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Hi folks!

Phew, is September nearly over already? Well I guess that means my break is coming to an end. Having now rested (ish) for a few weeks... Yeah, I definitely needed that. I may start scheduling to take a month off for every three months on, and see how that works for me for the moment. It's a shame patreon makes it kind of difficult to take less than a month off at a time, you know?

Anyways - like I mentioned before my break started, I intend to move the 'Short requests' week to the first Wednesday of the month, starting next month. I always feel scummy when people have to pay a month's extra sub to see the short that they requested, and this seems like the best way to fix that issue. Please let me know if this causes any problems!

In the meantime, a small requested short to tide folks over until next month!

Good luck and have fun out there, all!


“Ugh. Why is my hair such a mess today?” Claire stared at her reflection with an uncomfortable mix of disappointment and frustration, seeing strand after strand of stubborn hairs poking up out of her normally tame locks. Her hair had always had a bit of wavey wildness to it, sure, but this was well beyond the pale – and far more than she was willing to tolerate. “I knew I should never have used that conditioner. Half-off special introductory price my ass…”

It was especially embarrassing because this wasn’t her mirror. No, she wasn’t at home, lamenting over her appearance in a normal, banal kind of way. Instead, she was hiding in the bathroom at the local TV studio, desperately trying to fix every last little flaw she could see.

Now, she would have been keen to point out she wasn’t here for herself, no no. She was here to support her friend, who had come to apply as a contestant on one of the many reality shows being filmed here. Some kind of party girl thing. Not Claire’s scene at all – and, quite frankly, not her friend’s either, but you try telling her that.

Either way, yeah, Claire certainly wanted nothing to do with ‘Party Lakehouse’ or whatever the show was called. But, y’know. Maybe, if she was here at the studios, you never knew… Maybe some executive walking past might notice her, and suddenly decide that they needed her to play a role in some exciting drama or something! It could happen!

… Anyway, there was no reason that she shouldn’t look her best while she was here, right?

No reason except her misbehaving hair. Argh!

She rubbed at her eyes – and then, slowly, looked to her left. There, to the side of the sink, was a can of hairspray. It was labelled ‘For use in PARTY LAKEHOUSE only’. She’d been trying to ignore it and slick her hair down with water and willpower, but now, with it being so unruly… Whoever left it here would never notice if she just used a bit, right?

Claire glanced about. No one else here. What was the harm? Sneakily, she snatched up the can, gave it a shake, aimed it at her head, and…


A misty cloud sprayed out over her hair, quickly coating it in an oily, slick gel that quickly obeyed her smothering hands, flattening out all of her unruly locks. Finally! The young woman breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing a little as her worries were smoothed away.

Chuckling, she shot herself a grin in the mirror – before blinking, forehead wrinkling in confusion. Huh, that was weird. Were those blonde streaks in… her… hair…?

“Oh shit!” She leaned forward, staring at her reflection in horror. Had- had that not been normal hairspray? What the fuck? Her hair was still dark, but now there were little blonde highlights running through it all over the place. It was a complete change of style! How had this even happened? It didn’t seem…

D-didn’t seem…

“Uuuhhh…” Her eyes fluttered, a thick, oily haze settling over her thoughts. In her reflection, she could see her jaw going slack as her eyes crossed, and almost burst into a giggling fit. Heehee, she looked so dumb~

It wasn’t just the cross-eyed expression that made her laugh, either. There was the obviously fake tan, too! It was practically dripping down the woman in the mirror’s pale skin – in fact, as she watched, it was literally doing that! A wall of dark, tanned skin slowly painting itself over the woman’s face and neck, before vanishing under her clothes, drizzling down her body from top to bottom. Soon, Claire was as brown as bar of chocolate from head to toe.

The changes didn’t stop there, either. No sooner had her new tan lines vanished beneath her clothes than her clothes began to change as well. Claire normally wore quite casual getup, and today was no exception – a simple white blouse, red jacket, black skirt combo. But now, all three garments were blending together, melding like liquids being stirred in a glass, until they reformed as one singular outfit – a red, slinky dress that hung from thin straps over her shoulders, and hugged her body tightly until just below her ass, where it stopped dead. Precious little was left to the imagination – and there’d be even less at the slightest hint of a breeze.

But the transformation still wasn’t done. For even as the now skankily dressed woman watched in the mirror, her body was starting to change too. Her curves had never been bad, even if they’d not been worth writing home about, but now they were starting to swell to levels she’d never dreamed they could reach. Her tits were pumping up, visibly swelling against the cleavage window of her new dress, while her ass was pushing itself out so hard that she almost cracked the stall door behind her in half with a hip-check. Her new dress had already been form fitting – now it squeezed her like a tooth-paste tube, with delicious curvy flesh pressed out at both ends.

Her sensible shoes, unseen in her reflection, shimmered and turned into high heels. On her ears, long, dangling golden hoops appeared, piercing through her previously unblemished ears without a hint of pain. A tight black blet with a golden buckle wrapped itself around her waist and squeezed her even tighter into a proper jiggly hourglass.

There were a few more minor touches. Dangling bracelets appeared on her wrists. A shining gold necklace clasped itself around her neck. Her dress developed two telling bumps over her nipples as a pair of golden piercings appeared through them, while a small heart tattoo appeared on her breast, plainly visible through her cleavage window. Pink lipstick spread itself over her lips (which grew nice and plump under its touch), and a dusting of glittery eyeshadow applied itself to her face. Matching pink nail polish applied itself to her now extended nails. Then, just to top it all up, her hair puffed out, gaining in volume and length, even developing a nice big jersey bun on the top, making all of her efforts to flatten it down completely moot.

And with that, the transformation was complete. Where once had stood Claire, cheerful girl next door, now strutted Care-care – trampy fat assed hoe and proud of it!

Not even her mind had been spared the changes, as became clear when her eyes finally focused again, the oily haze finally dissipating – only for her eyes to turn haughty and smug at her reflection instead of shocked and horrified.

“Now there’s the bitch I wanna see. Ain’t nobody who’s turning down this hot piece of ass~”

And thus, grinning, she turned and stepped out of the bathroom, ready to- now, wait a sec, what was she here for again? Something to do with a show?

“Hold everything!” Suddenly, there was a yell from down the hall, and before she knew it, a man in a business suit was rushing up to her. “You there! What’s your name?”

“Me?” The tramp flicked her hair over her shoulder and gave him her best sultry smile. “Honey, my friends call me Care-care, but you can call me whateva’ you like!”

That was apparently just the right thing to say, because he clapped his hands in glee. “Perfect! Yes, you’re perfect! You simply have to be in my new reality show. Party Lakehouse – perhaps you’ve heard of it? I think you’ll fit right in with the group we’re assembling.”

“Oooh, sure thing Sugar! Just lead the way – I will show you how to party like you ain’t ever seen before~”

With a hungry strut, she followed after the producer, eager to see where this might lead. After all, Claire had always dreamed of being in showbiz! … Though this probably wasn’t what she’d had in mind.

Oh well! At least her hair looked great~


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