat thrumming through the island, its power carrying over the waves of the Seven Seas…

A call sent out to beckon other explorers to come and investigate the temple of the idol – and find the eager slaves waiting within it…


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