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Hey folks - hope all is well!

I've got a dentist appointment shortly, so I won't waste time - here, have part 2 of this 2 part Ghost in the Shell fic!


“Hey baby~” The hacker giggled as she sashayed back into the bedroom – a high class place with white silk sheets, a king-sized bed, and an amazing view of the city through tinted glass windows. “Sorry I took so long, I wanted to look extra nice for when I-”


The hacker – who’d taken to using the name Kalista for the moment - paused. “… Have a gun pointed at my face. Apparently.”

Fuck. This was not the kind of greeting she’d been hoping for.

“Oh, I assure you…” Motoko Kusanagi was generally quite coy when she had an opponent dead to rights. Her cybernetic body gave her an advantage that few could match in a fight, and she knew it. That confidence in herself was one of her sharpest qualities. But right now, there was no trace of any humour in her glare. No, in fact, it looked like she was still weighing up whether or not she should pull the trigger. “You didn’t need to get dressed up.”

Maybe that was because her body, normally lithe and graceful, even if it was strong enough to lift a tank, was currently… Well, lithe and graceful weren’t the first words that came to mind while looking at it. Not with tits like watermelons, or an ass that’d get stuck in the armrests of any reasonable chair. And it wasn’t like she was hiding either, dressed only in a rumpled duvet, spread out on the hacker’s bed.

No, Motoko had very obviously been repurposed, from combat functionality to more carnal types. And she didn’t seem very pleased about the upgrade.

“Well.” Kalista sighed, still drying her hair with a lengthy blue towel. “I’m impressed, Major. I’ve no idea where you got that gun, let alone the brainpower to use it. I thought for sure I’d drained your head as empty as a tin can. Might I ask how you were able to undo my work?”

The gun didn’t waver, even as the cyborg’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not some random woman walking on the street for you to pick on. I’ve been dealing with cyberattacks like yours for years. You did some damage with your little sneak attack, but it wasn’t anything I was unable to fix with the repair programs I had prepared.” She raised an eyebrow. “As for the gun, well, I guess you’re just not as an attentive a lover as you thought.”

“Oof.” The hacker winced, tying the tower around her hair and grumbling. “Well in my defence, you were less a lover, and more a Bionic Barbie. A toy to be played with, not worshiped. Though there were times that tongue of yours got me close to seeing god…”

Motoko’s glare intensified. “You’re awfully flippant for someone with a gun to her head.”

Kalista shrugged. “Well, if I’m honest Major, that’s because I don’t think you’ll shoot.” She smiled as she strutted forward, still naked and dripping from the shower. “Come on now. You might not have been entirely willing, but I’ve shown you pleasures you could never have imagined before. Your every moment since the day you became my doll has been empty headed bliss. Sure, you’ve recovered enough to defy me for the moment, but tell me honestly – don’t you really want to go back to being my empty-headed sex slave?”

“…” The cyborg rolled her eyes. “Go to hell.” She fired.

… The Major blinked, her brow folding with confusion as no loud bang filled the room, and the hacker failed to go flying back against the wall, to slide dead to the floor. Instead, everything remained perfectly still – save for the hacker’s growing smile.

Then Kalista couldn’t hold it in any more. She burst into a fit of laughter. “Haha! Okay! Okay, no, seriously, I’m not scared because I can tell my safe word worked.” She hopped onto the bed and crawled up over Motoko’s frame, just as the Major was alarmed to realise that she couldn’t move from the neck down.

“You really should have shot the moment you had a gun on me, you know…” She giggled, easily plucking the firearm from the cyborg’s unresponsive fingers and laying it aside, gently lowering the Major’s arm. “But then, I did install a few commands in your brain to make sure you wouldn’t, just in case. A little backup insurance. And it seems that your repair functions didn’t quite manage to expunge them. What a shame.”

By now, she had crawled up the very curvy mountain that was Motoko, and she was laying on top of her, her gloating gaze looking straight into the death glare the cyborg had waiting for her. “I’m afraid I’m a very careful woman, Major. You have to be in this business. It’s such a dangerous world out there – all sorts of malcontents looking to take advantage of you for any weakness~”

Motoko looked like she wanted to bite her. But there was still steel in her eyes when she spoke. “Well now you know,” she said, ever defiant. “You can’t hack my brain. I guess you’ll just have to kill me. Looks like neither of us gets what we want.”

But the hacker wasn’t having it. “Oh, now let’s not be too hasty. True, you foiled my first attempt – but that was just me playing around.” Her fingers brushed up through the Major’s hair. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to get serious with you now. And by the time I’m done with you, no backup in the world is going to restore your brain from what I’ll do~”

“I’ll never-!”

“Go to sleep, Bionic Barbie.” Kalista interrupted, still smirking – and against her will, Motoko found her eyes fluttering, her brain slipping into unconsciousness like a stone dipping into a dark lake. “Sleep – and when you wake up, I’ll have a fun treat for you to enjoy~”

There was nothing she could do. Helpless, the Major obeyed, falling into a deep slumber – her hacker’s smirk the last thing she saw before her eyes drifted shut.


Motoko snapped awake in darkness, suddenly completely aware in an instant. And in that instant, she wished she wasn’t. She was aware of the chair she was strapped into, her arms clamped firmly to the arm rests, her ankles shackled to the floor, legs spread just wide enough that she was left completely exposed. She was aware of her body, feeling so strangely tender, still not responding to her commands. And she was aware of all the humming, buzzing equipment around her – screens and rays and antennae and devices – all pointed at her head.

“Welcome back, Major~” An all too familiar voice echoed in her ears – though the hacker was nowhere in her line of sight. “How are you feeling? I may have upped your sensitivity a little bit – I hope you don’t mind!”

The cyborg gave her false politeness all the respect it was due – none – and focused on more important questions. “How long have I been out?”

“Long enough.” A malicious giggle buzzed through her neck, and sent a warm tingling feeling down her neck, despite the woman’s wishes. “I took my time on this little setup. I’m going to be thorough this time.”

“Whatever you try, it’s not going to work.” Motoko’s defiance hadn’t waned in the slightest during her slumber. If anything, she felt refreshed and ready to take on the world. “I’ll beat your brainwashing just like before, and if you’re foolish enough not to kill me now, I’m going to tear you and your entire organization apart!”

“Hm. Maybe. I guess we’ll see.” Arms wrapped around her shoulders from behind, and a chin rested on her head. The hacker stroked her skin possessively. “I’d say you’re worth the gamble. Or, rather, the new you will be. This time, I’m going to be blitzing your brains so hard there’ll be nothing left of this grumpy old persona. You’re going to need a new name.” A finger stroked under her chin. “I’m thinking something with a bit of spice to it. Oooh, how about Monique? Yeah, that sounds good~”

“It’s Major Motoko Kusanagi.” The cyborg wondered if she’d be able to bite a finger off, but the hand withdrew too quickly for her to decide. “Call me whatever you want, that’ll never change.”

Another giggle, coupled with a pet on the head. “You’re adorable. Alright then, if you’re so eager…” The hacker leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Let’s get started.”

There was a click, and then something lit up, straight in front of her. It was a pale glow in the darkness, and her eyes took a moment to adjust to it, but once they did, she could see a screen – no, two screens, side by side. One was rather mundane, a black backdrop with green text on it, reading simply, ‘Hack Progress: 0%’. But the other one was more attention grabbing, filled with a spinning design – a black and white spiral. And to Motoko’s consternation, she soon realised that her eyes were focused on that second screen, trying to track the twisting, turning lines that flickered in front of her, refusing to look away no matter what her mind directed. With her body not listening to her commands, she couldn’t even blink…

A strange, dizzy feeling started to fall over her, her racing mind struggling to focus as she found herself paying more and more attention to the spiral. There was something strange about it… Something captivating… She just couldn’t quite seem to block it out of her thoughts.

Unnoticed, the display on the other screen changed slightly. ‘Hack Progress: 2%’

Motoko was no fool. She knew full well what the hacker was attempting here, and she had no intention of giving in to it. A fast, fluid series of images meant to dazzles the senses, and leave the person exposed to them in a suggestible daze. But resisting it should just be a matter of mental discipline. She needed to keep her thoughts firm and ordered. It was pointless trying to look away from the spiral, so she’d just need to endure it. No matter how dizzy she felt, as long as she kept a firm grip, it would be easy to resist.

A haze was starting to settle over her thoughts, but the Major firmed her will, pushing back against it with all her might. She pushed, and pushed, and pushed, and-

- Broke through.


She landed on the rooftop with a slide, her boots kicking up waves of rainwater as she skidded over the stone slabs. Sheets of water crashed down around her from the rolling sky above as her cybernetic eyes scanned through the darkness, looking for… Aha!

“Suspect is fleeing over the fire escape,” she barked into her headset. “I’m in pursuit.”

Wait, where was she? What was…?

“Understood Major,” came the familiar voice of Command. “Track down that target. That’s an order!”

“Yes Ma’am!” Her confusion vanished. She had a target, and an order – everything else was just noise. She was chasing after a dangerous hacker, one who’d clearly tried to throw her off the trail with a sudden hack of her senses, generating a sinister alternate reality where she’d been turned into some kind of bimbodroid. Creative, but it was easy for her to throw off.

And why shouldn’t she have? Charging over the rooftops, dancing between raindrops and gliding over certain death… This was her world, her real world, wasn’t it? Here, her body felt right, lithe and graceful, not… jiggly and sensual. Yes, she was a hunter, seeking out corruption wherever it hid and bringing it to justice – not some giggly little sex toy.

The illusion had been convincing – almost too convincing – but that was all it had been. Just a distraction from a clever hacker trying to distract her and escape capture. But that wasn’t going to happen.

Overhead, thunder rolled, and pink lightning flashed. She’d have to be careful out in this storm…

The chase was a thrill she so rarely got to indulge in – most criminals never made it to the door before she’d taken them down – and she found herself enjoying it immensely tonight. There was a kind of energy in the air that electrified her systems, a kind of pounding heat that rushed through her cybernetic body.

But was this really right…?

She shook the question from her head as she saw the hacker she was chasing scramble over the edge of a building, climbing down to street level and hoping to stay out of sight. An eager grin danced on her lips. The chase had been fun – but now it was time for the… For the….

What am I doing…?

The cyborg dropped straight down to the street, leaving cracks in the pavement where she landed. Obviously, her artificial body could handle far worse than a drop of a few stories. “That’s far enough,” she said, strolling confidently into the alley where her target waited. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.”

“Oh?” Her target, a strangely familiar looking woman – Doctor…? – raised an eyebrow. Strangely, she didn’t seem very afraid. In fact, she looked almost eager… “And just what is it you plan to do to me, M*j*r?”

Motoko blinked, shaking her head. Was something wrong with her audio sensors? Why were they crackling with static and overlaid voices…? Well, it didn’t matter. She had a job to finish.

“That should be obvious,” she answered, her voice low and husky as she strutted forward. “I’m going to take you down, the only way I know how.”

She fell to her knees. Her jacket slid off her shoulders, already open – after all, what piece of clothing could hope to hold back artificial slutbags like hers? She grinned slyly as she offered up her massive melons, coyly offering herself as she waited for Mistress to lower her pants and… and….


Wait… What… What was she doing? What was going on? The Major blinked slowly, trying to clear her suddenly fuzzy head, and quickly rose back to her feet, holding her temple. Suddenly the world around her felt bizarrely wrong. Why had she just…?

“What’s wrong?” The hacker asked, stepping forward, a hand reaching out to catch Motoko by the chin. “Aren’t you going to do your duty?”?

“I…” The haze was back, the cyborg struggling to think through it.

“Motoko!” Her headset barked in the exact same voice as the woman in front of her. “Seduce your target by any means necessary! That’s an order!”

An order… No…. No! No, this was wrong! Like hell she’d do something like that!

Confused, but with growing anger, the cyborg shoved the other woman away, stumbling backwards out of the alley, trying to rush away-


- And the real world slammed back down around her. She was still sat in restraining chair, a swirling spiral churning before her eyes.

“Ooh, nearly had you~” Motoko growled as the all-too-familiar voice of the hacker giggled behind her. “Did you enjoy that little world I made for you?”

“A hollow reflection of the real thing,” the cyborg answered coldly. “There was no ‘nearly’ about it – your ‘world’ crumbled as soon as I broke your rules.”

“Maybe,” the hacker admitted with a casual air. “But for a moment there, you were wrapped up in my false reality. You believed it was real. And just for that moment, I got my claws in deep~”

If she could have, the purple haired agent would have rolled her eyes.

Her attitude must have shown – the hacker sounded amused. “Oh, you don’t believe me? That’s cute. But if you want proof, that’s easy. I made some changes in your head while I had access – deleted a few things you won’t be needing anymore. Tell me, Motoko – what’s your rank supposed to be?”

Hmph. What a weird question. It wasn’t even worth answering. Her rank was obviously-

… What? Motoko’s brow furrowed. What had just happened? Her train of thought had just suddenly ended, like it had vanished on the tracks. For some reason she couldn’t think of her rank. But that was ridiculous! She was a-

Again, nothing. The cyborg blinked, suddenly a little worried…

Only to be reminded of her position as the hacker started cackling. “Yes, I thought you might have a little trouble there~ Not to worry though, Motoko – soon you’ll know your place again, as my perfect bimbo maid~ Why don’t I show you what kind of life awaits, hm?”

She fell silent – but her machine quickly picked up the slack. The spiral spun with renewed intensity, sucking her gaze in and refusing to let go – though at the edge of her sight, she could just about see the other screen, reading ‘Hack Progress: 33%’.

Motoko had no intention of allowing that bar to climb any higher – and now she knew what she was fighting against. When the haze tried to return, tried to seep back into her mind, she refused it, blocking it with every trick she knew. She wasn’t going to allow herself to be sucked back into the hacker’s games so easily.

But then, the machine she was strapped into had no intention of going easy on her, either. And it had a few tricks of its own.

Suddenly, the shackles around her arms clicked open. For a moment, the cyborg felt her heart rise, thinking that she’d finally managed to fight her way loose of this trap. But her hopes were swiftly dashed when she realised that her arms still weren’t under her control – her robotic body still refusing to respond to her, still hijacked from her commands. So instead of working to free her, her hands reached up to her inflated chest, and…

“Oh!” Motoko couldn’t help but release a surprised gasp as her own fingers squeezed and kneaded her breasts – her already sensitive synthetic flesh spiking with sensation at the merest touch. Unprepared for it, the surge of pleasure knocked her mental feet out from under her, sweeping her mental defences away, and before she could recover…

The haze descended again.


The world swam back into focus as a dim hubbub filled Motoko’s ears. That was strange, what had she just been…?

There was a party going on, a high-class gala kind of event, and she was perched at the edge of it all, holding a silver tray of sparkling campaign glasses balanced on one hand. None of the faces of the well-dressed people around her looked familiar, and none of them seemed to be paying attention to her – all either engaged in quiet circles of conversation with each other, or dancing together on the dance floor.

Where was she? Oh, right, the party. Her Mistress had…

… Mistress?

No… This isn’t real…

The cyborg blinked and looked down. Her body was just as she remembered it – ridiculously sexy curves and all. She was dressed in her formal maid outfit, which meant her tits were mostly covered by black fabric, despite the massive cleavage window, instead of just sporting a pair of nipple tassels, and her white skirt was a little longer than the one she wore in private…

Just another illusion…

Well that all seemed right. It was a maid’s duty to show off her body for her Mistress, to flaunt what her Mistress owned with abandon, and to make everyone else jealous – while keeping some things back for Mistress, and Mistress alone. Ngh, but something was strange tonight. There was an odd buzzing in her head. So distracting. Making it so difficult to concentrate. It felt like her mind was being slowed down…

Have to break free…

It was so hard to-

“Thinking deep, dear?”

“Eh?” Startled, she turned to see a familiar face, and without thinking she spoke, a strange French accent spilling from her lips. “Oh, non non, madame. I was juzt, how do you zay… dreaming dayz?”

Mistress Kalista pressed a hand over her mouth, looking most amused about something, though Motoko couldn’t possibly guess what. “Fair enough, darling. But do be careful not to strain yourself. I know that little brain of yours does tend to overheat if you go about thinking with it for too long. And don’t forget, you have a job to finish~”

She smacked the maid on her well-padded ass, and this time it was Motoko’s turn to giggle. Ah, Mistress Kalista was so funny! Oh, but she was right, too – she shouldn’t be getting distracted while there was work to do!

Smiling happily, the busty maid turned and minced back through the crowd, ignoring the strange buzzing in her head as her thoughts grew simpler and simpler. It was a simple task, one that didn’t require much thinking anyway – simply tour the party, and offer drinks to the guests. Even a bimbo like her could do it~!

No… That’s not…

“Oh, how delightful!” A blonde woman in a red dress took a glass with a smile. “What a wonderful maid you are. What’s your name, dear?”

Motoko smiled and curtsied – all while keeping her tray perfectly balanced, of course. “M*t*k*, Ma’am~”

Huh? What was that static? Were her voice synthesisers on the fritz…?

The woman nodded, as if she hadn’t heard anything strange. “Monique? A lovely name. Your Mistress must be very pleased with you.”

“Of courze~” Monique tittered. “I live to zerve~”

That wasn’t…!

She moved on, offering a glass to a dark-haired man in an even darker suit. “A drink, zir?”

“Ah, thank you.” He took it with a practiced one-handed grip – while applying his other one-handed grip to her chest, drawing a heated maidly moan. “And my compliments to your Mistress – she owns a very tantalising toy here. I’ll have to ask her if I can borrow you for the evening later.”

“Az you vish, zir~” Monique preened, a warm pride filling her chest knowing that she’d reflected so well on her owner. And, of course, despite the groping, she never spilled a single drop of champaign.

S-stop! That feels…!

Her tray was nearly empty by the time she reached the last guest, a brunette with sharp spectacles, wearing a long blue, sophisti- soph- really, like, fancy dress. “Vould you like a drink, madam?”

The woman plucked the last glass up without a word to her, before chuckling. “Ah, Kalista finds herself the most wonderful toys. But you’re something special. That vapidness in your eyes – you must be especially ignorant, no? Tell me, maid, do you have satisfaction in your employment as sexual gratification?”

Monqiue blinked slowly, before she found herself sheepishly stuttering. “I- I am, how you zay… Zorry, madam, I do not underztand…?”

“No,” the woman giggled evily. “You don’t, do you? A proper little bimbo maid, through and through.”

And the maid smiled proudly. “Zhat iz right, madam! Everyone zays I have a very zmall brain~”

“Very good~”

No… I’m not… like… dumb…

She returned to her post with an empty tray and the proud feeling of a job well done – and to her delight, her Mistress was waiting for her there. “Enjoying the party, my dear?”

“It iz lovely, Mistress,” Monique nodded and bowed. “I have rezeived many complimentz for you about your pretty little bimbo maid~”


“How wonderful.” Mistress smiled, leaning in close. “Well then, does my pretty little bimbo maid have a gift for me?”


“Of courze~” the cybermaid leaned in close as well, their lips inching slowly towards one another…


Suddenly, the maid snapped back, glaring. Intense emotions burned through her, fighting off the servile commands of this hideous reality. With a snarl, she took the silver tray in her hand, and scythed it through the air, aiming straight for the hacker’s neck-


- And once again, she was back in the chair, panting hard as her body continued to pleasure itself. The pink spiral was still burning before her eyes, and the counter read 66%.

“My, that was a long dive…” The hacker purred from behind her. “Were you having fun?”

“F-fuck you…” The cyborg swallowed, trying again to command her body to rise from these restraints. Alas, just like before, it didn’t respond. “I vill never be your… your pretty little bimbo!”

“No?” The vile woman sounded entirely too smug. “That’s quite the accent you’re developing there, Miss- Oh, what did you say your name was again?”

Of all the- “My name iz Monique! Monique! And you vill never change it, you bitch!”

A hand reached out to slowly stroke the cyborg’s cheek, steadily drifting down her neck to the rest of her body. “Oh, I won’t, trust me.”

There was something worrying about the way she was talking that made Monique concerned, but the buzzing in her head was so thick, and the pleasure pouring in from her breasts was so constant… It was all she could do to hold on to her anger right now. Thinking deep was well beyond her.

“But enough games.” The hacker continued. “I think you’re just about ready. Shall we put an end to all of this, Monique?”

“Try- Try your vurzt…” The cyborg gasped. “I vill never… Like… never-!”

“Shhhh.” The hand rose up and gently pushed her jaw shut. “That’s enough of that now. Here, I know something that’ll help.”

There was a beep as some new mechanism – and then Monique’s eye bulged, a squeak slipping out of her sealed lips as something long and firm slid between her spread legs. A squeak that was repeated a moment later as a second shaft rose up out of the base of her chair and plunged between her fattened ass cheeks.

The pleasure was indescribable. Her body had never felt so good! Ngh! She was no stranger to sex, but, like, this was on a whole ‘nother level! Pistons pumping in and out of her one after the other, ah, each penetration coming with another explosion of pleasure, each better than the last, she, she couldn’t, like, she wasn’t, like, couldn’t, like, think…!

With the haze already so dense in her head, and thickening by the moment, she never noticed as the world around her suddenly changed.


Thighs squeezing tight around her ears, tongue deep inside the most delicious snatch she could imagine, Monique was in heaven. Oh, servicing her Mistress always felt as though she was pleasuring herself, thanks to her Mistress’s generosity, but truly, the real reward was knowing that she had made her owner happy.

Of course, the burst of juices that flooded her mouth for a job well done, and the explosion of her own climax in sync with them, were a good bonus too~

“Ahhh, wonderful work, dear,” her Mistress purred. “You’re a delight, you truly are. But I think you’ve tired me out for the night – alas, we do not all have your stamina.”

“Of courze, Mistress.” The cyborg slipped out of her owner’s bed and rose to her feet – pausing for a moment to bend over and pick up her uniform from where it had been discarded on the floor, and giving the woman a little show as she did so. “Vill you be needing anything elze tonight?”

“I don’t think so,” the hacker answered with a yawn, laying back among her pillows. “But I’m sure I’ll have more uses for you when you wake me in the morning~”

“Very vell. Zhen I zhall attend my other dutiez.”

Monique bowed deeply, before quietly exiting the room. Ah, pleasuring Mistress was always the duty she looked forward to the most, but there were many other things that would occupy a maid while she slept – even one as dim as her. Cleaning, for instance! With her enhanced eyes and skilful duster, there was nowhere for dirt to hide in this house~

She easily settled into her usual routine – sweeping up dust and polishing out stains, merrily cleaning her way through the apartment… Until she reached the bathroom. There, she found something odd.

It was a mirror. Oh, the mirror itself was normal enough, she’d cleaned it thousands of times, but the image inside it tonight was… different. Strange. Instead of her normal sexy self, she saw… someone else. Someone similar, but distinctly different. A purple haired woman without any of her amazing curves, with sharp eyes and a confident stance. She wasn’t even wearing a maid uniform – she was wearing a jacket and some odd kind of leotard outfit.

There was something else, too. The image in her reflection wasn’t complete. Bits and pieces were missing, trailing off into flickering static and dissolving away. In fact, even as Monique watched in curious confusion, the static seemed to be consuming more and more of the woman…

How very, how do you say, weird?

The reflection reached out; her expression desperate.

‘Please!’ A voice seemed to echo around her, even though no one was speaking. ‘Resist! This isn’t you!’

“Non?” Monique raised a finger and rested it on her cheek, her expression one of complete puzzlement. “But zhen, vho else vould I be?”

The static was eating away at the image now, more and more of the weird woman vanishing into pink light. The voice rang out again. ‘You’re smart… capable… independent…’

The maid giggled, shaking her head. “Non non, you are confuzed. I am but a zimple maid – wizhout my Mistress, I would be… Sacre bleu, I dare not think! I zerve, I follow… And to be the truthful, I am quite zhe ditz~”

Her reflection was almost gone now. Its hand pressed against the glass, trying to push through. ‘You can be so much more than this!’

Monique blinked. “But… Vhy would I vant to be?”

It was a simple question, fitting for a simple maid. To her mind, she had everything she could ever want. Pride. Pleasure. Satisfaction. An Owner who she loved, and a purpose she was well suited for. She was stupid, yes – but so what? Her life was already perfect.

And it seemed that her reflection had no answer for her – at least, none that it could give before the pink static washed through it all. In a puff of pink light, the strange woman vanished, dissolving into pink… And as she did a rush of pleasure spiked through the maid’s mind, making her eyes roll up in her head as everything turned warm and fuzzy, the haze covering everything…


‘Hack Progress: 100%.’

‘Hack Complete.’


She awoke, her eyes fluttering as warm light filled the apartment. What was she… Ah yes. She had been sleeping. Even a tiny brain like hers needed to rest overnight.

She had been sleeping standing up, of course – dressed in her perfect maid uniform that showed off all of her curves – standing to the side just down the hall from her Mistress’s room, in case she was called during the night. As a maid she was always ready to serve. But her internal clock told her that it was morning – and thus, it was time to wake her owner up. A duty she was happy to fulfil – her Mistress was usually playful in the mornings – or at least, that was what she remembered. She certainly didn’t remember anything else…

Smiling, Monique the maid gently opened the bedroom door, and minced inside, her curves already nearly bouncing out of her uniform. Quietly, she stripped out of her uniform, laying it neatly on the floor in a pile to be worn again later, and then slid under her Mistress’s sheets. The most sensual alarm clock ever made.

The door clicked behind her – shutting out the world, and closing the door on any old life she may have once had that she no longer remembered.

Monique had never been one for philosophy, but she might have found the question ‘Who are you’ to be interesting – well, if her tiny mind could ever be made to understand it. But if it could, she’d find it to be a very simple question to answer.

Who are you, Monique? Why – she was exactly who she wanted to be. Her Mistress’s busty bimbo maid toy, just as she always had been – and always would be. To her, that was all that mattered.

Maybe she actually had this philosophy thing down after all.


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