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Hey folks, hope all is well out there.

I'm working away at the short requests - though I seem to have picked up some kind of winter bug, so they may be delayed a little. Apologies if so, but I'll try to get them done in time.

But for this week, here, enjoy a tale of Raven and Starfire learning how not to think, and just obey!


It was supposed to be a typical raid. Get in, disrupt the villain’s plans, blow up their stuff, and arrest the guy behind it all (as long as he didn’t get away in the confusion). Totally normal, totally uniform, the same as all the others. Raven and Starfire were veteran superheroes at this point, proud members of the Teen Titans, famed heroes the world over. They weren’t expecting any trouble.

In this case, the villain in question was a new player on the block. He called himself the Minion Master, and with a name like that how was anyone supposed to take him seriously as a threat? When the heroic duo had discovered a lead on his hideout while investigating a few disappearances in Jump City, of course they’d chased it right down, with little more than a quick message back to Titans Tower to let the others know they’d be late getting home.

A minor villain was little more than a good excuse for a workout for these two, after all. There was no need to call for backup or anything. What could possibly go wrong?

Things had not gone to plan.


“Ngh…” Raven groaned, blinking herself awake. Her head was pounding. What had happened? The last thing she remembered was busting into Minion Master’s base, and then there had been this big white flash…

… And now she was here. Where was here?

Sitting up – and stubbornly refusing to allow a headache to form – she looked around. Wherever she was, it wasn’t very big. A four walled room with a glowing white aesthetic – every surface was smooth, glowing plastic – just tall enough for her to stand up in, and just wide enough for her to lay down in. After a few moments to get her bearings, it was pretty obvious where she was.

“A cell,” she muttered, trying not to sigh. How embarrassing. Had she actually been captured by this weirdo? If word got out she’d never live it down. She’d be teased until her dying day. Nope, she was busting out of this place, no question about it. And she’d be bringing Starfire with her – as long as her friend agreed to never speak of this to anyone, ever.

Where was Starfire, anyway? She wasn’t in this cell – but then, that was to be expected. This was clearly a one-person containment unit. Two people wouldn’t really fit. The alien princess was probably nearby, in a cell very much like this one, because whoever this Minion Master guy was, he clearly thought this sort of setup was enough to contain a super hero.

Black energy curled around Raven’s fist. Time to see if he was right.

“Azarath… Metrion…” Words she’d spoken more times than she could count spilled from her lips, power gathering around her, before… “Zinthos!” Darkness blasted forwards towards a wall of the cell, focusing on a single point. The plastic it was made of was tough – but not tough enough to resist her magic. With an almighty crack and a cloud of smoke, the wall burst open, allowing the caged Titan to escape.

Slipping out, Raven found herself standing in a long corridor, stretching off into the distance to her left and to her right. Along the walls in both directions, she could see endless doubles of the cell she had just broken out of. It seemed he had a lot of them down here.

“This must be where he’s keeping all the women he kidnapped,” Raven muttered, appreciating for the first time how big this lair really was. “And he’s probably got Starfire in one of them. But how am I supposed to find her among all of these…?”

It was a good question – and fortunately, it got a good answer when, a few seconds later, one of the cells about sixteen pods down the way from where Raven had broken out suddenly shone bright green, and then exploded. A moment later…

“Friend Raven!” A familiar tamaranian princess was flying over to her, relief writ large on her face. “I was so worried. You are unharmed? They didn’t hurt you, I hope!”

“I’m find, Star,” Raven let out a relieved sigh of her own, even if she kept it on the small side. “I just woke up a minute ago and broke out. How about you?”

“The very same.” The alien nodded. “Do you know what happened? I remember a white light, and then waking up here. It was the most disorientating…”

The mystic shrugged. “I guess we found out what this guy uses to grab people. Must have been a stun beam or something. We’ll have to watch out for it while we get out of here. Once we work out how to get out of here, at least.”

That was the next question, after all. They’d broken out of their cells, but they were still somewhere in the villain’s lair. The heart of his territory. Doubtless there were tons of tricks and traps between them and the exit. Ugh, this was going to be a pain.

Starfire had a different concern, though. “And all these people…” She looked up and down the corridor at all the cells lining the walls. “I do not think we have the resources with us to rescue this many at once, Friend Raven…”

It was a grudging admission from the heroine, but a true one all the same. There was no way they could free all these people and protect them as they explored this place. As unpleasant as it was to consider…

“… The safest place for them right now is in their cells,” Raven agreed reluctantly. “… We weren’t harmed, and it doesn’t look like there’s anything dangerous in here. Whatever this guy does with these people, it must happen somewhere else. As long as we come back for everyone once we’ve cleared a path… It’s best to leave them here for the moment.”

Starfire bit her lip, but nodded. It was just the facts of the situation. “We will be back as soon as we can.”

The pair shared a look – and then their resolve firmed. “Alright. Then first order of business is finding the way out.”

“And kicking this jerk’s behind on the way!”

“Agreed.” The pair nodded to one another, before hurrying off, both flying down towards the end of the corridor.

But there was one thing that the heroic duo had missed, both when they woke up, and when they’d found each other again. Or rather, two things. Specifically, the thick, golden collars clasped around both of their necks, with small pink flickering lights blinking over their throats. They should have been hard to ignore, and yet both of them had been completely oblivious to their presence, their eyes sliding over them as if there was nothing there.

Probably nothing to worry about. How bad could it possibly be?


Neither hero was feeling quite themselves by the time they found their way out of the prison pen, but they had bigger problems to worry about. Specifically, how much bigger this complex was than they’d first thought. The place was practically a maze of white corridors and smooth, featureless terrain. Navigating it was like trying to solve one of Mad Mod’s puzzles – confusing and generally unpleasant. Just what was this villain trying to do down here?

Whatever it was, it certainly involved a lot of workers. It wasn’t long, once the pair had made their way out into the rest of the lair, before they found a group of what must have been the Minion Master’s minions. Honestly, they’d expected to encounter them sooner – hadn’t their security systems picked up on their jail break? But no one had come to investigate, and there didn’t seem to be any alarms ringing anywhere…

So when the heroes had turned the corner, only to see a squad of purple bodysuit wearing figures marching through a door further down, it was almost a shock. They’d half convinced themselves that the name ‘Minion Master’ was a deliberate attempt at subterfuge. But no, they existed. Once they’d seen them, Raven and Starfire really couldn’t doubt that’s what they were.

Their design was striking. Bulky, muscled figures with large, proud chests, their breasts clearly as big as their heads, if not bigger. There was no mistaking it – their bodysuits were skin tight, and hid absolutely nothing. Despite everything below their necks being covered, the outlines of their body were clearly visible. There was no variation, no differences, even their stride as they walked through the door were exactly the same. And none of this seemed to bother any of them – each woman staring blankly forward with a wide smile on her face, her eyes glowing with purple light.

“I’ve never seen such proportions here on earth,” Star had to whisper, peeking around the corner with a wide green eye. “I didn’t know they grew that big here!”

“It’s… uncommon,” was the only response Raven could give. “Uh. They’re probably just robots or something. There’s no way he found that many mooks that look so similar. And look at how they move – it’s so mechanical…”

“Ah, so his minions are metal drones dressed up as curvy women-folk,” the princess nodded in understanding. Then, after a pause… “So he’s a massive pervert, then.”

“Oh yeah.” Raven nodded, watching the door slide closed as the last of the group marched through it. “I mean, those costumes remove all doubt about that.” She grumbled and pulled her cloak tight around her.

“It takes a certain kind of mind to build your minions that way,” Star agreed with a sigh.

“Yeah, a boy’s.” The mystic rolled her eyes, and then ducked out of cover, flying down the corridor, her friend not far behind. “Let’s see where they were heading. Hopefully they can lead us out of here…”

It was their only lead in this labyrinth of twisting corridors, at this point. Neither hero felt like trying to puzzle out the layout of this strange lair. In fact, in truth, both women felt a strange sense of comfort following along after the group, and not having to think too hard about where they were heading. It wasn’t much, just a slight haze over their thoughts that tangled their thoughts, made it a little unpleasant to puzzle through.

Around their necks, the pink light on their collars continued to flash.


Fortunately, the drones didn’t seem to be all that attentive, not noticing a thing as a pair of flying heroines sneaked after them, zipping behind corners and into doorways whenever one turned around. It wasn’t the stealthiest operation ever conducted – but it served its purpose. At last, the duo emerged into a room that wasn’t another empty corridor, instead stepping into a much larger structure – a warehouse, filled with large crates stacked neatly in rows.

“What do you suspect the purpose of this place is?” Starfire asked from the doorway, leaning around the edge to peer in without being noticed.

Raven was on the other side, eyes flicking left and right to take everything in. There were more drones in here – many, many more. All of them the same kind of uniform big-boobs, big-muscles type they’d seen before. “Not sure. Storage, maybe? A big place like this must need a lot of stuff to keep the lights running.”

“Mm.” The alien nodded in agreement, but there was distraction in her tone that she tried to hide. She squirmed uncomfortably, pulling at her metal collar a little. It wasn’t something she wanted to bring up – there were much more important things going on, after all – but her top was starting to feel awfully tight. Normally her purple hero outfit was nice and flexible, but had she perhaps put the wrong detergent in last laundry day? It felt so stifling, practically squeezing her chest. If it got any worse she thought she might struggle to breathe! And her skirt was feeling much the same.

Yes. She must have washed them wrong. Definitely. The only other thing that could cause such a sensation was her body somehow growing without her noticing – but that was ridiculous!

Still locked around her neck, resting on a much bouncier melon shelf than before, the gold collar quietly beeped. Starfire failed to register the sound.

So, for that matter, did Raven, who’s collar likewise beeped as her own bust swelled up a cup size, straining against her leotard. The grey-skinned mystic had always had better emotional control than her friend, so she had a better handle on ignoring the discomfort in her chest  - yet the noise still just bounced in one ear and out of the other, connecting with nothing in between.

Their busts weren’t the only thing changing, either. Though neither had noticed, their physical strength was also starting to increase. Starfire had always been strong, of course – being an alien had a few perks like that – but now that strength came with muscles, her arms and legs starting to develop and define. And in Raven, who was a mage that spent most of her time meditating, the shift was even more obvious. Her thin arms and smooth legs were practically inflating, as if she’d just spent the past five months in the gym refusing the skip leg day. She was developing a real body-builder’s physique, and the power that came with it – though, naturally, she hadn’t realised the fact.

Instead, both heroes remained entirely focused on their task – finding an escape.

“If they brought all these supplies in, there has to be a way out in here somewhere,” Raven finally managed a bit of critical insight. “If we find it, we can use it to escape!”

“Right!” Star’s eyes lit up as she nodded, eager to let someone else think for her as the fuzz in her head grew thicker with her muscles. “Then we can just… uh…” She paused, licking her lips nervously as she tried to connect her sluggish thoughts. “… Fly out?”

“Yeah…” Raven nodded, her forehead getting a few wrinkles as she pondered their plan. It seemed right, but… Wasn’t it… kinda… simple?

Eh. Simple was a good thing. Meant there was less that could go wrong. Yeah, that sounded right.

Pleased, she nodded to herself – oblivious to the way her boobs bounced and her top almost tore at the motion – before sneaking into the warehouse, with Starfire close behind.

Despite their cunning plan to fly out, both heroes walked, their strides eerily similar to the robotic march of the drones…


Their path out, when they found it, was a cargo elevator. It was a big, clunky thing, practically impossible to use without being spotted by every drone in the building, but by this point the fuzz in the two heroine’s brains was so thick that such a simple observation never occurred to either of them. Instead, the pair approached the loading platform with eager giggles, gleeful that their plan was going so well.

The first obstacle that barred their path was how to summon the elevator to their level. Raven poured over the complicated controls with a confused expression, bending over so that she could peer at the buttons over her tits. “Huh… Like… This looks kinda tricky…”

“Oh, let me see!” Bust competed with bust as Starfire bumped into her friend from the side, pushing her out of the way. They’d both grown a lot bigger in that department – far, far bigger than they’d been before their capture. By this point, their costumes were genuinely starting to tear, with Starfire’s purple top ripping down the middle from the bottom up, while Raven’s leotard was tearing from the sides, revealing a perky slice of underboob. “Uh, I think it’s, like… This one?”

Star pushed at a button randomly, and then waited. There was no telling rattle of an elevator cart descending, and eventually she put a finger to her lips – which had plumped up a little since her incarceration – and pouted. “I don’t think this is working.”

The Titans were puzzled – which wasn’t all that surprising, given how much of their brains had been turned into tits at this point. The simple control panel of an up arrow and a down arrow had completely stumped them. Perhaps, had Starfire pressed the down arrow, it would have called the cargo elevator that was above them down… But who was to say? She’d pressed the up arrow, so it would forever remain a mystery.

Fortunately for them, they were soon granted an escape route – a way around this fiendishly difficult roadblock that only grew more difficult as their tits swelled and their brains shrank even further. Salvation arrived – in the form of the elevator cart suddenly descending next to them, dropping down at steady speed to their level, without even needing to be called!

Possibly this should have set off some warning flags for the heroines, but, as had been established, neither girl was currently at her best. Honestly, at this point it was rather impressive that they both noticed the arriving elevator at all. The fact that they eagerly rushed towards the box’s white metal doors, ready to get in… Well, it was beside the point.

Both heroes froze in place a moment later, though, when those doors slid open – and revealed the squad of minion drones within. They looked just like the other ones the pair had been seeing around the warehouse – clad in tight purple body suits, with firm muscles and massive chests, smiling faces and glowing eyes. And there were a lot of them. Even in their current state, Raven and Starfire knew this was bad.

Green energy crackled around Starfire’s fists as she prepared for a fight, while Raven went to summon her magic. Alas, she quickly ran into a stumbling block.

“Azarath… Uh… Metitty-rion… Zinathingy…?”

The words that were normally so familiar just weren’t in her head. There was just a big, blank space where they were supposed to be. The mage blinked, her brow furrowing as she tried to remember how to actually use magic… And before any answers came, the drones moved.

They marched forward, striding blankly between the two heroines and off into the warehouse behind them, not sparing either woman so much as a first glance, let alone a second. By the time either of them could even think to react – which was, admittedly, a rather long wait – the crowd had all slipped between them and vanished between the crates, leaving them both behind.

There definitely wasn’t anything suspicious about that at all.

“Wow!” Starfire giggled, her green energy lined palms flickering out. “They totally missed us!”

Raven snorted. “Stupid Minion Master minion morons,” she chuckled in a quite frankly stunning display of alliteration, considering her cranial capabilities. “Oh hey, that rhymed!” … Or not.

The pair shared an empty-headed laugh at their good fortune, before marching into the elevator and hitting the up button. As the doors slid closed, and the cart began to rise, they both settled into stiff poses in the middle of the box, backs straight, chests presented out firmly. Their arms settled at their sides, and without even thinking about it – something that they both found very easy at this point – their mouths spread into wide, vapid smiles. The collars around their necks flashed pink once again.

Another change was happening in the cart as they road it up, towards whatever surface awaited them. The two Titans had always been dissimilar – in fact, one might even call them pretty much as different as you could get. One had orange skin, one had grey. One had a positive, bright outlook, the other was a monotone cynic. Heck, one was tall, the other was… maybe not short, but not exactly reaching the top shelf on a regular basis.

But those differences were steadily vanishing as time went on, and their collars continued to glow. Their skin colour was left untouched, but their expressions were turning equally vapid. Their attitudes were steadily sliding into an empty neutral. And the height difference… was becoming less of a difference by the moment. As the cart rose, so did Raven, her legs steadily gaining length, her back growing taller, until she stood completely equal with her alien friend.

Something else was getting equalised as well. By this point, their costumes were hanging on by literal threads, and another surge of growth in their curves finally severed those last hangers-on. With a loud ripping sound, Starfire’s purple top split down the middle from bottom to top, sliding off her and dropping to the ground completely, leaving her massive tits free to breathe in the exposed air. A moment later, and her skirt made the same transition, popping off her hips as they plumped up, taking her underwear with it. Now she was completely nude, aside from her shoes, and her collar.

And even those shoes wouldn’t last – not as the nanites that had been working through the heroine’s bodies and minds finally reached them. The garments were quickly broken down to their base components, melting into purple sludge around Star’s ankles, before solidifying as a new, much more durable, much more flexible, thin material. Said material wrapped itself tight around her feet, and then slowly began to creep up her body, climbing her muscular thighs and toned belly, sliding around her titanic tits and firm shoulders. It only stopped seeping upwards when it reached her neck, halting at the golden collar – everything beneath it now firmly coated in a drone’s purple body suit.

Raven wasn’t far behind her. Her leotard had ripped completely, falling to the floor as a separate front and back piece, leaving her clad in just her blue cloak, drifting around her otherwise naked busty form. Then the same thing that happened to Starfire’s boots infected it, turning from spooky, breezy dark blue to bubbly, flowing purple. It swirled around her, wrapping her body in its firm embrace, coating her curves and hugging tight… Until, just like Starfire, Raven was standing in a purple bodysuit that hid absolutely nothing of her otherwise naked form, and a golden collar.

By the time the elevator reached its destination, the pair were almost completely identacle – apart from their faces, they were just blank, buff, busty drones, the same as all the others they’d seen in the lair below.

The doors rolled open, and the heroines blinked – their smiles not slipping as they recognised the outside world, their exit found at long last. But neither moved, both standing at loose attention in the middle of the elevator.

“Hey, Star…” Raven finally managed, her voice light and airy. “Like… What were we doin’ again…?”

“I dunno~” Came her giggly reply. “I was just followin’ you~”

“Oh.” Raven started giggling herself. “That’s… kinda… dumb…”

“Yeah… so are… you…~”

It was true, the mystic thought, her smile widening as her brain slowed to a stop.

The pair cooed lightly, eyes fluttering as the last part of their free will melted away, stolen by the nanites as material to make their boobs bigger – which it did, their chests bouncing out another cup size in complete synchronization. It was fine, they wouldn’t need it. What use did drones have for the ability to think for themselves?

Together, the lights on their collars flashed – and as they did, their eyes began to flash as well, slowly filling with pink light. Then, with one last, loud BEEP, the light snapped on permanently – and the heroes minds shut down, going completely blank. They stiffened slightly, but not too much. After all, they were already standing at attention. Now they just did so without a mind to get in the way.

The elevator doors slid closed, and after a moment, the box began to descend once again. Neither hero gave their freedom slipping away any thought. Neither hero gave anything any thought. Their heads were empty voids, their smiles bright, their eyes vapid.

It wasn’t until the elevator reached the warehouse again, the doors opening back to reveal the rows and rows of crates that the pair had just left, that anything akin to a thought sounded inside their hollow minds.

[Unit 00482 – Proceed to Material Storage 12 and await further orders.]

Starfire – or rather, Unit 00482 - saluted, and then marched forwards, orders received. She didn’t know where Material Storage 12 was, or what she would do once she got there, but she didn’t need to. The voice in her mind, the voice of the Minion Master, would handle all that. She just had the simple task of obeying – and she would do so without question or hesitation.

She didn’t even glance back as she vanished into the stacks of crates, leaving Raven behind in the elevator.

The former heroic mage just waited, her smile never fading, pink glowing eyes staring blankly ahead, until a voice filled her mind as well.

[Unity 00483 – Proceed to Junction 78B and await further orders.]

Then, just like 00482, Unit 00483 marched forwards, striding mindlessly towards her new destination. Soon, she’d be involved in construction, putting her new strength to good use moving steel beams and building solid walls. Her magical powers were left unused, forgotten and irrelevant. She was just Unit 00483 now – no less, and certainly no more. Anything that wasn’t direct physical activity was well and truly beyond her – but that was fine. Physical activity was what she was good for – and she’d be doing a lot of it once her new owner checked up on her.

But for now, there was a lot of work to be done. After all, Minion Master wanted this place fully functioning by the time some real heroes showed up~


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