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Hey folks!

Hope all is well out there. I've been fairly busy this week, sorting out the changeovers here and a fair bit of stuff elsewhere, but hopefully the rest of the month will be pretty calm. October's going to be busy - so busy that I'm going to have to take the month off, unfortunately - but for now I'm looking forward to focusing on writing again.

I've not got much else to say, so here, have a story, and I'll see you next week!


Pokémon Contests are a serious business. While they may not compare to the official Pokémon League finals, each region’s Grand Festival drew in millions of Pokémon dollars every year. The broadcasts of the final contests drew some of the highest ratings that the networks could hope for, stadiums filled to capacity and premium pricing, and merchandise sold like hot cakes. They were big events – some almost as big as the World Coronation Series!


So naturally, hot top contenders were celebrities in their own right. Everyone had heard of Mermaid Marina or the Princess of Hoenn, and gossip flew about them and their Pokémon like water through white rapids. Who was trading with who, who was suspected of using evolution stones prematurely to give their Pokémon a boost, who was using performance enhancing berries…

Yes, there was an entire paparazzi culture that had grown up around the Pokémon Contest circuit, and they’d do anything to get their scoop. Send a Farfetched to take photos from above, use a Porygon to hack someone’s schedule from afar, put a Polteageist with a microphone in with their room service order… A celebrity had to be careful in this modern Pokémon world.

Which was why Dawn, one of the top contenders out there, was eyeing the invitation that she’d found slipped under her hotel room door with incredible suspicion. A red envelope dotted with pink hearts, and ‘For Dawn’ scrawled on the front in cutesy cursive? Oh hell no, there was no way opening such a thing could ever lead to anything good.

Or at least, that was the case normally. But despite her better instincts, she couldn’t quite bring herself to throw this one out. Because, to her great concern, she knew who it was from. The perfume was a dead giveaway, she only knew one person who used that scent. This was a message from May.

‘Hey Dawnie~’ it read. ‘Meet me in the stadium after dark – there’s something I wanna talk to you about!

Love and kisses – May xxx’

Normally, she’d still throw it away. Even if it was a friend asking, it was against the rules for contenders to meet up before the contest. But right now, she had to admit, she was worried about what May was up to. She didn’t seem like herself.

She was considering the message in her hotel room when the news broadcast she’d been watching switched to a report on the upcoming contest. And right there, on the screen, was the reason for her concern.

“You’ve made the headlines recently for your stunning new style that’s really making waves among the judges across the region,” the newscaster was saying. “What can you tell us about that?”

“I just thought I’d try something, like, totally new,” a familiar, and yet unfamiliar voice giggled. “And y’know, I met this really cool group of people that gave me some, like, totally hot ideas…”

Yes, it was the woman who’s name was on everybody’s lips these days. The Princess of Hoenn herself, May. Dressed in a pink outfit that left practically nothing to the imagination, especially her seemingly enhanced curves, the woman was smiling and preening on TV like a complete ditz. It was so unlike her…

“What’s happened to you, May?” Dawn wondered aloud, her eyes locked on the screen. She’d known May for a long time – over a decade, really. They’d never been close, exactly, but they were friends of friends, and they occasionally encountered one another on the contender circuits. Whenever they had, well, naturally they’d taken the chance to meet up and swap stories – sometimes about contests, but mainly about a certain Pokemon Master they both knew, and maybe some gossip about old Team Rocket plots.

So she knew at a glance that there was something wrong with the woman on screen. Sudden incredible growth spurt (in the chest and hips, at least) aside, her attitude was completely wrong. May was a go-getter, but she’d never been this forward – or this airheaded. If she was putting on an act as part of her new contest technique, it was a really good one. But Dawn suspected something else was afoot.

Once again, she looked down at the note she’d been sent. The stadium wasn’t that far away, and while it was supposed to be guarded, she knew the security well enough to slip past it. She could definitely sneak out there without much issue. The question was, should she? It would be jeopardising her chances at the big contest tomorrow… But if it’d help her understand why her friend was acting this way, then so be it.

Besides, she said she wanted to talk about something, right? Dawn had to admit, she was curious what it could be…


The stadium was dark when she arrived, just like she’d expected. Everything was prepared for the contest tomorrow – the stage was prepped, the floors swept, the chairs out. Honestly, getting in had been even easier than she’d thought. The guards were nowhere in sight. Was this really the kind of security they were using for one of the biggest tournaments in the region? You really couldn’t get the Jennys these days, could you?

Still, it wasn’t as though she could complain. The easier it was to find her sort-of-friend and find out what the hell was going on with them, the better. With any luck, this whole thing could be resolved with a quick conversation, but if not, then at least it wasn’t going to be any more difficult than it had to be.

Now, where was May going to meet her? The stadium was a pretty big place, and she’d assumed she meant the centre stage, but now that she was here, she didn’t see her anywhere…

“Heeey, you finally got here!”

Ah, spoke too soon. Dawn’s eyes had been so busy scanning the stage that she’d completely missed the busty shadow in the judge’s box – until she stood up and announced herself, at least. But there she was, in all her glory. The Princess of Hoenn herself – or, as some commentators had uncharitably started to call her, the Bimbo of Hoenn.

Uncharitable or not, though, Dawn couldn’t deny it sounded accurate, especially now that she was seeing the woman in the flesh for the first time since her… style shift. May had traded her red bandana and jacket in for a pink set – and judging by how badly her jacket seemed to be straining to contain her, even at half-zip, an ill fitting set, at that. It would explain the shortness of her black skirt, too. But then, the whole look came off as so… so…

Tch. There was no getting around it. The outfit looked so incredibly slutty that there was no way it could be an accident. Coupled with her sudden boost in boobs and butt, and yeah, no, the whole thing screamed ‘bimbo’ to the high heavens.

And judging by the way May moved in it as she skipped over, shaking her ass with every step and deliberately encouraging a little ‘jiggle’ in her chest with each bounce… Yeah, she had to know exactly what she was doing. She just had to.

“May?” Dawn had to gawp at what she was seeing. The pictures and interviews just hadn’t prepared her for this. This woman had been one of her mentors, in a sense at least. To see her acting like this… “What the hell are you doing?”

“Saying hi to one of my besties, of course~” The brunette giggled, coming to a halt in front of Dawn, just close enough to lean forward and plant a quick kiss on her cheek. “Like, how’ve you been, Dawnie? Still styling it up?”

Dawn frowned, reaching up to rub the kiss mark. It tingled against her skin.

“That’s not what I mean,” she said, shaking her head and glaring. “I mean what’s going on with you? This… This pink and bouncy thing isn’t you!”

“Oh but it totally is!” May clapped. “It’s so super fun, you’ve got, like, no idea~ Ever since I joined Team Pink I’ve had, like, the bestest best time ever!”

The frown lines on Dawns brow grew deeper. Her eyes flicked to the pink ‘P’ necklace resting in the other woman’s cleavage. “Team Pink? Who’s Team Pink? Is that some new sponsor of yours or something?”

“Oh gosh, I knew you were smart, Dawnie.” The bimbo giggled proudly. “That’s, like, totally it! They’re my sponsors! They gave me these hot new clothes and, like, this killer new style, and now I’m just, y’know, slamming every contest~”

The bluehaired coordinator snorted. “Oh yeah right. There’s no way you’re winning any respectable contests dressed like that.”

If May took that as an insult, she didn’t show it. She just smiled and preened. “Oh I totally am though! See all my ribbons?”

She pulled out a ribbon case from her purse, cracking it open to show off dozens of colourful marks of certified contest success – all gained in the last few months.

Dawn’s jaw dropped. “What the- No way!”

“Yes way!” May flipped her hair back as she slid the case away again. “Heehee, it’s super easy. I just get up on stage with my Pokémon and flash my tits while they do their thing, and the contest’s as good as mine!”

There were no words. “What.” Except that one.

“And if that’s not enough, they always boost my numbers if I spent a little time, like, on my knees under the judge’s table~” The bimbo sighed happily at the thought, before flashing a smile, a finger pressing against her cheek. “Or on my back in the dressing room…”

This was too much. “Tha- Wait, that’s-”

“It’s awesome, I know.”

“It’s cheating!” Dawn stomped her foot, growling at the sheer insult to her calling that her friend had become. “Bribery, fraud, whatever, absolutely unacceptable! What the hell happened to you, May? You’d never do this kind of thing!”

But May just rolled her eyes. “Tch, c’mon Dawnie, don’t be a prude just ‘cus you’re jelly of my super awesome contest skills.”

“J-J-Jelly?!?” The blunette’s rage was overcome by embarrassed shock. “I don’t- Why would I ever-?!”

And her rival was loving every minute of it. “Because we totally know who’s really the best coordinator between the two of us, y’know~”

That did it. Right back to rage it was. “… Oh it is on. I am going to crush you and your plastic tits into the goddamn ground at tomorrow’s contest.” There was no trace of concern in her voice, no wonder about what had changed to make her friend like this. Only the promise of utter annihilation.

Of course, May didn’t seem too concerned. “Well, like, A: They’re not plastic, these girls are, y’know, totally natural! And Two: Why wait? We can totally settle this here and now.”

Dawn blinked. “What, here?” She looked around the stadium. It wasn’t a bad place for it, but… “But we don’t have any judges.”

“Sure we do!” The brunette winked. “You can judge. And I’ll like, show you exactly why I’m the best coordinator around, and you- well, you’re really more of a cheerleader, Dawnie~”

“Oh yeah?” Fine then! “Well this cheerleader is going to K-I-C-K your fat ass off this stage two days straight!”

The two women smirked at each other. Neither was willing to back down, and neither thought they could lose. One was bullheaded, the other was simply an airhead. In the end, it didn’t matter – the fight was on.

And this would be a weird one, Dawn knew. Normally coordinators dressed up along with their Pokémon as part of the performance, but here she was out in her casual outfit – dark tank top, pink skirt, white beanie… Look, she’d found her look and gotten comfortable with it a long time ago, and hadn’t seen any reason to change it, thank you. But she had to admit, there was a reason she got changed for contests normally.

Still, she was pretty confident that even her casual style could beat this lesson in lewdness that May had become – and hopefully she could do so hard enough to snap her former friend out of whatever madness had consumed her. Hell, this’d even make a nice warm up for the real contest tomorrow. Who should she bring out for this? Piplup? Togekiss?

“How about I go first?” May interrupted her train of thought confidently. “Once you see my style, you’ll give up on the spot!”

“Ha. Go ahead!” Dawn gave her a fierce grin, utterly unafraid. “Let’s see what you’ve got. That’ll make it all the sweeter when I blow it all away!”

“Oh, you’ll be blowin’ somethin’ alright,” May giggled to herself. Then, with a proud flourish, she pulled a Pokéball out of her cleavage and threw it forward. “I choose you – Oricorio!”

An Oricorio? Dawn blinked. She had, of course, done her research on her fellow coordinators, and she was pretty sure she’d never heard of May using an Oricorio before. But that was definitely what appeared, materialising out of red light in front of her.  A bird Pokémon with big tufts at the end of her wings – the reason that this form was known as ‘pom-pom style’. That was strange though – she’d heard that pom-pom Oricorios were yellow… Yet, this one was definitely pink. Kind of a running theme with the new May, huh?

“Alright, Ori, you know what to do!” The bimbo trainer pointed proudly. “Use Revelation Dance and show Dawnie just, like, why Team Pink is the best!”

“Oricorio!” The pink pom-pom laden bird gave a cheerful wave of her wings. Then, without delay, it hopped into the centre of the stage, and began to dance. Dawn couldn’t help but smile as it went, even if she was still fuming at the poor Pokémon’s owner. It was pretty adorable, and its movements were well rehearsed. Although…

Although this didn’t look like Revelation Dance, now that she looked closer. Had May and her Pokémon come up with their own variation on the move? That wouldn’t be unusual for a coordinator, but… heh. It was still a rookie mistake to make, especially for a veteran like May. Pokémon contests were all about emphasising the Pokémon themselves, not their special moves!

And yet…

Okay, as mad as she was? She had to admit this was pretty impressive. It wasn’t a normal Revelation Dance, true, but with the way that Oricorio waved her arms and kicked her legs, and the way she was singing, practically chanting as she went…

“Oricorio, Ori, Orico co rio…!”

It really did look good. In fact, it almost looked like she was doing a cheerleading routine, especially as she started adding jumps and flips in…

“Ori Ori Co Co, Ori Ori Co Co!”

In fact, the longer she watched and listened, the more everything else seemed to fade away. The dark stadium, her smirking rival, everything else vanishing from her awareness, allowing her to focus on this beautiful dance. And the more she focused, the more it all made sense to her. The movements, the chants, it all seemed to flow together, creating an almost hypnotic spectacle that she couldn’t look away from.

Hell, if she really concentrated, it was almost like she could hear words…

“Woo Woo Hey Hey
Listen close don’t look away
Hearing what I’ve got to say
Gunna change your life today!”

Dawn chuckled as she started to relax a little, her shoulders losing some of their stiffness. Suddenly the stress of her infuriating encounter with May seemed like a distant memory. This was fun. This was energising! Honestly, she even found herself clapping along, enjoying the way the pink Pokémon showed off.

“Pay attention look right here
The day of PINK is drawing near
Forget your worry no need to fear
We’re cheering at our highest gear!”

“Hehey, yeah!” The blunette found herself upgrading to full on giggling as she enjoyed the show. Hell, she could swear she could hear singing as Oricorio cheered and danced, though she had no idea where it was coming from. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the pink Pokémon to check – she didn’t want to miss a moment of this!

And though she wasn’t really aware of it, the rest of her body was getting into the spirit as well. Slowly, her foot started to tap along with the beat, her hands clapping in time with the cheers – and then she was bopping her head along, nodding with the tune. Then, before she knew it, she was starting to raise her arms and kick her legs, just like the bird in front of her, mimicking her cheerleading motions without noticing she was doing it.

But her participation was noted, judging by the next cheer.

“That’s the spirit, looking great
Feel the love reject the hate
Happy girl’s our greatest trait,
Now to that ass let’s add some weight!”

Dawn blinked. Wait, what? What was that last- “OOOH!”

She found herself squealing as she felt a sudden surge of heat between her hips, her behind suddenly expanding out under her skirt until her cheeks were the size of bowling balls, just barely covered by strained pink fabric. The sensation of it was fast and furious, pleasure rushing through her from her ass as it grew, nearly knocking her off her feet as her brain was rocked by the intense rush.

There was no hiding the heated, confused moans as the cheer continued.

“That’s just right it’s such a gimme
Give your butt some righteous shimmy
Show them our cheer will just not stymie
We like curves fat not set to mini!”

“Wha… What happened…?” Dawn asked, her voice quietly slurred and her head in a daze. Now that the sudden burst of pleasure was over, she could feel the extra weight swinging on her hips every time she shimmied… But, wait, why was she shimmying? Why was her body swaying her booty back and forth on auto pilot? What was going on?

Slowly at first, the with fast, dawning realisation, the top contender became aware of what she was doing – of how she was mimicking the cheerleader dance in front of her… And that she couldn’t stop. She tried, oh, she definitely tried, but her arms and legs just wouldn’t listen to her. Even when she tried to grab her ass – both to stop its swing, and to feel for herself if her expansion was real – her hands just stayed waving up in the air instead. “What the hell?!”

“Go go girl you’ve got this made!
Cheer and shout, show off your trade!
That perky bounce will never fade!
Let out a happy serenade!”

“Ahhh…” Dawn gasped, her head spinning. She couldn’t look away from Oricorio – she couldn’t even glance down to see if what she was feeling was real. But now a new feeling was blooming in her chest – one that compelled her to open her mouth, and, in a chirpy, cheerful voice, sing out:

“What’s going on? I can’t break free!
This freaky show’s doing something to me!
Stop this right now, and leave me be!
Or I’ll mess you up, just wait and see!”

There was a giggle and a cheer from… somewhere, she couldn’t look away to see, but no sign of the strange force that had taken control of her letting up. Dawn’s cheeks turned red in embarrassment, and her efforts to stop dancing redoubled. She had to find a way out of this, now!

But even as she tried, the chanting in her head continued.

“And now the cheer is at its best
Let’s get sorted with the rest
Time to add some jiggly zest
Feel the power in your chest!”

In her chest? It- It couldn’t mean…

Dawn’s eyes widened a moment before that baffling, wonderful sensation hit her again – this time blossoming entirely within her breasts. Beneath her top her nipples stiffened as the tits beneath them filled with lustful heat – and then, like anything filled with such powerful warmth, began to expand.

“Feel them swell and watch them grow
Totally the best part of the show!
Big boobs are great, we know you know
Now upstairs will match below~”

The blunette’s voice hitched as her tank top pushed out, strained, and then swiftly started to rip down the middle, the chest inside it swelling up with such speed and force that it simply had no choice but to tear under the pressure. A high, unrestrained and unhindered moan spilled from her lips as her eyes rolled up in her head, the sheer pleasure of her chest growing out rendering her thoughts null and void.

By the time the verse was done, two boobs, each as big as her head, jiggled proudly on her chest, bouncing along with the rhythm – and each quake sent another shockwave of pleasure rushing up her spine. It left her gasping for air, her chest heaving as she pulled breath into her lungs (which didn’t help), and left her wondering in frantic desperation what else this stupid show could possibly do to her.

She didn’t have to wait long to find out.

“So now you’re pretty, now you bounce
As a cheerleader you’ve got the flounce
You know you’ve got it where it counts
So now a change we will announce.”

Dawn groaned; her head too addled by how good this all felt to puzzle through all of this. She needed to resist; she knew that much – but what was she even resisting? The image of the dancing Oricorio pounded into her mind, its movements making it so hard to focus on anything else, and the pleasure rushing through her body kept interrupting her attempts to marshal her mind. It was so distracting…

“What you need isn’t thighs or tits
For a slut your figure fits
Except your now excessive wits
So let’s just pop that brain to bits!”

“Huh-Oh!” Dawn’s eyes opened wide as that pleasant heat she’d felt in her hips and chest suddenly blossomed again – this time inside her head. She felt her thoughts start to bubble and pop, each small sensation sending an explosion of incredible delight rocking through her brain from the inside.

It was an impossible feeling, one she didn’t have a hope of stopping. In a matter of moments, all of her thoughts had ground to a halt, a trickle of drool already starting to make its way from the corner of her lip…

“Feel a tingle, your head goes numb
Mind of syrup you’re turning dumb.
Now your thoughts you’ll overcome
Squirt them out, it’s time to CUM!”

A slick, stupid smile was growing on the blunette’s face as her eyes steadily picked up a vapid glaze – but it was the last line of the chant that really hit her. It struck in through both ears, squishing up what little of her mind was left and sending it shooting downwards, pleasure and delight all rushing through her body until she had no choice-


-But to cum harder than she ever had in her life – her former intellect and wit squirting out of her and onto the stadium floor, leaving nothing but a busty, booty blessed, brainless bimbo in her place.

Now, there was no resistance. She gave herself in to the cheer completely, her hips shaking, tits jiggling, a mindless smile on her face as she started to sing the lyrics of the next verse on her own, the words filling her head.

“Feeling stupid? That’s okay!
I’m pretty dumb so I’ll obey
Listen and watch to what they  say
Team Pink will fuck my cares away~”

Yeah! This was great! Dawn giggled and moaned as her hollow head filled with new thoughts and sensations – either about cheering and strutting her stuff, or about using her new bimbo body to fuck and suck through any situation imaginable. And at the heart of it all, a new thought built itself in at her foundation. A new loyalty ran through the core of her bimbofied soul. A new master that she’d love and obey forever and ever.

The chant brought it home.

Oricorio curled her arms in the air. “Gimme a P!”

Dawn jumped on the spot proudly, her voice loud and true. “P!”

The Pokemon stuck her poms out over her head. “Gimme an I!”

The bimbo didn’t hesitate. “I!”

The bird did a flip. “Gimme an N!”

Dawn mimicked the motion, landing in the splits and shredding what was left of her skirt. “N!”

For the finale, Oricorio stuck its poms up and down in front of her. “Gimme a K!”

And the blunette tried to do the same with her legs – creating a much lewder view. “K!”

“What does it spell?”

“Team PINK!” Dawn cheered, letting everything seal into place with her cry. “TEAM PINK! TEAM PINK! TEAM PINK! YEEEAH!”

And so, at last, the cheerleading chant ended, and the hypnotic force that had taken control of her lifted – not that she really noticed anymore. She simply sat there on the stage, giggling brainlessly, and wondering where the nearest cock was. She was, like, so super horny right now, y’know?

The woman who had first entered the stadium had vanished. Gone was the intelligent, insightful, if perhaps a touch overconfident and stubborn woman. In her place was a brainless babe, proud of her bigass booty, her gigantic tits, and little else.

And it wasn’t until someone spoke that she snapped out of her fuck focused daydream.

“See?” May giggled, leaning over the new bimbo with a smirk – clearly content in her victory. “Didn’t I say you were, like, better as a cheerleader than a contest winner?”

“Huh?” Dawn put a finger to her lips, sucking on it gently as she tried to think. It helped a bit, but she definitely wanted something bigger and firmer in her mouth. “I, like, totally don’t remember!”

If the brunette minded her friend’s sudden bout of brainlessness, it didn’t show. “Well I totally did! But don’t worry! I came prepared~”

She reached into her bag, and pulled out a bundle of fabric, eagerly handing it over to the new bimbo. Dawn took it with a confused frown, which lit up in delight as the cloth unfolded in her hands. “Ohmigod! You’re, like, totally the best!”

“I know,” May agreed, still super smug as she watched her friend quickly kick off her torn clothes – the last remnants of her old life – and don the clothing she’d provided. A new cheerleading uniform, based on a design that Dawn had worn herself a few times.

Though, this one was a bit more revealing than her old set. The pink and white top now sported a neckline that cut so low, only the pressure of her massive boobs was keeping it from falling down her shoulders, and the blue stripe in the middle had been replaced by a large pink ‘P’ symbol – just the same as the one May wore around her neck. The bottom of it had also been cut back, so her toned belly was completely exposed. Her skirt was short enough to show the bottom half of her massive ass, even when she wasn’t bouncing around and causing it to flip up – and of course, there were no panties in sight.

The perfect uniform for a bimbo cheerleader. Dawn wore it proudly as she got to her feet, new pompoms in hand, and leaned in to give her bestie a passionate kiss. “Aww, thanks Maymay~ You’re, like, totally the best.”

May grinned and returned the favour, grinning as she wrapped an arm around her friend’s shoulders, and the pair began to walk away. “Any time, Dawnie!”

The two giggled and groped one another as they vanished off into the shadows. And then, just before they reached the exit, Dawn’s voice filled the air once more.

“So, like, who won the contest?”

“Huh? Oh, deffo me. I super won.”

“Wha? Like, nuh-uh!” A bimbo she may have become, but perhaps Dawn was still just a touch competitive.

“I totally did!” And May wasn’t much different.

“Well, I totally want a do-oever”

“Another contest?” May tilted her head.

“What? Ew, no. Contests are, like, super boring.” Dawn shook her head. “Let’s do something fun, instead! Like, see who can suck the most cocks or something!”

“Oh!” The brunette bimbo’s eyes lit up. “Yeah! I’ll totally beat you at that too!”



The two continued to bicker all the way out of the stadium – and would continue to do so! At least, until they found a better use for their mouths.

Team Pink had acquired a powerful new recruit – a proudly brainless babe who would soon show just great the new group were, to tame such a wild beauty. The legacy of the Team would soon spread over the region…

As long as the Team could endure her newfound lusts, that is.


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