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Hi folks.

Well, I really hoped to have better news, but that 'bug' I mentioned last week grew into proper bedridden sickness for multiple days. Very unpleasant, and unfortunately very distracting when it came to writing. I'm going to have to push the shorts back by a week, at minimum. Apologies, I hate to delay, but it's kind of unavoidable when I get sick.

I might have to take an extra month off to catch back up on this one, we'll see (if I do, obviously it'll be at no charge to you guys). I'll be taking January off either way, since that's how my three month schedule works!

In the meantime, please enjoy a MCTF fic I was asked to write with a little art from Zarvex3! I hope you enjoy.


(Contains bimbofication and dragon TF)

“How curious…” Ishizu muttered, her voice the first thing to disturb the dusty air in centuries. “What could the purpose of this place have been…?”

Lost for years beneath the Egyptian sands, until the Archologist/Tomb Keeper had managed to unearth it, the ancient ruin appeared to be a temple of some kind. Certainly, it had been important – a massive structure made of stone that had survived for millennia after the civilization which created it had fallen.

Indeed, the interior was in shockingly good condition – so good, in fact, that as soon as they’d breached the doors, Ishizu had sent the rest of her team back to the surface, lest they accidentally activate a trap or curse that still functioned. As an expert in these kinds of ruins, the only person that she trusted to navigate this place was herself. She’d allow the others access once she’d confirmed that the ruin was safe – and that it didn’t contain anything that the world was not ready to see.

Her duty as a Tomb Keeper and as a bearer of a Millennium item may have been over, but some vows were life-long.

And there was a definite risk of dark magic in these halls. This temple had been constructed during the reign of the ancient pharaohs, when such things had been all too common. Shadow Games, Duel Monsters, the Millennium items themselves, all of it stemmed from those times. And it had been records of that era that had first led her to this place, through oblique hints and hidden references to a ‘Forbidden Temple’.

Naturally, as an archologist she couldn’t just leave the records of the past to be forgotten. But she couldn’t help but wonder – just what had been so forbidden about this place…?

The question was never far from her mind as she descended deeper into the shadows, the world growing darker around her with every footstep, blackness cast back only by the light of her torch. She trod the once sacred ground carefully, checking frequently for traps, or signs of foul magic, but found none. Still, she felt no safer as she pushed further into the ruins.

Eventually, the corridor she made her way through widened into a massive room, the floor beneath her feet transforming into smooth, carved stone. Now, her torchlight barely illuminated anything. Fading into the darkness a few feet away – revealing a set of steps upwards. The room must have been very big indeed to swallow the light so. What had she found here?

Cautiously, she continued forward, climbing the steps with slow trepidation. They led up, and soon, around, leading in a spiralling circle around some tall stone spire. A central altar, perhaps? The only way to find out was to climb. With every step, that troubling feeling tingling down the back of her spine grew and grew, but she pushed on regardless. She had to know what this place was.

Finally, the steps came to an end, and the spire plateaued. She had reached a large, round platform – at the center of which was a unlit brazier. Even from a distance, Ishizu could smell the scent of oil. It seemed clear what she was supposed to do. Stepping closer, she pulled out a lighter, and dropped it in.

Immediately, flames burst upwards, towering over her – and casting light over the entire room, revealing the chamber in full. And that was when Ishizu got her first glimpse of the gigantic statue that dominated it all.

It was a massive thing, carved of the smoothest stone, somehow untouched by the passage of the years. It depicted a figure, feminine in nature, with legs stretching all the way down to the floor, and a curvy body resting on top of them. At the Archaeologist’s current level, the statue’s bust was almost directly in front of her, with its head towering over her like an ancient beast considering its prey. A disconcerting view indeed.

But what a find it was! Ishizu had never seen anything like it before. The statue seemed to be of a woman, wrapped in some kind of ceremonial cord – perhaps a whip? It was coiled around her, cast out of glittering gold, and her sharp eyes thought they could detect the faintest sign of a scale-like pattern. What really drew her eye was the woman being bound, though. Or… Was it a woman? They were certainly shaped like one – the breasts, fully exposed and big even by the giant’s own standards, were hard to mistake – but…

… Well, the wings were a little out of place. As were the solid gold scales lining the figure’s body, like plate armour but part of her actual body. And then there was the statue’s face, where Ishizu thought she could see a beak. Actually, the shape of it all was starting to ring a bell. Could it be…?

“The Winged Dragon of Ra?” Her words were a whisper – but they rang through the chamber all the same. And it was hard to deny the resemblance. The statue appeared to be a busty, female version of the infamous god card, right down to its ruby eyes. “But why would this be here? And in such a form…?”

It was impossible to deny that the statue was something special. She’d never seen something so well preserved from those days – at least, not without magical protections being involved. But more than that, the idol had been carved in so much detail, as if the sculptors had been working with a real life model! There were artistic techniques in evidence here that the Archaeologist had never seen before – she couldn’t help but study it.

… And as she did, she failed to notice the platform beneath her feet starting to glow, with intricate magical circles taking shape directly beneath her…

No, her attention was far too taken with the piece in front of her. The feet, for instance – now that the light was shining so bright, she could see the detail that had been included in them even from up here. And that was all the more impressive, considering how big the statue was. Normally, stone carvers tried to avoid being too intricate with the base of a monument, lest they weaken the structure and cause the whole thing to crumble under its own weight. But here she could clearly see the clawed arch of the statue’s feet, the detailing on its scales and the sharpness of its talons. A worthy tribute to the god.

Ishizu wondered what tricks these ancient artists had used to so perfectly capture the look, and to create the statue itself – and as she did, her preoccupied mind saw no reason to pay the odd tingling feeling in her feet any notice. No, she simply studied the fascinating artifact with her hand upon her chin, curious eyes taking in every detail of ankle and claw, as her solid trekking shoes bulged, and then burst, revealing a pair of clawed dragon feet of her own. Somehow, her toes had been replaced by sharp, slicing talons that carved through the soles of her shoes, and her heels had risen into a permanent tip-toed stance, though her balanced didn’t waver even slightly.

The magic circles beneath her pulsed, and continued to glow.

The Archaeologist ignored all that, aside from a slight huff of annoyance at the discomfort beneath her ankles. Shoes never lasted long these days. Absently, her stance shifted, and she kicked a shredded slice of leather aside, completely missing the way her talons clacked against the smooth stone. She had much more important things to concern herself with.

Like those legs! Now those were an interesting insight into the sculptor’s mindset. They were long, smooth, and amusingly thick. Ishizu couldn’t help but chuckle and shake her head. Men’s tastes never changed, even across the passage of thousands of years. Even the scales conveyed an image of supple softness that no real woman could ever hope to match, she was sure.

But the only reason she was sure, of course, was because she still had not looked down at herself when the tingling in her feet rose to her knees, and then to her thighs. If she had, she would have seen her startling transformation continuing to roll through her. Her legs, growing longer, adding inches to her height, while her skin grew soft, smooth scales, and her thighs began to plump. Even her stance was forced to change, shifting into a hip-cocked lean, as her new muscle structure demanded a more comfortable position. If the woman had walked forward, she’dve found her stride quite different from what she was used to – her new developments forcing every step a slutty, hip shaking strut, no matter her personal desires.

She wasn’t going anywhere, though, because now her eyes had risen to the statue’s hips – and, ha! Yes, if anything spoke of the sculptor’s intentions, it was that gigantic ass! Really now, was there any way to mistake this statue as anything but some kind of fertility idol? By today’s standards it was utterly pornographic, and she wasn’t sure it was much different back then, either. Was the reason this temple was forbidden because it was where they kept all the porn?

No, that couldn’t be it. Still, a behind that massive was an impressive feat of architecture. It didn’t look affected by the weight in the least, despite the fact that it must have been incredibly heavy. Perhaps the tail acted as a counterweight of some sort? She could see it snaking out from behind the statue, cast in gold and weaving through the air. It too was an impressive design – perhaps it served more purpose than simple decoration.

“Hmm…” The former Tomb Keeper studied it all intently. “Could they have really considered such a… What’s the word? Bodacious? Such a bodacious behind attractive?” … She paused and shook her head. “I must have spent far too much time around the Pharaoh’s friends if I’m using such language. Still, it’s an interesting feature for them to have put so much work into it… Ah, was that a draft?”

Her eyes narrowed as she looked to the side, trying to work out the strange breeze she’d just felt. But no, nothing now. Perhaps she’d imagined it?

Certainly, it made more sense to her that she must have made it up, rather than the truth – which was that her own behind had just received an upgrade in ‘bodaciousness’. Indeed, the transformation had continued to roll up, and had now reached her hips proper, which swelled up quickly to two – no, to three times their original size, absolutely shredding her dress as her cheeks expanded, and leaving her once practical, now hopelessly stretched white panties clinging on for dear life, converted into a G-string in an instant. For a moment they managed, flossing between her gigantic jiggly cushions with desperate, bouncy determination…

And then a tail sprouted from the base of her spine, pushing through the stretched elastic and snapping them completely, carrying the torn fabric off on its tip as it grew out behind her. They waved in the air like the flag of the defeated.

Ishizu still remained completely oblivious to the transformation of her lower half, though – with her attention now occupied by the odd design she’d just noticed under the statue’s naval – where her hypothetical womb would be. A mark of some kind – perhaps writing? But not in any script she was familiar with, though she’d seen similar before. What was it supposed to say? Something about… fertility? Fealty? She wasn’t sure. Certainly, she’d have to take a copy with her when she left to look for a translation.

That would be easy, of course – as a similar brand was currently inscribing itself on her own flesh in glowing pink light. Though she may have struggled to find a source that would help her translate ‘Obedient Fuckhole’.

Still, the puzzle of it all kept her from noticing the way her waist was sinching in, large, thick scales climbing up her belly as she was shaped into an incredibly bottom-heavy hourglass, designed for sex appeal and little more – much like her opinion of the statue. But such a puzzle wouldn’t hold her for long, not when the next point of interest was so… captivating.

“And of course, we have these.” Ishizu sighed, lifting her gaze, and then lifting it some more so that she could appreciate the full scope of the statue’s incredible bust. “I have no idea how they managed to make them so big. Big bouncy bimbo boobs like this practically defy gravity.” This time her unusual language went by without notice. Unconsciously, she found herself stretching, folding her arms behind her head and pushing her spine forward to try to dislodge an uncomfortable feeling in her back. Perhaps she’d been standing still for too long. “No milf milkers like these could ever… Mmm… Ah, that’s better…”

Of course, the Archaeologist was just stretching! She certainly wasn’t pushing her tits out like a whore looking for an eager john, perish the thought! Even though the motions certainly looked similar enough…

Her tits didn’t really need the help, though. Already, they were starting to grow, the change having reached them as well. All Ishizu’s little ‘stretch’ did was put her top out of its misery, the fabric tearing straight through as she thrust her chest out, the last of her clothes, sans her shawl and bra, fluttering from her shoulders and leaving her body bare.

The bra, a black, lacy number that’s owner hadn’t really planned on showing it off today, fared better, working with all its might to contain the swelling balloons contained in its cups, even as they grew to more than twice the size of said owner’s head.

“Hm. Did it, like, get warmer in here or something…?” She muttered, not noticing the slick, sweaty sheen her body was starting to take on, making her new scales glint and glisten.

Soon Ishizu’s tits were bulging around the restraining fabric on all sides, developing a shiny scaled sheen all the while…

Then she flexed her back again, and solid, scaled wings burst out of her shoulder blades, snapping through the clasp and sending the undergarment flying off into the shadows, never to be seen again – leaving her bountiful scaled breasts, now three times the size of her head, bouncing merrily on her chest. There were even small rivulets of milk starting to leak from her hardened nipples for a moment – before a pair of golden ankh shaped nipple piercings clamped themselves into place, sealing her up, and sending a massive spike of pleasure straight into her brain.

That nearly roused the oblivious archaeologist from her stupor, her eyes crossing and teeth gritting for a moment as it buzzed through her skull. But she was nearly done with her study. Just one more place to look…

Unable to break away from what may have been a magically captivating examination, Ishizu instead looked up… And up… And up…

Not realising as her neck grew longer and longer, her shoulders developing thick, pointed plates…

Not realising as her body rose up onto tip-toes, straining upwards, and began to stiffen…

Not realising as the circles beneath her feet glowed once again, starting to rise up into the air, coiling around her body in the form of a long, golden snake – her flesh shimmering and turning to solid gold beneath its touch…

No, she didn’t realise any of that, as she finally rose her gaze to meet the statue’s ruby red eyes, and saw clearly the stupid, slutty smile engraved on its golden face. Saw the snake squeezed tight around its neck, binding and owning it.

And what she did realise, as she was finally confronted with the full glory of the sculpture before her, and as the transformation finally climbed her neck and began to sink into her brain, was the true purpose of this statue. Of this room. Of this entire temple. Yes, of course! It was all so clear now. It was so obvious.

Yes, it had to be that the purpose of this Forbidden Temple was simply to house the secret harem of the pharaohs, shaped by the Egyptian gods themselves to serve their masters with servile delight and slavish obedience. How simple it was, now that she looked~

And that meant…

That meant…

A stupid, slutty smile, a mirror of the one on the statue’s lips, crossed Ishizu’s face as her brain bubbled. Yes, that meant that she was a brain dead, snake squeezed dumbass dragon milf slave too, of course! What else could she possibly-

The snake, coiled tight around her legs, her hips, and her bust, finally reached her neck, wrapping around tight and squeezing as she stared into the statue’s stupid eyes.



With a final, clear ringing sound as her brain snapped just like her panties and bra, Ishizu’s face popped into shape – her mouth pushing out into a shining beak, developing a thick coating of slutty pink lipstick as her eyes turning pure ruby red, a complete copy of the statue’s – just as whatever was left of her thoughts squirted out between her legs, a mind melting orgasm blasting through her body and clenching her thighs.

And then there was a bright flash of light.

Once it cleared, there was no trace of Ishizu Ishtar anywhere to be seen – just two stupid, slutty, golden statues, wrapped in snake coils, eagerly showing off their impossibly curvy forms. The only difference between them one of height. In every other respect, the two were identical – save, perhaps, for the juices still dripping down the inside of the smaller statue’s powerfully thick thighs.

But, that wasn’t quite the end. After all, the Forbidden Temple’s purpose wasn’t to create statues – or, not just statues, anyway. It had a rather fine one already. No, the former Ishizu would serve a similar, just as pleasing, purpose…

The snake wrapped around her continued to move, slowly wrapping up and around her golden frame, lifting its coils over her beak and around her hair, until it reached her open, undefended ear. There, it slithered down, and slipped inside, sliding straight into the hollow cavern that was her head.

Her ruby red eyes glittered.

Knowledge poured into her empty mind. Rules and customs of an ancient era, now living once more through her. Horny, slutty, obedient things that a loyal harem milf dragon slut couldn’t do without. How to serve, and how to suck. How to strut her stuff, and how to present her body to her master. All sort of useful things.

Anything else that might have been left in there was erased, of course. A slutty dragon slave didn’t need to know anything about archaeology, or modern politics, or have a name like ‘Ishizu’. ‘Slave’ would do perfectly fine from now on~ After all, she was just a harem slut. A busty, big booty, brainless, bint, good for shaking her fat ass, jiggling her jumbo jugs, and fucking like there was no tomorrow!

A giggle broke through her golden lips as the snake shimmered and dissolved, its job done. A golden clawed hand reached down between still slick thighs. The ankhs shook and jiggled, as golden wings preened.

“Mmm…” The winged slut of Ra sighed with delight. “I hope Master doesn’t keep me waiting too long. I can’t wait to show him how well I can please him~”

If he took too long, she’d have to go and find him herself, of course. How hard could that be?

But before she did that, she could sense some unworthy souls clustered near the entrance to her forbidden temple. She’d have to deal with them first. Of course, she could deal with them easily enough with a small fraction of the power of Ra that now coursed through her veins.

… Though, if any of them looked cute, she might drag them back before the Idol, and see if it found them worthy of joining her in slutdom. Then they could please the pharaoh twice as much!

Ooohh, she just couldn’t wait! But first, she needed to jill off herself – just for a few hours. She needed to make sure she was in tip top slut shape for when her Master arrived. Don’t worry, she’d only cum her brains out, like, four or five times – and that wouldn’t take long at all with brains as small as hers~!


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