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Alright, let's give this a whirl!

So, this is the short requests post for the Fantasy Patron Tier! It's the first time doing this, but here's hoping everything goes well. As a reminder, I will be unable to work during October, so if you're planning any multi-part requests, please keep that in mind!

How it works:

I'll write you a small story of about a thousand to two thousand words, based on a prompt you suggest. One prompt per patron, and preferably it should be TF or MC themed, or both. Put your requests in either the comments below, or message them to me here or on discord!

The rules:

  • No gross stuff
  • No underaged stuff
  • In general, nothing that'll get me thrown in jail

Please try to get your requests in by Wednesday the 13th, and I will endeavour to get them all done within the next two weeks (unless life gets in the way). They will be my priority until the full set is done.

Be specific - I want to give you what you want to see, so the more detail you can give me, the better! Plus I have a lot of these to go through, so anything that lets me get past planning to writing faster is a plus!

Try to limit your request to one or two characters to be TF/MCed at a time - 2k words is shorter than it feels sometimes!

If you have any questions, just send me a message however you like, and I'll try to get back to you as quick as I can. Don't worry, it won't be a bother to me.

Thanks as always for supporting my writing like this, folks. Here's hoping we get some great stories out of this!

Have fun - D


Norman Riggis

Part 3 of Jaune’s Hypnosis Show A few weeks have passed since the talent show, and Yang is still very obviously under Jaune’s control. He takes any chance he gets to use triggers on Yang, and she’s now well known around Beacon for being hypnotized - with students often coming up and asking Jaune to make her do things. However… both members of team RWBY and JNPR are getting suspicious - mostly because Yang seems oddly okay with this. Though Ruby and Nora seem oblivious to this new issue, thinking she and Jaune are just having a bit of fun. After a rather rambunctious use of Yang’s hypnosis in the Beacon Cafeteria, Jaune and Yang are dragged to Glynda Goodwitch’s office, and she’s tired of these antics - demanding Jaune release Yang from his control, even though Yang herself protests that it’s all in good fun, as she was programmed to do. Jaune knows she won’t let this go, and uses this opportunity to gain the upper hand. He pulls out his crystal and swings it before Yang’s eyes, telling Goodwitch he plans to put Yang under and release his hold on her. However, he holds the crystal out so that Goodwitch can see it too… and both Yang AND Goodwitch end up hypnotized. Jaune, of course, uses this time to program Goodwitch, making her completely obedient to him. And once that’s done… he needs to have a bit of fun with his new prize. He has both women strip down, and spends a moment issuing commands to humiliate Glynda, while Yang blows him.


RWBY Ruby is going to one of her favorite places. The arcade! With everyone being busy doing important things like studying or training, she decides to just relax for the day. She enters and immediately begins to start looking at all her favorite arcade games to play. Then she sees a room in the back, a room she’s never seen before. Curiosity gets the better of her and she goes to explore and finds a slot machine. Now, why is a slot machine in an arcade? Good question. But Ruby doesn’t think of that, she instead goes up to it and investigates it. She grabs the handle to pull it and feels a force pull her hand down along with the handle and the slot machine whirls to life, spinning. The screen lights up and a picture of Weiss appears on the screen, before the first spinner stops, with the word BITCHY on it, then before Ruby can even understand it, the next one stops on BIMBO, then the third, SLUT, finally the fourth, SUBMISSIVE. The the screen does a roulette of its own and has people’s faces spin by. Yang, Blake, Jaune, Nora, more and more people she knows before it lands on Ruby herself. And the picture of Weiss changes, showing her completely different, big lips, some hints of cleavage can even be seen from her now enormous tits. All while the pins are going on, Weiss is studying, but as the words appear she starts to change into a bitchy, bimbo slut that wants to please her mistress, Ruby. Ruby, now kinda freaked out, goes to leave but the doors gone, and she feel’s her hand move on it’s own, ready to spin the slot machine again, about to completely change another of her friends life.


Nero has created the ultimate Golden Spa and Salon at Chaldea, thanks to her approving Master, to see to her pampering and beauty treatments. Boudica makes the mistake of accepting Nero’s olive-branch extending, trial of the GSS…and ends up a semi-twinned simp of the Emperor for her efforts!


The Servant Trap: Back to School Edition! Mordred is a bratty delinquent who doesn't play by the rules - time for detention with her father, Maid-Principal Saber Alter! ...Wait. This isn't right! None of this is right! Until it is, of course. Mordred won't ever be a "Good Girl" but sometimes naughty is even better than nice.