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Hey folks!

Phew, it's been a busy few weeks! I am more than ready for my upcoming break - and, yeah, one final reminder: I am taking the month of September off to rest and recuperate. My job as a writer is wonderful but it does drain the batteries - and since I don't have a ton of interesting substances with which I can revitalize them, I'm going to have to make do with rest instead ^^

In the meantime, for once I'm able to deliver your requested shorts in the same month that you ask for them! Yeah, I really don't like how the current system requires a minimum of a two month subscription - I very much appreciate everyone's support, but I want to be fair to you when you send in your money. So, do keep your eyes peeled for some announcements late September about changes to how I'll be doing things. It won't be too major - I'll just be moving some stuff around so that it feels more fair to you guys.

Anyways, enough with my chatter - I have some shorts to deliver! I had a bunch of really fun requests this month - I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.


Request: Junko's identity as the mastermind of the Killing Game has been discovered way earlier than in the original game, and Chihiro punishes her by using a program to turn her from Ultimate Despair to the Ultimate Bimbo, making sure that she has no way to turn the tables on him.

Huh. That was weird.

Chihiro Fujisaki blinked, his eyes pausing over a peculiar line of code. The Ultimate Computer Programmer had been poking around in the Hope’s Peak security network – not somewhere he was supposed to be, obviously (They thought their security was enough to keep him out, it was adorable) – when he’d found something that he was pretty sure wasn’t supposed to be here.

It was nothing obvious, nothing that would normally catch anyone’s attention. Just a few harmless errors in the code that rerouted some processes and blocked some others. They almost looked like accidents, they were so casual… But as soon as he’d spotted one, he’d started finding others, and now he was becoming convinced that there was actually a whole second program here, hidden underneath the school’s security system.

Honestly, he’d half-thought he’d been imagining things for the longest time, but with this last hidden ‘glitch’ there could be no mistake. Someone had put this all in deliberately. It was subtle, and incredibly elegant, but he could see it now as clear as day. And there was a lot this system could do. With the right access code, someone could take control of the entire school, send messages without detection, and… Uh, well, he hadn’t dived in too deep yet, but it looked like it was even using Hope’s Peak’s systems to hack into some pretty high-level top-secret instillations around the world. Military stuff. Someone… Someone could do a lot of damage with a hack like this…!

And it was a complete coincidence that he had found it! Ordinarily he would never have been poking around in these files, but a freak storm, a few traffic accidents, and a couple of unexpected developments in the science department had managed to derail all of his plans for the day, so he’d gotten bored…

But now he had a problem. Because no one made a program like this by accident. It was way to careful, way to intricate. It had to have been made over months, from inside the school itself. Oh, it was a mess, a hideous, ridiculous overly complicated blob of code, compared to what he would write, obviously… But for someone who wasn’t the Ultimate Programmer, it wasn’t a half bad job…

… Ah, no, no, no need to admire the work of someone who was clearly up to no good. This was serious stuff here. And the more he looked into it, the more he was convinced that someone was about to do something incredibly dangerous. Like, killing people dangerous! And he had no idea who had set this up – it could be anyone in the Academy. Staff, student… Who could do something like this? Honestly, until he found all this, Chihiro would have assumed he was the only one who could have pulled something like this off.

He'd have to investigate carefully. But first he had to make sure that no one could use this system he’d found – it was too dangerous. And just destroying it wasn’t going to work, then they’d know he was on to them. He’d have to… He’d have to…

Ah! Well, this was a bit extreme, but give what whoever-this-person-was was up to, it was pretty justified. He’d heard someone else in the school talking about a kind of brainwashing program they were working on a few weeks back – and, while obviously he’d never planned to use it, the idea had been a novel one that he’d thought could help him work on constructing an AI, so he’d looked into it.

The theory had been interesting. Kind of simple, really. With his background in coding and sentience development, it had been pretty easy to understand in fact! Hell, to the Ultimate Programmer, it had barely presented a challenge – Chihiro had managed to construct a working prototype in a few hours.

It couldn’t do anything impressive, unfortunately, so he’d kind of deemed it a failure. It could ensnare the mind, sure, but it couldn’t do much with it – just inject a simple concept into the watcher’s mind. Hardly the teaching tool he’d been looking for.

So he’d set it aside as a novelty pastime and gotten back to their normal work… But now… Now, he thought he could see a use for that code after all…


“Are you sure about this?”

“Mukuro, dear sister, if you question me again I will strangle you to death with your own legs~” Junko Enoshima, Ultimate Fashionista to her friends and Ultimate Despair to her enemies (who tended to be the same people, even if they didn’t know it), ‘lovingly’ shoved her twin out of her room with a foot and dropped herself into her seat in front of her computer. She was in no mood to delay her plans just because her sister was feeling skittish. The poor fool was probably just spending too much time thinking about Makoto anyway.

Because, you see, today was an important day. Today was the day that Junko began laying the proper groundwork for all of her plans. She’d spent so. Long. Oh my god you’ve no idea how long she spent. Just slowly inserting her little weaknesses, her slight code adjustments, into the Hope’s Peak Security Network. It was a little awkward, sure, but it was the best way that she could execute her plans from within the Academy’s walls – and being inside the Academy was very important indeed. Where best to topple the world’s hope than from the very place they though it safest?

And now, on the eve of her greatest triumph, Mukuro wanted to do… Anything? Please. Junko had much more important things to do, now that her dark web was active, powered by the most advanced technology and strongest servers known to mankind. Oh, she had disasters to organise, cults to form, and, ohhhh yes, a Killing Game to set up~ Ah, the despair, she could practically taste it already!

Hmm, should she play this slow and subtle, or just, like, nuke Canada? Both were good options! She just had to boot up this lil’ sneaky program of hers, and…

… Huh?

The Ultimate Despair blinked, the uncommon sight of a frown line deepening on her brow. What was this? This wasn’t the normal UI she’d designed. Where were all her cute Monokuma designs? She hadn’t gotten bored of those yet! Instead, her entire screen had just turned into a big, pink, swirling spiral. The heck?! This wasn’t in any of her calculations!

Whether it was the surprise at such an unexpected element finding its way into her plans, or curiosity at something coming along which could surprise the analytical genius, Junko didn’t react quickly to the spiral filling her view. Instead she just stared into it for a long moment, blinking, an eyebrow slowly rising as she tried to process it. This would, alas, prove to be her undoing.

You see, the thing about Junko Enoshima, the real driving force behind her, was that she was… bored. Incredibly, unbelievably, non-disputably bored. Of all the Ultimates in the world, she alone possessed the gift of Ultimate Analysis, which had peeled back the mysteries of the universe like layers of an aging onion. Indeed, her ability was so strong that everything in life was completely predictable to her. She had practically seen the entire course of her life since the day she’d been able to walk.

How she planned to deal with that boredom was, everyone could pretty much agree, terrible – but it was indeed her main motivating force. Pushing people, pushing nations, pushing society itself to the very brink, just in the hope that they’d do something to surprise her in their despair… There was something ironic in that. But whatever, they could sweat that out in a different story.

Because in this one, Junko was surprised. She’d not expected anyone to find her program, or for them to add a twist of their own to it. The string of bizarre coincidences that had led to it happening had completely eluded her gift by sheer chance. And now, something unexpected was dangling before her, swirling with an eerie pink light…

The Ultimate Despair was quick witted enough to look away, strong enough of will to defy the thoughts creeping into her brain – but the Ultimate Analysist wanted to see more. She wanted to enjoy this fleeting feeling of shock, before it was swallowed up by the humdrum banality of reality. And then, as that gift once again went to work, and she realised exactly what was happening, and what this spiral was going to do to her, now that it was too late to look away…

She could see it all in her minds eye, her analytical gift firing off for what might be the last time. Suddenly she understood exactly what had happened, she could practically see Chihiro’s nerdy little fingers type in all these commands after he’d stumbled over her project. He would have only put this stupid spiral (ha!) in here as a precaution, he was way too cowardly to really expect it to work!

But it was working. His little trap to ward off a hacker had actually caught the Ultimate Despair, and now she couldn’t look away. She was snared, and already falling deeper, being drawn inevitably, no matter how much she might dig in her heels and resist, towards a determined fate.

The screen in front of her was lit bright by the big pink spiral, spinning around endlessly, optical illusions flickering in her eyes and drawing her gaze against her will down, down, deeper and down, all towards one deep, undeniable truth. The one word, the one command that the Ultimate Programmer had put in as a trap for the one who’d created this scheme.


A manic, twisted grin spread over her lips as she felt a phantom sense of vertigo, a disorienting sensation of falling, as though she was plunging face forwards into the spiral, dropping down, down, down into its depths. Into the pink embrace of depravity. Oh god, this thing was going to make her dumb. It was going to iron out all the creases in her brain and make her thoughts smoother than a polished bowling ball! Her plans, her schemes, all of it was about to get flushed down the toilet, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do!

Ah, she was in such despair~!

Excited, gleeful cackling filled her room as her hand snuck down under her skirt (Mukuro, outside her door, paid it no mind, since it was pretty typical of her sister) as her analytical mind went to work. Bimbo, eh? Just what was a Bimbo supposed to be? Alas, if anyone else had been hypnotised like this to turn themselves into a braindead bitch, they might have been able to resist a little just because they weren’t capable of fully envisioning the command boring into their minds. But Junko? Junko knew exactly what a bimbo was – a dumb, busty, horny, brainless whore, good for sex and nothing more!

In many ways, she was doing what was about to happen to her all to herself, and the irony of that was delicious, especially to her. Her smile was wide and eager, her eyes swirling with black and white spirals of despair, before they slowly turned pink, and her smile started to stupefy.

But slow and steady wasn’t the way of Junko Enoshima, and before long, the corrupted parts of her brain, all pink and mushy, were slamming into her mind along with the spiral, desperate to drive herself down into the depths of dumbass bimbodom. It was as though little pink and white bears were tearing her consciousness apart~!

Self-respect? A bimbo doesn’t need that!

Treasured memories! All you need to remember is fucking and sucking, slut!

And what’s this? IQ? Hah, you stupid dumb bitch, IQ isn’t even a real thing! We’d better take all these smarts away from you before you hurt yourself!

“G-g-gguuuuhhhh…!” Junko’s eyelids were fluttering, her eyes swirling like whirlpools in a pink lemonade factory, drool pouring down her chin onto a pair of stylishly framed breasts… Which, in defiance of all sense and logic, were starting to swell up as the bimbo-to-be’s body got with the program. Steam was practically shooting out of her ears as her intellect evaporated – the Ultimate Analyst, the Ultimate Despair, getting scrubbed out by the spiral, replaced by the Ultimate Bimbo.

Slowly, her cackling faded, her laughter quieting into a series of breathless giggles as she forgot what it was she was laughing about. Her chest bounced, top split open, her breasts on full display, as her fingers still worked away beneath her skirt, pumping in and out, lost in a frenzy of bimbo horniness and despair induced euphoria – though, alas, none of those words were in Junko’s dictionary any more.

Until finally, finally, as the last of her neurons were fully scoured of everything but the lightest, airiest of thoughts, and all trace of despair had been banished from the bimbo’s brain – she came, jusices flooding out of her, and carrying away the last remnants of the Ultimate Analyst. Fried by pleasure – and by constant exposure to the spiral – Junko slumped back in her chair, broad, dumb grin slathered over her face, quietly giggling away to herself.

Mmm, that had been totally fun – she couldn’t wait to show her cute lil’ Mukie this, like, awesome pink spiral! And then after that, maybe the two of them could go thank Chihiro for making it for them personally…

She couldn’t wait to show them all just what the Ultimate Bimbo could do~


Request: Rent A Girlfriend - Sequel to Contract Violation. Mami is on the chopping block this time around and gets her brain drained down into her tits as punishment for breaking the rules of a rental girlfriend.

Mami Nanami stared at the title of the new email sitting in her inbox with an annoyed scowl. ‘CONTRACT VIOLATION’? Seriously? Ugh, what a chore. She’d only signed on to this stupid Rent A Girlfriend service to investigate it a little behind the scenes, see how it all worked and what she could use against that pathetic Kazuya. Not that she’d really needed to, as it turned out – Chizuru, the woman Mami had been scheming to drive away from Kazuya, had vanished. Presumably she’d finally come clean with her feelings, realised love was for suckers, and gotten as far away from that loser as she could.

Well, if that was the case, Mami couldn’t help but approve, but it did mean she’d put all this work in for nothing. Yes, it may have sounded petty to invest herself so heavily in breaking up a relationship just because her ex-boyfriend had found a new girlfriend a month after she’d broken up with him, but… She had her reasons.

Bad ones, but reasons, none the less.

Still, now she was left holding a bunch of loose ends. Like this email. Ugh, she’d signed on with them, sure, but after that she’d pretty much ignored all of their requests. Why bother, after all? It wasn’t like she wanted to actually be a rental girlfriend. Please, if she wanted a boy to pay to date her, she didn’t need any company’s help, she just needed to smile at them. Easy!

So despite the serious looking nature of this email, she was honestly tempted to just delete it and move on. It wasn’t like she cared what they had to say. But there was a possibility she’d overlooked something in her contract with them – something that could get her in trouble, despite having given them a fake name…

Oh, very well. Why not? In the privacy of her own room, sat in front of her computer, Mami rolled her eyes and clicked to open this ‘Contract Violation’ message.

‘Mami Nanami’, it read, and she blinked because that definitely wasn’t the name she’d given them.  ‘It has been brought to our attention that you have violated the terms of your contract with us as a Rental Girlfriend. This is very disappointing, especially from a new recruit with so much potential.’

Wait a second, how did they know that? Her skipping out on doing anything was one thing, but where did they learn who she really was from? Heart starting to beat a little faster, she read on.

‘We at the company take the terms of our contracts very seriously. They exist to protect not just the company, but the employee as well. As such, it is always stipulated in our contracts that when terms are violated, we may do what we see fit to do for violators. ANYTHING.’

Wha- What?! What was that supposed to mean? Hey, what the hell? Who did these people think they- Hey!

Her screen flickered, and then swirled into the image of a green and blue spiral, spinning in front of her. Mami gaped, trying to work out what was happening and furiously clicking her mouse to try to clear the image. What kind of email was this? How was it- h-how was… How was… Huh…?

Alas, the blonde may have been a vicious and shrewd manipulator, but when it came to resisting hypnotic influence, she was nothing special. The swirling lights reflecting in her eyes filled her head all too quickly, dizzying her brain and forcing her to blink, losing track of what she’d been thinking. What was- what was she doing again…?

Before she could recall, the screen decided to give her something new to think about instead. Words began to flash up, overlaying on the spiral just long enough for them to burn into her retinas, before flickering away, slipping into her brain without her consciously realising they were there.

Boobs for Brains!

Titty Twit!

Mega Milker Moron!

Huge Hooter Hoe!

Mami shook in her seat, shaking as all these insults bounced around inside her dazed brain, her confused and slowed thoughts struggling to make sense of them. But she had no time for that, because another phrase was flashing up in the centre of the spiral, this one pounding itself into her softening mind like a jackhammer.

You're Mami the mammaries! The jiggling, quivering, titfuck torpedo!

“Nnnuuuuuhhh…” The blonde groaned, slumping in her seat as her eyes almost rolled up in her head. Her mental fortitude was as firm as wet tissue paper, her very sense of self was crumbling under the constant assault – and that was before the spiral program really kicked into high gear. A flickering picture coming into view beneath the spiral, a moving, bouncing image of…

… Tits…

Mami was drooling, her eyes utterly locked on that wonderful bobbing bust. There was no way she could tear them away, no desire to even try. Why should she? They were so perfect…

Mindlessly, the blonde reached up and began massaging her own meagre chest through her soft white top. They’d always been a bit on the small side for her liking, but right now she needed to grope and stroke some tits like a man falling out of a plane needed a parachute. Needed to feel and squeeze a pair of big mega milkers, needed to touch and rub and…

Titty Twit!

Her head shot back and she gasped, panting hard as the subliminal words shot straight to her core, a smile growing on her lips as big, bouncing breasts jiggled through her imagination. Oh, she was a total Titty Twit for a good pair of boobs!

Mega Milker Moron!

Mami’s tongue lolled out, a mindless giggle escaping her smiling lips. Ah, how she dreamed about having big boobs of her own! Just the thought, the idea, it sent lightning down her spine and turned her pussy into a faucet! If only, if only-!

Huge Hooter Hoe!

Yes! Yes! She was a Huge Hooter Hoe! She loved to sell her magnificent melons for cash, loved to show them off for anyone who wanted to see them! It was all she was good for, all she cared about! The only important thing about her was her breasts!

And those breasts were starting to tingle, stiffening, swelling a little beneath her squirming, squeezing palms, plumping up slightly in her hands, ready to burst out with just a little more…

Boobs for Brains!


And there it was. Mami’s face froze in a small ‘o’ of surprise as her brains, already mushy and useless for thought, finally popped completely. A moment later, and her chest ballooned outwards, tearing through her dress and presenting themselves boldly to the world as her breasts gratefully drank up the power of that foolish and spiteful mind. From slight speed bumps they grew, to become small humps, and then large hills, and then finally towering mountains, hanging from her chest proud and firm.

Jiggling and bouncing, her tits were both far larger than her head, and she loved them all the more for it. Now she well and truly had Boobs for Brains~

The spiral kept swirling, but with no real mind to ensnare, Mami was free to let her attention wander – though she did keep looking back to drool over the boobs still on display. Still, the main thing that was occupying her now was her own chest, as she desperately, greedily kneeded her own flesh in the pursuit of pleasure.

It was wonderful. They felt so good. Such wonderful Mega Milkers, such Huge Hooters, such lovely Twitty Titties…~ But she knew it could feel even better. This was great – but she couldn’t wait to feel a proper cock sliding between her boobs, to feel the delight of delivering a proper tittyfuck. After all…

“I’m… Mami the… Mami the ma… the mammaries…” She gasped, squeezing and squealing in bliss. “T-the jiggling… quivering… t-t-titfuck torpedo!”

Oh! Oh that felt so good to say!

“I’m M-Mami the mammaries! The jig- The jiggling, qu-quivering titfuck torpedo!”

Yes! YES!



The blonde’s eyes rolled up in her head as she finally came, every last drop of awareness or intelligence, everything that wasn’t dedicated to being the best damn pair of walking, talking tits on legs that she could be, squirted out of her soaking cunt, splattering on her seat, forgotten instantly.

For a moment, she just sat there, blankly staring at the spiralling screen, drool dripping from her smiling lips, her chest still quivering from the explosion of pleasure that had just shot through her…

Then, with the grace of a toppling tree, Mami the Mammaries fell forward, eyes sliding closed as her head plonked down between her breasts, nestled snugly between the softest, most comfortable pillows she could possibly imagine, her chest resting safely on her computer desk.

This resulted, incidentally, in a very strange reply sent to the Rent A Girlfriend agency, consisting of random letters and numbers randomly typed out in no order at all, as if someone had just run something heavy over a keyboard and then accidentally hit send. Fortunately, the agency was used to receiving such messages from their employees who were sent disciplinary messages.

Soon enough, some men in dark glasses and black coats would visit to pick her up. They’d swiftly carry her and her tits away from the life she had known, to her new job on the dark side of the Rent A Girlfriend service, where she’d be much more hands on with her clientele…

For now, though, Mami the Mammaries snored, and dreamed of squeezing as many cocks between her tits as she could manage. And when she woke up, she’d be delighted to be given the opportunity to beat her record~

She was Mami the Mammaries, jiggling, quivering, titfuck torpedo, after all. And she couldn’t wait to show everyone who would look just how accurate her name was!


Request: (Original) a hacker slips into the latest hot VRMMO, hypnotizing several players into spending time as her scantily-clad maids - not realizing the developers have hypnotized her into doing this for them to record...

This is the dungeon?” Kayla the Knight stared up at the grand, gothic mansion with a raised eyebrow, one hand lifting her helm’s visor so that she could get a better view. “Are you sure someone didn’t just forget to pay their gardener for a few months?”

“Preeeetty sure.” At her side, Tera the Priestess was giggling into her sleeve, while Lucy the Rogue was giving her a mildly pained look. “The quest text was pretty clear! … You did read the quest text, right Kay?”

“Eh.” The Knight shrugged the question off. “I’ve got you guys to handle that stuff. I’m just here to tank!”

“Well, as long as you can do that much…” Behind them, the fourth and final member of their party, Beverly the Mage (“Really? The best name you could come up with was Beverly?” “Shut up, all the good ones were taken already!”) looked right at home here, her black dress and dark hair suiting the atmosphere wonderfully. “I just hope it drops some caster loot.”

There had been an unfortunate lack of gear she could use over the past few zones that their party had adventured through, and the mage was starting to wonder if this game had a bug or two in its loot algorithm. It was a new release, the big hot new VR based MMO everyone was waiting for, so it made sense there’d be a few problems… But she hadn’t seen anyone else complaining about it on the forums, so maybe she’d just had a run of bad luck. Either way, she’d be quite happy if the situation improved.

“Well I’m still looking for a bigger shield!” Kayla punched an armoured fist into her likewise armoured palm. Naturally, she had completely missed the problem with one of their dps members falling behind on gear. This was why she was not in charge of the party.

“We’ll see what we can get.” The blond-haired Lucy patted her dark-haired friend on the back, kindly refraining from picking her pocket. “If we don’t get anything for you this time, we’ll check the market for some crafted stuff to catch you up.” This was why she was in charge of the party.

That was the state of the group as they entered the dungeon, the big front doors creaking open to welcome them in. The inside was what any adventurer should expect within a classically haunted gothic manor – which is to say, dark, spooky, and lit by weird purple candles that cast shadows all over the place. You know the look. Everyone knows the look.

The plan was pretty simple. They’d run through their fair share of dungeons at this point, and the general strategy was well worn. Lucy would take the lead, scouting the route ahead invisibly while Kayla followed up loud and stompy like to get any enemies attention. Once she had them locked down, the rogue would stab the monsters in the back, the mage would blast them all with a fireball, the priest would heal any injuries that cropped up, then rinse and repeat until they reached the final boss! Easy stuff.

It went wrong almost immediately, from the moment the front doors sealed behind them. There were no monsters in here waiting for them. There was no path of tricky puzzles and deadly traps for them to navigate through. There was only…

“Ah, wonderful! More guests! I’ve been waiting for a few new faces around here.” A strange silver haired woman was approaching them, walking down the mansion’s grand staircase as if she owned the place. She was dressed… strangely, in a dark bodysuit decorated with electric blue Tron lines, completely at odds with the dungeon’s décor. “Welcome ladies! I’d say make yourselves at home, but you’d just make a mess that you’ll have to clean up once we’re done, so there’s no point to that~”

“Uh. Guys? Does this dungeon have cutscenes or something? I thought we weren’t doing story content today.” Kayla glanced back at her companions, all of whom looked as confused as she was. “Is this going to take long? I hate just standing around while NPCs talk.”

Lucy stepped forward, the Rogue eyeing their greeter with a suspicious glare, and ignoring her redheaded knight friend. “Uh. Hi there,” she said to the woman, noting how strangely she seemed to be acting for an ‘NPC’. “Who are you and what do you want?”

The lady giggled. “Oh my, straight to the point! How charming. I, my dear girl, am Ratatosk! Hacker, thief, and captivating career criminal in this diabolic digital demesne of ours.” She flipped her hair back over her shoulder. “Perhaps you’ve heard of me?”

“A hacker?” Tera glanced at the others, looking worried.

Unfortunately, Beverly wasn’t about to put those fears to rest. “Yeah – a famous one, actually.” The gothic mage was watching ‘Ratatosk’ warily. “If she is who she says she is, we might be in quite a lot of trouble. If she’s hacked into the game, there’s all sorts of account data she could steal from us…”

That just made the hacker laugh, though. “Oh my, you have heard of me? Wonderful, I’ll make you my chief maid. But don’t worry, girls, stealing account data is the least of what I plan to do.”

The party shifted nervously, the two casters quietly edging towards the door and despairing to find it locked tight. Well, most of the party shifted nervously. One of them took a different tack.

“Kay.” Kayla rubbed her head, looking around between everyone. “I didn’t really get all of that, but I think I got the gist. Okay, evil lady – you’re going down!”

“W-Wait a sec-!” Alas, it was too late. Before Tera’s panicked cry could even finish, the party tank was charging forward, her greatsword raised and swinging!

And the hacker didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. “So nice of you to volunteer to go first~” She purred, raising a hand and snapping her fingers.

Instantly, the knight’s armour vanished, replaced with a frilly black and white maid’s uniform – her sword swapped with a feather duster. The sudden loss of all that weight, in addition to a pair of dark high heels that had just appeared on her feet, sent the redhead careening past her target, crashing into a heap on the stairs behind her.

“H-hey, what the hell?!?” Kayla cried, scrambling back to her feet and looking down at herself in horror. “What did you just do to my gear, you b!7*4?!?”

(Kayla had, of course, forgotten to turn the games swear filter off.)

Ratatosk just giggled again. “Why, I gave you a much more suitable set for your new position as one of my maids,” she answered, raising her hand again. “And speaking of – you’re hired! Let’s get on with your orientation.”


With another flick of her fingers, a halo of light suddenly appeared over Kayla’s head. Before she could react, it dropped down over her eyes, flaring brightly.

“What the-!”


And suddenly, the rowdy knight fell silent. Instead of protesting, or trying to break free of whatever effect the hacker had used on her, she simply stood in place, her jaw hanging slack as the halo thrummed around her head.

“K-Kayla?” Tera called already readying a healing spell – but right now she was at a loss as to what she was trying to heal!

“Oh, don’t bother. In a minute she’ll only answer to Maid 1 anyway.” Ratatosk shrugged, returning her attention to the casters by the door. “Now where was I? Oh yes – stealing your data is so blasé, girls.” She grinned. “Why settle for data, when I can steal your minds instead?”

“Wh-What?!” Beverly was, by now, resorting to blasting the doors with fire spells, leaving Tera to try to distract the hacker before things got worse. “What do you mean by that?”

“Why, this!”


“Eeep!” And just like that, the blonde priest’s robes were replaced by a maid outfit just like Kayla’s. “W-wait, don’t-!”




Then she too fell silent, as another glowing halo descended over her head, leaving her slack jawed and still.

At her side, a wide-eyed Beverly reached over to shake her friend, but drew no response. And her last resort – the log out button – wasn’t working either. The situation seemed pretty dire. “What… What did you do to them?”

“Oh, this cute little virtual reality system they’ve made here is capable of so much more than just some quaint little fantasy game,” Ratatosk answered, stepping up to Kayla and examining the unresponsive woman. “I simply showed these two a few hypnotic programs I developed using the technology. As we speak, their minds are being pacified, trained, and reshaped to serve my every whim. The perfect maids~”

The mage gaped at her. “Th-that’s impos… Why would you do this?!”

That drew a chuckle, and the silver haired villain turned to face her, sliding behind Kayla and stroking the woman’s cheek fondly. “Because I can? I’ve always wanted my own mansion, and to be tended to by a harem of beautiful maids… So why not make my dream a reality? A virtual reality.” She smirked at her own joke. “I’ve designed this area to only allow those I permit to enter – everyone else will get a rather banal haunted house experience when they enter those doors. So this section of the game is my own private paradise, to do with as I see fit. And yes, I know, I could program some NPCs to serve me, but that’s so gauche… And quite frankly, it wouldn’t really do the job. Unsophisticated AIs get thrown off by the slightest deviation from the norms. No, you need a real mind to be truly obedient – the ability to understand any command I might give and carry it out without question to really serve.”

Beverly stared at the woman in horror. What she was saying… It couldn’t be true, could it? This was some kind of setup, some weird prank by the game, it had to be! And yet..

“You’re… You’re insane!” It was all she could think to say.

An amused smile crossed the hacker’s face. “Well, yes – but you’re a Maid, so who cares what you think?”


The mage swallowed hard as her dark robes were switched out from a lace lined black blouse and skirt, tied together with a frilly white apron – all of which seemed to be stitched together to show off as much of her body as they could. Desperately she looked around for a way out of here, before…


No! Eyes wide, she looked up – only to meet the halo coming down over her. She took a deep breath to scream-


But it died in her throat as white light flooded her vision and bleached through her brain, freezing her thoughts in place. Her panic, her desperate scrambling for escape, even her concern for her friends, all of it faded into nothing, washed away by the stream of light, leaving her mind blank and untainted by emotion or thought. Calm, empty mindlessness set in…

And then her head was filled once again – images flickering in front of her empty eyes and pounding into her mind, flashing past so quickly she was barely even aware of them. Images of maids in dresses like hers, cleaning, cooking, serving. She saw maids kneeling down to scrub the floors, leaning over to deliver food, reaching up to dust high corners… All showing off their curves and undergarments in every shot, of course.

It all seeped in, dying her bleached white mind with obedience. Slowly, her thoughts, her personality, her very soul itself, were sculpted, shaped into the mould of a maid. A maid… A maid… She was a maid. It was her duty to serve at her mistress’s behest, to follow her orders, to obey her commands, whatever they might be. Cook, clean, kiss, lick, there was no instruction she would not follow.

Soon, the concept of being anything else was completely alien to her. Even the name Beverly was bleached away, discarded and forgotten. She was…

“Head Maid 1, can you hear me?”

“Yes Mistress.” Head Maid 1 curtsied as the halo around her head dissipated – her heart starting to hammer as she realised that she was in her Mistress’s presence. “How may I serve you?”

Ratatosk smiled, looking around between her three new obedient maids – a red, a blonde, and a raven haired set. “Why, I think it’s time we test out your new programming. So how about… Wait.” She paused, looking at them again. “Weren’t there four of you?”

“SNEAK ATTACK!” Lucy the Rogue appeared out of nowhere behind the hacker, blades already plunging into the woman’s back. “Ha! Take that!”

The hacker frowned, looking over her shoulder at the daggers sticking out of her spine. “Did… Did you forget that I hacked this game? That didn’t actually do anything.”

The blonde’s grin of victory slid off her face as she started to go pale. “Ah.”

“Well.” The hacker turned, a dangerous smirk on her face. “It did just volunteer you to be a test subject for my bedroom slave programming, at least.” She raised a hand, fingers ready to snap. “Let’s see how many sexual positions we can fit in your brain once we’ve scrubbed everything else out of it, hm?”


“She certainly seems to be having fun.”

In a shadowy office, deep in the halls of the game developers’ offices, two suited figures watched as Ratatosk, the self-proclaimed captivating career criminal, toyed with the party of unfortunate adventurers who had stumbled into her grasp.

“Should we put a stop to this?” One looked to the other, an eyebrow raised.

Said other just chuckled, shaking their head. “Oh heavens no – she’s performing her duties flawlessly. Creating enslavement programs, testing them out on our servers, showing the huge range of options someone with the right level of access can have in our game… No, she’s the perfect showcase for our investors. They’re going to enjoy this latest display of what we can do.”

The first nodded, looking back to the screen before making a contemplative sound. “You’re sure she works for us?”

“Oh perfectly.” The second nodded with a grin. “We grabbed her three months back when she tried to hack into our game for the first time. She was much more interested in stealing people’s credit card numbers back then. Now, she just gives us plausible deniability for what our game can really do. It’s the perfect system.”

“And she has no idea?”

“That she was the first test case for the brainwashing program she’s using now? Oh, none at all.” The figures chuckled. “Though if any of our investors decide they’d like to take her little mansion for themselves, I’m sure she’ll find the experience very familiar.”

The both looked back to the live footage. “Oh yes. Very familiar indeed…”


Request: This is based on a series of captions I found years ago. Nanoha and Fate are experiencing a lull in their relationship. Hoping to bring that spark back to the bedroom Fate picks up a nebulous drug and gives it to Nanoha secretly. With Nanoha suggestible Fate encourages her to take up a dominant role in their relationship. After a wonderful night of sex we cut to the next evening. As our happy couple is doing their foreplay Nanoha slips a pill into Fate’s mouth during a kiss. Revealing she figured out what Fate had done immediately after waking up, Nanoha makes Fate the submissive to her dominant. As Nanoha is discussing her upcoming discipline, Fate can’t help but eagerly look forward to her punishment.

Fate T. Harlaown had a scheme. These words would have struck fear into the hearts of many, if uttered aloud. Most of them on her own side.

It wasn’t that Fate was bad at planning or anything, no. In fact, she was one of the smartest strategists in the dimensional sea, her mind her sharpest asset in her fight against the subversive elements of the world(s) she lived in. But…

But, well, the blonde enforcer had something of a blind spot when it came to her personal life. She’d always had a directness to her that barged through obstacles with no regard for the future problems they’d cause (one only needed to look to the incident where she and Nanoha first met to see that), and when things were important to her – really, personally important to her – that direct nature came out in full force. Concerns of safety, or even sanity, became secondary to accomplishing her task, whatever it may be.

This had led to, in the past, becoming a world-famous jewel thief on planet 82S04 (“Mostly a misunderstanding!” she’d defend herself), a major diplomatic incident in the Solaris Cluster (“They started it by saying that about Hayate!”), and… Well, have you seen how many kids the woman has adopted? Tell her a sob story and she’s right there to fix it, however many people she has to blow up to do it.

Which wasn’t to say she couldn’t be subtle. No, loud demonstrations of why you should be terrified of your local grown-up magical girls were best left to her wife, or to her best friend. Fate was perfectly capable of subterfuge to get what she wanted. But make no mistake – she’d still go at it with all the relentless force of a starlight breaker. She’d just leave buildings standing after she was done. Usually.

In this case, though, the city architecture wasn’t in danger. The problem she was facing was on a much smaller scale than that – though, to her, it felt bigger than any danger she’d ever faced before. To Fate T. Harlaown, this dilemma was her most perilous case yet, and if she failed to solve it, then everything she’d ever worked for would come tumbling down around her.

She and Nanoha were having… A bit of a dry spell.

Okay, one has to understand, this was a big deal between the two of them. The two had been practically joined at the hip since puberty (Well, a little lower than the hips, perhaps), and in all the years since they’d never once gone more than a night or two without, ahem, enjoying one another’s company.

They were a rather randy couple, is the basic thing to know. Or they usually were, at least. But lately, things had become… strained. Long hours at work. Difficulties at home. And both of them had grown older, their tastes shifting, their needs changing. Now, their relationship felt awkward. Difficult, in a way it had never been before.

Fate was willing to do anything to smooth things out, anything that her beloved wanted from her – but Nanoha wasn’t asking anything of her. She was too considerate, too restrained. For all that she might have been a warrior on the battlefield, she was a tender lover at home. And that… That wasn’t what Fate needed anymore. And she was quite sure it wasn’t what Nanoha herself wanted, either.

So, she had come up with a scheme. Something to help her wife cut loose, and reignite the spark in their relationship. A new drug, one that wasn’t technically illegal yet, that had a few… hypnotic qualities. Nothing big, no mindlessness or anything, it’d just render the taker… suggestible. Open to new ideas.

It probably went without saying that Fate was overthinking all of this, but that, too, was one of her bad habits. Quietly panicking about something that was, ultimately, not a big deal, and over-correcting. You wouldn’t think it of someone who always seemed so calm, but there it was. Fortunately, Nanoha found it endearing.

But now everything was in place. She and Nanoha had the evening together, alone and undisturbed – Hayate would be making sure of that for her. And thanks to her connections as an Enforcer, she’d managed to get a small supply of the drug – though really, she’d only need the one dose for her plan.

Well, as long as she didn’t get too nervous to pull it off…

And she almost did, when the time came. After the two had retired for the evening, and were preparing for bed together. She could tell her wife was distracted – uninterested? The thought almost made her lose heart. But no! She had to do this! It was their only chance!

“N-Nanoha…” She stammered, drawing the brunette’s surprised gaze as she pulled the drug – a small, simple pill – out of her pocket. “C-can we try something, ah… new, tonight?” She bit her lip, trying not to seem as nervous as she was. “I’d like to… experiment… a bit.”

“Really?” Nanoha sounded curious. “That’s not like you…” Then she frowned. “What is that?”

Fate blushed, not entirely sure what to say. “Something that’ll help, I think.” She offered it to the brunette timidly. “Take it? Please?”

Now her wife was starting to look concerned, taking the pill and examining it closely. “But what does it do?”

Time to go for broke. “Do you trust me, Nanoha?”

The Ace of Aces considered that for a long moment… And then smiled. “Of course I do,” she said, popping the pill in her mouth and swallowing. “Now what- Ooooohhh…”

Almost immediately, she slumped, her body relaxing as the drug went to work. And just as immediately, Fate was there, catching her wife before she could fall and drawing her onto the bed, cradling her in her arms. “Shhhh. Just relax, dear. Relax, and listen to my words.”

Nanoha really didn’t have much choice about that. Her head had gotten all quiet, a nice, peaceful kind of calm spreading over her thoughts. It was pleasant – a gentle, peaceful feeling, warm and snug in her partner’s arms. A small, sleepy smile spread over her lips as her eyes drifted closed…

But even if she appeared to be sleeping, her ears were wide open and listening as Fate began to speak. The blonde had been rehearsing this moment in her head for hours, for days – she had these words down pat. She just had to help her love give in to the right instincts…

“Nanoha,” she said, her voice little more than a whisper. “You want to be dominant.”

“D… Dominant…?”

“That’s right. You want to own me. To control me.”

“Control… you…” Dazed as she was, the brunette didn’t sound unhappy with the idea.

“That’s right. You want to. You need to. You need to make me obey your every whim.” And now Fate was starting to get into it. She’d dreamed of this day for so long, fantasised about her beloved Nanoha taking charge for years… Could she really make it happen? “You need make me your property. Your pet, your slave, Nanoha!”

“My… Slave~” The entranced Ace purred, nuzzling against Fate’s chest with a giggle, flushing the blonde’s face completely red. Was… Was it working? She seemed to be taking the words well…

Fate swallowed, and repeated her prepared script a few times, letting it sink deep into her wife’s mind, and keeping an eye on the clock to track how long she had left. She wasn’t sure what would happen when Nanoha woke up. Would it work? Would she remember? The questions were certainly enough to make her nervous. When she’d been in the moment, moving forward with her plan, she’d been able to ignore them, but now, as she waited for her lover to awaken, it was hard to ignore them building up. Had she been wrong? Had she made a mistake? What would happen?

But all of those questions fled from her brain the moment Nanoha opened her eyes. There was something in her gaze, some odd glint in her eye – something that had always been there, but now had been pulled into the open…

Fate didn’t have much time to wonder about it before suddenly finding herself on her back, pinned to the bed by a very eager looking Ace of Aces.

“Let’s fuck,” said the brunette, her tone brooking no argument – not that the blonde had any to offer.

“O-okay! Sure, let me just-”

And then a silencing finger was pressed against her lips, Nanoha looming even closer. “I wasn’t asking, Slave.”

Fate practically came right then and there.

The rest of that night was a blur of passion and pleasure, one that made Fate’s head spin the next morning just thinking about it. The woman was clearly on cloud nine as she went about her job, even if she had to ignore a lot of knowing looks from her friends (and knowing leers from Hayate). The spark that had been missing, the thrills, the desire – in one night, it had all come rushing back! The blonde Ace couldn’t have been happier – in fact, the only thing that made her happier than thinking about last night, was thinking of the night to come…

Nanoha was waiting for her when she got home, sweeping her wife off her feet as soon as she stepped through the door.

“Hey pet,” she greeted her with a giggle. “I’ve got a surprise for you~” And she delivered an untterly soul-searing kiss right on the blonde’s lips, her tongue claiming Fate’s mouth for itself – for a few moments, anyway.

Oh wow. Oh wow. Fate had dreamed of Nanoha being more forceful for so long, and now that it was happening she- she…

H-had she just slipped her something in that kiss?

The Ace of Aces leaned back, a possessive smirk on her face as she maintained eye contact. “Swallow.”


Fate didn’t even realise what she was doing – Nanoha’s simple command resonating through her and compelling her obedience without the slightest hint of resistance. Oh yes, she had it bad – and that was before her head started to feel fuzzy.

“Nanoha, whaaaaa…” Her body relaxed, question training into silence as she slumped into her wife’s arms. Whatever curiosity, or even worry, she might have felt fled quickly, a blank, empty headed calm spreading through her mind, stilling her thoughts, and leaving her head nice and open to suggestion…

“Silly Fate-chan~” Nanoha giggled, scooping her entranced wife up and carrying her off towards the bedroom. “Did you really think I wouldn’t work out what you did? Where all these interesting feelings have been coming from? Where you hid the rest of the pills you got?” Her voice was light and mischievous, but definitely held an edge that made Fate tingle, even in a trance. “Oh deary me – my cute little pet has been very naughty, hasn’t she?”

Gently, she laid her naughty blonde lover out on the bed they shared, stroking her hair. Then, ever so slowly, she leaned down, and whispered in her ear.

“Hee, you barely need this, but…” Her lips curled up into a Cheshire cat type grin. “Fate-chan, you want to be submissive.”

“Ssssubmisssivvve…” Fate sighed happily, accepting the command without complaint. Just as expected.

Nanoha’s grin kept growing. “Yes, you want to submit to me. To obey me. To make me, and me alone, the centre of your world. Everything you do, everything you think, should all be for my sake~”

“All for you…” The blonde was smiling too.

The Ace of Aces nodded, satisfied. Now, to properly nail everything in place.

“You’re my slave. My property, my pet, to do with as I please.”

“Yeessss…” Fate nuzzled against Nanoha’s thigh. “Yours. Your slave.”



It was hard to say how long the trance lasted after that – the blonde Enforcer happily repeating her owner’s commands. But when it did, at last, come to an end…

Fate woke with joy in her heart. Everything made sense at last. Every submissive urge she’d ever felt now sang through her heart in complete unison, her world coming alive at the sight of her Mistress staring down at her.

“There.” Mistress grinned, seeing her slave’s eyes flutter. “Now that we have that out of the way… It’s time we discussed my very naughty pet’s punishment~”

Her slave couldn’t wait.


Request: Persona 5: Cognition is a funny thing. See one easy trick is to mix concepts to trick  the mind into thinking two seperate things were the same thing if they had enough similarities.... Ann and Morgana were always twin catgirls weren't they?

This one should have been simple. Easy! It didn’t even need a trip into a palace, just some random Mementos Request about a guy who hit on a bunch of women. Typical stuff, just one more quest to handle with all the others.

But when they found his shadow in the collective unconscious, things had gotten dicey much quicker than expected. A battle was normal – that was how these things always went! People rarely took being confronted for the darkness in their hearts well. That was half the reason they had shadows in the first place.

This one, though, pulled out a new trick. He – well, he sounded like a he, even though his shadow had turned into a monstrous mix of a giant spider and a bowl of jelly - started yelling about ‘everyone was the same’ and ‘everyone existed to please him’, you know, the usual stuff… But then he raised an arm (tentacle?) and unleashed a big, flashy attack that none of them had ever seen before. The last thing that Panther had heard before everything went white as she tried to protect Morgana was a distant voice.

“You two look pretty similar…”

And then when the light faded, she and the team’s mascot were alone – with the shadow, the rest of the party, and even the tunnels of Mementos nowhere in sight.  Instead, they were surrounded by walls and walls of mirrors, stretching off into the distance in all directions, lit by a white, glowing ceiling and floor. The effect was eerie in the extreme.

And it didn’t seem to be going away.

“How long have we been walking now?”

I’ve been walking for about 20 minutes. You’ve been getting carried for 20 minutes.”

“Panther, it’s not my fault I’ve got smaller legs…”

“Mmmhm.” She wasn’t buying a word, but fortunately the situation was serious enough that she wasn’t going to complain. Besides… “You’re right, at least. We’ve been going for ages, and we haven’t seen any sign of an exit, or anyone else. I think we’re well and truly lost. What even is this place?”

Morgana sighed, and hopped down. “I think it must be some kind of proto-palace. The owner hasn’t grown strong enough to make it a full palace yet, but they’re getting there. Their distortion must be much greater than we anticipated…”

“Well great.” The red cat-suited thief sighed and looked around. “Then how do we get out of here?”

“Hmmm…” The plain-old cat thief rubbed his chin, thinking. “This appears to be a mirror maze – probably created by its owner’s vanity. There has to be a way out in here somewhere, some kind of clue that we’re missing that’ll lead to the exit. Maybe something hidden in our reflections…?”

Ann stepped over to the closest mirror, leaning in to study it, eyes squinting as she scanned every last corner. “All I see are reflections of reflections,” she muttered, before stepping back to rub her eyes. “Hoo, actually, that makes me really dizzy. Talk about vertigo…”

Morgana padded forwards a few steps, over to another mirror nearby to check his own reflection. It was just as dizzying. But there was something else wrong. “I’m sure there’s… Oh! Huh.”

“What?” The blonde phantom thief walked up beside him, peering at the mirror that had surprised him so. There didn’t seem to be anything weird about their reflection to her eye – just a curious anthropomorphic(ish) cat, and a surprised looking human thief. “What’s wrong?”

And yet Morgana was watching the mirrored image intently. “Panther, try moving one of your arms.”

“Oookay…” Weird, but she did so, sticking out her right arm and waving it about. “What is that supposed to- Wait, what the hell?!?”

To the model’s surprise, it wasn’t her own reflection that moved with her. Instead, it was the mirrored Morgana that stuck out his arm and waved – and it was his face that twisted with shock as she realised it. Her own image stayed stock still, studying the other side of the glass intently – just as the real Morgana was doing, she realised.

“As I thought,” the cat nodded. “We’ve swapped reflections.”

“Woah.” Ann leaned this way and that, watching Morgana do the same in the glass. “That’s one heck of a trick mirror. Do you think this might be something that’ll help us get out of here?”

“Maybe…” The team mascot considered it carefully. “But I’m not sure how.”

That was fair. It seemed like a pretty random thing. Sighing, Ann looked around, checking the other mirrors to see if any of those had trick images too. As she did, though, she noticed something very worrying.

“H-hey, wait a minute… Why does my reflection look like you in all of these?!”

It was true. Whether it was an effect of this one trick mirror, or if it was something that the two of them had simply missed up until now, every single mirror showed Morgana in Ann’s place, and Ann in Morgana’s. Their reflections had been totally swapped.

“T-this is just a thing in the palace, right?” Panther sounded a little desperate. “When I get home tonight, I’ll see myself in the mirror, yeah? I can’t go through life seeing that little furball in my reflection all the time!”

“Hey!” For a moment, Morgana sounded offended. But then he started thinking the scenario through. “Although, I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing Lady Ann whenever I wanted. I wonder what it would look like if I took my top off in hea-argh!”

Suddenly, he found himself yanked up into the air by an irate looking Panther. “And I wonder what it would look like if I popped your head off your shoulders! Shall we find out?!”

“… Ahem. A real Phantom Thief never removes his protective gear out in the field.” The cat’s eyes shifted nervously.

The blonde gave him a thin, menacing smile in return. “Good. You just remember that, okay?” She set him down. “Now let’s get out of here.”

Of course, that was easier said than done. The maze hadn’t become any less confusing – just slightly more annoying. Even as the two wandered, nothing new jumped out, and all they got from studying their reflections was an incredibly dizzying feeling of vertigo.

Panther, for her part, was getting frustrated. Not only was she lost, but she also had to keep checking back to make sure her fellow phantom thief wasn’t trying to steal a look at her goods. And she didn’t even get a fair trade in the deal! He got a bombshell for a reflection (if she did say so herself~) while she got a scraggly cat blob thing. How unfair was that? If she’d been stuck in here with Joker, at least then she might have enjoyed a few peeks under his shirt…

So there was actually a feeling of relief when she suddenly noticed a change in her reflection!

It happened just after she’d turned a corner, and almost walked straight into another mirror. For a moment she’d been tempted to try to smash the thing with her whip and risk the resulting seven years of bad luck – but then she’d noticed the image looking back at her was… strange. New. Different.

It was still wrong, of course – it was still Morgana in the mirror, instead of Ann Tamaki dressed in an embarrassing but kinda flattering red leather panther suit. But the Morgana she was seeing wasn’t a small round approximation of a cat. Instead, while it was clearly still the cat they all knew and… liked? Tolerated? Loved was a little strong… Well, while it was still clearly him, the cat in the mirror was much more human shaped. He’d actually grown to about Ann’s height, with her proportions… Which actually made him look more like a her, now that she thought about it.

Yeah, her reflection had turned into a much more appealing catgirl instead of… a cat. Panther definitely felt it was an improvement. Sure, it was still Morgana in the mirror – same black costume, same white fur around the mouth, same blue eyes… But at least she was looking at a girl in her reflection.

“Well that’s a bit better,” she muttered, posing a little and watching the girl-Morgana mirror her.

“What was that, Lady Ann?” Her companion’s voice called, as they stepped around the corner after her. And for a moment, just a moment, Panther felt something was wrong. Off, somehow, about what she was seeing.

But what could that be? Looking back over her shoulder, Morgana seemed the same as ever. Same white whiskers. Same blue eyes. Same black and white fur. Same killer figure that any girl would kill for…

Yeah, she was the same as she’d ever been… Wasn’t she?

“Nothing,” Ann shook her head, dispelling the feeling. “I thought I saw something new in my reflection, but it must have been a trick of the light or something.”

“Ahhh.” The catgirl purred understandingly. “Don’t worry, Panther – I’m sure we’ll find a way out of here soon enough.”

“Yeah…” Ann gave another glance to her reflection. Yep – just Morgana. “Here’s hoping.”

Eventually, fatigue started to get to her, and Morgana took the lead in their search – so it was Morgana who saw the next shift. “Ah!”

“What?” Panther hurried up after them, finding the catgirl crouched in front of another mirror and frowning.

“Oh. Nothing.” She sighed, her tail swishing in irritation behind her. “I just thought I saw myself in my reflection for a moment, but I just got mixed up somehow.” She shook her head. “I guess I hadn’t realised how similar we look.”

Similar? Panther raised an eyebrow. They didn’t look at all similar, did they?

Then she looked down at herself, and started to doubt. Well, they did have really similar figures, it was true. And they were the same height. Their costumes were kind of alike too. And, obviously, their fur was the same colour, black and white from head to toe. Their tails were pretty much identical as well, come to think of it…

W-well, that was to be expected, right? Of course two catgirls looked alike! Ann pawed at her ears, scratching the dark triangles that poked through her blonde mane – one of the few differences between her and Morgana aside from their outfits – in frustration. “Yeah, now that you mention it… But maybe that’s the trick? Maybe we have to find the mirror that shows our true selves to get out?”

Morgana’s eyes went wide. “Oh, that’s gotta be it! You’re a genius, Lady Ann!”

Panther grinned, her whiskers bouncing. “I do my best.”

After that, their hunt seemed to take on a new energy. They knew what they were looking for now, they were sure of it. The right mirror – the one that showed them as they really were. That had to be the key!

And perhaps it was that energy, or maybe just the fact that they were looking for it now, but it wasn’t long before they found exactly what they were after. The perfect mirror, the one that showed reality as they knew it to be. Their reflections were spot on – two twin catgirls with black and white fur, long, blonde hair with dark streaks, dressed in leather catsuits in a mix of red and black. The only difference between them was their masks – one black, one red – and they were on exactly the right faces. This had to be it!

“Ready?” Panther asked.

“Ready.” Morgana nodded.

Then the two stepped forward, and the mirror’s surface rippled like water, parting to let them pass into bright white light…

There was a warm feeling, a soothing, gentle sensation that sank into the depths of their souls, massaging their bodies and minds. Pleasure thrummed through every limb, ears and tails all, as they accepted it, accepted the selves that it guided them towards, as it worked them into the shape of their new reality…

… And then the light faded, and they were back on the battlefield.

“We did it!” Panther cheered, relieved beyond belief to see her fellow phantom thieves again. It looked like no time had passed at all while they’d been gone.

“We’re out! Morgana likewise bounced on her feet, pleased as a cat who got the cream – actually, she wouldn’t mind some cream right about now…

“And we’re ready to fight!” The blonde catgirl hissed as she fell into a battle stance, spying the shadow who’d attacked them – and who looked remarkably pleased for some reason.

Her twin was right at her side, weapons set. “Better get ready, pal!”

“Meow!” Ann agreed. “Because this kitty has claws!”

“…” The rest of the phantom thieves just stared, looking oddly perturbed.

“Um.” Futabata’s voice crackled over their headsets. “Is it just me or is there something different about those two?"

It seemed that another case for the Phantom Thieves had only just begun.


Request: Team rwby investigate a break in at a wearhouse and get turned into onahole by machines

“What is this place?” Yang eyed the empty factory through its half-boarded up windows suspiciously. All the leads in the case that team RWBY had been chasing led here, to what was supposed to be an abandoned warehouse… But it was clearly anything but. The place was filled with working machinery, mysterious devices and lengthy conveyer belts, none of which should have been here.

“I don’t know,” Ruby admitted, her own gaze roaming their surroundings just as quickly. “But it doesn’t matter. We can ask questions later – right now, we just have to find the missing girls!”

Weiss was right beside her, but looked far less positive. “Are they really going to be in here? Something doesn’t feel right about all of this…”

And taking the lead ahead of them, scouting from the rooftop, Blake couldn’t help but nod. “I agree. We need to be on our guard.”

“The trail led here.” Ruby sounded confident for the sake of her team, even if internally she was starting to have doubts too. “We have to search it. If we stick together and go quickly, it won’t take long. If we’re lucky, we’ll find them. If not, we’ll find some clue about what happened to them. Now let’s do this!”

The four shared a nod, and then hurried to find a way in, the group revitalised by their leader’s faith. The place was tightly sealed, the doors locked and the windows boarded… But nothing like that was going to hold off a determined group of Huntresses.

“Hah!” Yang’s fist, glowing with her golden aura, smashed through a solid sheet of iron that made up one of the doors, and then reached down and snapped the padlocked chain that had been holding it closed off. “Oh hey, this one’s unlocked. How about that?” She flashed her companions a grin, holding the door open for them. A group chuckle went around.

But once they’d entered the facility, the dark air within quickly drained any humor they’d had about the situation. There was a strange feeling in there, a kind of charge to the air. A thick, oily scent hung over everything, and put their senses on edge.

The alarm going off a moment after they got in didn’t help, either.

“Alert!” A mechanical voice rang out through the warehouse. “Intruders detected! Employing pacification measures!”

“Everyone get ready!” Ruby’s scythe snapped out. “They could throw anything at us!”

Yang punched a metal fist into her fleshy palm. “Looks like it’s time to trash some toasters!”

“I hope they don’t think they stand a chance.” Weiss’s rapier whistled as it sliced the air.

Blake just rolled her eyes and casually prepared Gambol Shroud. She didn’t need a one-liner to look badass.

Yes, the team were combat ready, and prepared for any foe that might emerge to fight them. So it was a shame when the floor dropped out from beneath them, and all four fell through a hidden trap door into darkness, their sharp screams cutting off as the trap shut behind them. Really undermined the whole vibe they were going for.

“Ngh…” Ruby woke slowly, her eyes fluttering in the low light. She felt uncomfortable, her arms and legs sticking out at weird angles… Then a sudden jolt as the she was shunted forwards by the overhead conveyor system she was hanging from dragged her straight into full alert. “Huh?! W-what’s going on?”

“Ruby? Is that you?” Yang’s voice called from up ahead. Blinking, the dark-haired Huntress peered into the darkness, her eyes slowly adjusting to the low light. There was someone ahead of her, dangling from an overhead rail with their limbs held out in an X like Ruby’s were. Judging by their slender frame, and the few traces of colour she was starting to perceive, that had to be Weiss. And past her, if she squinted, she could just about make out a blonde mane…

“Yang? What’s going on?” Panicking, Ruby tried to rock the shackles that held her, attempting to break free, but they wouldn’t budge. They had to be made of very strong materials to hold a Huntress…

“I don’t know!” Yang was having just as much luck as she was. “I remember falling… And then waking up here. I think I see Blake up ahead of me – I don’t know where Weiss is…”

“She’s behind you.” Right, right, come on Ruby, take stock of the situation, come up with a plan… “This must be one of the factory’s security systems. Can you see where it’s taking us?”

There were a few moments of silence as Yang tried to peer ahead. “I don’t- Wait. Wait, I think I see something. There’s some light… I think there’s a room coming up…”

There was. A cold, metal room, but one with a few yellow glowing lights on the ceiling that allowed them to see. Once the sudden rush of blindness that came with the light had passed, Ruby could finally see the team’s situation – and it wasn’t good.

All four of them were bound by solid looking metal cuffs, their bodies held with their arms and legs splayed, the frames holding them hanging from an overhead rail. Weiss and Blake seemed to be okay, but they were out cold. And all four of them had come to a halt in this strange, metal room, with a ceiling that, now that Ruby could see clearly, had a long series of pipes running along it… All leading into four openings directly over the Huntress’s heads.

“Commencing Strip Wash.” The mechanical voice rang out again – just as the pipes began to rumble. Swallowing, Ruby looked up, trying to get a glimpse of what was coming, only for a deluge of cold, fast liquid to come crashing down on her. She almost choked, finding herself gargling on an oddly sweet tasting water - before the flood suddenly stopped just as fast as it began.

… And it took their clothes with it, the fabrics and metals they’d worn dissolving into soft slush and washing away cleanly, sliding off of their bodies and into colourful whirlpools as they were sucked down the drain. Ruby found herself gaping, eyes wide with shock, her heart hammering at her sudden exposure – almost too embarrassed to notice the strange feeling of weakness that overtook her at the same time, as if her aura had just been washed away too.

But before she could make a sound, she was beaten to the punch.

“What the hell?!?” Weiss’s screech bounced off the metal walls. “What is this? What’s going on? Where are my clothes, and why am I wet?!?”

Apparently the sudden soak had woken her up - not that it did her any good. Just like Yang and Ruby, her struggles did nothing to the metal restraints holding her.

“Weiss!” Ruby was at least relieved that her partner was alive and kicking. “I- I don’t know what’s going on, but don’t panic! We just have to figure a way out of this-gyah!”

Before she could finish, the conveyer track was on the move again, carrying the four of them back into the darkness. The cold wind rushing past them felt much, much chillier now that it was washing over her naked body.

“What do you mean don’t panic?!” Weiss was not helping. “I’m cold and naked and tied up! This seems like the perfect time to panic!!!”

“Stop yelling and focus on getting out!” Yang was louder though. “These cuffs are too strong for my semblance. Can you use your glyphs?”

“Ah… I don’t know.” The heiress bowed her head, trying to concentrate. “I… I can’t. My aura isn’t responding!”

That matched with what Ruby was feeling. Her aura was nullified, somehow – which meant her semblance wouldn’t be able to function (though it wouldn’t anyway while she was restrained. She needed to be able to move to use her speed).

“Okay…” She still tried to be optimistic. “What about your restraints? They look kind of old… Can either of you get free at all?”

“I’ve already tried,” Yang called back. “But if you can, you should do it fast – I think I see another light ahead!”

Alas, she did – and before the three knew it, they’d been drawn into another metal room. This one was brighter than the last – lit by large white lights in the ceiling. The air was hot, and it felt like it was getting hotter. The four had barely stopped before Ruby saw steam starting to rise from her still damp skin.

Or… Was it steam? Something strange was happening. “Guys, I feel fu-”

“Commencing Shape Steaming.” The familiar mechanical voice announced, as the lights seemed to grow even brighter.

“Shape Steaming?” Weiss was looking around. “Wh-What’s that supposed to… to… Ooohh…”

She trailed off, breathing heavily – and Ruby couldn’t blame her, already doing the same. It was hot in here, but more than that, the light felt… tingly. Sort of like static electricity, building up under the skin, but, pleasant, kind of? It was a strange sensation, prickling especially in her fingers and toes – and then all up and down her arms and legs. It was sort of like getting a warm massage, kneading all of the stress and pains out of her muscles, and making her body feel surprisingly sensitive in the process…

Despite the seriousness of the situation, she couldn’t help but relax into it, her eyes closing as a quiet moan escaped her lips – joined quickly by equally satisfied sounding noises from the rest of her team. Ahh, this pleasure, this heat, building inside of her… She felt like she was melting…

It wasn’t until a loud ding rang through the room, and the bright lights shut off, that she managed to awaken from her dazed trance. And as she did, she realised she hadn’t just felt like she was melting…

“Wh-What the?!” Ruby looked down in horror at her own body, that was very, very different from the one she remembered. It was much smaller, for one, having apparently shrunk to maybe a quarter of her original size, probably even less. And for two, her arms and legs certainly weren’t tingling anymore, because they weren’t there anymore. Her shoulders and hips just ended in smooth, rounded off skin, with barely any sign that her limbs had been there in the first place!

There was a third change, though it took her a few moments to notice it thanks to her alarm at the first two. Her chest and her ass were bigger – at least, they were bigger on her frame than they had been before, proportionally. Her breasts were huge, at least three times their previous size, and her hips were just as expanded. Was- was this where all the mass in her arms and legs had gone?!

“What is this?!”

“Holy crap!” The same had happened to her teammates – though Weiss’s curves looked a lot more lithe from Ruby’s position, and Yang looked somehow even more top heavy than she was. Blake, all the way up front, seemed to have had a massive expansion to the rear, as well. And none of them sounded any more pleased than she was.

Before they could really process the change, though, the conveyer – now gripping them tightly around their middles with a single metal clamp – sped into motion again, carrying them forwards once more. And this time their destination wasn’t far off.

The quartet swung into another metal room, this one devoid of any of the strange ceiling adornments that had marked the past two. Instead, it just ended in a much smaller kind of ‘booth’ at the end, wide enough for one person, and with a big pair of metal doors standing open, waiting to invite new arrivals in.

At the front of the line, Blake was carried straight in, the others all coming to a halt before the doors.

“Preperation Complete. Beginning Conversion of Subject A.” Once again, the mechanical voice rumbled through the facility.

And as it did, suddenly Ruby saw Blakes ears start to twitch.

“B-Blake? Blake, wake up!”

“… H-Huh…? What’s-?” But that was all the dark haired faunus managed to get out before the doors slammed closed.


The doors were solid – there was no way any of them were seeing through them to what was happening within the booth. But they could still hear – and now that she was awake, Blake’s voice was getting loud quickly.

“What? What are you- Ah! O-Oh, that’s-! S-S-Stop, do-Ah! Ahhh! AH! NYAAHHH-!

An indescribable scream rang out, ringing in the wide-eyed trio’s ears… Then fell completely silent. Moments passed, all three Huntresses to scared to move, to even speak. And then the doors slid open again.

The booth was empty. Of Blake, there was no sign.

“Conversion Complete. Beginning Conversion of Subject B.”

Now it was Yangs turn, sliding into the booth while craning her neck back to look over her shoulder at her teammates. “Ruby!” She yelled. “I-!”


The doors shut once again, cutting off whatever Yang had wanted to say. But not silencing the cries that began a moment later.

“Huah! Ngh! I-Is that all you got? I- Iiii.. Ooh! Ooh, oh! OH! I won’t- I can’t- I! I! AAAIIIIEEE-!

And then, once again… silence.

“Conversion Complete. Beginning Conversion of Subject C.”

“Wh-whatever’s happening in there…” Weiss was shaking in her frame as the doors to the booth opened for her. Then she swallowed. “I won’t let it beat me. I’m a Schnee! You hear me, whoever’s doing this?! I’m a-!”


Able to do little more than hang in dread, Ruby waited. And sure enough…

“-Ah! Ahn! Oh, that’s… More! Give me more! More! MOR-NGHHH-!

… Okay, that hadn’t quite been what she was expecting. But once again, the booth was empty when the doors slid open for the last time. And soon enough, she was being carried inside as well.

“Conversion Complete. Beginning Conversion of Subject D.”


Nervously, she looked around. She wasn’t sure what was about to happen, but whatever it was, she wanted to be ready for it. Would it be an attack? Another strange liquid pouring on her, or light cooking her? The dark-haired Huntress didn’t know, but she was prepared for anything.

Except, as it turns out, a dildo tipped pole rising up from underneath her and sliding into her undefended slit. “OH!” That took her by surprise. “OOOHHH!!!” And even more so when it started buzzing inside her.

Ruby was no stranger to pleasure, but this was an intimate dinner and an invitation home for snuggling with the stuff! Her body, already oversensitive and primed, drank it up like a sponge in a lake, a geyser of delight erupting in her already addled brain. There was no resisting, no denying, no fighting the electric ecstasy dancing through her like lightning on a straight line from her crotch to her head.

“I-! What-!? What is-?!” She tried to scream out, tried to question, but every time she started, the shaft would pulse inside her, and pleasure would pound her mind to mush.

In her dazzled, insensate, almost mindless state, it was no wonder that she didn’t notice as her body started to change once again, a wave of red starting to spread through her body outwards from her hips. It was quick and smooth, turning her already moulded body into a clear ruby red plastic, with just the right amount of stretch, and just the right amount of squish. In moments, her huge ass had been converted, her two holes turned into rubber fuck-rings, and her massive melons into nice, squeezable plastic funbags, with the wave slowly starting to climb up her neck.

If anything, it only made the sensations more intense. Everything else was discarded – the need to breathe, or eat, or feel anything but horny, horny pleasure, all of it gone as Ruby lost herself to the transformation. “Ah! Yes! Please! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck M-!!!

Her face froze, locked in an expression of ecstasy, as her mouth widened into one last fuck hole…

And then it was done. Ruby Rose, prodigy huntress and saviour of Remnant was gone – in her place, a simple ruby red onahole. A sex toy, and nothing more.

“Conversion Complete.” The rod that had penetrated her went still and retracted. Then clamp around her waist finally opened, releasing her to fall to the floor as the entire restraint rig folded up into the roof, no longer needed. She bounced once, her rubber body absorbing the shock without issue, before being swept down through another trap door, and down a long, dark shaft.

It didn’t matter to her. All human concerns, like where she was, or where she was going, or what had happened to her, were no longer relevant to her. She was a sex toy now – all she cared about was the pleasure of being used. Even as she landed atop a pile of other onaholes – particularly a white one, a yellow one, and a black one with cat ears, all with the same expression of utter pleasure engraved on their faces for eternity… She didn’t care. Ruby the Onahole thought one thing, and one thing only.

‘Fuck me Fuck me Fuck me Fuck me Fuck me Fuck me…’

Just the same as all the rest. As the box that the Huntresses – and the victims that they had planned to rescue – lay in was sealed up and shipped out, the beat and rhythm of their ‘thoughts’, simple and lusty though they were, never changed… And never would.

And for the four sex toys soon to be bought by eager new owners, there was no happier ending for this tale to finish on~


Request: Betrayal is considered a virtue in hell. As is overthrowing and replacing your superior. Attempting and FAILING to do either of these however meets with...harsh punishment. And not even the succubus queen is an exception to this-as she finds out just how much she underestimated the Lord of the Hells. Who demotes her from an archfiend to a slutty, submissive, and stupid shortstack imp-as well as assigning her to familiar duty. Meaning she's bound body, mind and soul to whatever any horny warlock who summons her desires.

“You disappoint me, Borelea.” The Lord of Hell leaned back in their throne, old black armour glistening in the light of the hellfire that burned all around them. “I wonder, can you tell me why I’m so disappointed?”

Forced to kneel at the Lord’s feet, the great archfiend succubus queen Borelea Eltragia Golseno Bos Tonkatchenar Ol (Her name went on for a considerable distance further, but that much probably got the point across) tried to raise her head, only for the spells binding her to drag her back down again. “I… I don’t know what you mean, my Lord. I… I have only ever lived to serve…”

“Borelea.” The Lord’s voice stopped her cold. It was deceptively soft, and one rarely survived the an encounter with the Great Lord of the Hells when their voice was soft. Despite their slender, even beautiful form, with dainty golden locks that would have suited a prince or princess, they were a being given to loud and boisterous behaviour when they were happy. If they were being gentle, then they were about to do something very unpleasant indeed. “I will not ask you a second time.”

“I…” She swallowed, her seductive red features, features befitting one of the grandest succubi in all the realms, twisting in fear. Despite her every instinct, she found herself being honest. “W-was it perhaps… The holy water in your drink…?”

There was a dark chuckle from the dark Lord. “That was cute. No, Borelea. It wasn’t that. Try again.”

Not that then. Uh. “Are you… upset? About the execution of f-five hundred of your elite guards?” The elite guard were supposed to be the strongest, smartest demons in all the twelve hells. It had taken decades to seduce enough of their order to poison their teachings and sabotage their armour.

And yet the Lord just snorted dismissively. “If they let themselves be killed so easily they deserved to be slain. No, Borelea. Wrong again. Keep trying.”

Right. Well, maybe… “F-forgive me, Master. It is just… so painful to speak of it. To think of it. But I understand there is… no getting around it…” Her bat wings, normally so great and mighty, now beat pitifully against the floor. “When I yelled ‘Take this you flat chested scum sucker’…”

D… Did she imagine it, or had she just heard the Lord quietly growl at her?

“… And tried to stab you in the back with the sword of unending truths dipped in the venom of the first whispered lie…”

Those two cancelled each other out, as it happened. Unfortunate thing to learn in the middle of a coup, but there you go.

“And then tried to cut off your head when that didn’t work? Y-your skin looks lovely today. Very pale. Nice sheen.”

As ‘begging for her life’ went, it was a pretty terrible attempt, but she had to work with what she had.

“I know.” Damnit. “And no, that’s not why either. The sword will look lovely in my trophy room, though. My thanks for retrieving it for me.”

“Wait…” The grand succubus blinked, her brow furrowing. “It’s not? T-then, my Lord, why… Why are you disappointed?” The attempt on their life had really seemed like a safe bet, to be honest. Now, she was confused. Well, confused and terrified.

She could hear the Lord shift on their throne – the throne that she’d thought could be hers, before her attempt to take it had been so thoroughly crushed. “Ah, Borelea, my dearest, dearest Borelea…” A cold finger ran up under her chin, and despite the spells binding her, she found her gaze lifting to meet the Lord’s golden eyes. “Your betrayal was fine. Wonderful, even. Very creative, you clearly put a lot of work in. And it’s only natural that you’d try to replace me – I’d be a poor Lord of the Hells if I didn’t acknowledge that.”

But then those eyes narrowed into a golden glare, and Borelea felt her spine shiver uncontrollably. “The problem, Borelea, the thing that disappoints me so…” They leaned in close, cold lips right by her red pointed ear. “… Is that you failed.”

Oh shit.

“Failure!” Suddenly the Lord was yelling, rising to their feet in a rage. “Complete and catastrophic failure! You failed to take my job, you failed to betray me, and you even failed to realise that it was your failures that piss me off!”

“M-My Lord, I’m so sorry!” The spells binding the Succubus Queen hoisted her upright, dangling her as though she were on puppet strings in the middle of the throne hall. “I, I swear, I will never fail you again-!”

“No, obviously.” The Lord rolled their eyes. “Because I’m not going to give you the chance.”

Her eyes widened. “No – no! Mercy, please, my Lord, I beg of you!”

But her desperate pleas fell on deaf ears. “Borelea Eltragia Golseno Bos Tonkatchenar Ol…” They went on for some time. “You are stripped of your rank. No longer will you bear the honour of the title Succubus Queen.”

“No!” Already, she could feel her power, hard earned over the course of millennia, draining out of her. The golden sheen to her wings, the rich crimson in her hair, even the Hellsilver tiara on her crown, all of it drained away, dissipating into glowing motes and leaving her lesser.

“Instead, you shall bear the shame of your new rank: Imp.”

Borelea’s eyes widened. “What? What?! No! No, you can’t do this to me!” An Imp was the smallest, most pathetic creature on the hellish hierarchy. They were below literally everyone, weaker, smaller, and just plain stupider than everyone else. To be reduced to that was… It was unthinkable! “Please, my Lord! Just kill me instead!”

And the Lord of the Hells grinned. “Oh, I can’t do that, Borelea. Otherwise how would everyone know how disappointed I was? No, I’m afraid you’ll be serving as an example for a long, long time.” Then they tapped a finger to their chin in mocking thought. “You know, ‘Borelea’ might be a bit complicated for an Imp. A few too many syllables. You might want to think of something simpler. Quickly.”

Ngh! Before she could ask what they meant, she felt a shock run through her. Her body was starting to shrink! The ground growing further and further away as her legs drew upwards, her limbs all falling in on themselves as she dangled helplessly in the air. In moments, she’d gone from over 8 feet tall, to a little under 3.

Though, not all of her had shrunk. To her utter mortification and humiliation, two of her proudest traits as a succubus queen – her tits and her ass – had escaped the compression that had claimed her, and now looked incredibly out of proportion with the rest of her features (hell, they might have actually gotten bigger). You could barely even see her torso behind her giant-sized (compared to the rest of her body) tits! And with hips this wide, she’d never be able to walk anywhere – she’d be waddling wherever she wanted to go! No, please, anything but this!

Another shock ran through her, and she was forced to look down at herself (well, mostly down at her tits) as her skin lost its ruby red lustre, turning a sickeningly vibrant shade of green instead. The colour of a lowly imp, instead of a seductive mistress of the carnal arts.

But speaking of carnal, she was starting to feel another emotion, in addition to terror, horror, and humiliation – Lust. By the deepest flames, she was feeling horny all of a sudden! A succubus was no stranger to wanton desire, but her nethers were positively dripping! What- What was this? Imps weren’t this horny, were they? Not unless they were- Oh no…

Wide blue eyes stared up at the Lord of the Hells in pleading silence, Borelea too afraid of what her voice would sound like now to open her mouth. But they understood her all the same, their grin widening just a fraction. “Why yes, Borelea, you’re to be assigned to familiar duty. Specifically, the wet dream department. I felt your previous experience would serve you well there.”

Oh by the lofty darkness. The wet dream department? That was where Warlocks with a particularly carnal intent summoned demons from. As a succubus she’d served in it proudly, able to use their lust and desires to bend them to her whim with ease. But as an Imp? She wouldn’t be capable of any of that. She’d just be… used… Bound, heart mind and soul to whatever they wanted her to be!

No, no, there had to be a way out of this! There had to be- There, there had… to… to… ah… Um…

Wha… What had she just been thinking?

Oh no. Oh no! Oh no no no no no! It was happening! The last stage of her impification! Imps weren’t exactly known for their sharp wits and clever repartee. No, they were pretty famous for being dumb little mush-for-brains, too smug to realise how stupid they were. And now, as the last traces of her wings disintegrated, she could feel her demotion start clamping down on her mind. Trying to simplify it, to squeeze out any notion of cunning or smarts. Trying to force her into the mould of the dumb, slutty little imp.

Well she refused! She was Borelea Eltragia Golseno… And… and a ton of other stuff! She wasn’t stupid! She was big smarty demon! There was no way they could make her, like, dumb and stuff! She was gunna show them! She’d… She’d, uh…

What were she thinkin’ again?

Bright blue eyes blinked closed, and then opened a dull green, as the newly demoted Imp giggled to herself – and then grew distracted by the sight of her own bouncing boobs. That drew another laugh from the Lord of all Hells.

“Ah, and I think that just about does it. What do you say, Borelea? Did you manage to think of a new name in time?”

The Imp blinked. “Huh? Wuzzat Boss? Oh, wanna fuck? I gots big tiddies, see?” She preened and thrust her chest out, bouncing and wiggling in the air.

“Looks like that’s a no. Figures.” The Lord smirked. “I guess you’re just stuck with Booboo then, aren’t you?”

“I am?” Booboo’s eyes crossed as she felt her name inscribe itself on her demonic soul. “Oh! Guess I am! Heehee, I’m Booboo with the massive booboos!”

“I suppose you are.” The Lord nodded, taking a seat back in their throne. “Hopefully they’ll make it easy for you to remember. But I’ll check in and see after you get back.”

“Get back?” Booboo jiggled. “Why? Where me goin’?”

The Lord just grinned. “Why, I believe you’re being summoned.”

And before the dumb, slutty little Imp could ask what that meant, the world went white… And then she was standing in a glowing pentagram someone had sketched on a basement floor – and that someone was standing nearby with their pants on the floor. Instantly, all of her questions were banished from her empty little head, and she smacked her lips. “Ooooh,” she purred. “All for me?”

For some reason, a brief thought caught in her mind: That she’d trying to get a new throne, and that one looked like just the right fit! And as the bindings of her summoning clamped shut around Booboo’s heart, mind, and soul, sealing her into service for the rest of the Warlock’s life, she realised in a flash that she’d be spending the next several decades – if not centuries – as a wiggly, jiggly, giggly shortstack cocksleeve…

Oooh, she just couldn’t wait~!


Request: The Servant Trap: Medb and Boudica compare notes on their respective bitches, Scathach and Nero.

Cockaigne, the eternal city of pleasure – an infinite realm of industry and delights, where pink smoke clotted the sky, and the populace indulged in every excess to their heart’s desire. A place where there was limit to delight, no guilt to offer restraint, no shame to hold one back. Here, want was the same as have – desire and enjoyment the singularity’s only purpose.

It had been created by the most powerful of mages to serve as a Trap – to lure in even the purest of Servants from the Throne of Heroes, and then to sap their wits and strength, to reduce them to empty headed giggling sexpots, so lost in pleasure that they’d never be able to interfere with that mage’s plans. And it served that function with devastating effect.

There were few rules here, and all of them served the same function – to cripple, corrupt, and consume any servants who found themselves summoned to these hallowed streets. To turn them all into brainless providers of delight, slutty servitors who existed solely to satisfy the citizens of this city.

But to any rule, there are always one or two exceptions…

In a café on the west side of infinity, two such exceptions were enjoying their weekly pot of tea (well, ‘weekly’ was a misleading title, as time never seemed to pass here, but it was something they did on occasion). Two servants, possessed of both wit and dignity (albeit in incredibly slutty outfits) gossiping over the latest developments in the city.

“Did you hear what happened to Jalter?” Pink hair as luxurious as ever, the self-titled Queen of Thots Medb leaned over their window side table eagerly. “The dumb bitch got herself bimboed along with her target~”

“Mmm.” Across from her Boudica sipped her tea, the very image of serenity… Well, if you count a leather outfit designed to show off as much of her boosted body as it could and occasionally-literally flaming hair as ‘serene’ anyway. “Pretty inevitable, if I’m honest. She always got too invested. There was no way she wasn’t going to blow her own brains eventually.”

Medb’s lips twitched. “Too invested? Well look who’s talking~ How many bitches have you claimed? Yet you still keep that one mounted on the hood of your chariot.” Outside the window, a thoroughly boobed up and even more thoroughly brained down Nero giggled as passer-by’s wolf whistled her way. “Methinks if anyone’s too invested, it’s you.”

Boudica, one of Cockaigne’s oh so few Slut Tamer servants, cracked one eye open to give her companion a flat look. “… Drink your tea, Medb.”

With a giggle, the former Queen of Connacht raised her teacup to do just that – before pausing, holding the cup just before her lips. “… Sassy,” she said, gazing down at the swirling liquid, “come up here a moment.”

The table shook for a second, and then out from underneath it emerged a pink haired woman in a tight purple bunny suit, a silver collar wrapped around her neck. Once upon a time she had been the Queen of the Land of Shadows. Now, she was simply another beautiful, brainless thrall of Cockaigne – and Medb’s pet bitch.

And, when the occasion called, her food tester as well. “Here.” The Queen of Thots handed her cup over to her. “Try this.”

“Yes my Queen!” With a giggle and a jiggly nod, Sassy wiped off her mouth before raising the cup to her lips. “Mmm, it’s- Ooohhh…” Her tits grew out another size, a tear starting to develop down the middle of her bunny suit, and her hair turned a lighter shade of pink. “Heehee~ It’s, like, totally delish!”

“Oh wow, I think you actually made her dumber.” Medb was impressed! With a grin on her face, she reached out and stroked Sassy’s newly brightened hair, drawing a lusty moan from the former trainer of heroes. “I thought I’d already fucked all of those brains out of her head. I’ll have to give her an extra long session later to make sure there isn’t anything left.” Then her grip tightened, and she shoved the boobalicious bunny girl under the table again, back to her station between her legs. “She’s stubborn, you know.”

Boudica just sipped her tea with a wink. “I’m sure it’s nothing to do with your own little over investment.”

“Well she does know a lot about handling shafts, even if the one she used to have lodged up her ass was too stiff to let her admit it.” The Queen sighed pleasantly as her pet’s tongue returned to its familiar place. “And I’m not going to ask how you got that milk of yours into my tea, but nice try.”

“Consider it payment for trying to trick me with your noble phantasm when I sat down.” The silver chair had been a dead giveaway, but it was the principle of the thing that mattered. “While I’ve no doubt you’re a wonderful fuck, I’ve no desire to be joining the brainless chattel in your collection. I earned my place here fair and square – I’m not giving it, or her…” The Slut Tamer eyed her hood ornament outside. “… Up for anything.”

Medb giggled. “Ah, this is why I love chatting with you, Boudy! See, you get it. Most of the servants I dine with don’t! I mean, a lot of them just sit down without checking and get their brains fucked out when they impale themselves on My Love.” Her delightful shapeshifting noble phantasm that existed solely to share her lust with anyone who fell into its trap. Since her arrival in Cockaigne, more than a few servants had had their descents into bimbodom hammered home by its pleasures. “But those that don’t just don’t get it. They don’t understand how wonderful this place is! The freedom, the drive… The lusty, adoring hordes of slaves at your beck and call~”

“It has its charms,” Boudica nodded slightly. “Or I certainly think so after they gave me this class.” She examined her hand, her eyes looking through it to the spirit origin beneath. “But that’s not a problem. This form suits me. It lets me crush and humiliate my enemies, just like they did to me.” The flames in her hair flickered and flashed eagerly. “Especially those who served Rome. Ah, I do wonder when Cleopatra will arrive. I might put her up on my chariot with the other one.”

The Queen of Thots nodded in understanding. “I’ll keep an eye out. And if I see her first, I’ll take her for myself and taunt you with her.” She flashed a savage grin.

The Slut Tamer chuckled. “Well that’s fine. There’s a place for you on my chariot as well.” Her smile was just as vicious.

Sparks crackled over the table for a moment as they stared one another down… And then, just as quickly as it started, the tense atmosphere was gone.

“She’s probably not showing up any time soon anyway,” Medb sighed – and then moaned as her pet bimbo hit a good spot. “Something else is going on. You can feel it too, right?”

The ancient Queen nodded. “Mm. Something in the air. I think every citizen can sense it. The city’s trying to draw someone big in.” She glanced out the window, eyes glinting with eager desire. “I can’t wait for the hunt.”

“I’m looking forward to adding a few more whores to my arena collection~” The pink haired Slut agreed. “Oooh, there’s an idea! How about you lend me your hood ornament for a day or two? I wanna see how she handles~”

Boudica gave her fellow Queen a flat look. “Really, Medb? Why would I? You wouldn’t give her back.”

That, the pink haired Slut couldn’t deny. “Well, I can give you Sassy for a bit as collateral.” She petted the slut between her legs. “You know I’m fond of her. And as for why, well, we’re from the same part of the world, right?” Now there was a sentence that could cause a lot of debate, which she ignored because she was Medb. “Surely you’d enjoy seeing her used by me and mine~”

“…” Damn. It was always irritating when Medb made a good point. “Fine. You can play with her until I see you next.” She knew better than to set a day in a place where time didn’t flow. “Try not to break her, I have her set up just how I like her.”

“Sure, sure.” The eager Queen of Thots rose from her chair, dragging her pet up by her collar. She’d already stopped listening. “Do what you like with this one though – I just want her to be as big a slut as possible~”

Sassy giggled and preened, knowing she was being talked about, even if she was too dumb to understand the context.

Boudica, at least, was gentler with her than Medb. That was part of her devastating effectiveness. All that gentle, motherly energy, combined with the cruel flames of a sadist – like a silk sheathed blade. She took Sassy into her arms with a smile, slowly unbuckling her top as she held her to her chest.

“Lady Scathach, peerless Queen of the Land of Shadows,” the Slut Tamer identified her with a smile, knowing the words meant nothing to the bimbo now. “Defeated and reduced to such a pathetic existence. But you too are from the lands I hold so dear. So don’t worry. Have no shame. I will take all your troubles away…”

Her top slid away, revealing her breasts in all their glory before the entranced bimbo bun. “Drink deep, and let your past be washed clean. Sink into pleasure, and join the paradise that is Cockaigne~”

It was total gilding of the lily, she knew. Scathach had long had her brains blasted into oblivion. Still, as the bimbo bun began to suckle, her leotard ripping completely and her breasts and ass swelling out into another realm of curvy plumpness, she couldn’t help but smile. Even as she was now, she still cared for the people of her beloved homeland. Nothing made her happier – aside from her vengeance – than guiding the silly, heroic souls of those islands into a slutty, stupid stupor, guiding them into the bliss that was the Eternal city.

One day, she’d even show Medb the way – when the time was right. For now, she’d allow the Slut to stay as she was – indeed, right now she had a fantastic view of her bending Nero over and taking her over the side of her chariot, which most certainly made her milk start to flow! But eventually, eventually, she too would be guided into brainless bliss, from which no one could ever return…

Ahhh, yes – this was happiness. How perfect, that she would find it in the City of Unending Pleasure. Praise be to Cockaigne, and to its mighty Lord Asmodeus for creating it. A fitting final rest, for the heroes of humanity.


Request: Titans-After an unfortunate mishap during a fight, Raven and Star end up teleported and stranded out in the middle of Nowhere, Hicksville USA. If nothing else, they seem to have had a stroke of luck in the form of an abandoned farmhouse...that for some reason has spare clothes and food in the fridge. For some reason, they can't quite seem to question this as they decide to stay the night. And another, after doing some chores around the place to pay back for the stuff they used. And yet another, until a week has passed and Rachel Mae and Sally Sue can't imagine or remember being anything other then a pair of redneck farm hands with far more brawn and boobs then brains.

Well this was a fine mess. Raven scowled out at the countryside, looking for any signs of civilisation. Roads. Buildings. Smoke. Devastated wildlife. Anything at all that would tell her that humanity had been here. But there was nothing. It was empty wilderness for as far as the eye could see, even when she flew up into the sky to increase her field of view.

They were literally stuck in the middle of nowhere.

“Do you see anything?” She turned to her teammate in desperation, but alas, there was no hope to be found here either.

“Aside from the house we appeared next to, I cannot perceive any signs of human habitation,” Starfire sighed. “If we are still on earth, then we are, as Beast Boy would say, super ultra mega super lost.”

The cloaked sorceress pinched the bridge of her nose. “You can say that again.”

“Super ultra mega-?”

“Rhetorical, Star.”

“Oh.” The alien grimaced, embarrassed. “Porlux, I thought I was getting better at those.”

The situation was pretty dire. The two of them had been responding to an alert in Jump City, along with the rest of the Teen Titans, when they’d been confronted by a villain who called himself Bookmaster. He’d been complaining that kids these days don’t read, or something to that effect, and then of course there had been a big battle with books being thrown around, and pages spinning everywhere slicing through everything like swords… Standard stuff, really.

But then it had all gone sideways when she’d mistimed an attempt at a spell. She’d barely gotten to “Metrion!” before a tome had smacked her in the side and thrown her into Starfire. There had been a big flash of light as her spell was miscast, and then… Well, suddenly there were here, standing outside an abandoned looking farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. Somehow, the aborted magic must have teleported them far, far away from the fight… And far from any kind of civilisation.

“I hope the others are alright,” Star fretted. “Our disappearance in the middle of the fight must have caused a lot of trouble…”

“Eh, I bet they’re fine.” Raven, meanwhile, was more focused on their own problems. “They’ve handled plenty of weirdos like that guy before. He’s probably already in jail, and hopefully they’ve started looking for us…” She pulled out her communicator, checking its battery. “That might be our best chance of getting out of here. The tracker in this should tell them where we are. All we can really do is… sit around and wait.”

Starfire nodded, and then sighed, her shoulders slumping. “That is what I was thinking as well. Do you think anyone would mind if we entered that odd building over there while we wait?”

The mage looked towards the farmhouse. “I don’t know. It looks abandoned… Well, if anyone complains, at least that’ll be another person we can talk with. Come on, let’s go check it out.”

To the pair’s surprise, though, despite the house’s delipidated appearance from the outside, the interior was actually quite well kept. There was no sign of anyone else, sadly, but there was power and running water. There was even a fridge, loaded with food, and clean clothes folded neatly in the bedrooms. It was clear this place was well cared for.

“Okay.” Raven considered their findings. “This is a good sign. It means that someone comes by here pretty regularly. So if we just stay here, then ma- maybe…Haaaa…” She raised a hand to her mouth, trying to cover the yawn that had interrupted her deliberations. All of a sudden she felt really, incredibly tired. Like all the fatigue of the battle, and this strange situation, had caught up with her all at once.

Star didn’t look much better, drooping and barely keeping her eyes open. “P-Perhaps it might be a good idea for us to retire for the evening, Friend Raven?” She suggested. “I fear I will soon be snoring loud enough to wake a horde of Zoobaks…”

“You… Mnn…” Raven slumped towards the first bedroom. Ordinarily she might have questioned taking someone else’s personal room like this, but she was just so tired… “You made that one up…”

“Can’t… Can’t prove…” Thump. There went Star in the second bedroom. “IitzzzzzzzZZZzzzzzZZZzzz…”

And with nothing to disturb them, the two mighty heroes drifted off into a deep, rich sleep, content to wait here, until rescue arrived.

After a few days, though, it was starting to look like rescue might take a while. Neither heroine had seen hide nor hair of anyone, and though they’d both kept watching the skies, hoping for some sign of an incoming rescue craft, there had been nothing yet.

Fortunately, the food in the fridge was nowhere close to running out, and their rooms were pretty comfortable, so it wasn’t like they were in any danger. They were just stuck out here, that was all.

After the first day, of course, they’d had to change out of their costumes. Neither girl was going to just wear the same set of clothes for weeks on end. Of course, that meant putting on some of the clothes the owner had left around the house – mainly overalls or checkered shirts and denim shorts. Not exactly the style either hero would normally go for, but beggars can’t be choosers. Starfire had gone for the overalls. Raven was trying to adjust to the checkered shirt. It didn’t fit, clearly having been made for someone with much bigger… proportions, than her.

“I think it suits you?”

“Please stop helping, Star.”

Their outfits had quickly been thrown into the wash, so they’d be ready to wear again soon. If Beast Boy showed up with the T-Jet, Raven did not want him seeing her dressed like this. She’d rather die – actually, she’d rather he died. Point was, she was not going back home dressed like this.

The next day, neither girl noticed that their costumes had vanished from the wash completely.

By the third day, both women were starting to get antsy. There’d been no visitors to the farmhouse, and no sign of rescue. Both of them felt that restless energy. They needed something to do.

“Perhaps we should offer thanks to our host for the generous food supplies that he has provided us?”

Rae blinked at her friend from across the table, her brow furrowing as she tried to work out what she’d just said. Normally she had a pretty good Tamaranian translator in her head, but right now it felt like she’d gotten sand in the gears. “What?”

“Oh, um…” The orange skinned girl shook her head, rubbing her temples gently. “I, uh, I was sayin’, maybe we should do the guy what lives here a favour, to make up for all the stuff we took?”

“Oh.” Okay, that was better. She understood that clear as crystal. “Yeah, I guess we could done do a few little things ‘round the house. It’d be somethin’, right?”

“Yeah!” Starfire nodded and giggled. “It’ll be good ta’ get out in the sun, right? Get ourselves a tan~”

Honestly, to Rae’s eye, it already looked like she was starting to develop one. Her normally light orange skin was starting to darken along her arms and shoulders, where the sun would catch it most. Heck, she could even see tan lines around her overall straps. Clearly she’d been spending more time outdoors than she was letting on.

Of course, even as Rae noted all this, she still ignored the way her own pale skin was starting to turn a much healthier shade of bronze – save for where her shirt and shorts covered her. Nor did she notice the way her curves had began to steadily grow, pumping up millimetre by millimetre with every bite she took of the food in the fridge, her muscles slowly starting to develop and firm. Or the way her purple hair was starting to bleach with long, golden streaks of blonde…

“Sure, that sounds gud t’me.” She nodded. “Maybe we can fix up that there roof o’somethin’.”

“Or maybe we could go plough t’fields, yeah?”

“Now Star that didn’t make one darn lick o’sense…” But despite that fact, both girls were giggling as they started to walk outside.

Yeah, Rae liked this plan. And she was starting to feel like her top was fitting her a lot better now, too. Things were looking up ‘round these parts!

Ugh, now goshdarnit, why was it so hard to get a set of clothes that dangwell fit around this place? Rachel Mae swore, it was like her tiddies were gettin’ bigger every day, the way her shirts stretched ‘round ‘em! Why, these past few days she’d had no choice but to just tie ‘em off ‘round underneath ‘em and hope she didn’t jiggle her way out again!

‘Course she didn’t have nothin’ on lil’ ol’ Sally Sue over there. That gal walked ‘round with nothin’ on but a pair o’overalls, and used them teeny tiny straps o’hers to try an’ cover herself up. Gawd, she’d seen beachballs with less bounce than those things! And the beachballs were smaller than the melons she had on that chest, hooee!

It was a fair trade, tho’. Poor girl was dumber than pig drunk on hooch, ain’t no mistake. When the lord dun made her, he’d put all the clay he’d set aside for her head down in her tits instead, that was what Rachel Mae thought. Oh sure, she was stronger than a whole herd of ox hooked up to a cart! That girl had muscles on her muscles – just a darn shame about the ones she’d got where her brain should be, har har!

Of course, Rachel was the smart one of the duo. She had no problem countin’ to ten on her fingers – only started losin’ track aroun’ seven or eight! An’ she were just as strong as that other blonde hussy, when she felt like it. Yeah, she’d almost won a couple of their ol’ arm wrestlin’ contests, she was sure o’ it.

Yet, despite being so intelly… ingelimegent… thinky, sometimes, she couldn’t help but get the weirdest feelin’ she was forgettin’ ‘bout somethin’. It was a weird ol’ thing, like, she’d just find herself starin’ up at the sky sometimes, as if she were lookin’ for somethin’. She had no idea what, tho.

Why would she, after all? She was just a simple farmhand slut, workin’ the land and sweatin’ in the summer sun, just like always. She and Sally Sue’d been doin’ that fer longer than she could remember! Probably for always, right?

Yeah – the two of them were just brawny blonde bimbos. Always had been, and always would be. Why would they ever wanna be anything else?


Request: Another cursed relic, another bad time for Weiss Schnee. In one reality, she’s gone, nothing more then a toy for her best friend. This reality will probably end just as bad.

Curse of Obsession. As Weiss and Ruby are searching for another relic, Weiss comes across a strange mirror, and after traveling for a bit she goes to check herself in it. As she dusts it off, her touch activates it, and unlucky for her, Ruby was bending over to look at something and Weiss sees ass, and with that, the curse activates and she becomes quickly obsessed with any ass. She wants hers to be bigger and perfect, and she doesn’t need to be smart for people to notice a big fat ass. And she needs to make Ruby realize that ass is love, ass is life. Make everyone realize it. But starts on poor Ruby, forcing her to stare at her new perfect ass, and as Ruby stares at it, she realizes Weiss is right. And she needs to make hers perfect as well

The past of Remnant hides many mysteries…

… And some of them should have remained hidden.

“Why do you keep taking these stupid assignments?” Weiss Schnee was a notoriously hard to please woman, something that no one knew better than her partner, Ruby Rose. “Digging through ruins all day is such a waste of time. It’s not like there’s actually anything important to discover down here – and I can barely use any of my dust in these tight corridors!”

“I dunno, sometimes we find fun stuff…” Ruby, who had indeed taken quite a few assignments of ruin exploration for her and her partner, didn’t really want to admit that she’d done so because she’d heard some really cool rumours about buried treasure. It just seemed like another thing Weiss would take umbrage with.

Not that she needed any help there. “No, what we find down here are rocks, spiders webs, spider grimm, rock grimm, and sometimes, if we’re having a really lucky day, web grimm too. We’ve been through dozens of these holes…” She shoved some rocks blocking the passage aside. “And we’ve found… exactly…”

And then she trailed off.

“Uh, Weiss?” Ruby crept closer, peering over her shoulder – and the squeaked with joy. “Oh my god! Is that a treasure room?!”

“… It’s something,” the white-haired Huntress allowed, already wincing at the thought of the many, many ruin exploration assignments Ruby was going to take now that she’d actually found something worthwhile. “Maybe. Don’t get too excited.”

She might as well have told the wind not to blow.

Zipping past her partner with her semblance, the red cloaked Huntress practically skipped into the room ahead, a room that glittered and glistened with gold. Ancient coins were scattered in piles all over the floor, while on pillars various artefacts and relics stood – or, well, crumbled, as most of them had fallen apart with age a long, long time ago. Still, this was clearly a great archaeological find, and once they had assessed that it was safe for trained scholars to come down and take a look, it’d surely be the source of a great many papers and discoveries.

Ruby, of course, mostly just cared about acting out some of her favourite action movies in the ruins, eagerly zipping about looking for traps or pitfalls meant to snare careless intruders. Weiss, far less energetic and far more annoyed about this entire thing, just walked around making sure the roof wasn’t about to crash down on them in any of the corners.

It was (to her mild disappointment) safe enough – but while she was checking, she did discover something else interesting. An intact mirror, resting against one of the far walls.

“Ooh, Weiss! Weiss! Look at this!”

The Schnee heiress looked back over her shoulder, only to see Ruby was bent over examining some rock or other on the floor. Oh hell, it was probably shaped like a dog or something. “I’ll be over in a minute!”

Grumbling, she looked back towards the mirror. It was covered in a sheen of dust, but considering how old it must have been, it was in remarkably good condition. Hm. How awful did she look, after scrambling about through spiders webs and dirt for god knows how many hours? She might as well take a look.

Reaching out, she gently brushed the dust off of the surface of the mirror with her hand…

… Only to freeze in place, a shock running up her arm and down her spine, as a voice spoke in her mind!

‘Intruder! Thou who violate our most sacred stronghold!’

‘You shall pay a price most fitting…’

‘Look upon the work you covet most in this chamber, thief…’

‘And let you obsession be your doom!’

And then, just as quickly as it had come, the voice left, and the paralysis that had gripped her vanished. Wh- What had that been? Who had been speaking just then? What had they meant? What was that they were saying about doom?

Swallowing, Weiss looked at her hand, which seemed to be unharmed, thankfully… And then at the mirror. And unfortunately that was where her eyes finally locked on to something in the chamber proper.

It could have been anything. A crumbled relic. A forgotten tablet. A golden coin. But instead, Weiss had the misfortune of laying her gaze upon the mirror just as Ruby bent down to pick up this cool dog-shaped rock she’d found – and the heiress’s eyes landed smack on Ruby’s Ass.

H-huh? Wait, that had sounded weird in her head. Why had she thought about it like that? It was just Ruby’s Ass.

Just… Just a wonderful… Plump… Juicy… Ass

T-That Rich… Perfect… Ass!

Before she even knew what was happening, her new obsession blossomed, bloomed, and took full control, thoughts of bouncing behinds and dainty derrieres dancing through her brain. Her new life’s goal was the glory and worship of Ass, of all shapes and sizes! It didn’t matter who’s, it didn’t matter when – oh, if she could squeeze an Ass right here and now, she’d be the happiest woman alive…

Wait. She had an Ass right here!

With desperate fervor, Weiss’s hands shot down, and she grabbed her skirt-clad behind with all the grip she could muster, moaning as she felt her fingers dig into her cheeks. Pleasure rolled through her in ways she’d never imagined, cementing her new change in priorities fully into place. Ass was love, Ass was life! All she needed was the best butt in the world!

Ah, the Perfect Ass… Mmm, yes, hers was good, but it paled in comparison to others. Just imagining Blake’s Belladonna Booty was enough to make her knees quake and her slit drip. So big, so plump… If only she could make her own bigger, to make hers perfect!

… But maybe she could! A silly, almost demented smile crept across her face, matching with her dazed eyes for quite an expression. Maybe she could make her ass bigger! After all, she didn’t need anything else! Everything she cared about was contained within these curvy cheeks! Why not give them everything else as well?!

A giggle slipped through her lips as her behind started to feel warm. Yes. Yes! Take it all! Take everything! Her speed! Her grace! Her strength! Her brains! Everything she had was a worthy sacrifice, so long as it would result in a Perfect Ass!

The heat of her curse began to spread through her, rising up her spine and dripping into her limbs. The muscles in her arms, lithe and dainty though they were, melted away, their strength sapped for tribute as her cheeks began to swell, and her skirt began to stretch. A moment later, and the ones in her legs followed suit, and her skirt began to tear instead. Within, plump, juicy thicc hips were bursting to be free.

But it wasn’t enough. Not yet. Not until the heat build all the way up her spine, and bubbled into her head. Ahhhh! Oh, yes! Yes, it felt so good! She could practically feel her brains melting into a puddle of pleasure! Yes, take it, take it! She didn’t need to be smart! She didn’t need to be witty! As long as everyone saw her big, fat ASS then she could… She would… Ooohhoohohohohooo…

Her thoughts trailed off into horny, giddy giggling as the light in her eyes turned completely vapid. A moment later, and her combat skirt finally gave up the ghost entirely, shredding apart as her new, perfect ASS burst free of its confinement, her new giant cheeks jiggling merrily in their newfound freedom.

Weiss sighed in delight, her fingers caressing her blessed behind. It was perfect. Completely perfect. It needed to be seen. Everyone had to see it. Everyone had to understand the perfection she’d found. Everyone needed to know. Ass is love. Ass is life.

“Ooooh Ruuubyyyyyy~”

Weiss’s dark-haired partner had been rather distracted, ignoring the heiress’s typical grunts and groans because, get this: She had found another dog shaped rock behind her first dog shaped rock! This was shaping up to be the best day ever!

But she couldn’t ignore when her partner finally actually called her name – and weirdly nicely, too, which was weird to hear.

“Okay, okay, I’m here. What’s up W-Woah!” The Huntress turned – only for her eyes to immediately go wide, her jaw dropping as her vision filled with perfection.

There was Weiss. At least, Ruby assumed so, because someone had to be the owner of the huge ass that her eyes had immediately gravitated to. But she couldn’t look up to check – for some reason, she couldn’t quite tear her gaze away from the bouncing booty in front of her. Those cheeks, they were almost magnetic…

Almost… Perfect…

And as Weiss wiggled her hips from side to side, and Ruby began to drool, already losing herself in this incredible vision…

… She, too, began to wonder how she could get the most perfect Ass

The message would soon spread from the ruins, out over the whole of Remnant. Ass was Love. Ass was Life.

This mystery definitely should have been left hidden.


Request: Edelgard is getting pestered by Monica (again), but tolerates it as best she can. She starts to get upset when Monica insists on approaching her and getting a bit too touchy-feely, but then promptly forgets how to even feel upset as her mind gets erased in the blink of an eye. Kronya, previously disguised as Monica, giggles and hauls Edelgard off to the mole people clubhouse, where she's stripped down and put on display alongside a similarly mindless Monica. Kronya takes on Edelgard's appearance, waves goodbye to the two of them, and happily skips out of the room, leaving them in darkness.

Edelgard von Hresvelg had a lot of problems. Seemingly no end to them, in fact. A rotten Empire filled with corrupt nobles, a crest system that promoted bloodlines over ability, an immortal dragon witch ruling over mankind with an iron fist hidden behind a false motherly smile… And those were just the big ones. For small stuff, there was a test next week that she hadn’t studied for (sneaking out as the Flame Emperor had taken precedence), there was the fact that Bernadetta had somehow managed to steal all of the spare keys to her room and now refused to come out for anything, there was wondering what sort of topics she might discuss with Professor Byleth if she was ever invited to tea with them (a fanciful notion, of course, but one that she just couldn’t get out of her head)…

And then, there was… this.

“Come on now, Edel, why do you insist on hanging out in this stuffy old room of yours when there’s so much fun to be had outside? You’re practically turning into that shut-in down the hall~”

Monica. Or, rather, the creature that had taken Monica’s face. The Princess of the Adrestian Empire stiffened at the woman’s voice, but didn’t look back, pointedly ignoring her to focus on the paperwork at her desk.

“I certainly don’t need to be told by you of all people about the benefits of fresh air,” she muttered, signing off on a report. “What do you want, Monica?”

It was somewhat galling to call the creature by that name, but she had little choice. Her alliance with those who slithered in the dark was a necessary evil – one she had no plan to perpetuate any longer than was necessary… But for the moment, it was necessary.

Still, it was difficult to fully contain her disdain for them, especially in private. Monica von Ochs had always been a loyal, kind hearted subject. One who certainly hadn’t deserved to be taken by such a vile force, nor to have her form stolen by such a wicked, sadistic beast. But then, the price of Edelgard’s ambitions was going to inflict sorrow on many people who didn’t deserve it. There was no other way to break free of the trap Rhea had locked them in…

“Oh, I just thought I’d check in on my faaavourite House Leader!” Monica’s voice interrupted the Empress-to-be’s reminiscence. “Can’t have the future of the Adrestian Empire cooped up in her room all day – she might turn into some kind of recluse! Imagine if you got ill in here and couldn’t tell anyone? What would Hubert say?”

Deep breaths, Edelgard assured herself. She had to focus on the future. Focus on her ambitions. Putting up with this pest for now was the best way to-

A cold pair of hands dropped down on her shoulders, and the silver-haired Princess went completely stiff, eyes widening. “Wh-What are you-?!”

“Relaaax, Edel~” Monica’s voice was as cheerful and false as ever. “I’m just making sure you don’t get a cramp in these stiff ol’ shoulders of yours. Ohh, they’re so tense! It’s like you’ve been carrying all of Fodlan on your back~”

She had to put up with her, she had to put up with her, she had to- Things would be so, so much more difficult if she chopped this foul beast’s head off right now! All she needed to do was push back, politely but firmly. Show this beast that she wasn’t just some puppet.

“My shoulders,” Edelgard all but growled, shrugging away the pest’s hands. “Are fine. And you are getting in the way of my work. If there’s something you want, then get to the point, otherwise I insist that you leave my chambers at-”

“Oh now don’t be like that.” Naturally, ‘Monica’ wasn’t listening. Her fingers were stroking her shoulders again. “You really need to learn to relax, Edel! To just stop thinking and worrying about everything all the time. Get out there, have some fun, show yourself off a bit!” And then the foul beast’s hand slipped down under the Princess’s tunic and groped her chest. “You shouldn’t be the only one who gets to enjoy these babies~”

“Get your hands off me, you filthy-!!!” Edelgard snapped, ire and fury and frustration at a thousand things, little and large all, bubbled up into a moment of all-consuming rage, aimed squarely at the creature who had taken her countrywoman’s skin. Immediately she went to rise, her anger to great that she didn’t even feel the beast’s finger pressing lightly against her temple.

And then she didn’t feel anything at all.

Instead of standing up, the Princess slumped, her body falling back to rest in ‘Monica’s arms as her mind fell completely silent. Erased in a single instant. All of that rage, all of that anger, all of those plans, all of those ambitions, all of that iron will to carry through no matter how strong the opposition… Wiped clean with a simple gesture.

‘Monica’ waved a hand in front of the silver-haired noble’s unseeing eyes, and then giggled at their blank, dilated stare. “See? Isn’t that better? No more stress. No more worries. Just a nice, empty puppet for your betters. A noble fate for a pathetic worm~”

She hadn’t really needed to start groping the Princess. Obviously, she could have just wiped her mind as soon as she got close enough to touch her - poor little Edel, she’d really had no idea what she was dealing with. But that just wouldn’t have been as much fun! She’d wanted to see just how far she could push the pretentious bitch before she finally broke, and, oh, it had been so delightfully worth it, if only to watch her face turn from a snarl to a slack-jawed doll’s.

Ah but she couldn’t hang around here. Even in the privacy of the Princess’s room, there was a chance that they’d be discovered. No, if she wanted to play with her new toy, she would best do it in safety, where she knew she wouldn’t be disturbed. Fortunately, she knew just the place.

Wrapping her arms around the former Edelgard (Oh, she was starting to drool, how adorable!) ‘Monica’ uttered a sharp, guttural spell. A moment later, and their shadows rushed up into the air around them, swallowing them both in darkness, and spiriting them away from Garreg Mach.

In a carved and polished stone room, deep, deep below the ground, a woman stood on a small stone plinth. She had short-ish red hair done up in braids, and a cute face that many would find charming. She was completely nude, but she didn’t mind, simply staring blankly at the far wall, as she had for many months now. Some might have recognised her as Monica von Ochs – but that number didn’t include herself. She had no recollection of that name, or of anything else. Her mind was as blank now as the day those that slither in the dark had first scrubbed it clean, and it seemed she had no intention of changing that.

A little ways to her left, on the plinth next to hers, an equally nude silver-haired woman – one that Monica von Ochs would have recognised in a heartbeat, but the mindless woman on the plinth didn’t even notice – was being moved into place by Kronya, who was having a little difficulty with the task.

“Ohhh, should I pose you looking big and bold? Arms on your hips, smug smile, spread feet planted? It’d be hilarious. Mm, but the classic ‘mindless drone’ pose is so good too… Ngh.” The pale skinned woman grunted as she checked the clock. “Damnit, I don’t have time. Tell you what, I think about it, and pose you next time I visit, okay?”

Naturally, the mindless doll who had once been Edelgard had nothing to say to that – she too simply stared blankly at the far wall, arms held limp at her sides.

“Perfect. Now, let me complete the ritul…” Kronya clapped her hands, and then focused. There was a flurry of shadows around her…

… And when they parted, Edelgard von Hresvelg stood in her place, smiling smugly at her mindless double. They were identical down to the smallest detail – save that the one who had been Kronya was still dressed in the Princess’s officer uniform.

“I told you you shouldn’t be the only one who gets to enjoy these,” she giggled, preening before the blank woman who couldn’t remember her saying any such thing. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of your body, and your Empire. And all you have to do is stand here for eternity so I can keep maintaining your form, just like she did!”

The vile beast glanced at the former Monica. “Actually, come to think of it, I don’t need you anymore. I could just get rid of you. But eh, what the hell, you make a nice pair. Maybe I’ll start collecting a few more blank minded worms to start a real collection~” ‘Edelgard’ giggled at the thought, before turning on her heel. “In the meantime, I’ve got a test to study for. Ta-ta, girls! Thanks so much for being such arrogant little suckers, you really made it all too easy~”

And then, with another swirl of foul magic, she was gone.

In her absence, the lights quickly shut down, leaving the two women in complete darkness. Neither of them reacted, or noticed, or really did much of anything at all. The two of them just stood there, side by side, as completely unaware of each other as they were of themselves – their only purpose now, to aid those that slithered in the dark in whatever goals they chose to use them for.

At least neither of them had any problems anymore~


Request: Persona 5-Makoto wakes up feeling real fucking wierd. Like she wasnt always a punk bitch with a room and clothes and piercings to match. That she didnt have such fucking huge curves and muscles. But then again shes never been that good at any thinking shit-at least as far as she can remember. Much easier to let boss Joker give her order. Yeah..she should see him to tell her what to do and think. And maybe get a good fuck in...

“Nnn… Huh?” Makoto woke slowly, awareness dawning over her like the sun on a cloudy day. She was laying sprawled out on a bed face down, still half-snoring into a crumpled pillow. What… Where was she…?

Oh. Her room. Right. Weird, why’d she felt so confused for a sec there?

Yawning loudly, she rose from her bed, not bothering to make it because no shit she didn’t, and stumbled over to the bathroom. It took a few tries to navigate over through the mess of her bedroom – partially because, y’know, it was a mess, and partially just because of this real weird feeling of how unfamiliar this all seemed. But that was just plain dumb! It was her fuckin’ room, right?

Finally stumbling into the bathroom, Makoto stretched, and took a moment to examine herself in the mirror. There was that weird feeling of something being wrong again, but, y’know, like what? Everything looked perfectly normal to her. Her piercings were all in order. Three in either ear, a hoop dangling from her nose, and – she stuck her tongue out to check – yep, the last stud was still in place. Some people said they found it uncomfortable sleeping with them on, but as far as she was concerned it was uncomfortable taking them off! Maybe she’d get a few more, for her eyebrows or something, that’d be metal as fuck. She certainly hadn’t regretted the handles she’d gotten for her knockers~!

And her hair was the same as ever - same pink mohawk running down her head. Ha, her sister’d lost her fuckin’ mind when she’d first seen her come home with that style. It’d been their biggest screaming match to date! And of course, there was nothing she enjoyed more than pissing off her prissy, uptight, prosecutor bitch of a sister. Hmph, all “You’ll ruin my career!” this and “What about your education?!” that. What a moron. A Punk ass bitch like her didn’t need no fuckin’ education! She got by on street smarts and big muscles, the real way of getting things done!

Yep, everything looked fine in her reflection. There was Makoto Niijima – wait. Fuck, why was she calling herself that? What was she, school registration or something? The only person who called her that was her dumb bitch of a sister. Nah, her name was way better. She was Big Mak, Bitch Queen of Shujin!

Heh, they called her that for her big muscles. Or her big boobs. She wasn’t sure which, actually. For a moment, she posed in the mirror, flexing her huge biceps, before leaning forward and trying to measure if they were bigger than her massive tits. Results were inconclusive when she ended up headbutting the mirror instead, sending a crack running through it and ruining her concentration.

“Ugh! Stupid fuckin’ mirror…” She rubbed her head, grunting in annoyance. But then… She saw something weird. Something that made that funny feeling in her chest bubble up again.

It was her reflection. In the cracked mirror, it looked… different. One half was the same as ever – the big, busty brute she was so proud of being. But on the other side of the break, she saw… someone else. Someone who couldn’t be her. Just a plain looking straight-laced student sort, with her natural brown hair, and no piercings at all! Holy crap, what a basic looking bitch.

The crack ran right down through the middle of them, leaving the plane jane on the left, and her regular punkass perfection on the right. And if she squinted, and looked real close, she thought it looked like the plain version was trying to say something, to reach through the glass…

“Fuck that.”

Her fist slammed into the mirror and shattered it, dozens of pieces of smashed glass raining down into her sink. Grunting, Big Mak shook her hand, a few shards dropping out from between her barely bruised knuckles. “Stupid mirror. Fuckin’ thing gave me a headache.”

Without a second thought, the Queen Bitch splashed some water in her face, then strutted back off to her bedroom – that weird feeling of unfamiliarity utterly banished. Of course this was her room. Who the fuck else would live here? Whatever weird thing she might have seen in her reflection, she wanted nothin’ to do with it. All she cared about was getting dressed.

Her outfit was ready for her, waiting in the place where she’d last thrown it. Tight denim shorts, fraying around all the edges to give them that proper rugged look. An even tighter black t-shirt, because when you had tits this titanic, there was no t-shirt that wasn’t tight – and besides, she liked the way you could see her nipple piercings clearly through the fabric. Boots – yeah, nice, thick soled, steel capped, black boots, for when she needed to stomp on any assholes who wanted to give her trouble. Leather jacket, because fuck yes, she was a punk and she wanted everyone to know it…

And, of course, the spiked leather collar around her neck. Like fuck she was going anywhere without that!

There. Big Mak was all set for the day. And now to… To… Huh. What was she doin’ today, again?

Oh right! She needed to go find Boss Joker, see what he wanted her to do. She wasn’t all that smart herself – in fact, she was pretty fuckin’ stupid, though she’d cave your skull in if you said that to her face. But her man Joker handled all that thinking shit for her, and let her deal with the things she was good at – yelling, punching, and, if she was real lucky, fucking.

And gawd she could do with a good fuck right now. It felt like it’d been years since she’d last gotten laid! Which was dumb, because obviously, she was a huge slut – but it was just that weird kinda morning. Hopefully Joker’d let her suck his big dick to help her forget all about it if she asked real nice~

Hell yeah! Now that was what she called a plan. Grinning, and trying not to skip, Big Mak, Bitch Queen and proud of it, strode out of her apartment and hit the streets - a punk on the prowl, hunting for the only man she knew’d satisfy her.

And behind her, forgotten in the kitchen sink, all the leftover traces of Makoto Nijima shimmered in their glass prison, and vanished like dust on the breeze…


Request: What device should you use to brainwash someone into your mindless slave? With so many options on the market these days, it can be hard to know what to choose. That's why at Mind Controllers Monthly we provide reviews of the latest and greatest in brainwashing technology.

HIve-Tech B33 Drone HiveReview by Brainlord Bob

Folks, I’ve been in the game a long time. I have opinions, I have preferences, I have biases that people write in every week to complain about, believe me we’ve heard you (and whoever keeps trying to send in the mindbender letters, knock it off – our mail sorter catches them every time, and those things are expensive. Please waste your money pestering some other publication). I’m an old fogey, and I know it – see me using the phrase ‘Old fogey’ without the slightest trace of irony. I’m out of touch, I’m behind the times, I don’t understand the modern mind controller. All fair.

But is it really a sign of my age that I find these stupid things weird? Look, I get the convenience of not having to hunt down your target personally, that’s great. And everyone and their bimbos have mobile phone integration these days – the control app that goes with them seems to handle fine. At least, I’ve not had any trouble with it over this two-week testing period.

But there’s just something so needlessly extravagant about literally hunting drones for your hive with literal little robot bee drones. They’re not even designed to be stealthy – they come in a multitude of colour options, but all bearing the same black stripe ‘bumble bee’ pattern. And yes, that kind of customisation is cute, but… Still. This all feels like someone with a very specific fetish got a whole lot of funding.

Well. It’s my job to review them anyway, and review them I shall. If HI-Tech have any complaints about my commentary, they can either join the long list of angry readers writing in about my accurate reviews, or join the even longer list of companies that thought their tech was the perfect response for an insightful critique (and, pro tip: It never is).

So, the B33 Drone Hive is pretty much what it sounds like – a five-foot-tall drone control hub styled, of course, to look like a cartoon beehive. The styling isn’t bad, and I appreciate the glowing lights they’ve ringed around it to make it look extra high tech, even though they serve no practical purpose. It’s pretty, if not super functional. I expect that in a few months to a year, we’ll be seeing a ‘compact’ version that strips away all the excess and just leaves the critical components. Unless you and your thralls feel completely secure in your home without any chance of discovery, you might want to hold off purchasing until that comes out.

But that’s just the aesthetics, I hear you say. Bob, what does it do? Yes, yes, I’m getting to that. Once you’ve spent enough time admiring how smooth and pretty your new hypnotic toy is – have no fear, gentle readers, there doesn’t seem to be any risk of subliminal influence if you want to spend a few hours doing that – then it’s time to lift the lid. The mechanism to do so is smooth and basically lifts itself, which is nice, but, obviously, that’s not going to mesmerise any minds on its own. Not anymore.

Inside, though, is where you find what you’re actually paying all that money for. Each hive comes with six ‘B33’ drones as standard, with the option to get as many as eighteen, or so it says in the brochure. Each of these B33s are about the size of a man’s thumbnail, at their biggest, lightweight, durable remote drones fashioned like actual bees – as I said earlier, you can even order them with customised colouring options, though yellow is, of course, the default.

These things aren’t subtle. If you see one buzzing at your window, you’re going to notice it’s not a real bee. If you’re looking to run a stealth operation, these things aren’t for you. They’re a little too big to be fitting through any open vents, they’re a little too much metal to fly through a metal detector without setting it off, and while they’re very mobile, they’re not that fast. They might dodge you if you try to slap one out of the air with a newspaper, but it’s going to be close.

What are they for, then? Well, my guess is mass recruitment. While they’re not super-fast, they’ve got a decent clip to them, their sensors are sophisticated, and they’re capable of flying up pretty damn high. My recommended tactic would be getting a few of these things up in the air where they’re not going to be spotted, sight a target or three out in the open, and then drop down on them quick, before they know what’s happening. Do it quick enough, and no one’s going to notice you’ve done a thing.

But I haven’t gotten to what it is they actually do yet, have I? Well wait not longer, good reader, because I’ve finally gotten to the point – which is, to be precise, their points. Specifically, their stingers. While the B33s heads are full of sensors and wireless connectors, and their bodies are working hard keeping them in the air, their tails are where the real action is. Each stinger is equipped with a potent dose of anaesthetic – strong but small, enough to numb the pain of a sting before the brain has even noticed it’s happened – and an implant injector. You want to aim for the nerve centres with this one, I’d recommend the back of the neck as your best bet.

Once injected and attached to a target’s nerves, the chip swiftly begins broadcasting a subliminal signal directly into the target’s brain, using their own nervous system to bypass any defences or the like. We’ve seen this sort of technology before (TakeOver Inc’s Slave Patch springs straight to mind) but now it’s been combined with a mobile delivery system, and it works quite well. Each B33 usually carries enough to ‘sting’ twice, before it has to return to the hive to refuel. The hive’s own supply should last you through a small army of slaves before you need to send off for a refill, though I imagine they’ll be bringing out more effective implants that you can slot in as technology marches on. They usually do.

Now, as for what these implants can do, well, it’s a rather basic setup, because it’s HIve-Tech. They didn’t get into business to make your Stepford Wives, your Bimbos, your Anthropomorphic Catmen, or any of that. HIve is interested in drones, and that’s what they make here. Effectiveness may vary depending on the willpower of your target, as will the time it takes to run its course, but their B33 drones are doing what they can to turn the people of your choice into will-less thralls that obey your every order, and are generally pretty interchangeable. They’ve even included a pretty sizable control package on their mobile app – if they’re weak of will, you can pretty much take them over and steer them manually from the moment they’re stung.

The range is limited, of course, but it covers about fifty blocks of distance from the hive itself, same as B33 drones, which is pretty practical for the audience this product is aiming for. No, you’re not going to be controlling the president from your Caribbean Island lair with these, but if you have a Caribbean Island lair, you can afford better stuff than this.

As with the aesthetics, there’s a lot of customisation options that can apply here if you’re interested. For a pretty hefty markup, you can increase the range three-fold, which seems pointless to me – if you need to get slaves from that far out, drive over there for Pete’s sake. And despite what I said about HIve and thralls, someone in their marketing department has clearly worked overtime, because they do provide a few alternative enslavement packages (B1M-B33s and G0TH-M0THs are two that stood out to me). I didn’t test those, so I don’t know how effective they are, but I’m happy to see an old company trying to branch out into new markets.

And now, yes, I hear you again. Bob, Bob, you say, that’s all well and good, but that’s just the technical stuff. We, your generous, patient, and ever thankful readers of Mind Control Monthly, we just want to know about the heart of this product, the soul, the spirit. Tell us, you cry out to me, in your many loud, well paid voices. Tell us – how did it go when you enslaved someone with it?

As I said, I’m using the standard package that they sent out for review purposes, which I’m quite happy with – I’ve never had a problem with drones, though I know some out there do. I found that using the B33 Drone Hive was simple enough to use, with a lot of thought put into its design for new customers. Getting the app installed on my phone was easy enough, and once everything was plugged in and charged up, off we went.

I sent a group of four B33s out – they left through my apartment window, and didn’t have any trouble navigating the city streets despite my novice attempts at flying them. I didn’t have anyone special in mind for a target, since, well, I’ve gone through pretty much every special target I’ve ever noticed over the course of writing this column all these years. So instead, I just set them to scan passerbys on the street below, and waited for them to find someone that suited my tastes.

It didn’t take them long – I admit, their sorting potential is pretty high – and before I knew it I had their sights set on a lovely brunette business woman crossing through the park. No idea who she was, I admit, but whoever they were they weren’t ready to defend themselves against a B33 attack. The lead drone dropped down behind her in a silent swoop, and one zap later, it was over. I got a good view of her walking a few steps, unaware of the chip now buzzing in the back of her neck, before she stumbled to a halt, and then snapped to attention. No fuss, no muss. I was even able to set her, and the B33s, on auto pilot to return back to my apartment with minimal confusion. And since then, I’ve had a lovely live-in mindless maid to enjoy whenever I’m not at work. Pretty simple, pretty effective.

So, they work, I can say that much. And I wasn’t unsatisfied when I used them. But… Bee drones. Painted like brightly coloured bees. Really? Was this genuinely the best form that this tech could have taken? I just can’t get past how ridiculous they are. Maybe it’s just me being old. Or maybe they’re just a bad idea someone brute forced through the design stage. I don’t know.

I guess if you’re into bees, you might be interested, but even then I’d say you’ll want to wait for whatever ‘slimmed down’ version they do in a few months. And if you’re not, then do you really need these things? Get a hypno ray or some slave patches and go hit the streets. These things are just hideous – and hideously impractical.

- Brainlord Bob


Request: Aeris continues her domination of the land, removing the only real competition she has as a Goddess in Aqua. What will become of the useless deity? Will she join the Cult as one if it’s biggest supporters and work to undermine her old one? Most likely! And probably with attitude and mental adjustments for all involved and to come!

Aqua was in a spot of bother. This was not especially new for her.

It wasn’t her fault, she’d protest! The human world was weird, and nothing worked like how she thought it should! They did things so weirdly, and got really, really hung up on stuff like ‘who owed who money’ or ‘no I’m not giving you this expensive thing for free, leave me along you creepy cultist’! How was a goddess supposed to get anything done around here with all of these restrictions?

And hey, you know, she hadn’t exactly planned on coming down here. That was all Kazumaneet’s doing, not hers! How was she supposed to know he’d choose her as a cheat item? And she was a fantastic cheat item, thank you. Floods, arts and crafts, party tricks, she could do it all! All she needed was a little pocket money, maybe the occasional bottle of bubbly as a treat for doing a good job, and a little protection for when the jerks who didn’t understand her IOU system started chasing her. Was that so much to ask?

It was that last one, incidentally, that had her dashing through the back alleys of Axel, trying to escape a rather determined group of debt collectors. As mentioned, she was in a spot of bother. C-certainly nothing that Kazuma needed to hear about, ahahaha, but, uh, if he was around, she wouldn’t say no to him stepping in to help her out a little! You know, a-as a, as a friendly gesture! It wasn’t like she was begging or anything!

“KAZUMA!” Her shrill cry echoed through the city buildings. “KAZUMA, SAVE ME!”

… Okay that was purely force of habit, don’t read too deep into it or anything.

“Quit running, Priestess!” The leader of the band of debt collectors, a tough looking lady with blonde hair, called after her. “You’re just making it worse for yourself!”

“Yeah!” Her two underlings, a pair of strapping young men who had certainly found their calling chasing helpless maidens down dark alleys, cheered with her.

Naturally, Aqua wasn’t listening. Why waste the energy on her ears, when she could use it for her legs – and for screaming?

“KAZUMA? MEGUMIN? DARKNESS! ANYONE? SOMEONE, SAVE ME!” She skidded into a dead-end, and her eyes turned as wide as saucers. “I’LL DO ANYTHING!”

“Anything?” There was a flash of light, and the blue-haired goddess ducked into a pile of crates for cover, expecting some kind of attack – or maybe an Explosion if Megumin had heard her and come to help. But when the city didn’t start raining down around her ears, Aqua peeked out from behind her box, and saw, to her shock, three unconscious debt collectors lying in the street.

Actually, there was something odd about them, too. Hadn’t it been one lady and two guys? Aqua only counted three women laying over there…

“Are you alright, Lady Aqua?”

“Eek!!” The goddess screamed and spun around, her holy fist raised to ward off whoever was behind her. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

The unfamiliar woman stood there smiled and bowed. “Apologies, Lady Aqua. I was just making sure you weren’t hurt.”

Aqua blinked, squinting at her saviour. She didn’t know this person, she was sure – oh, she’d definitely remember someone with such a striking figure. That red hair really stood out, too. Sure, most mortals looked the same to her, but she was pretty sure she’d have noticed this one.


Something was wrong with this picture. It felt like she was staring at one of those magic picture books she’d swiped from earth, back before she’d been suckered into dropping onto this world. She had a definite feeling that she was staring at something weird, as if she was looking at two pictures transposed over one another… And she couldn’t put her finger on why.

“Do I know you?” She had to ask. There was no chance she’d ever met this woman, but she just seemed so familiar…

And the woman smirked, brushing her fiery locks back over her shoulder as she answered. “I suppose you could say that, though I’ve changed since we last met. I think you’ll find that I-”



The red-haired woman stumbled to a stop as Aqua waggled a finger in her face, a proud grin on her face. “You’re Eris! I can see your divine aura. Ha, it’s been so long that I almost forgot how to do it~” Take that, stupid ‘Useless Goddess’ Kazuma! She was a very useful goddess, thank you! She could totally do goddess things! “What are you doing down here? You know it’s forbidden for gods to walk the mortal realm like this!”

Now the woman – Eris? – was sweating a little, a cute blush forming in her cheeks. “W-Well, Lady Aqua, it’s not…”

“Oh, don’t worry.” All of a sudden, the blue haired goddess was right at her side, acting chummy as she slid an arm around her shoulders. “I can keep this kind of thing veeery quiet. You just have to do me a couple of favours – maybe give me a monthly stipend of that nice currency you named after yourself, a few hundred thousand should be fine…”

“Hundred thousand?!”

“… And I won’t go telling the senior gods about your little lapse here. I mean, I’d hate to see what they’d think of you breaking the rules like this. A junior goddess, walking around at full divine power among the mortals without a permit? That’s scandal level stuff, Eris. That’s Apple of Discord level stuff, Eris. That’s-Ngrk!”

Just as she’d slid her own arm around ‘Eris’s shoulders, another had slid around hers – and this one was squeezing her neck a lot tighter.

“Lady. Aqua. It’s not Eris anymore. It’s Aeris.”

“Wh- That sounds exactly the same!” The blue haired goddess squeaked.

“I can tell when you’re saying it wrong!” The red-haired goddess took a deep breath. In and out. In and out. She was in control here. Lady Aqua couldn’t get to her. She just had to-

“Hey.” A jaw squeezed mumble came from her chest, which Aqua was currently being forced to stare into. “Did you get implants or something? Seriously, those babies are huge! Did you get tired of the pads?”


“No.” Aeris’s voice had turned a deadly kind of calm. The kind of calm that came before a storm, or an erupting volcano. The kind of calm that promised no survivors. “They just grew naturally. I can help yours do the same, if you want.”

“Oho! See, now you’re thinking about how to please your senior!” Aqua wrenched herself free with a grin, utterly oblivious to the doom bearing down on her like an avalanche. “Okay, tell me the trick! If it works, I might even deduct a few thousand from that monthly stipend you’re giving me~”

“Right. Yes. About that…”

“Actually, are you on the property market here? We’ve already got a mansion but I was thinking that maybe it was time to start investing in land…”

“Lady Aqua.” Aeris’s voice was firm. “I will not be paying you a stipend.”

“Oh? Well, it’s your Ragnarok.” Immediately, the senior goddess turned smug. “I mean I’ve seen some stuff in my time, but what they’ll do to you is…” She trailed off in a suggestive whistle, confident that her point was made.

“I’m afraid that the best I can do for you is a wage.”

“A wage?” Aqua blinked, her brow furrowing. “You mean, like… For a job? But I don’t work for you.”

Aeris managed her own frosty smile. “Not yet. But you’ll soon be taking your new position as my High Priestess. I’m afraid it doesn’t pay quite as much as you were hoping for, but…”

The goddess looked at her like she’d gone insane, her jaw slack. “What? What are you talking about? I’m the senior goddess here, I can’t work as your priestess!”

“Oh no?” The redhead raised an eyebrow, and then pulled a scroll out of her dress. “That’s funny. Because I have an agreement here that says you’ll do anything for me. And I rather intend on holding you to it.”

“Eh?” Aqua leaned back as if she’d been struck. “I- I don’t remember signing any contract like that! No way, I’d never do that!”

Aeris just let the scroll drop open, and sound filled the air – the familiar cry of a goddess on the run. “SOMEONE, SAVE ME! I’LL DO ANYTHING!”

There was a pause. Aqua had gone pale. If you listened closely, you could just about hear the hamster wheel squeaking around in her head as she tried to think quickly. That was a divine contract – utterly binding between gods. Could she claim it wasn’t her? No, that wouldn’t fly. Could she claim it was under duress? Yes, but no one would care. There was only one choice she could think of that would save her now.

“Gimme that!” She snatched for the contract – only to have it yoink up out of her reach. “Hey!”

“No, Lady Aqua, I think I’ll be keeping this,” the redheaded goddess said, tucking the scroll into her cleavage for safe keeping. “And I’ll be keeping you, as well.” With a snap of her fingers, divine chains appeared out of thin air, wrapping around a squirming, panicking Aqua and holding her tight. “Welcome to the Aeris Church, High Priestess Aqua~”

“N-No! You can’t do this!” Naturally, the new High Priestess wasn’t keen on her new appointment. “I need my own worshipers! I can’t worship you!”

“You can,” Aeris loomed over her, relishing this feeling of having such power over someone who’d really been a big thorn in her side. “And you will. But don’t worry about your followers – one I’ve converted you properly, your first task will be recruiting all of those misguided cultists into a proper church – and giving their worship to me.”

“NEVER!” Oh, that really got the goddess’s goat. Her struggling against her chains intensified, thrashing about like a wild animal in a trap. “I’ll never do that! I’ll never serve you!”

“You will.” The redhead stepped closer, stroking her senior counterpart’s hair through her fingers, before resting her palm on the woman’s brow – her eyes starting to glow with holy light. “You’ll do anything for me.”

“N-Nnn-Nngh-Nuguuhhh…” Aqua shook and shivered, trapped staring up into a red glowing palm as Aeris’s power seeped into her – and she was powerless to resist. She could feel it dripping into her mind. She could feel it soaking into her soul. She could feel it pouring into her at every level…

… And she was starting to like it…

She couldn’t help it. The sensations twisting through her were laced with pleasure and bubbly delight, coaxing the falling goddess with sweet promises of soft surrender. She had always been a hedonist, and now she was being offered the ultimate plunge – submission to a goddess who could offer utter, eternal ecstasy.

She tried to resist. She really did. She struggled with all of her will and all of her might. But stripped of most of her powers as she was, she was no match for a true goddess. The Glorious Goddess Aeris, who was bestowing such a gift upon such an unworthy heathen! Ah! Ahh! Praise be! Praise be to Aeris! Praise be to Aeris!


By the time Aeris’s hand pulled back, there was no trace of defiance left – Aqua was crying her devotion out to the heavens with a zealot’s fervour, pride and faith heavy in every chanted word.

And that wasn’t all that had changed. The goddess’s magic had seeped into every part of her, body, mind, and soul, and twisted each to suit her new patron’s desires. Her hair had lost its cerulean hue, now a deep, vibrant crimson, a sign of her oath. Her outfit, too, had seen a similar change – shifting from a blue tunic-like garment to a black dress more reminiscent of a witch’s attire – and, of course, very similar to the one her goddess wore (although Aqua’s was adorned with holy symbols and objects of worship, as befit a woman of her station).

But the biggest changes were undoubtably the ones to her body – specifically, the two on her chest.

“Oh wow!” The new devout worshiper gasped, bouncing and watching her boobs jiggle. “They really are natural! Praise be to Aeris for her most wonderful blessing~” Sure, she’d never been the smallest gal in the breast department, but now she was only a little smaller than Aeris herself, and she couldn’t have been prouder of the fact.

“Ahh. There, that’s so much better.” The red headed goddess – uh, Aeris, not Aqua, damn, that description doesn’t work so well anymore – sighed in satisfaction. Her senior/rival/pain-in-the-ass had been dealt with. Now she could rest so much easier. Left to her own devices, Aqua could have caused a lot of trouble – and not just for herself. “Are you ready to assume your duties, my priestess?”

“You bet, your gloriousness!” The former god fell to her knees, hands clutched in prayer, almost crying in happiness and receiving such a direct vision of her god. “I already have plenty of ideas for how to convert those filthy heathens in the Axis cult over to the bountiful embrace of the Eris church~ Just leave it to me! I’ll have them all worshiping you in no time!”

That was probably a bad idea. She may have become a zealously loyal and devoted high priestess, but Aqua was still Aqua. Still, she was a cunning woman, when she wanted to be… And, after all – she’d managed to stoke up a far more devoted crowd of followers than she had as Eris. Perhaps a chance to prove herself was due.

“I look forward to it, my dear~”

“Great! Now, about those wages we were talking about…”

“We’ll discuss that after you get me some more followers.”

“Yes my lady! Praise be to Aeris~”

Well, some things would never change. But at least now she’d never have to hear about those stupid pads again~


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