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Hey folks!

Once again I'm in a rush - dentist appointments lead to dentist appointments, as we all sadly know, so I shall just leave you with today's story - please enjoy!


Chaldea, humanity’s last line of defence – usually only called into action after the final curtain has already fallen on the human race to try to pull off a miraculous revival. The fact that they actually made firm progress on pulling that off, not once but twice, was enough to make anyone nervous.

How did they accomplish these impossible feats? Well, certainly they were possessed of incredible technology and borderline inhuman intelligence, that was never in doubt. One did not question the cunning of a group led (in part) by Leonardo DaVinci, no. Question the sanity, sure, question away, but there would always be some kind of method to the madness. If you were to question that leader – in a setting that encouraged some degree of honesty – though, she would openly admit the truth.

Yeah, she. What, did someone have a problem with that? They could take it up with her if they liked.

But yes, when the cards were down, the real power behind Chaldea wasn’t their technology, or magic, or genius strategies, or anything like that. No, Chaldea’s true power, the one that had guided them through countless disasters and brought them to victory against endless foes, was the heart of humanity’s Last Master. Their kindness and compassion, their devotion and courage, their determination and steadfast nature, all of it had lured countless servants to pledge themselves to Chaldea’s cause, to lend their strength to the cause of righting human history. Through them, they marshalled the power to right human history.

And it drove Kama absolutely crazy.

“How can they be so nice to everyone! Argh!” The goddess of love rolled around on her bed, hands balled up into fists to beat her pillows in frustration. “They’re mine! They should be nicest to me!”

… Okay, this one probably needed a little bit of an explanation. To keep things short Kama, also known as Kamadeva (as well as a few other things), was a Hindu god of love who had experienced a rather rough time of things in their original legend, resulting in them being burned to ash by Shiva… While doing a favour for Shiva’s wife, Parvati. Kama had, somewhat understandably, taken this all rather personally, and gone a bit… vicious, as a result. World ending scheme level vicious, we’re talking here - they were a deity, after all. Planning to smother the world with love was very on brand, really.

Eventually, Chaldea had been called in, the last master had foiled her plans (with the help of heroes and gods they’d charmed along the way, of course), and Kama had been defeated – even thought destroyed. But no, a fragment of her had ended up in the Throne of Heroes, where legends are recorded… And from there, that fragment had been summoned right back to Chaldea as a Servant.

The irony had not been lost on anyone – least of all the (vindictive) god of love.

(And to her irritation, apparently this wasn’t even the first time something like this had happened.)

But none the less, Kama had refrained from immediately going on the attack. No, instead, she had dedicated herself to a new plan. One that was just as devilishly fiendish as her first, to her mind – but now better fitting to her current circumstances.

She was going to seduce her Master.

Yes, that kind, compassionate, devoted, courageous, determined, steadfast heart? It was going to be all hers. She wanted it. She deserved it! She was the goddess of love, and she knew exactly how hollow love truly was, so why shouldn’t she just reach out and take it for herself. It would be easy. Sure, they’d resisted her charms the first time, but now she was their Servant. Their trusted companion and confidant. From this position, she could slowly work her magic, tangling their emotions with her subtle words, clouding their mind with her honeyed scent, drawing them in step by misguided step… Until her jaws snapped shut, and they were hers forever and ever~

Yes. It was the perfect plan. Absolutely flawless. There was no way it could fail.

So why wasn’t it working?!?

Her pillows got another few punches, and then a kick for good measure. No, no, it was worse than that. It wasn’t just not working – things were going in reverse. She, the goddess of love, and the demon of desire (long story), was being seduced by an ordinary human.

Every time they asked if they wanted to roll around in the sack, they just wanted to spend time together. Every time she tried to tempt them into a kiss, they’d say she looked cute. Every time she tried to slide her fingers into their pants, they’d take her hand with a smile and hold it gently while she stammered in shock.

Small things, yes, but they were real and genuine tokens of friendship and – dare she even think it – love. Things that she’d thought she could never have again after her body had been consumed by Shiva’s flames. The heart of the human body she’d taken on pounded after every encounter, her breath grew short, her face turned as red as a beetroot.

Yeah, she had it bad.

It was humiliating. It was unbearable. As the goddess of love, this shouldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be happening! And yet it was. So she had to deal with the fact that, not only was she completely smitten by the person she’d planned to corrupt, but also that she had to share them with practically every other Servant. Her Master’s heart was big enough for all of them.

Well, Kama’s wasn’t, damnit! Yes, she’d once planned to share herself out between all of humanity, to seduce every human with their own Kama – but, as may be clear by now, she was really, really bad at taking her own medicine. She wanted Master for her own. And it was plain to see what was standing in the way of that.

“It’s the other Servants’ fault,” she growled, throttling her much abused pillow. “They’re the ones stealing all of her attention. It should be mine.”

“Ah, don’t feel too bad about it, Boss! Master’s just like that with everyone, woof!”

Oh right. She wasn’t alone in here.

With a sigh, the silver haired goddess rolled over so that she was facing her companion – the ever energetic Tamamo Cat. Yes, of course she was at her side. Theirs was a connection that transcended time and space, the goddess and her capable assistant, a true bond that had weathered the ages.

Which is to say, Kama had snuck into the summoning room one day when she had decided she needed more minions, and Tamamo Cat had been the result. Kama had no idea how that had happened. It really shouldn’t have. And quite frankly, the Hindu deity thought she would have been better off summoning a helping of Mapo Tofu instead.

But Cat – who was clearly a fox – was who she was stuck with. Sneaking back into the summoning chamber just was not happening. But at the very least, she had proven to be a capable minion. Sort of. She was a devil in the kitchen (vouched for by Kama’s Mara half) (Still a long story), and her friendly and helpful demeanour had quickly won over the trust of a lot of the other Servants in Chaldea, which Kama herself certainly hadn’t managed. She just… also tended to be a bit difficult to deal with. A little eccentric, was a way to put it. ‘Kind of fucking nuts’ was another. Sure, she was peppy, but she was also weird enough that Madness Enhancement, something that normally left Berserkers talking in grunts and screams, had pretty much no effect on her. She was crazy enough already, apparently.

Perhaps such a Servant should have warranted caution, careful handling. Kama was about neither of these things.

“That’s the problem, you stupid mutt!” The goddess groaned, flipping over again and burying her face under her pillow. “They treat everyone the same, instead of focusing on me!” She huffed loudly, before sitting up, a calculating look on her face as the pillow slid away. “I’m going to have to get rid of them.”

Cat blinked. “Get rid of Master?!”

“What? No! Don’t be ridiculous!” Even Kama looked appalled at the notion. “I’d never do something so vile! No, I mean get rid of every other Servant. Y’know, wipe them all out or something.”

“Oh. Didn’t you already try that, woof?”

“No!” Kama paused, looking shifty. “… Maybe. A little. It kinda worked…”

The fox/cat-girl scratched her ears innocently. “I dunno, I figured Master’d just go looking to find all their Servants again.”

The goddess considered this. Very subtly, her shoulders slumped. “They might not…” She whined quietly.

“Totally would though, bark!”

“Ngh!” The bed took another beating as Kama’s fist slammed down onto it. “Damnit! They totally would! Argh, it’s not fair.

Cat nodded sympathetically. “Yeah, sorry Boss. You’d have to do something crazy so they’d be here and not here at the same time or something! I mean, that’s just kinda impossible.” She nodded to herself, assured in her grasp of the facts – before realising she’d forgotten something. “Uh, woof.”


Kama didn’t notice her slip, though – because Kama was already considering what she’d just said. “Here and not here, huh…?” The goddess rubbed her chin thoughtfully. She could arrange something like that. Keep their bodies here and acting normal so that Master didn’t suspect anything, but take their minds for herself… That could work. It would be like a variation on her old plan – she could smother her Master with love, using a horde of Servant slaves to do her bidding. It was genius! Heh, good thing she’d thought of it.

It wouldn’t even be that hard! She was practically the goddess of seduction, and that was basically the same thing as mind control, totally! Look, she knew all about granting people the bliss of not having to make any decisions anymore, she could definitely do this. It just had one or two problems she had to address first.

One: She no longer had access to all the power she’d been using the last time she did something similar to this – grabbing all the Servants at once was well beyond her limits now. She would have to get them one at a time.

Two: There was no way anyone would trust her enough to get close enough to pull this trick off. Just none. She had a bit of a reputation as a mischief maker, and the only person who might trust her enough to give her a shot was the one person in this facility that she didn’t want to do it to. Hypnotising Master would defeat the point of this whole thing! She wanted their love given freely, not, y’know, forced or something.

Both of these issues presented significant obstacles to actually going through with the plan. But not insurmountable ones. If she went one at a time, well, that just meant she could put more effort into charming each target. And if she couldn’t do it herself, then…

She paused, eyes flicking to glance at Cat, who was currently licking her paws and trying to brush her hair down – y’know, like a cat. The goddess bit her lip. Did she dare risk giving such a responsibility to her minion? Maybe she should just let this idea die here in the planning stages.

Wait, who the hell was she kidding? Kama was not a god who retreated from danger! Full steam ahead!

“Hey, Cat,” she said, reaching to her desk and picking up a piece of paper, summoning a brush to her hand. “I’ve got a job for you.”

“Oh really? Cool! Ready and will, Boss! Just tell me the cookie you want confounded and I’ll be right on it! Bork!”

“I’m going to need you…” The goddess spoke as she worked, marking the paper in front of her with expert brushes, “to take this talisman – and stick it on the forehead of a specific Servant for me.”

“Talisman on Servant. Got it!” The fox nodded – and then raised a hand. “Uh, so what’ll it do? Woof?”

“Oh, it’ll just turn them into a mindless slave for me to use as I see fit.” Another brush stroke, and Kama looked proudly at her creation. Yes, a talisman like this ought to suffice for any Chaldean servant. “And get them out of the way so that Master can pay me more attention.” She smiled.

“Ooooh.” Cat considered that. Welp, made perfect sense to her. “Okie doakie then Boss! Who do you want me to hit?”

Kama’s smirk turned evil, and you could really see the demon in her expression. “Oh, I know who you’re going to test this out on. She’s had it coming a long, long time.” Parvati – the goddess who’s ‘request’ had consigned Kama to the flames all those centuries ago… Who now had a contract with Chaldea, and who had also chosen the same vessel, the same human body, to merge with as the love goddess. Yes, she’d be the perfect test subject for this little mischief. “Go look for…”

And then she paused, looking at her assistant carefully. Cat had never been great with names. Better play it safe. “Okay, go find me the Servant with purple hair and big boobs, and slap this on her forehead, right? Then bring her back here when you’re done. Can you do that?”

“Sure can, Boss!” The Tamamo saluted smartly. “I’ll get you your purple haired bimbo in no time flat, just you watch!”

“I shall, Cat,” Kama almost purred, sitting back on her bed with a smirk growing on her lips. “You know, I really think I shall.”


Tamamo Cat was on a mission. A mission from her summoner, who was technically her Master, but wasn’t the Master of Chaldea, so she just called her Boss. The most important kind of task!

Yes, Cat was a loyal sort, and generally eager to please. She was also a lot smarter than most people realised, even if that intelligence came from a slightly different angle to the norm. She was, after all, a fragment of Tamamo-no-Mae, and that fox was as crafty as they came. Don’t let the barks fool you, this Servant was a dangerous one, when given the right motivation. She just needed to be given clear instructions.

“Purple hair… Big boobs… Purple hair… Big boobs… Now where’s a Can going to find someone like that, Bow-wow?”

And as instructions went, Kama probably could have done a lot better. Chaldea was a big place, after all! It would have helped if she’d given her minion a few places where she could start looking. But no matter! She’d been given a task, and she was going to complete it. Just as soon as she worked out how to do so.

“Purple hair… Big boobs… Purple hair… Big boobs…”

Where could she look? The command centre? The cafeteria? The training simulator? Ah, so many options! How could she choose? This would take some thinking. Some serious thinking.

She was so wrapped up in thinking where she should start, in fact, that she neglected to pay attention to where she was – right up until she crashed into someone.



“Oh, Tamamo Cat! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there. Are you okay?”

Cat blinked at the hand extended to help her back to her feet. Then, slowly, her eyes climbed along the attached arm, all the way up to the sheepishly smiling face at the very top.

Saint Martha was one of the more peaceful presences inside Chaldea (unless you riled her up). A true Saint from the days of the Messiah, she was a boundless font of gentle wisdom and serene grace (please for the love of god do not rile her up). If there was ever a problem, or a shoulder needed to cry on, she was the woman to call (DO. NOT. RILE. HER. UP.)

She also had purple hair.


“I’m fine! Don’t worry, it takes more than a bump like that to take a good cat down, wan!” She took the Saint’s hand and climbed to her feet with an energetic jump – now drawing level with the other woman’s chest. Hmmmmm. Were those really ‘big boobs’? There were definitely bigger ones out there in the halls of Chaldea, but these were pretty good, right? Nice curve, good heft. The fox would have reached out to weigh them personally, but even she could tell that’d be a bad idea. There wasn’t a drop of sense in her head, but she had great survival instincts.

But yeah, this seemed right! Purple hair, big boobs: Target locked! Now, she’d have to use all of her cunning to apply the talisman.

“Hey, Martha, take a look at this!” She held Kama’s seal up – and then, when the Saint leaned in to look closer, jabbed it forward and stuck it to her forehead.

“Huh?!” Was all the Servant managed to get out, before the ink on the paper started to glow…


The world turned dark around her, everything turning black. Martha was suddenly alone in a great void, a floating spec in the great nothingness. With wide eyes her head spun around, shocked at the sudden change and hoping to spot anything familiar, but there was nothing. She was alone.

Some servants might have cursed, or screamed, or acted out in some way, but Martha was a true Saint (even if she found the title embarrassing). Her faith was her anchor, and it kept her steady in trying times. Instead of reacting with fear, she stayed calm, closing her eyes and trying to sense what had happened. It had to be that the paper Cat had stuck on her was responsible, so if she could work out what it was, she could try to counteract it…

Unfortunately, she would not be given the chance. For despite her careful actions, she was already caught in an insidious trap.

Something touched her – a gentle hand stroking the Saint’s cheek – and her eyes shot open in shock. The void still surrounded her, but now, before her eyes, she saw that she was not alone. A silver haired figure dressed in scandalously revealing clothes was floating in front of her, with a kind, accepting smile on her face.

“Kama?” Martha’s brow furrowed as she recognised her fellow Servant. “What are you- Mmhm?!?”

Another shock rocked the Saint as the goddess leaned forward, the hand on her cheek slipping around behind her head, and before the purple haired woman could finish her question her lips had been captured in a tender kiss.

A warm feeling flooded through her, pouring in through her mouth and pooling in her chest. Heat, strange and almost unfamiliar to the holy maiden, rushed through her veins. She was, after all, a chaste woman – not entirely a stranger to the ways of human desire, but having been called to a higher purpose rather early in life. Such a deluge of lust was entirely new to her, and it left her gasping as she pushed the goddess away from her.

“Wha…” Her lungs demanded air, her heart beating like hail on a rooftop as her cheeks turned dazzling red. “What was that?!”

But even as she tried to get away from the lasciviously dressed woman, she just found herself falling straight back into her arms. She turned in surprise as hands wrapped around her waist, squeezing her reassuringly – only to find that a second copy of the goddess had appeared in the void around her. And before she could work out how to react to that, a third slid in from beside her, hands reaching in to massage her shoulders.

“Relax, beloved…” The first Kama’s voice purred in her ears. “Let me take care of you~”

To many, this would have been an irresistible offer. This was the goddess of love, offering her full attention, after all. Martha’s heart hammered, understanding what she was in the grip of. A sealed existence far from anyone’s ability to intercede, where Kama could grant her unearthly delights for eternity. To know that your heart and mind would be nestled in her sweetest embrace for the rest of time – how could anyone say no to that?

But she was a woman of god, and she stayed firm. “No… No, no! I don’t want any of this from you!”

If the rejection meant anything to the goddess, though, she didn’t show it. Instead, she simply giggled, her hands stroking the Saint’s flesh lovingly. “But I want to give it to you~ I have so much love to spare, and all the time in eternity to grant it.” She drifted closer – the struggling Saint finding her limbs tenderly locked by Kama’s clones. “Now relax. Let me take all those…”

She leaned in, and pressed another kiss against Martha’s lips.


Her whispers still slid into the Saint’s ears, her caress still stroking her skin, leaving a tingling want with every touch. Their tongues twisted and tangled, doing a devilish dance in Martha’s mouth, and flooding her with her taste.


Another kiss, and with each one the purple haired Servant resisted them less and less. Each meeting of their lips pumped her full of passionate desire and left her desperate for air. And with each gasp, the goddess’s scent filled the Saint’s lungs, carrying her deeper under the woman’s sway. She was a holy woman, yes, and more resistant than most – but she wasn’t made of stone. Ultimately, she was but the spirit of a mortal woman, up against a god. She still tried to hold out – but she was faltering.

“And troubles…”

Martha moaned, her squeal of lusty need swallowed whole by her captor. Fingers massaged her flesh, filled her to the brim with wet, warm desire, and she… She just couldn’t…

“Away~ You won’t need them anymore.”

“But… But I…” Martha whimpered, trying in vain to regain control – to ignore the other Kamas, their hands roaming her flesh, to try to dispel the heat burning in her heart and between her legs. Their giggles and her gasps told how little good it did. “I can’t… I… won’t! I serve the… The Lord, and…”

A finger pressed itself against her lips.

“Aww…” Kama nodded with pitying understanding. “I see. You can’t allow yourself my love, because it gets in the way of serving your lord? Well, I can help with that.”

More Kamas were swimming around them now, flowing beneath them like a silver haired sea. Martha could feel the waves lapping at her toes. Slowly, she was starting to sink into them – and she knew in her heart that if she disappeared beneath this tide, she’d never surface again. But even knowing that, she couldn’t fight back as the first Kama reached out, placing her palms over the Saint’s ears and gently gripping her head.

“Relax. Let loose. Be free to indulge. I, your lover, shall take the burden of decision from you.”

The words echoed through Martha’s mind. Talented hands massaged her body, steadily eking out every last ounce of tension in her. Even if she wanted to resist – and she really wasn’t sure anymore – it just wasn’t possible. Her body was going limp with or without her say so.

“Let me caress away your thoughts…”

The Saint’s eyes fluttered and rolled upwards, her lips quirking upwards as her legs sank into the divine morass. It was becoming difficult to think – every time she tried, a kiss on her lips, a tickle on her thighs, a flutter in her head, and the thought would just be sucked away.

“Let me scrub your mind clean of will…”

Kama’s hands were rubbing over Martha’s temples now, a tingling beneath her palms that seemed to flow all the way into the Saint’s brain. By now, she was up to her waist, and her smile was growing wider. This was… wrong, somehow, she thought, but she just couldn’t remember why. Nor could she really summon up the will to do anything about it. Waves of relaxation and gentle pleasure scrubbed away her every desire to do anything but sink deeper.

“Let me relieve you of the burden of choice…”

Yes… That sounded heavenly. Martha sighed into another kiss, the last of her will, the last of her resistance, leaving her body – sucked away by Kama’s loving lips and supple seduction. As her arms sank, and only her shoulders still remained above the Kama sea, their lips parted. The former Saint stared up at her new guiding light in total submission.

“I shall fulfil your needs – so you shall no longer do anything but obey~

“Obey…” A blank smile settled on the Saint’s face, her eyes devoid of thought and will. Kama giggled, pressing one final kiss against her lips – before the pair plunged beneath the loving sea, vanishing into an eternal thoughtless bliss.


Back in the real world, Tamamo Cat was pondering if the talisman had done its job. Martha had gone very still once it had started glowing on her head – at least, she had for a few seconds. Then she’d started smiling in this kind of weird mindless sort of way, and now her eyes were glowing too, having taken on a deep purple colouration.

What was it this thing was supposed to do again? Oh right, turn them into a mindless slave for the Boss to use as she saw fit. Mindless smiles and glowing eyes were a good sign then, right?

Well, no harm in a quick test. “Hey, Martha, can you hear me, ruff?”

“Yes Mistress.” Martha’s smile never broke as she replied in an empty monotone. “I hear you.”

The fox blinked. “Oh, huh. Guess it did work then! Alrighty, then you just swing that holy booty of yours right around and march on over to Boss Kama’s room, woof!”

Without a word, Martha turned on her heel, and immediately started marching, arms stiff at her sides. The talisman, still stuck on her forehead, fluttered in the breeze as she vanished around the corner, heading towards the personal rooms.

“Huh. I thought she’d do the zombie walk thing,” Cat muttered, stroking her chin. “Oh well. Good enough! I bet Boss is going to be super pleased, arf~!”


“WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?” Boss was not pleased. Boss was not pleased at all. In fact, she was quite unpleased! What a rotten development.

“What’s what, Boss?” Cat asked innocently, genuinely unsure of why the other Servant was so upset. Everything had gone great as far as she was concerned!

“This!” Kama’s eye twitched as she pointed towards the third occupant of the room – the still thoroughly mindless Martha, who was stood at attention by the wall. “This! This isn’t Parvati!”

“Correct!” The fox nodded happily. She was glad they were on the same page. “This is Martha! See? Purple hair and big boobs! Perfect package, just what you asked for, woof!”

“What I…?” The other eye started twitching. “No! That’s not what I… That’s not… Argh!”

Okay. Okay. Calm down, Kama, calm down. This wasn’t what she wanted, but it was fixable. Martha was, in some ways, a good target to test her talismans on, after all. A holy woman of another faith was going to have some resistance to her magic, so proving that she could overcome that and render her a mindless slave was a good thing. This was… an acceptable test case.

She just had to make sure Cat got the right target on round two.

“Fine. Fine! She’s… fine.” The goddess huffed, before pulling out another talisman she’d prepared while she was waiting. “Now go get me another one. This time, I want you to get me the servant who looks just like this, okay?” She waved to her own body, her own face – because, after all, Parvati had chosen the same host as her. She’d just taken the ‘nice’ parts while Kama had been left with the girl’s dark side, but they basically looked identical. There was no way Cat could misunderstand this time.

“Just like… that…?” The Tamamo asked, an eyebrow raised. “Are you sure, bark?”

“Yes! Absolutely sure! Positively incredibly supremely sure! Cross my heart and hope to be atomised by Shiva sure!” Kama folded her arms over her chest. “Just get it done already!”

Cat looked at the talisman in her hand. Then back to Kama. Then to the talisman. Then back to Kama. If one looked, they could see the cogs turning over in her head.

“Well… Okay Boss. If you’re sure. Bork.” She shrugged. Well, she wasn’t one to defy orders! “Hey, look at this!”

“Huh?” Kama blinked, looking down. “Look at wha-?”


The goddess stared cross eyed at the talisman dangling down from her forehead. “Oh you stupid-”


The world vanished, and Kama found herself fuming in the middle of an empty void.

“That dumbass cat!” She screamed, roaring into empty space. “I should have stuck my first talisman on her! As soon as I get out of here I am going to grab that mangy fox by the tail and slap so many of these things on her brain will melt out of her ears!”

There was a giggle behind her, and then hands on her shoulder. “My my, you sound so stressed. Why don’t you just relax, and let me handle all those difficult emotions?”

She spun around to find herself confronted by… herself. She rolled her eyes.

“Oh please. I made this enchantment – don’t think for a second you’re going to turn me into a mindlefmmph?!?”

Soft lips pressed against her own and ate her defiance whole. A rosy red blush appeared on her cheeks instantly, and her heart skipped a beat. Before she could even think of resisting, mirror copies of herself had wrapped around her arms, and begun to caress her.

But that thought of resistance never came. Or, if it did, it melted far too quickly to register. You see, Kama was really, really bad at taking her own medicine. Honestly, all of her schemes tended to come down to this fact. In truth, she was just a bit of a brat who wanted to be assured that any affection she was given to her would still be there when she misbehaved. It was a simple need, borne out of the rejection she still felt from the fate of her legend.

And that desperate need to be loved meant that she was shockingly weak to her own attack. “Ooohhh…”

The only sounds she managed to make were a dazzled sigh as her counterpart stroked her temples, gently lifting away the lonely burdens of hatred and free thought. A happy moan as her body was massaged and stroked into handing away her history and will. And a vapid giggle as an ocean of Kamas, all offering her infinite love, rose up to swallow her.

Everything faded to warm, loving purple…


Cat studied her Boss, noting the same mindless smile and vapid, purple eyes that set in almost instantly after she slapped on the talisman. Hm. This was what she wanted, right…? She’d insisted! Really hard, even!

It seemed to have worked, either way. Maybe this was some kind of cunning plan she had come up with – something so cunning and smart that Cat didn’t understand it. She was always saying how devious she was, after all.

The fox nodded to herself. That made sense. She was a goddess after all – they thought in strange ways.

With a shrug, the floofy Servant stepped outside the room, and let the door close behind her, settling in to stand guard. She had no idea what her Boss was planning, she’d make sure no one disturbed them until it was done.

As she stepped into position, she waved to a passing Servant. Parvati, who’d just come from the cafeteria, smiled and bowed politely back in her direction. She was a nice lady. For a moment, Cat even considered asking what she thought about the Boss’s big plan.

But nah. If the Boss had wanted Parvati involved, she would have said so! Best to just let her sort it all out herself – for however long it took~


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