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Annnnd we're back!

Howdy folks. I hope everyone's had a good month, and that October is looking brighter! My batteries are certainly feeling refreshed after my time off, so it's time to get back to work!

So, first off, have a story - this one with work from a familiar artist around here, Zarvex3 - do check out his work here: https://www.deviantart.com/zarvex3

This one was a piece we planned out during the leadup to Cynthia's battle with Ash in the Pokemon Anime! We had a feeling how it was probably going to end, though we held the story back until we were sure! And now, enjoy!


Cynthia took a deep breath, relaxing with a melancholic smile as the strong sea air filled her lungs. It was nice to be away from the crowds after such a long period in the public eye. The World Coronation Series had been fun, the Masters 8 especially so, but now that it was over, the blonde Champion had figured that she was due for a bit of a break. Hence slipping away to her villa, far from the eyes of the paparazzi and the ears of eavesdropping reporters.

And the lapping of the sea just below the cliffs at the edge of her property was certainly a peaceful background to relax with as she lay resting on her couch, a little drained from the trip over, along with the general exhaustion that came from battling some of the greatest trainers in the world over the past few weeks. She’d only barely had enough energy to change out of her travelling clothes and into a suitable bathing suit. Maybe she was getting a little too old for all this~

Oh. Heh, yes, now that she thought about it, she had been considering retiring after the contest was over, hadn’t she? But those last few battles had been so much fun – a much more enjoyable challenge than the ones she’d faced as region Champion in Sinnoh. Maybe she’d just drop the Champion part of her title, and undertake a new Pokemon Journey of her own. It had been a while since she’d last…

Knock knock!

“Hm?” The not-yet-retired Champion blinked, lifting her head to peer at the front door. That was odd. She wasn’t expecting any visitors – in fact, she hadn’t told anyone that she was coming down here at all. Who could be at her door so soon after she’d arrived?

Curious – and desperately hoping that she hadn’t been spotted by some eager paparazzi looking for a quick scoop – she rose to her feet, brushing her hair back behind her ear before heading over to answer. If her visitor was a friend, then all was good, and she wanted to look presentable. If they were a pest, then she wanted to look stylish when Garchomp sent them spinning into the sea.

But as it turned out, it was neither. Instead, when the blonde opened the door, she didn’t see anyone present – just a large parcel waiting on her porch, wrapped in brown paper and addressed to her. “Oh, a delivery?” She looked about, but saw no sign of the postman. Perhaps she’d been too slow reaching the door. Oops. Oh well.

Carrying the box inside was a bit of a challenge – it was half as tall as she was. Why, if it weren’t for the fact that her Garchomp had just gotten through a rather intense tournament and was enjoying her own well-earned rest inside her pokeball right now, she might of called on her for help lifting it! But as it was, the Champion managed, wobbling a little as she balanced it in her arms and walked back in, kicking the front door shut behind her.

Soon, the mystery package was resting on her table, and the curious Champ was studying it, rubbing her chin as she pondered what it could possibly be. “Alright,” she finally said with a shrug, unable to come up with a guess. “Let’s just cut to the chase, shall we?”

Tearing the paper aside carefully, not wanting to disturb the postmarks in case she needed to return a wrongly delivered item, she popped open the box inside, and revealed…

“Oh, my.” It was a trophy. An impressive one, big enough that it would likely take up most of an awards cabinet on its own. No wonder it had needed such a large box! It was made of gold, a smooth cylinder plinth, with its top lined by glittering pokeballs. Exquisitely carved, it must have cost a fortune…

And there was also a note, stuck to the top of the trophy in a white envelope. Now more curious than ever, Cynthia quickly plucked it up and pulled it open, reading with a raised eyebrow.

‘Champion Cynthia,’ it read. ‘A gift, in honour of your performance in the Master’s 8.’

Wow. Well this was certainly something. Had someone truly gone to all the trouble of making a special trophy for her, beyond what she’d received for taking part in the tournament itself? That was an incredible level of dedication! Had the other participants also received one? She’d have to ask them when the chance arose.

Although… There was something odd about this trophy, now that she looked at it properly. If this was a trophy for her, then why was it not marked as such? There was a plaque on the front, but it was blank. And there was nothing here to represent her final position in the tournament, despite the note talking about her performance.

It was very strange. Perhaps she was missing something? Still curious, the Champion leaned in, examining the trophy.

And then it began to glow.

Surprised, Cynthia hesitated, unsure if this was some unexpected decorative element of the prize that she’d missed. Then, before she could retreat, and maybe start to wonder just what was going on, she just… stopped thinking.

It was as though a low, steady sound was ringing through her head, like the drone of an overhead plane, or a Haunter using nightmare. A rolling pitch that just drowned out all of her thoughts, washed over them like correction fluid and left her mind empty and blank. She just stood in place, still staring at the trophy, with empty eyes and a curious smile still on her lips.

For a moment, it seemed like the matter was decided before it had even begun. Whatever purpose that the trophy had been sent for, it had defeated the almost-undefeatable Champion in an instant. Cynthia was posed not unlike a trophy herself, the wind practically whistling between her ears, and as the gift that had been sent to her began to glow even brighter, it seemed that she would not be standing in its way.

But then, a note of discord interrupted the harmony pacifying the blonde’s mind. A bubbling tremor in an empty mental landscape – a disruption to the mindless calm. The will of a Champion was not so easily subdued, and though it had taken a moment, Cynthia was fighting back, struggling to break free of this empty-headed peace.

An unexpected showing of incredible mental fortitude – and yet, alas, one that the device she’d been sent was also ready to respond to. If it was her hope that merely breaking the first hypnotic induction would set her free, she would be disappointed – there was much more to come, as the trophy’s glow took on a bright pink colour…

A change came over Cynthia while her mind was still blank and bubbling, her body bathing in the pink light. It felt good, though she was in no condition to notice. Like a delightful, relaxing rest under the warm rays of the sun.

But the trophy had far more devious intentions than just providing a relaxing sunlamp, and soon, that gentle, pleasant summer warmth started to become another sort of sensation entirely. A dazed, breathless moan slipped from her lips as that heat, an almost liquid feeling in nature, began to gather in her chest, and between her legs. Sweat began to bead on her skin, as another kind of moisture began to drip beneath her bathing suit. Though she had no awareness to recognise it, Cynthia was becoming a very horny woman – and she was getting hornier by the second.

Had she been her normal self, she might have recognised the unnaturalness of all this – tried to fight it, or get away. But with her mind still entranced and struggling to break free, her mindless body was left to simply bathe in the lovely light, and soak up all that it offered. Before long, under that intense glow, her breath was starting to grow hot and heavy – but that wasn’t all that was starting to grow.

A connection was being formed, one forged out of pleasure and hormones – a flowing line built straight from her head to her chest. A two way street – where one side sent incredible, unimaginable feelings of bliss and delight, and the other sent back everything that got in the way of those feelings. All these unnecessary thoughts and opinions and such. Who needed intelligence when you felt this good?!

Yes, as pleasure ignited, sucking sweetly at her brain and lavishing attention on her breasts, the Champion’s empty head had no reason to try to deny it, an eager smile even starting to quirk at the edge of her lips. And under the pink light’s continued shine, Cynthia’s chest was starting to swell.

When the Champion finally awoke, breaking through the strange mental chains that had bound her, instead of the feeling of freedom that should have greeted her, the sensation was more akin to walking face first into the front of a speeding train.

Her gasp of shock set her on the back foot, her arms raising in a startled attempt at defence – and the light took advantage of her distraction to slurp down another portion of her mind, her breasts bulging against her now tight swimsuit.

For a precious, fleeting moment, her thoughts raced, trying to work out what was happening and how to stop it – but then that dazzling mental agility that had made her one of the strongest Pokemon trainers in the world started plummeting. Her mind stumbled, her questions and conclusions crashing into each other and answering her with only a confusing mess. And all the while, the heat hammered at her, her snatch dripping, her tits tingling, and pleasure zapping her attempts at reason like lightning against a water type.

Not to mention that she was already fighting on poor footing. Pleasure was pounding through her body, softening up her brain with every pulse, offering sweet delights that it seemed so silly to refuse. Even though she felt something was wrong, her addled mind couldn’t quite work out what – at least, not before all of her work was sucked straight out of her head.

Her shocked expression faded, mouth lapsing back into a smile, drool starting to gather at the edge of her lip as she failed to find a reason to stop it. She was struggling to focus with everything she had, but it wasn’t doing enough, her eyes locked on the shining pink trophy, even as they started to fill with swirling colours of their own…

Indeed, her struggles were slowly falling apart, even though she’d managed to break through her first trance. With her body turned against her and her mind so consumed with pleasure, she could barely even think of a reason to fight in the first place – and what reasons she managed soon vanished, her tits plumping up even bigger, her swimsuit starting to strain.

Thus, it was no surprise when her body started relaxing – her arms dropping to hang down loose at her sides, her jaw falling open, tongue hanging out, drool now pouring down into her swelling cleavage canyon. A blush steadily spread across her face as the colours in her eyes spun faster and brighter, her resistance swiftly evaporating as her mind was stroked, sucked, simplified, and stupefied into accepting what was happening…

Until she just couldn’t hold out any longer.


Her swimsuit tore open as the last of her brains finally popped out of her head and into her tits, bursting free to bounce merrily in the open air. The burst alone – perhaps accompanied by the surge of pleasure that rewarded her as she finally gave in to complete brainlessness – finally pushed her over the edge, with any mind she had left outside of her tits squirting out of her cunt as her eyes turned into complete solid spirals, signifying her utter defeat.

Champion Cynthia had been totally tranced – the powerful, infamous trainer reduced to a brainless big boobed bimbo, smiling wide and stupid as the remains of her clothes were stripped away.

But naturally, the trophy wasn’t done. In fact, the woman’s current state was only a by-product of its overall purpose. Ironically, if she hadn’t fought so hard to break free from its trap, she would never have forced it to resort to its pink light backup effect, and would have remained a much more dignified figure – though just as incapable of thought.

None of that mattered to her now, though, as the light shone in her spiral-filled eyes, and she was suddenly seized by the compulsion to strike a nice pose to show off her body. Naturally, she had no objection – you had to have thoughts to have one of those – so she did just as she was bidden, folding her arms behind her head and thrusting her new massive melons, both easily bigger than her head and then some. Her hips shifted, sticking her ass out for good measure, her legs spread so anyone who looked wouldn’t be denied an easy glimpse of her cunt, and she grinned as another warm burst of pleasure washed over her, a reward for her mindless obedience.

Then, a single thought – special for how unique it was in her otherwise empty brain – echoed through her head.


And so she did – her lips spreading as wide as her legs and her mind, curling into an expression of delight that reflected maybe half of the happiness she’d found in having her brains drained into her tits. Her teeth glinted in the trophy’s light, her eyes still locked in an eternal vapid spiral, her pose a perfect representation of the bimbo she’d become.

Then, there was a flash – and when it cleared, Cynthia, Champion of Sinnoh, one of the top four Pokemon trainers in the entire world, infamous icon and renowned archaeologist, had vanished. The only trace of her where she’d been standing were the few torn shreds of fabric that remained of her swimsuit, a slowly drying puddle of juices from where she’d drizzled her brains out of her snatch…

And, on top of the trophy, which now sat on the table with no trace of a glow, a small, metal figurine, in the shape of a woman who some might have thought looked a lot like the missing Champion – especially her long, flowing hair, and her trademark hair decorations. But then, Cynthia had never had such a massive chest – nor would she ever have consented to such a lewdly sculpted statuette of herself being made, with her legs spread and her tits shoved out. No, there was no way this could be a representation of the beloved Champion of Sinnoh…

Even though she was sculpted from solid bronze, a fitting prize for her performance in the Master’s 8.

What Cynthia thought of it, though, would remain unspoken (though, spoilers: It wasn’t much – about anything at all) as the trophy slowly hovered into the air, and then dropped back into the box from which she had unpacked it not so long ago. The packaging slowly sealed itself back up – darkness closing in over the trophy woman’s smiling bronze face – until it would have been hard to tell that the box had ever been opened.

Soon enough, it would be picked up, and sent on a new journey – to a trophy cabinet far away, where, as the centrepiece of a fine collection, the trophy would receive a great deal of attention and polish.

It wasn’t quite the new journey that Cynthia had had in mind after her retirement, of course… But somehow, she never seemed to object~


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