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Okay, so! I know I'm on a break. Really, I know, I swear...

But I really didn't want to leave you guys without anything this week, so I asked a friend if I could write something short based on one of their art pieces. Hope folks enjoy!

Art by Sortish-Kinda: https://twitter.com/sortishkinda/status/1568736010569220097?s=46&t=NkIWBMmdxlktQaZsaQ_xxg



“Alright Pyra, I came over. What was so dazzling that I had to see it right away?”

Mythra was in a huff – because, well, naturally she was. Saying Mythra was huffy was like saying Morag was stoic or Nia was Welsh. It was just her natural state – well, when she wasn’t being smug, anyway. It was one of her charming features, as far as she was concerned (though perhaps not everyone else agreed).

In this particular instance, however, she was in a huff because she’d been dragged away from her nice relaxing beach vacation by her sister/other-self/fellow-Aegis/what-do-you-even-call-these-two, Pyra. Apparently the redhaired fire blade had found something that Mythra just ‘had’ to see.

Hmph. Well if it was anything less than incredible, the blonde would have some sharp words for everyone involved. It took a lot to impress the Aegis, after all. She had very high standards. Very high. Yes.

“Don’t worry, Mythra. It’s just over here.” There was something weird about Pyra’s smile. It was just a little too… fixed. And there was a weird, distant glaze in her eyes…

Eh, probably nothing. Pyra was just kind of weird like that. She was all nice and caring and polite, which the blonde Aegis had just never quite gotten the hang of. If she was acting strange, it was probably just because of that. Nothing to be concerned over. Besides, if there was some kind of problem, Mythra could just blast whatever it was to atoms with a thought. She wasn’t going to stress out about it – she was on vacation, damnit!

“Over here?” The light blade followed her sister into the shade of a cluster of trees, now hidden away from the rest of the group. “What could possibly- Hey, who’s that?”

‘That’ was a figure standing off in the shadows, watching the pair approach. Their features were a little hard to make out, with her eyes still adjusting from the bright glare of the summer sun, but she could see a wide grin on their face…

“Oh, that?” Pyra didn’t seem too concerned. “That’s just Master. Come on, come take a look at their special trick~!”

“Master?” Okay, now Mythra was starting to worry. “Wait, that’s not- Huh?”

‘Master’ had moved, reaching into their jacket – and before the blonde aegis’ eyes, they pulled out…

“What.” Mythra’s concern flatlined, replaced immediately with irritated scorn. “Is that a coin on a string? Seriously? Are you actually serious right now? Pyra, what kind of prank is this?”

But Pyra didn’t say anything, just standing in place with a blank smile and glazed eyes as she starred at the coin – not even reacting as her sister waved a hand in front of her face.

“You’re kidding.” The blonde spun to face this supposed ‘Master’, folding her arms across her chest. “Okay, buddy, I’m going to give you two seconds to let her go, or I’m reducing you, and this entire beach, to molten glass. Got it?”

The figure didn’t even flinch, which made Mythra’s eyes narrow, and her preparations for a Sacred Arrow begin. But they did move in one particular way, which couldn’t help but draw the blade’s gaze.

The coin began to swing.

Naturally, Mythra scoffed. “Oh my god, you’re really trying to hypnotize me. That’s actually pathetic. I’m half tempted to just leave you be, since there’s nothing I can do to you that’s worse than just leaving you to be yourself, but I… But I…”

She trailed off, blinking, arms dropping to her sides. Funny, what had she just been about to say? It had been important, she was sure, but for some reason she was drawing a blank. It had been something about this weirdo in front of her, and their nice shiny coin that was swinging through the air…

… Swinging…

“Uh…” She closed her eyes, trying to focus – and immediately, her head started to clear. Son of a- They were trying to hypnotize her! And it had almost worked! Oh, it was on now.

The blonde’s aura began to glow, her power gathering even as she held her eyes shut. “Okay, you know what? Screw talking. I’m just going to annihilate you right n-Huh?!?”

Her snarl was interrupted by a sudden squeeze – a pair of them, delivered right through her swimsuit to her breasts. A moment later, and she felt a warm pair of arms wrap around her, another, familiar chest pressing into her back…

“Don’t be like that, Mythra…” Pyra purred into her ear. “It feels really nice to just watch and stare…”

“P-Pyra!” The blonde struggled, her aura winking out as she tried not to hurt her sister. “Let me go, I have to-!”

“Silly Mythra. You just have to open your eyes~ It’s so good~”

“N-no, w-wait, I- Ah!” Mythra was a lot of things. An immortal blade, a goldy power, a total tsundere… But above all, and despite her protests, one of the main things that she was, was inexperienced. Her head was still fuzzy from watching the coin earlier, and now with Pyra making her squirm, her focus was starting to fracture. All she needed was one little push…

And her sister was all too happy to deliver – pinching the blonde’s already hard nipples through her suit.

“Eep!” Golden eyes shot open – and were immediately caught on the coin again, swinging from side to side. “No… No, I…!”

“Shhh…” And Pyra was still there, still stroking away. With her eyes now open, Mythra could see that she’d already half stripped out of her own swimsuit, her bare breasts bouncing in the corner of the blonde’s vision. “Just relax and feel good…”

“Relax…” The coin sparkled as it swung through the air. Swing. Swing. Swing. “Feel… goooooood… I… Noooooo…”

Drool was starting to drip down her chin, running from the corner of her slack-jawed mouth. And judging from the growing damp feeling on her shoulder, Pyra was experiencing the same.

“Yes, Mythra. Don’t you want to feel good?” The redhead giggled as her sister groaned helplessly in her arms. “Why don’t you take off that top and let me at those big ol’ tits of yours? Master loves a show~”

Despite her best efforts, Mythra couldn’t refuse her. Against her will, the aegis found her hands lifting up to her collar, fingers sliding underneath the fabric – before pulling both sides apart with all of her strength, ripping her costume open right down the middle, and allowing her breasts out into the open. An opportunity that Pyra was swift to capitalise on.

Squish, squish. The blonde moaned and shuddered as the redhead massaged and squeezed her chest, kneading pleasure and delight straight into her dazed brain. Her already feeble willpower was swiftly crumbling, her head hollowing as she continued to watch the coin swing. Swing. Swing.

“Don’t resist, Mythra…” Pyra giggled in her ear. “Just give in and obey, like I did~”

“G-Give iiiiin… ooo-oobeeeyyy…” The words sank right to her core, sped by her sister’s magical fingers.

One last pinch of her diamond hard nipples sealed the deal.


A blank, dazed smile settled over Mythra’s face – a double of the one her sister wore, just as her glazed eyes equalled the redheads in every way. Two empty headed blades, waiting for orders from their Master.

The shadowy figure chuckled, pocketing their coin once more, before walking away, beckoning the two busty, brainless babes to follow. And naturally, both were eager to do so.

Pyra had been right, after all – what they’d seen had been incredible! And both blades couldn’t wait to see what their Master might show them next~


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