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Hey folks! How's your September going?

Over here, things are hot, humid, and there's a cold running around, so it feels like spring has finally arrived. (And yes, I, of course, in my inability to avoid any illness at all, have picked up the bug and Shorts might be a week late this month - sorry, I hope that doesn't turn out to be the case).

So this week, a crossover between RWBY, a series I know very well, and Limbus Company, a series I know absolutely jack about (It just doesn't seem like my kind of thing), so hopefully I got the right kind of vibe. Also I may have made up Coco's characterisation almost completely, mainly based on her hat, rather than referring to the kind of notorious books, but I'm sure it'll be fine!

Honestly, if things go well this month, then after my break for October I might try to start uploading two stories a week here. We'll see how it goes though - I may have bitten off more than I can chew. Here's hoping not though!

Have fun folks, and I'll see you next week!


Remnant was a land filled with mysteries. Since the age that it had been constructed by the gods, and throughout every era thereafter, the corners of the land had hidden secrets from mankind. Secrets both incredible, and incredibly perilous. Ancient civilisations had left surprises that no one knew the truth of, buried deep beneath the earth in the ruined remains of their structures and cities. In some places, there were so many layers of old ruins beneath the ground that the world seemed practically hollow – and the name Remnant well earned.

As with so many things in this world swarming with grimm, it was considered the duty of Hunters and Huntresses to deal with these places. To delve into the darkness, to explore the world beneath, and the emerge, battered and bruised, with whatever treasures they found in hand, and whatever dangers they uncovered neutralised. Honestly, the job did not pay nearly enough to justify the risks involved, but young hunters were always keen to hone their craft and get ‘field experience’, which meant they were ripe for exploitation by more experienced profiteers.

Thus, enterprising men and women might even be so lucky to hire the services of a champion huntress for a bargain price, and then send her off to right on certain death with little more than how-do-you-do! That was just how things worked in this society, and those trapped living within it were just going to have to accept it.

“I suppose that’s one way to put it, Coco.” Pyrrha Nikos chuckled, holding up her torch as she advanced further into the crumbled old ruin, leading the other members of her team deeper down. “Though I don’t think I’d be quite as uncharitable to the people who hired us.”

“Hey, I’m just doing my duty as a mentor, teaching you crazy kids about how the world works!” Coco Adel shrugged, following only a few steps behind the redhead. “Trust me, I’ve been a Huntress way longer than you guys, I’ve got this down. By the end of this little joint group exercise, you’ll be calling me Great Teacher Coco.”

“I’m sorry about her.” Following in third, Coco’s teammate, Velvet – the mild mannered rabbit faunus who was normally seen chasing around campus with her camera. Right now, though, the camera was holstered, and her hand was gripped tight around the handle of her rarely seen weapon. “She just gets like this around new people. Normally she’s not quite this… intense.”

“Babe, I am always intense,” the brunette said, looking at her partner over her sunglasses, which she had of course refused to take off even underground. “But these girls deserve to know the truth of what we’re doing down here.”

“Coco, you’re going to scare them...”

“Oh, I don’t know…” And trailing in fourth, mainly because she was stopping in every alcove to search for treasure, was the final member of their group, Nora Valkyrie. “She makes sense to me. The rich exploit the vulnerable to line their own pockets, and then throw them away when they’re no longer useful. World lessons 101. They should really teach it in Beacon proper.”

Pyrrha laughed as Velvet’s face fell. “Don’t worry about us. I’m pretty used to these kinds of talks,” she said, shooting the bunny girl a reassuring smile. “Nora has her own opinions on these things.”

“Oh brothers,” the faunus whispered. “There’s two of them?”

“Down with the bourgeoise!”

“Eat the rich!”

Coco and Nora high-fived, grinning at each other. Neither was looking for a new bestie, but had the role been open… Well, a solid friendship had been formed today, either way.

“I fear our teachers may have made their own worst enemy,” the redhead laughed, waving her torch through another shadow. “Just don’t get Beacon in too much trouble, alright girls? I still plan to graduate as a fully qualified Huntress, exploited or no, and I’d like the school to still be there when I do.”

Honestly, Coco’s point about who would actually be profiting from this expedition was not inaccurate. Once the Huntresses had cleared these catacombs of traps and eliminated any grimm lurking down here, treasure hunters would move in seeking profits that the ones who’d risked their lives would never see a sliver of. That was one of the bigger downsides of ‘Hero’ as a profession.

Though, to be fair, this mission was more about senior students mentoring the younger years – though what they were supposed to be mentoring their juniors had apparently been the subject of some debate. Well, Team CFVY pairing up with Team JNPR was always going to produce interesting results whatever happened. There were just too many ‘interesting’ personalities at work to be otherwise.

It had gotten worse when the groups were split by sex. The boys on those teams tended to be a fair bit milder than the girls – but someone had thought it was a great idea to create the theoretical teams CVNP and JRFY, and now everyone would live with the consequences. No one had yet tried to turn those names into colours, and it was probably for the best.

At any rate, Jaune, Ren, Fox and Yatsu had headed off into the mountains to hunt a few ice grimm that were bothering the locals, while Coco, Velvet, Nora, and Pyrrha had descended into the depths beneath Vale, exploring one of dozens of ancient ruins in the area. Thus, the current discussion.

“I’m just saying, if I found some ancient magical artefact down here that let me overthrow the current system, I’d be tempted!” Coco’s voice ran through the ruins as she turned a corner, her gatling gun ready to meet any fiends who lay waiting – though she was disappointed to find none.

Velvet rolled her eyes as she followed. ”And I’m just glad we’re not going to find one of those.”

Nora finally caught up with the group, abandoning her casual treasure hunt. “I’m kind of surprised you’re not on board, Velvet. I mean, faunus still don’t get a great deal up there…”

“Yeah, exactly!” The bunny girl huffed. “If I start saying the stuff you guys are, they’ll think I’m with White Fang and expel me.”

Pyrrha and Nora winced. Yeah, she had a point. “Oh, true. Sorry.”

Fortunately, Coco was there, sliding her arm around her friend’s shoulders. “It’s okay. It just means I’ve got to be twice the revolutionary I would have been for her sake!”

Velvet twitched. “Please don’t do that…”

“Too late!”

The ruins remained quiet as they bickered. There had been precious few grimm in here after the first few chambers. It was a little strange, truth be told – but then, perhaps they simply hadn’t been able to get this deep. And it wasn’t like there were any humans left to feed off down here…

Finally, they descended another set of worn, crumbling stairs, and found themselves in a large, dark stone chamber, stretching off into the shadows in all directions.

“Okay, okay, enough messing around.” Coco raised her glasses to peer around the room for a moment. “This looks like the main hall. I’ve been on a few of these digs – this is usually as deep as it gets. Split up and take a look around. If you find any corridors that lead too far away, call back and we’ll investigate together.”

The switch between Coco messing around and Coco on the job was impressive. From an almost lackadaisical casualness to full professional in under a second. Suddenly, Pyrrha could see without question that this woman was the leader of a senior team, and that she deserved the position. Wow, would Jaune and Ruby eventually become such inspiring figures?

Not… Not that they weren’t already, of course…

At any rate! She and Nora were quick to nod, each woman setting out in their own direction, striking out from the stairs down into the giant chamber, torches and weapons in hand. The others weren’t aware of it – and obviously, Pyrrha had no reason to mention it – but thanks to her semblance, she knew that the layout of the room had encouraged them to head out in each of the cardinal directions. Coco and Velvet headed South and West, clearly used to this setup, while Nora went East and Pyrrha herself took North. It was an interesting detail, but not one she felt was all that relevant to the mission.

At first, the chamber seemed to extend infinitely, the cracked floor lined with rubble and debris that the redhead had to climb over – remnants of whatever this room had been used for, perhaps? Maybe statues or altars or… Well, she wasn’t an archologist, she had no idea what these things were. Eventually, though, she did reach the far wall – and with it a tunnel leading further into the dark. Hm, should she explore further, or…?

Well, Coco must have caught a glimpse of her hesitation from the far side of the room, because a yell quickly answered her question. “Hey, when I said too far, I didn’t mean, like, small rooms or whatever! You guys can handle a few closet grimm, right? I don’t need to hold your hand for that?”

“Don’t worry, we got this!” Nora answered from somewhere much closer. “Hey, I know – let’s make it a contest! I smash way more grimm in here than you will!”

“You’re on, hammer girl!”

“Just don’t get in over your heads!” There was Velvet’s voice. “That goes for you too Coco!”

Pyrrha rolled her eyes, smiling. Alright then. Deeper it was.

The stone walls loomed out of the darkness as she advanced, yellowed with age but somehow still stubbornly strong. Whoever had built this place had made it to last. But what it could possibly be for eluded the redhead. The architecture didn’t match any she’d seen before in her (admittedly limited) study. And… And there was something else…

She was aware of the door long before her torchlight illuminated it. Stretching across the corridor, sealed tight to the walls despite the passing of the years, it was a firm block on any progress further in this direction. And, unmistakably, it was different from the rest of the ruins.

For one thing, it was made of metal.

Frowning, her fingers traced over the designs still engraved in the surface. They were worn and faded with age, made countless centuries ago… But there was still something here. Something… circular, maybe? That was all she could tell though. Hopefully a real archaeologist would be able to tell more.

Open it…

Pyrrha frowned. She knew that she should head back to the others – that this was the kind of thing she should leave be, or at the very least approach with a group… But…

Open it…

… She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of curiosity.

All it would take was reaching out with her semblance and…


Oh, would you look at that. The door had opened on its own. Just mysteriously pulled itself off to one side in a torn heap of metal. Strange how that happened, wasn’t it?

Pyrrha bit her lip, trying to push down how uncomfortable she felt. She’d just ruined an ancient artifact for no reason other than her own curiosity. Whatever was on the other side of it had better be good.

… Honestly, it wasn’t much. Beyond the formerly sealed door was a small chamber – surprisingly cramped, given the scale of the rest of these ruins. It was remarkably well preserved, too, probably thanks to the now ruined door. But in the centre of it all…

In the centre of it all, on a waist-high stone plinth, was a pair of pink shoes.

Pyrrha blinked. If she’d expected anything down here, it certainly wasn’t that. Everything in these ruins that wasn’t stone or metal had turned to dust eons ago… And yet here was a pair of shoes, completely normal, even modern looking if you examined them closely, standing as neat as you please.

Put us on…

She’d never seen a pair of shoes quite like them, either. The design wasn’t too out there, pumps with a medium heel and a slick, shiny look to them – but the fabric seemed wrong to her. From some angles, it rippled like water, but from others it was almost as though it had all been carved from a single block of (pink) stone. And that wasn’t even mentioning the colour, that seemed to leave splotches on her eyes whenever she looked away from them.

How curious. She stepped closer, bending down to take a better look.

Put us on…

She knew she shouldn’t. She knew she’d come far enough – that right now, the sensible thing to do was to back away and find the others. To leave these strange shoes to an expert, and forget all about this place.

But still, she found herself reaching out anyway. There was just something so fascinating about these pink shoes. So tempting. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to just feel them, for a second…

Put us on!

Her hand closed, wrapping around the left heel – and the instant she touched it, everything went straight to hell.

It was so fast even her honed reflexes weren’t enough to react. In the space of a moment, the pink shoes seemed to unfurl into a swarm of pink ribbons – ribbons which struck out like snakes and seized around Pyrrha’s arm, locking tight.

“Ngh!” She gasped, her knees almost buckling at a sudden wet and warm sensation that bubbled in her brain. It was pleasant – very pleasant – but unexpected, and all the more harsh for it. The champion was staggered for a moment, but quickly pushed the feeling aside, dismissing it as an irrelevant distraction as she tried rip the ribbons off of her arm.

That was a mistake.

Wear us…

She tried to hook her fingers under the edge of the fabric, but it was clinging too tightly to her skin. Then, before she could really make an effort at it, the ends of the ribbons had snapped around her other arm too.

Wear us! Wear us!

“Huah!” The wet and warm feelings bubbled in her head again, even nicer and wetter and warmer than before, the bubbles of pleasure growing bigger in her brain. This time, Pyrrha’s knees really did give out, the girl collapsing to all fours as the ribbons crawled over her, circling her body and binding it up nice and tight.


Still struggling, bound by something that was somehow even more powerful than her own augmented strength, Pyrrha tried to reach out with her semblance… But whatever these ribbons were made of, it wasn’t metal. She tried reaching out for her weapons, hoping for a sharp edge to cut herself free – but her arms were bound behind her back, and every time she tried to focus-

“Ahn!” She gasped again as a ribbon threaded itself between her legs and rubbed back and forth. Pleasure shot through her head like lightning, rocking her already shaken foundation and shattering her every attempt to free herself.

There wasn’t anything she could do. Every time these ribbons touched her, stroked her, coiled around her… Every single brush, pinch, or squeeze… All of it just… It felt so good. It felt so so so good! Pleasure bubbled in her head like Champaigne, breaking down her attempts to resist, dissolving her will. Soon she couldn’t even think of harming these wonderful ribbons. She’d never dream of trying to remove them. She’d never want to be free of their grasp.

All she wanted was to give in.

“Ahhh…” Her eyes shimmered, turning pink and swirly as they rolled up in her head, a wide smile settling over her face as she sank into a dreamy haze of pleasure. At the tip of her ponytail, hair follicles started to take on that same neon shade as well. Even her armour was getting in on the game, splashes of pink drizzling itself over her corset and skirt, while her sash turned completely pink as well.

Then, as the ribbons swirled around her, tying up and binding every limb, they crept down her legs and converged around her feet. With surprising dexterity, they yanked her boots off - leggings and all - before swirling, hardening around her bare soles…

And once again, the pink shoes took shape, now firmly wrapped around Pyrrha’s feet.

Yes… You’ll serve us nicely…~

Pyrrha’s smile only grew wider. “Yeessss…~”

She couldn’t think of anything she wanted more. In fact, thinking was rather hard in general. But that was fine. Thoughts were floating up from her lovely new shoes now – they’d tell her what to do.

Find us more hosts…

Five minutes ago, Pyrrha would have been aghast. The heroic huntress would have refused immediately, disgusted at the merest thought of subjecting someone else to such a horrific fate – of snuffing out their will and leaving them as little more than puppets of this perverted pink force.

The Pyrrha of the present, though, only giggled as she rose to her feet, the slightest trail of pink drool dripping down her chin. “Mmm…” She sighed. “I thought you’d never ask~”

She couldn’t wait to share this gift with her friends.


Nora was bored. This was a dangerous thing indeed. A bored Nora was capable of anything, and Ren’s job had been making sure she was never completely without anything to do for years now. Alas, with him no longer at her side…

She’d explored her side of the ruins, finding… Well, pretty much nothing, and now she was wandering around, waiting for the others to finish. There hadn’t even been any grimm, so unless something leapt out of the darkness to try to eat her face right now, she’d be losing her bet with Coco, which was just the worst news she’d had all day.

Thus, Nora was two things – bored and annoyed. This was getting worse all the time. Back in Beacon, people would be nervously hovering around the grimm shelters hoping to ride out the coming calamity.

But fortunately, things hadn’t gotten that bad yet. Maybe there was still some novelty left to this dark spooky ruins schtick keeping her from absolute rock bottom or something. Either way, while it was tempting to start looking for her own brand of entertainment, instead Nora had decided to go check up on Pyrrha. Maybe her friend had found some grimm, and she’d be willing to share? She was a kind girl like that.

And so now the hammer wielding Huntress was wandering down the tunnel that she was pretty sure her teammate must have gone down, kicking at pebbles as she let her gaze wander between the darkness and the dull tunnel walls. Ugh, would it have killed the people that made this place to do a little decorating? Come on, they could have made this place look pretty nice with a little paint…

“Pyyrrrhhhaaaa?” She called, turning a corner. “Are you down here? Holler if you’ve been caught by a grimm and need saving! I mean, not that that’d ever happen to you…” Nora giggled at the thought. Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Girl herself, needing help with a grimm? Please. Anything that would be a threat to Pyrrha was not something she’d be much help with, no matter how humble her friend was about the whole thing. The best they could do in that situation was run.

“Pyyyrrhaaaa?” She called again. “C’mon, this tunnel can’t be that long…”

And then, suddenly, she got a response.

“Heeeeeey Norrraaaa~” Pyrrha’s voice sang out of the darkness, startling the orange haired girl. She’d sounded much, much closer than she’d expected – only a little ways ahead. Why hadn’t she answered sooner?

It was so unusual that it made the bright maiden of hammers pause. “Uh. Pyrrha? Is that you? Are you okay?”

There was a strange shuffling in the dark.

“I’m fiiiiine~ I just… haah… I dropped my torch…~” Her voice sounded strange, in a way that Nora couldn’t quite put her finger on. She sounded… happy? No, that wasn’t quite it. She’d heard Pyrrha happy before, and it had never sounded quite like this. “C-could you, mmnh… C-come help me find it? Ahaha~”

“Okay…” The orange haired Huntress paused for a moment, but if her friend needed help, she wasn’t going to ignore her. Carefully – because she wasn’t an idiot – she drew closer, holding her torch up so the light would cast further. It wasn’t long before she finally found her friend. But the figure that came into sight wasn’t what she’d been expecting.

Her eyes widened. “Pyrrha?”

Pyrrha was stood before her, revealed by the light of her torch. But something was very wrong. The Invincible Girl was wrapped up in… bandages? Ribbons? Some weird kind of pink stuff, anyway. It was looped around her arms, between her legs, even wrapped around her head, forcing her to shamble instead of walk.

That wasn’t the disturbing part though. The disturbing part was the bright, gleeful look in her pink eyes – and the wide, almost manic smile on her face. The two things were so distinctly un-Pyrrha that Nora found herself taking a step back in shock.

“Hiiii Norraaaa~” Pyrrha(?) giggled, taking a shuffling step forwards, closer to her. “Come closer… I have a gift to share with you~”

“Uh. N-no thanks, Pyr…” The Huntress reached for her hammer, gripping it tight as she backed up. “Actually, I think I should go and get the others, and then maybe we can- Woah!”

She tripped as something snared around her ankle, yanking her to the floor. Looking down, she found a pink ribbon looped around her, having slipped underneath the tiles on the floor to come up behind her.

“Silly Nora~” A fond giggle came from right in front of her, and when she looked up she saw that Pyrrha had moved like lightning the instant she’d looked away. The pink-tinged redhead was now standing over her, reaching down with a ribbon wrapped hand to stroke her teammate’s cheek. “You’ll love it. I promise~”

“Wai-!” Nora opened her mouth to speak, but before she could get even one word out, the ribbon around Pyrrha’s hand snapped out, whirling around the Huntress’s head and then snapping back over her mouth, forming a surprisingly tight gag.

“Shhhh…” The red/pink head stroked her hair lovingly – letting yet more ribbons spool down over her. “Just enjoy it~”

And she did. She didn’t have a choice. From the first instant that the ribbons touched her, pleasure lanced through her body, hitting her in ways she didn’t know how to describe. If it weren’t for the gag, she might have screamed in delight. She was an innocent, chaste girl, was Nora Valkyrie.

Or at least, she had been. Now there were juices dripping down the inside of her thighs in a way she’d never felt before, and the ribbons now wrapping around her arms and legs to string her up like a piece of meat were making her feel very squishy inside.

Had her head been clearer, this might have been the dawning moment that she realised she had a thing for bondage. But it wasn’t clear – in fact, it was outright overcast. Her thoughts, normally so fast and quick and all over the place, were lost in a sea of pink ribbons. It felt like the wonderful strands of cloth were wrapping around her brain, cocooning it in a bed of pleasure that it never needed to wake up from.

She moaned, long and loud into her gag, before it shifted away from her mouth to wrap over her eyes, leaving a wide smile and a trail of pink drool behind. Her hair, already fairly close to pink to start with, shimmered into a full new shade without fuss. Pink speckled her form from top to bottom as her unsuspecting will was completely overtaken, reducing the vibrant Huntress to a kneeling pink thrall in seconds. If anything, the effect was even stronger on her – she could barely resist at all.

Pyrrha giggled, leaning down and kissing the new thrall on the forehead, a small trail of pink stretching from her lips as she pulled back. “See? I told you you’d love it~”

The thrall moaned in empty headed agreement. She was far too lust drunk to ever do anything else.


“Okay. Okay. I admit it.” Coco sighed theatrically, putting her hands on her hips. “I made a mistake. I was too trusting. I thought those kids would be fine, and clearly I was wrong. Are you happy now, Velvet?”

“Coco, I didn’t say anything,” the faunus sighed, rolling her eyes. “And I wasn’t thinking it, either. They’ve only been gone for a little bit. Maybe they found something interesting to look at.”

“Well then they should have come back to let me see it too,” the brunette huffed. “Besides, what would they even find down here? This place is empty. Complete waste of time. There aren’t even any grimm. I didn’t think it was possible!”

Velvet nodded, looking thoughtful. “It’s definitely unusual. Normally these places are crawling with those things. I wonder why it’s so empty in here…”

“Who cares?” Nope, Coco was too annoyed to be pondering things like that. “The only question I’m wondering is where our rookies got off to. You know we’re going to be in trouble if they actually got hurt…”

“Well then maybe we should go looking for them?” The bunny girl gave her team leader a raised eyebrow.

Coco glanced at her watch again. Despite appearances, Velvet knew she was just complaining out of concern – and that if she’d actually been worried about the others, she would have run after them by now. “I suppose we can,” she grumbled eventually. “But I am going to give them such a talking to when we find them.”

Velvet just giggled. Her friend’s heart was in the right place, that was the main thing.

It was only when the giggling continued after she stopped that she started to worry.

Frowning, Coco reached for her gun, peering around into the darkness. “Who’s there?” She growled.

“Just meeee~” A familiar voice rang out from the shadows. “Sorry I’m late, haaah… I found something just… too much fun to break away...”

Velvet and Coco exchanged a glance, both frowning. That was Pyrrha, obviously – but just as obvious was that something was wrong. Without a word, they both agreed on a battle strategy, with the team leader taking a step forward to ward off the sudden threat, while the faunus fell back a step to support. It was a tried and true tactic they’d gotten very good at.

“Nikos? Is that you?” Coco’s gun was out in full now, ready to spin up at a moment’s notice. She was wielding it one handed, the other throwing out a light stick in the general direction she thought the voice had come from. It bounced and rolled – before coming to a stop against the tip of a pink shoe.

“Hiiii~” Pyrrha waved, pink ribbons draped from her hand. Then she giggled again. “Hey, Coco, c’mere~ I wanna show you somethiiiing~”

Instead, Coco just braced her foot on the floor, aiming her gun square at her temporary teammate. “Yeah, no. I don’t think I’m going to be doing that.”

Behind her, Velvet nodded, her hand on her own weapon box. If Pyrrha was about to try something, they’d be ready for it. The two of them had worked together for a long time, and they were confident in their strategy. As long as the two of them were together, even the Invincible Girl couldn’t touch them.

Unfortunately, neither of them had realised that ‘tried and true’ could also mean ‘predictable’.

Someone, their hands and arms wrapped in tight pink ribbons, grabbed Velvet from behind and yanked back into the darkness. It was so fast that she didn’t even have time to cry out, and by the time she tried something sweet and pink had covered her mouth. Before she could think to resist, to break free, the ribbons were upon her. They swarmed around her arms, her legs, her body, her head – even her ears were smothered in the endless flood, wrapping her up and binding her tight.

Perhaps she tried to struggle. Perhaps not. All that could be seen from the outside was a vaguely human shaped cocoon squirming in a pink eyed Nora’s arms, juices slowly starting to drip between the gaps as her mind began to melt…

Velvet had been completely ensnared right behind Coco’s back, without the team leader hearing a thing. No, she was too busy keeping her eyes on the obvious threat. The pink wrapped champion in front of her wasn’t a woman she wanted to risk giving anything less than her full attention for so much as a second.

“You know I did always wonder who’d win in a fight between us, Nikos,” she said casually, trying to present a strong image, even as she tried to work out a way to deal with this situation before it got worse. “I guess now we’ll finally-”

Pyrrha raised a hand, and wrenched the Huntress’s gun out of her hands with her semblance, crushing it into a small cube before her eyes, before tossing it casually over her shoulder.

“… Shit.”

“Happy to help,” the pink eyed champion giggled, advancing forwards, the ribbons wrapped around her almost looking like puppet strings as she moved. “Now, let me help you some more~”

“Iiii don’t think so,” Coco muttered, stepping back. “Velvet, why don’t you show her what happens to Huntresses that get too cocky?”

Arms wrapped themselves around her right leg. Blinking, she looked down to see a smiling face with pink ribbons threaded between long brown bunny ears, and bright pink eyes staring up at her.

Another pair of arms grabbed her left leg. Switching sides, Coco saw the pink haired, pink eyed delight of Nora Valkyrie giggling away.


“They’re such good girls,” Pyrrha said, drawing up right in front of the trapped Huntress. “So am I~ And I know you will be too!”

There was nothing Coco could say to that.

She smiled, grabbing the brunette with both hands by the chin, then leaning forwards to kiss her on the mouth. The beret wearing Huntress’s eyes widened behind her sunglasses – before her sunglasses were knocked away by the surge of ribbons that swirled down from Pyrrha and wrapped around the brunette’s head, binding her up so tightly that she looked like a pink mummy from the neck up. And then, as she fell to her knees, already moaning as pleasure bombarded her brain to blissful bits, they descended, slowly but firmly wrapping every bit of her up, and converting her into a loyal pink thrall.

By the time the cocoon burst, revealing a pink eyed, pink beret wearing woman who giggled and squirmed in her ribbon wrappings with the best of them, there wasn’t a trace of resistance left. The entire party had fallen to the wonderful delight of Pyrrha’s new pink shoes.

As for the shoe wearer herself? She just sighed, and stroked the empty headed minion’s cheek happily. She didn’t think about what she’d done to her friends, or what had happened to her. She didn’t need to think much at all, except about what her shoes told her to think. And speaking of…

Find us more hosts…

Pleasure thrummed through her, a reward for her earlier obedience. She couldn’t imagine what her reward would feel like once she got them even more ribbon slaves to command. But as the images of her other friends – of Weiss, and Yang, and Blake, and Ruby flicked through her head…

… She couldn’t wait to find out~


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