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Hi folks! How's December going?

I don't have much to say this week - I'm still busy with the new expansion over in Final Fantasy 14 (It's a hell of a ride so far... When I can get through the queues to play...) so I'll keep this short and sweet!

This week, another story for Idyanov, one of Zarvex's OCs, this time staring one of my favorite characters (despite so many reasons why she shouldn't be!). This one's got some absorption content in it, which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea, so if it's not your thing, have no fear, I'm putting up two stories this week, so hopefully you'll enjoy that one instead!

All that said, have fun, and enjoy!


(Contains hypnosis and absorption)

“What is this place…?” Pyrrha Nikos looked around the wide-open room, wary and confused. Wherever she was, it looked nothing like she’d ever seen before. The walls and floor were metal panels shaped into a round disk like room. She couldn’t even see the ceiling – it was pitch black over her head. There wasn’t any exit that she could see – no doors or windows, just darkness and lines of green neon light that shone around the edge of every metal panel.

Uncertain, the champion tightened her grip on her weapon. This place felt like a stage… Or an arena. What was going on? How had she gotten here?

She’d been out on patrol in the Emerald Forest with her team, investigating reports of strange unidentified objects seen in the night sky, when a strange hum had filled the air. A powerful noise that buzzed through her skull and made her head ache. To her horror she’d seen her teammates fall to the ground unconscious, overcome by the sound, clutching their ears in a fruitless attempt to ward it off, but before the same could happen to her, the noise had just… stopped.

Blinking, her head suddenly clear, Pyrrha had looked up to see strange lights zipping around through the dark night sky, shooting through the trees and straight towards her. Then everything had gone white…

And now here she was.

But she didn’t have to stew in silence for long. “You are Pyrrha Nikos, correct?”

Appearing from the shadows was a woman – or was it? Pyrrha’s eyes narrowed, her brow furrowing as she tried to analyse what she was seeing. The figure was certainly human shaped, even quite feminine, but there was something… off, about her. Her movements were too precise, too perfect, despite what had to be fairly heavy body armour that she wore from head to toe. And then there was the strange glow that seemed to emanate from within her, red light seeping through gaps in her bodysuit… Or the red light that shone on the inside of the woman’s otherwise featureless helmet, shining through the nearly opaque glass where her face should have been.

But in her studies, she must have taken too long to answer the woman’s question. There was an irritated sigh. “Organics. All the same. I said, you are Pyrrha Nikos, correct? You can comprehend that much?”

“What?” The redhead blinked, before the figure’s words properly sank in. “Oh. I mean, ah… Yes… That’s me… Can I help you…?”

“Ahhh, it answers! Finally.” The woman stepped forward, a loose cloak swirling around her frame as she moved. “Yes, perhaps you can. I am Idyanov 003A. I have come to this backwater little world of yours to improve my combat subroutines. Of all the organics that I have questioned here, your name has come up again and again as the greatest champion this filthy rock has to offer. Therefore…” Her arm snapped out, a sword appearing in her hand with a dark flash. “You will fight me. And I will assess if you are worthy of the honour of being added to my databases. Understand? Or do I need to use smaller words?”

Ohhkay, whoever this woman was, she was plainly a bitch. And while Pyrrha didn’t understand anything about the subroutines or databases she was babbling on about, she absolutely understood that she was asking for a fight. Fine then. Questions could wait until after she’d kicked her ass.

“Very well then,” she said, swinging her spear out into a stance holding it in front of her. “I believe I actually can help you with that.”

“Good.” Idyanov levelled her sword. “Then let’s begin. Try not to let yours-OOOF!

Suddenly the woman was on her back, a spear tip pointed at her throat. “Satisfied?” Pyrrha asked, sounding not in the least impressed by her captor’s skill.

“A… Lucky shot,” was Idya’s grumbled response. “We will do it again.”

The redhead sighed and rolled her eyes, but she did pull her spear back and returned to a ready position. She was used to dealing with challengers who couldn’t accept they’d lost by now – and she was more than willing to hammer the point home if they wanted.

To Idya’s credit, she rolled back onto her feet quickly, brandishing her sword once more. That was as far as said credit went, though – one ill timed charge later and she found herself caught on the blunt end of Pyrrha’s spear for a moment, before being flipped over into a wall.

“That’s two downs,” the huntress added salt to the wound, calmly taking position again. “Do you still believe my skill to be mere luck?”

“I was holding back!” Now Idya sounded angry, the mysterious woman pushing herself back to her feet and – well, not glaring at Pyrrha, but that was only because she didn’t have the eyes for it. “A simple mercy I decided to offer you, since you organics are so fragile. But so be it – if you wish to face my true power, I shall grant your request!”

The glow inside her armour brightened, but Pyrrha failed to look even slightly intimidated. “As you wish…” She sighed, falling into a stance once more.

This time, Idyanov blurred forwards, her speed cranked up to incredible levels. Without hesitation she swept in past Pyrrha’s guard, sword raised-


- Only to once again find herself on the ground, her sword embedded in the far wall, and the huntress looking at her with the most bored expression her face could muster. Three for three.

“…” Idya was silent for a long moment, rising to her feet once more, but leaving her blade where it was. Instead of trying to resume the fight again, she just turned and studied her opponent, observing her carefully this time. “It appears that you do indeed possess the skills to match your reputation, human…” She muttered. “And that I… may have misjudged you. Slightly.”

“… Thank you. I think.” Pyrrha decided to try to be diplomatic about all this. “Now that all of that’s sorted, perhaps you can help me?”

“Help you?” Idya tilted her head. Despite her blank face, Pyrrha had the strangest feeling she was smiling – and not in a good way. “Yes, Pyrrha Nikos, I believe I shall help you~” For some reason her words were anything but assuring.

The cloaked woman raised her hand towards the redhead, causing the suspicious champion to once again fall back into a combat stance. “All I want is to go home, not- What are you doing?”

She blinked and squinted, trying to shield her eyes from the sudden glare of light which was emitting from what looked like a gem in Idya’s palm – at least, to shield her eyes without dropping her weapons or losing sight of the other woman, just in case she attacked her again. But that wasn’t easy – the lightshow followed her face, each attempt to escape it failing with a flick of Idya’s wrist.

At least the light wasn’t unpleasant. It wasn’t blinding or anything, despite what she’d first thought. It was colourful, in fact, very colourful, with reds and greens and yellows flashing across her vision. Idya wasn’t making any moves to attack her either – she remained where she was, holding her hand out, watching for… something.

Pyrrha gave it a moment, waiting for… whatever this crazy woman was doing to finish, but the light just kept shining. Finally, she squinted, giving Idya an annoyed glare through the lightshow. “Whatever you’re doing, it isn’t working. Can I go home now?”

“Just give it a second to find the right frequency,” Idya answered, smugness radiating through her tone. “I promise you, you’ll see something interesting soon~”

Pyrrha twitched, her endless patience for this situation that she had no control over really starting to fray. She’d tried being polite, even given the circumstances of how she got here, because it had seemed like the best way of getting what she wanted, but now it was clear that was no longer the case. It was time to switch to the brute force end of the spectrum. “I don’t want to see ‘something interesting’,” she stated firmly, stepping forward. The lights, to her irritation, moved with her, still shining in her face. “I want to leave. And if you don’t let me out of here now, I’ll have no choice but to-oh.”

She blinked. A shape was starting to form in the air in front of her, lit in the same dazzling colours as the lights. A hollow circle, perfectly round, its edge lined by the blended colours of a rainbow. It was almost like looking at one of those optical illusion magic pictures you sometimes saw…

Her brow wrinkled as she stared. “That’s it? You wanted to show me a circle?”

“Ah, you see it?” Idya sounded amused. “It must be nearly there. Tell me, do you see anything else?”

“No, I… Wait.” Actually, there was something else. A new shape starting to form in the middle of the circle. The redhead focused on it, tried to make it out. It was… “A five?”

“Five? Oh wonderful, this won’t take long at all then!”

“Huh?” Pyrrha’s eyes flicked over to Idya’s face – but the lights, and the image in them, just followed her gaze as the number shifted to a four. “What won’t take long?” Three.

“Oh, you’ll see.” Two. “It’s been nice talking to you, Miss Nikos, but you’d really best be off!” One.

“What do you-”


The circle pulsed, the colours flaring around it brightly, and Pyrrha felt something resonate in kind within her. A beat, a ripple, buzzed through her brain, shaking her thoughts and stunning her sentence into silence. Suddenly it was hard to think, hard to focus. Something strange was hap-


Another beat of colour. Pyrrha felt it rush through her mind, trying to push everything else aside. It was like a wave of pressure, as though she’d suddenly found herself standing in a river, trying to fight against the flow. It wasn’t unpleasant… Far from it, in fact. It was a very nice feeling, warm and tingly, washing through her brain and dancing down her spine into her belly. But it was strange and unwelcome – it was doing something to her, and she had to stop-


The champion found herself swaying in place. The feeling was getting stronger, the resonance growing more powerful. Every time the colours flared around that ring in the air another shock would shoot through her system and disrupted her train of thought, making her waste precious seconds trying to remember what she’d been thinking. It would have been infuriating if it didn’t feel so nice, a pleasant buzz echoing through her skull. But she couldn’t let that distract her, she had to-


“Ngh…” Pyrrha gritted her teeth, glaring into the ring of colour. “Wh- What is this… doing to me…?” She grunted, mustering all of her willpower to try to focus herself, to try to resist this scattering of her thoughts. It was hard, especially hard when it felt so nice, but she had to fight this, she had to remember what it was doing to her.

“Oho? Still hanging on? You really are impressive for an organic, Miss Nikos – but I’m afraid the pacifier will not remain on such a gentle setting for long.”

And as if to prove her point…


The ring glowed brighter this time, the colours felt stronger, and the buzz that ran through her ran from head to toe. Pyrrha found herself staring forward and for a long moment couldn’t remember why. Where was she? What was happening? But her iron will refused to give in, and the memories came flooding back to her.


Just in time for them to get scrambled again. The pulses were getting stronger, quicker, hitting her harder and faster every time. Flickers of colour began to appear in her eyes, ringed reflections of the light shining in her face…


It felt like the colours were flowing through her, streaming in through her eyes and swimming through her brain – and then further, deeper, buzzing down to throb between her legs. She gasped as she felt a surge of arousal, melded with the happy pleasant pleasure of the pulse, suddenly very aware of her own body – of how chest was starting to feel uncomfortably restricted beneath her armour, and of how damp things were getting under her skirt.


“I… I…” Pyrrha mumbled, her once green eyes now filled with swirling blues and yellows. She wasn’t sure what she was trying to say, only half aware she was even trying to talk at all – her head was too full of colours and pleasure to make sense of anything. Desperately she tried to pull herself together again but-


Another jolt shot through her, her stance stiffening as arousal began to drip between her legs and drool down her chin. Her eyes were almost full of spiralling colours now, the ring of light all she could see. She had to do something, she had to stop-


She had to-


She had to-


She had to cum!


The clatter of metal on metal filled the room, as Pyrrha’s weapons, her spear and her shield, tumbled from her hands and to the floor. The champion stood straight, arms at her sides, a blank smile on her face, her eyes solid spirals of colour, one locked in blue, the other in yellow. She stared sightlessly forward, silent and still, a small trail of drool still leaking down from the corner of her lips. She didn’t react at all when Idyanov lowered her hand, the lights vanishing, nor even when the woman walked up to her and snapped her fingers in front of her face. The spirals in her eyes just continued to turn, and her smile never dipped. Pyrrha Nikos had left the building.

Idya chuckled, running a finger underneath the tranced-out warrior’s chin, before lowering her hand to undo the fastenings on the woman’s belt. “There we go. That’s the problem with you foolish meatbags. You can be as strong and skilled as you like, but your puny little meat brains are ever so simple to tame. Ah well…” Her fingers undid the last buckle, and pulled Pyrrha’s skirt down, revealing a thoroughly soaked pair of panties that revealed exactly where the invincible girl’s mind had squirted off to. “At least you enjoyed the experience, hm?”

Pyrrha, obviously, had nothing to say to that – content to simply stand there and drool as her captor quickly stripped her out of her underwear, and kicked her skirt out of the way along with the champion’s boots. “No need for any of this anymore,” Idya purred, undoing the buckles on the redhead’s armoured corset and letting that drop to the ground as well, leaving her almost completely nude. “As I said, I shall indeed help you - help you ascend beyond your pathetic organic body and mind, to become a part of perfection…”

Stepping behind around the entranced girl, Idyanov reached down and lifted a hidden clasp, slowly her armoured suit from the leg up to reveal an empty space inside – red energy swirling around in the place where a person should have been. The woman was hollow, even her helmet, which she removed to hold under one arm.

“Now, come on, human. I don’t have all day.” Still fully animated, the armour wrapped its free arm around Pyrrha’s waist and urged her backwards. Eyes still swirling, the redhead had no trace of resistance in her, and stepped backwards, her foot sliding easily into Idya’s suit – followed quickly by the other. Both boots immediately buckled and sealed themselves around the champion’s feet, anchoring her to her fate.

Idya didn’t stop there, of course. The suit was soon sealing itself up along the champion’s body without issue, sliding closed over her legs, around her hips, squeezing in her abs and then enveloping her chest. The arms slid up her wrists like gloves, each finger fitting firmly into place, before the entire suit shut tight at the collar, sealed around Pyrrha’s neck.

“Not bad,” Idya commented, taking a few experimental steps forward, controlling Pyrrha’s body easily. Now wrapped in her dark suit, the champion was almost completely hers. Almost. “Your sync rates are nearly there already. It’s like you were destined to become a part of me~ Now let’s take you the rest of the way, and get rid of this disgusting fleshy body of yours once and for all!”

Pyrrha was oblivious to Idya’s words, of course – she’d been completely oblivious to everything since the pacifier had forced her brains to squirt out of her cunt – but even in her trance there were some things she couldn’t miss. Things like a vibrating dildo materialising between her legs, thrusting in suddenly in a burst of pleasure. Or like a second shaft appearing a second later, this one burying itself inside her ass.

“Ohhh!” She squealed, moaning in delight as the suit fucked any brains she had left right out of her head. Eagerly she began to respond, thrusting her hips back, wiggling as much as the suit would allow her, heedless of the strange tingling feeling that was starting to fill her, spreading out from her hips. She was in no position to observe the red energy that was steadily being pumped into her, after all, and she was in even less of a position to understand it. But Idya’s detached head watched with dark amusement as the champion’s skin began to sparkle with building power, energy spreading out through her body, her spiralling eyes slowly turning a deep red that matched her hair.

“98… 99… 100% sync rate achieved!” The alien woman finally declared, her suit’s arms lifting her helmet high over the champion’s oblivious glowing head. “Welcome to perfection, Pyrrha Nikos.”

Then she slammed her head down over Pyrrha’s, swallowing it all in dark armour, head neck and hair all. And the pleasure within exploded, the human huntress howling in ecstasy as she came and came and came…

There was a bright flash of red light – and all went silent.

“Absorption complete.” Idya finally spoke, her tone plain and mechanical. “No errors detected. Beginning update.”

Then she twitched in place, her body straightening up and stiffening as red lightning crackled over her frame. A few of her proportions changed – her legs growing longer, her arms developing a more muscled texture, and her ass mysteriously swelling a few sizes – but the most dramatic change was the sudden eruption of energy around her head, forming into a bright red flaming aura that shaped itself into the form of a high ponytail – looking for all the world like a neon hairstyle.

After the stiffness faded, Idya took some time to examine her ‘upgrades’, and found them acceptable. She even summoned her spear again and gave it a few practice swings, now handling it with far more skill than she’d ever had before. “Upgrade success,” she finally decided, still swinging. “I estimate at least an increase of 3000% in combat efficiency- Oh, hold on…”

She leaned down and unbuckled one of her boots again, reaching into the hollow within and pulling out a pair of earrings and a golden circlet, all still lightly smoking. “Missed these,” she muttered with a shrug, before tossing them onto the pile of clothing that was all the remained of Pyrrha Nikos. An errant thought later and the entire pile was dropped through a trap door, dumped back onto the backwater planet that Idya had stolen her new upgrade from. No need for any of those anymore.

“Now…” She said, pulling up a holo screen and a list of bounty targets. “I think I’ll try out my new combat routines on a live target…” The bot chuckled to herself, flicking her new ‘hair’ over her shoulder. “I wonder what they’ll think of my new style? And if this goes well, I’ll have to make sure this update is added to all future models. To become a part of me for all eternity… Truly, the highest honour an organic can receive.”

Pyrrha the human huntress probably would have disagreed with that idea, of course. But

P/rr#4.exe, the combat subroutine woven into all of Idya’s systems? She agreed whole heartedly. After all, she  was Idyanov now…

And Idyanov knew herself to be perfection without a doubt~


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