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Hi folks, and welcome to December!

Well, looks like we're coming to the end of another year. I'll save the reflections for new years, but I hope everyone is doing well out there. 

A little news before the main event. In the new year at some point I will probably be looking to adjust my pricing around a little. As some of you may know, I live in the UK, and when I started writing online I did my pricing in dollars because that was the easiest thing to do at the time. Long story short, that has proven to be a major pain in the ass, and I need to look into adjusting it, which might end up causing a slight cost increase on my tiers - still working the details out, but it won't be more than a few dollars if it happens. Sorry, hopefully it won't be much of an issue.

In much brighter news, it's time to bring a long running series to a close, with today's bimbofication story! The commissioner was incredibly patient with me for how long this took to write, and I tried to pay them back by writing a lot. That part, at least, seems to have worked. I hope you all enjoy.


(Contains bimbofication)

Usagi Tsukino was many, many things – and anyone you asked was likely to give you a different list of what those things were. To some, she was a saint – the most kind hearted, most patient, most virtuous woman in the world. To others she was a menace – the worst student, eternally late, a food vacuum, an utter crybaby… Okay, there were more people who’d give you the second list than the first, but that was mainly because of her secret identity.

And right now, that secret identity was out in full force – so as the one named Sailor Moon? There would be way more singing of her praises, and less grumbling about her school record.

Well, so she hoped, at least.

But none of that was important at the moment. Right now, Sailor Moon was needed, and cry baby or no, Usagi would respond to the call! Dark energy had begun to spread throughout the city, and the Sailor Senshi had to get to the source before something terrible happened. But with all the interference, the lunar hero couldn’t get through to the others… Hopefully, they would meet her there.

They would, she was sure of it. Having been heroes fighting monsters in the city for years, they all knew how to get around, and how to find sure signs of evil infection. These days, Sailor Moon was sensitive enough to that kind of magic that she could pinpoint it from half a country away – and the source of this little spell wasn’t even trying to hide itself. As she finished her final building hop and jumped down into the street before the large TV studio, the blonde nodded to herself. Yeah, this place would be easy for her friends to find.

So why weren’t any of the others already here? Strange… Was she first? Wow, that was practically unheard of! Despite the seriousness of the circumstances, Moon couldn’t help but giggle and give herself a little V of victory. Maybe she was finally growing out of being late to everything…!

Although, that did mean she was confronting the evil alone. Aheh. Um. Maybe she should wait and see if the others arrived soon…

Aw darnit. No, she couldn’t. Every second something like this was allowed to thrive meant people could be getting hurt, or worse. As a sailor suited guardian of love and justice, she had to investigate! Hopefully the others would catch up…

With a small gulp, Sailor Moon hurried forwards, and pushed her way in through the front door – stumbling a few times before she tried pulling it instead - sure that any number of horrors would be waiting on the other side to attack her. But, no, everything was quiet. Too quiet, even. There was no sign of anyone anywhere…

No, wait. There was someone there – waiting in the shadows up ahead.

“Welcome, Sailor Moon!” The sharply dressed man’s voice boomed through the empty reception hall. Even in the darkness, she could see the glint of his smiling teeth. “I was worried you might keep me waiting, but you seem to be bang on time for once! Will the wonders never cease?”

Moon frowned, her grip on her wand tightening as she assessed the figure for threats. He looked like a normal human – but then, those were always the worst ones. “Who are you?” She called, willing to give him a chance to explain himself. “What are you doing here?”

“Me? Why, I’m the owner of this humble little establishment…” The man gave her a sinister smile and a mocking bow, his long, dark hair clinging to him like a shadow. “My name is Candy. Candy Man – or Candemon, if you prefer. And you, Miss Tsukino… I’ve been waiting for you arrival for some time.”

The blonde’s eyes widened, and she fell into a defensive stance, wand at the ready. “Where did you learn that name?!” Secret identities were supposed to be secret! Oh, if Luna found out about this she was going to be in so much trouble…

And Candy just laughed. “Oh, my girls were quite eager to tell me all your little secrets, Miss Tsukino. They’re a very cooperative bunch these days. But don’t just take my word for it…” He raised a white gloved hand, teeth flashing. “Why don’t you go and see for yourself?”

He snapped his fingers, and suddenly a dark portal opened up beneath the magical girl’s feet. With a shriek she fell, plummeting downwards into the magical void – vanishing from the lobby in an instant, the portal closing behind her. Silence returned to the building.

And Candy just smiled, looking forward to their next meeting. He had a feeling she’d have a very different set of questions to ask him then…


Sailor Moon landed on a pile of cushions – still somehow managing to create a loud crashing sound despite the soft entrance. That was just her way. The magical heroine was quickly back on her feet, wand clutched tightly in her hands, eyes shooting left to right to try and identify threats before they attacked…

… Only for her to pause in confusion as she looked around. She’d been expecting some kind of alien dimension – big, dark, lots of weird pointy rocks for no reason, maybe some big glowing power source of evil hovering around in the background somewhere…

But this… This was just a bedroom. Not even a big one, either, it was barely larger than the tiny room she’d had growing up! It looked so normal – light purple walls, beige carpets, a few wooden slat doors that had to be closets, even a bedside cabinet. The bed took up over half of the room, it was a big one, but aside from that it was a perfectly average bedroom. Unexpected.

Still, something had to be off with this place. She hadn’t been sent here for her health. And until she knew what was going on, she had to be on full alert. Moon gathered herself up, eyes scanning every corner and shadow, wand held tight in her hands. A threat could come from anywhere, so she had to- Bwah!

Super Alert Sailor Moon lasted point five of a second before tripping over a cushion and headbutting a closet door. There was an all too brief contest, as said door learned the lesson many of Usagi’s teachers had in the past – that her head was denser than cement when she put her mind to it – and then splintered apart, small wooden slats dangling broken from its frame, revealing…

“A camera?” Moon blinked at her new discovery. Yes, peering through the hole in the door, she could now plainly see a modern film camera, the kind they might use when filming a movie, staring back at her. In fact, by the looks of things, the entire space she’d assumed was a closet was filled with cameras, all aimed to record whatever was happening in this bedroom. “Huh. Weird.”

It was a mystery, but the sailor soldier eyed the camera closet suspiciously, before moving towards the door. Whatever was going on in here couldn’t be good. Maybe she should try to get out of here before anything else funny happened. But, of course, just as she reached the door, it burst open on its own, and in walked…


But that couldn’t be Minako. There was no way the sailor soldier of love and beauty, the leader of the princess’s inner guard, would ever dress like that, in such a slinky, skeevy, slutty top that looked like it was designed to rip off like paper, or those tight booty shorts that hugged her hips so much they might as well have not been there-

… Okay, well, actually, maybe Minako would wear something like that on occasion, but never on camera – she had an image to protect! And what was with that body? Minako had never had curves like that, never ever, and Moon would know because-

Actually never mind how Moon would know. She just did, okay?

Yet despite the impossibility, despite how absurd it was, despite how Moon knew that one of her closest, dearest friends would never act like this… She recognised the woman in a heartbeat. This was Minako Aino, Sailor Venus…

“Oh hey Usagi!” The blonde with a ribbon – she still had the ribbon, Moon noticed – greeted her with a smile. “Master said you’d drop by. Are you, like, here for a good time~?”

… And she was acting for all the world like a complete bimbo.

“Wha- Wha-?! When did you get here? And what are you doing dressed like that? And where did you get those?!?” Moon pointed at her friend’s chest like a scorned wife might point at her husband’s Mistress – and tried to ignore the way it jiggled as Minako arched her back to show off.

“Oh, these babies?” She giggled as she reached up to cup her titanic tits, stretching her top so tight that Moon could clearly see the woman’s nipples outlined under the cloth. “They were a gift from Mr. Candy, and they’re, like, super fun. Wanna play with them?”

“I… No!” A briefly tempted sailor suited soldier of justice snatched herself back and shook her head with entirely too much energy. “Mina-chan, you have to snap out of this! This Candy guy, he’s done something to you!”

“Well, duh! He’s fucked me, like, a ton of times!” Minako arched her back, pushing her tits up in Sailor Moon’s face. “He’s, like, really good at it. Sometimes we don’t even have the cameras running, which is totally naughty, but

“Buh- buh-”  Moon struggled, reaching up to try to push her friend away, only to realise with an intense blush that the only place her hands could go would be the blonde’s chest. “But… What? A t-t-ton of times? Cameras?!”

The sailor senshi had no idea what to make of this. She needed to step back, to gather her wits, but Minako was just too eager to share to stop! “Oh yeah, like, those cameras, see?” She pointed to the one that Usagi had headbutted not too long ago. “It’d be really hard to film all my pornos without them, y’know?”

Moon’s jaw dropped. “P-p-pornos?!?” Too much, this was too much! No way no way no way would Minako ever- well she wouldn’t do it like this! The pretty guardian of love and justice grabbed her wand. “Alright, that does it! You definitely need healing, Mina-chan! Hold still and I’ll-Mmmph!”

Alas, Usagi had always been a touch too trusting – but it was hard to blame her. Of all the things she’d never expected, Minako smothering her face with her massive boobs instead of lettering her cleanse her corruption was pretty high up on the list.

“Oh, like, no way!” Minako tittered, wrapping her arms around the stunned senshi’s back and pulling her even deeper into her chest. “I’m totally having the time of my life! It’s super great, I get fucked, like, all the time, it’s so good, and now I’m totally a super star! I’m gunna be, like, every guy’s dream bang! They’ll have posters of Mistress V in every adult store in the world!”

“Mmble!” Moon tried to argue, but unfortunately among her many powers the ability to speak clearly with a mouth full of boob was not present. She did give it a good effort though. “Mmph! Mmm!”

“Aww, Usagiiii,” the blonde bimbo pouted, bouncing her chest and sending her friend’s head reeling. “Master Candy totally said you’d be like this. Oh!” She blinked, suddenly brightening. “But, like, he told me exactly what I had to do to help sort you out~”

She finally relaxed her grip, letting Moon pull her face out of the bigger woman’s cleavage, gasping for air. “Moon healing-Mmph!”

Usagi had just a moment of warning – a sudden pink glow around Minako’s lips - before the senshi-turned-porn-star suddenly dove in, capturing her former leader in a soul searingly passionate kiss and squelching her attack before it could fully form. Immediately the blonde felt… strange. Good. A warm feeling flooded into her through her mouth, slipping straight up into her brain and making everything turn pink and fuzzy – and wonderfully, wonderfully horny.

Suddenly making out with one of her best friends didn’t seem so bad – in fact, it sounded just perfect! Moon’s arms wrapped around Minako, hands exploring her sexy enhanced body even as she began to return the kiss, her tongue swirling with the other blondes happily. Everything just felt so nice and good… especially in her chest, where she was starting to feel really warm…

But… Wait… This wasn’t right…

“Mmmm~” The kiss finally ended with Minako – or Mistress V, now – pulling back, a satisfied smile on her face, leaving Moon to stand there, swaying slightly in place as she tried to recover her wits. “I’ve been totally waiting to do that for years, baby~ But Master says I shouldn’t keep you all for myself! So, like, you go meet up with the other girls, Usagi – and maybe we’ll continue this later, yeah?”

She winked – and before Sailor Moon could cobble together a reply, the floor vanished out from under her. Startled, the heroine looked down to find herself plummeting through another portal, the magical void swallowing her once more.


Usagi’s second landing was considerably less soft, and involved far more pointy rocks. With a yelp and a crash she found herself lying in a heap on a cold stone floor, staring up at the roof of a big dark cave in something of a daze. Yeah, she thought as she started pulling herself back together, this seemed more like the kind of place she’d been expecting for the big bad’s evil lair…

But wait, what had just happened? The heroine frowned, and tried to shake the last fragments of pink out of her head. She remembered struggling with Minako, and then a kiss, and then… Then things got fuzzy.

And kinda pink.

It had felt pretty nice, whatever it was, but Usagi was no stranger to nice feeling evil. Something had obviously corrupted her friend, and she wouldn’t rest until she found a way to cure her and bring her back to normal!

Now where the heck was she?

Struggling back to her feet, the hero of love and justice looked around warily. The cave was suspiciously well lit, but even so there were shadows everywhere, and an attack could come from any direction. She had to be on her guard, and expect the unexpected…!

“Welcome, Sailor Mo-“

“Gyahhh!!!” The blonde jumped five feet in the air, spinning around with her wand out to ward off the mysterious sultry voice that had snuck up behind her. “Don’t do that!”

“Yeeeek!” And in tandem, the cloaked figure who had been speaking jumped as well, zipping backwards a good distance from the startled magical girl. “Geeze, Meatball Head, like what the heck is your problem?”

“Don’t ask what my problem was, you were the one who was sneaking up on… Wait.” Sailor Moon paused, and then stared at the figure suspiciously. “Did you just call me Meatball Head? Rei, is that you?!?”

“Tch. Duh!” The cloaked woman tried to flip her hair, only to get her hand caught in the mysterious hood she was wearing. “Gah! Stupid thing, get outta my… hmph!” She grumbled and managed to get herself free, her mystique absolutely shattered. “Okay, like, where were we?”

Moon was… less than impressed. Maybe she would have taken her friend acting so weird more seriously normally, but there was still some of that weird pink fuzz in her head and everything felt just a touch distant. It was really hard to worry about stuff like that right now – which left… “Why the heck are you wearing those creepy robes? Are you trying to hide a bad haircut or something?”

… Usagi and Rei had been friends for any number of years – so no, neither one would ever pass up an opportunity to get under the other’s skin, even in a situation like this. Usagi’s spirit might be pure as driven snow, but she could still be a devious devil if given the chance.

“What? No! My hair is fantastic, thank you!” Rei, it should be noted, would normally be better at firing right back at her friend, but thanks to the reduction in brainpower that she’d received when Candy had conquered her, she would be having a little trouble with that today. Not to worry, once they’d turned Usagi into a bimbo like the rest of them, the proper pecking order would be restored! “I’m just being, like, sinister and stuff, y’know?”

“… Why?” If you asked Usagi, Rei didn’t exactly need help being sinister.

But the former Sailor Mars ignored her not-so-subtle insinuations in favour of being dramatic. “So I can do this!” In a single motion, the former shrine maiden ripped off her cloak, revealing her new corrupted form. Pink skin, bat like wings, a spaded tail, even little devil horns on her head, sticking through her normal hair – and, of course, one could hardly ignore the massive tits or thick hips. She was the very image of a bimbo succubus, and she was proud of it~ “What do you think, Usagi? Scared yet?”

“You look like something from one of the hentai magazines you keep under your bed.”

“I DO NOT!” Rei screeched, her voice echoing throughout the cave as her proud image shattered for the second time in as many minutes, her boobs set jiggling as she stamped her foot. “How dare you!”

“Yeah, that was pretty brutal, even for me…” Moon frowned, rubbing her head. She really, really should be worried about this, shouldn’t she? Her best friend had obviously been corrupted by the sexy forces of darkness. She’d never treat something like this so casually normally! But every time she tried to be concerned, that pink haze just descended on her thoughts and made everything… weird. “Sorry. But it’s okay! I’ll just heal you up now, and- hey, get back here!”

As soon as she’d lifted her wand, Rei had darted backwards into the shadows and disappeared, zipping off into the cave with a shocking level of speed. Before the moonlit hero could do anything, she was gone.

Well that was just great. Clutching her wand close, Moon gave chase, hurrying deeper into the cave, dodging around rocks and stalagmites, and carefully searching the shadows for any sign of her corrupted friend. But she quickly found that this place was a maze; each turn would uncover three different paths she could trek down, each boulder looking just like the last five. If she hadn’t started out lost already, she would have been completely over her head within five minutes.

Then the giggling started, echoing out of the shadows, seemingly coming from all directions. “Do you know what this place is, Usagi?”

Moon hissed between her teeth, looking around and trying to find the voice’s source. “Standard dark maze 101? We’ve gone through like a billion of these, Rei…” Thank you to Ami for teaching her what a billion was! (She really hoped her genius friend wasn’t in here somewhere as well...)

The giggles turned into outright laughter. “No, dummy~ This is my hunting ground. This is where silly girls like you get sent when they try to escape my Master for me to play with~” There was a rumble from the left – a stone clattering along the ground. Moon spun to face it, wand ready, but there was no one there. “This is where I get to hunt and, like, teach those stuffy sluts a lesson in pleasure~ It’s one of Master’s most popular shows…”

Moon’s eye drifted towards the ceiling. Those glints up there – more camera lenses? This place was another set, just like Minako’s room. Ugh, this Candemon guy really had a thing for that – maybe the TV studio she’d confronted him in was actually his. “Listen to yourself Rei!” She called, still hunting. “The real you would never stand for something like this!”

“The old me was a prude!” An angry hiss came from the shadows to her right, but when she jumped around to face it there was nothing but empty air. “This is the real me, finally free and, like, ready to fuck! And it’s so much fun~ I get to play to my heart’s content, turn other prudes like I used to be into happy bimbos for Master, and if I do a really good job, I get to take part in Mistress V’s latest videos!”

“Well I did always think you and Mina looked cute together…” Moon muttered absently. What? She had!

Another giggle echoed through the cave. “Oh, Mistress V is wonderful – but she was never the one I was obsessed with. Come on now, Princess, who’s panties do you think prim and proper little Rei really wanted to get into?”

“Uh… Well there was that guy who lived at your shrine…” The blonde pondered aloud – though, okay, that was kind of a stretch. Rei had never seemed that interested in him.

As she was happy to confirm herself. “Ew, no! I’m talking about you, Meatball head! Duh!”

Moon’s eyes widened. “Uh… Oh, uh, w-well…” The heroine shifted uneasily, her face turning an interesting shade of crimson. There had maybe been some hints that the beautiful shrine maiden maybe, maybe had a bit of a fondness for her, but she’d never really-

“Gotcha!” Suddenly pink arms clamped around Moon from behind, locking her arms to her sides. The corrupted succubus giggled as she pulled her former friend in, her chest pressing firmly into the blonde’s back. “You got distracted, Usagi~”

“Wha- Hey, let go!” Naturally, the sailor senshi struggled, but her captor proved to be stronger than she looked. All too quickly she was pulled into Rei’s arms, pink wings curled around her, the succubus’s spaded tail dancing before her eyes, lined by a bright pink glow. “Rei, let me-Mmmph!”

The tail plunged into her open mouth, plugging her up before she could finish her sentence – and then the most delicious taste swept over her tongue. Acting automatically, without any direction from her brain, Moon’s lips locked around the intruder, tongue running up and down it in curious exploration – before she began to suck.

Immediately the wave of pink fog in her head thickened to complete opacity. Her eyes glazed as her body relaxed, slumping entirely into Rei’s grip. She couldn’t help it, it was all just so wonderfully sweet.

Suck. Suck.

“There we go,” Rei purred, relaxing her hold and using her hands to explore the suddenly pliant heroine in her arms. One slid under her blue skirt, dipping into her panties and starting to massage the petals beneath, while the other cupped the blonde’s breasts. “Ohhh, and I see you’re already starting to grow up here. Mmm, you’re going to make such a delicious slut…”

Suck. Suck.

Indeed, Moon’s chest was quite a bit heavier than it had been when she’d first entered the TV studio. Her sailor fuku was starting to look pretty tight. The same could be said for her skirt, though her ass hadn’t grown that much yet, Rei noted with disappointment. Still, she’d get there soon enough.

“Mmm…” The succubus giggled, pulling her hand back from Moon’s slit and licking her fingers eagerly. “I wish I could, like, play with you properly… But Master said I had to share you with the others.” She gave Moon’s chest another squeeze, breathing in the moan she extracted from the blonde with it… Before sadly letting go. “But I’ll see you soon, slut. We’ll have some real fun then~”

Sailor Moon’s only response was a few more long sucks on her tail, before sinking slowly into another portal – the tail coming loose from her lips with a pop as her head slipped into the void.


Her arrival at the other end of the portal was at least a little more graceful than her last trip, if only because she was still relaxed and limp, dropping down from mid-air to land slumped on her knees. She lay there for a good long moment, eyes still rolled up in her head, before her brain began to function again. What… What had happened? Rei had grabbed her, and then everything went pink again… And it had felt really nice…

And now she felt weird. Like, the pink fog in her head hadn’t gone away, just… gotten a bit lighter. She could feel her thoughts slipping through her fingers. By contrast, her body had gotten quite a bit heavier, especially her chest and hips, a fact that became quite clear to her when she tried to stand up. What was happening to her? She had a feeling that it wasn’t hard to figure out, but every time she tried she just got lost in pink daydreams about Mina and Rei…


Ah, wait, no. Focus. Where was she?

Uh. A kitchen, by the looks of things? Blinking, she looked around. Once again she’d been thrown into an entirely different environment – but this one was one with a tiled floor and a whole lot of cabinets, arranged neatly around a big table in the middle. Yep, kitchen. Huh.

Groggily, she got back to her feet. There were cameras here, too – these ones not even remotely hidden, taking up most of one wall and all pointed towards the centre of the room. What were they supposed to be filming here?

“Goooood morning everyone!” An energetic and familiar voice startled Moon out of the fog that was her thoughts, and sent her spinning to see a very familiar woman stepping into the room. “Welcome to Bimbo Baking with Mako-chan! Oh, hey Usagi, are you my special guest today?”

Oh, it was Makoto! Moon breathed a sigh of relief. If anyone could make a kitchen comforting, it was Sailor Jupiter. But, wait, no, wait, she shouldn’t be here, should she? And since when did she look like that? Oh it was so hard to think

“Um, hey, like… Mako?” The heroine held her head, tried to clear her mind, but more of that pink fog kept seeping in. “Have you, like, always had… those?”

It wasn’t hard to figure out what she was talking about, but ever the helper, Moon pointed none the less. Unfortunately, Makoto had stepped closer while she wasn’t paying attention, and they really were much larger than she remembered - her finger ended up squishing right into the taller woman’s boobs and almost sending them bouncing out of her tight green apron.

Which was, the heroine noticed as her head nodded along with the hypnotic jiggle, the only thing Makoto was wearing. Huh.

But the big and busty brunette just giggled. “Like, duh! Of course I have, silly! Now c’mere!” She grabbed Moon by the shoulders and yanked her straight into a very squishy hug. “It’s so good to have you helping with my show!”

“Mmph? Mhpht Shof?” The blonde was in no position to resist. Before she even knew what was happening, she had been shoved face first into the mythical marshmallow heaven that was her friend’s chest. It was amazingly soft, and warm, and cozy… Moon felt a soft haze settle over her mind, not quite as thick as the fog from before, but still peaceful and nice as she started to smile…

Only to then be ripped away from paradise, being pulled out and confronted with a brightly smiling brunette. The haze in her head swirled, not quite lifting, but clearing just a touch, enough for her to regain her bearings, and wonder why she felt so deprived all of a sudden. But before she could work that out, her friend was speaking once again.

“We’re making a cake!” Makoto explained, all cheer and simple enthusiasm. “It’ll be, like, totes simple, and super tasty! You’ll help me out, right?”

Moon swallowed. Okay, no, this was… wrong, this was definitely wrong. The haze in her head was thick, and seeing Mako in that outfit was stirring all these weird and warm feelings in her belly, but there was no way she’d…

“Pretty please?” The brunette pleaded, bouncing on her feet, her tits bouncing right in front of Moon’s face.

The blonde found her eyes locked on the bountiful display, her mouth suddenly dry. That strange hot horniness that had been building up in her was making it really difficult to say anything other than - “Sure!” No wait, what was she doing? “I can help with that!”

“Yay!” Makoto jumped for joy, and the even bigger jiggle of her boobs bounced the concerns right out of Moon’s head. Of course she’d help Makoto! After all, the happier she was, the more likely she was to bounce! And if she bounced enough, that tight green apron she had on might slip, and she’d get another flash of… Of… Wait, what was it she was after again?

Naturally, she was given no time to work that out! In an instant she was behind the cooking table, an array of brightly packaged ingredients laid out before her. Ingredients that, if her head was clearer, she would have been certain hadn’t been on the table until just now. And at her side, making sure her head would never be clear again, was a very happy brunette bimbo. It didn’t take much to get her giggling and jiggling, no not at all.

And the more she wiggled, the more her tits jiggled, and the more Moon found herself staring, biting her lips, her sticky slow pink thoughts steadily being replaced by images of bouncing boob…

So when the requests started, the blonde senshi of justice didn’t have the space in her head to give them a first thought, let alone a second. “Hey, can you hand me that sexi sugar?”

“Yeah!” Moon nodded eagerly – anything to make those boobies happy! – and reached out for the sugar packet…

… But it turns out when you ask someone who is, even on the very best of days, kind of a mega klutz to pass you something, and she, in turn, tries to do so without actually looking away from your chest, well…



… The inevitable happens. Ingredients went everywhere, the table collapsed as it tried and failed to suddenly support the forceful fill weight of a magical girl, and a thick cloud of pink enveloped the studio/kitchen. A pink cloud which the sailor senshi found herself breathing in, along with more than a little of the pink cake components that now covered her.

The warm feelings in her belly suddenly ignited, rising in strength to become a sudden inferno between her thighs as the pink magic seeped into her. She couldn’t restrain herself, couldn’t even muster enough thought to consider the concept, as her hand forced itself under her skirt and between her legs, starting to stroke with abandon. Such lust had been kindled within her that she was instantly overwhelmed, shuddering and gasping as her desperate body lost itself in pleasure – which of course meant she was just breathing more of the mist in…

Given that her ability to think had already become severely restricted before she’d crashed through the table, she was, obviously, in no state at all to notice when the other changes began. By the time her chest, already tight, began to stretch her magical fuku’s towards its breaking point her mind was long gone, locked behind a haze of lust so thick it may as well have been solid. Her ass wasn’t far behind, either, though it had much less trouble with her skirt. And each spurt of growth only served to make her body more sensitive, to drive her into an even deeper lust fuelled frenzy. With how far she’d gone, it seemed like nothing could break her out of this self-pleasuring trance…

At least, not until a familiar pair of tits thrust themselves in her face. “Oh Usagi~” Makoto giggled, wrapping the smaller woman in her arms and driving her head deep into her cleavage. “I said we were making a cake, not, like, making you into a cake! Even though you look, like, totally nummy now~”

Slowly, Moon’s hands started to come to a halt, her lust lidded eyes once again focused on those magnificent mammaries. She might have even tried to say something, but it just came out as a muffled moan with her face stuffed into Mako’s chest.

“Well, I guess if you’ve gone this far, we might as well add the milk as well, yeah? Make you all super scrumptious!”

“H-huh?” The heroine’s eyes started to clear, her mind starting to recover. It was tough, but if there was one thing that was true of Sailor Moon, it was that she had a will of iron.

… Right up until an uncovered boob was shoved in her face, a firm glowing pink nipple pushing itself between her lips. In her surprise, the blonde sucked on it automatically… And then deliberately, as the taste of warm pink sweetness washed over her tongue and scrubbed any trace of recovering thought from her brain. It was so delicious, she couldn’t help herself – she latched on and drank deep, and all her cares just faded away.

Makoto moaned and stroked the blonde’s hair as the heroine’s fuku started to rip, the white fabric tearing away to reveal even more growth in her chest, now only concealed - or restrained - by the red ribbon she wore on her front. Her ass was making her skirt look like a belt at this point – she was well on her way to bimbo town.

“Mmm, you’re gunna be, like, the biggest bimbo of the bunch once you’re done cooking,” Makoto purred, finally pulling back, her nipple slipping from Moon’s lips with a pop. “But Master said I wasn’t supposed’ta take you all the way just yet.” She looked disappointed for a moment, before flashing a bright smile at the cameras. “So that’s it for our show today! But keep watching Candy TV to see where she ends up next~”

She waved to the imaginary audience, blowing the camera one last kiss, her tits fully out and jiggling – and Moon, still in a blissed out trance, sank down into another portal, and disappeared.


Someone had very kindly placed a chair under the next portal, a big one with padded cushions and thick armrests, which the blonde heroine landed in with a thud as she dropped out of the air once again. Less kindly, the chair reacted to her landing by clamping down around her arms and legs, thick, sturdy restraints locking tightly around her.

This time the impact barely roused her, and she groaned, rolling her head as she tried to clear out the cobwebs, only to find they were now permanent installations. Her head felt so slow, it was hard to think at all. But she persevered, because again, Sailor Moon had willpower enough to go for days without something distracting shoved in her face.

Slowly, she tried to rise – only to find that the bindings around her limbs weren’t just for show. She lifted her head and tried to look around, but everything was dark. With one last struggle doing little more than slightly rocking her chair, her brow wrinkled. “What’s… What’s going on…?”

And then loud music started blasting through the air, drawing a surprised yelp from the captive blonde. Shocked, her head shot around, trying to work out where the music was coming from, when a spotlight suddenly shone down on her.

“Like, hi everyone!” Called a bubbly, yet familiar voice. “Welcome, welcome! Are you ready? It’s totally time for Bimbo Vs Brainiac!!!

As she spoke an audience suddenly yelled out to announce the last three words with her, and a loud fanfare played. With a crackle and a pop, a large neon lit sign, the kind you’d see on an old gameshow, burst into life on Moon’s left, spelling out Bimbo Vs Brainiac in multicoloured letters.

And there, standing in front of it all, spotlight centred square on her, was…

“Ami…?” Moon blinked. Her blue haired friend was… different, just like all the others had been. A huge chest, an hourglass waist, and heart shaped hips, those were all new. So was the labcoat she was wearing, though that did at least fit the normal Ami’s image. What didn’t was the fact that she wasn’t wearing anything else, a fact that you could quite clearly see because her lab coat was hanging proudly open. Well, no, she was wearing nerdy glasses – which clearly didn’t have any actual glass in – but that was it. The blonde couldn’t help but whimper. “Oh no, Ami, they made you into a bimbo too?”

But Ami surprised her. “Of course not, Usagi,” she said, serious as ever. She sounded offended by the very idea of such a thing. Then she ruined the image by leaning in and breaking into a jiggly giggle. “I’m, like, way way waaaaay too smart to ever be a bimbo! Duh!”

“… Oh.” Well, that answered that. Yep, now that she was closer, Moon could see the utterly vapid look in Ami’s eyes. No question – there was not a single brain left in that head. The blunette didn’t seem all that bothered by her loss though. “Um. Could you let me go then, please?”

It seemed worth a shot, even to a girl with a mind coated in molasses – and for a moment, she thought it might actually work!

“Oh sure.” Ami blinked at her, as if only just realising that her friend was being held in restraints, and then smiled brightly. “Just as soon as you win the game!”

Well. Crap. “Game? Um. Like.” Moon’s face scrunched up in concentration, trying to force her brain to work – and ignore how much of a weird draft there was over her chest. “What game?”

The blunette giggled. “What game? Why, the best game ever! Bimbo vs-”

“-Brainiac!!!” The audience voice finished for her. The bound blonde tried to look around. Was there actual people out there in the shadows watching this? She couldn’t see well enough to tell…

“It’s, like, super popular, and I’m the star! Isn’t that cool?” Ami clapped her hands, her lab coat ruffling. “I’m, y’know, the Brainiac, the super smarty one, and you’re, like, the Bimbo!”

There was a certain irony to the fact that on any other day that would have been a perfectly fair statement – though neither girl was exactly the sort to notice that (anymore).

“So, um…” The heroine just tried to power right on past that. “What’s the game?”

“Oh, it’s super easy.” Ami nodded reassuringly. “We just have to answer some, like, super simple questions – and if you get them right before I do, you win! It’s, y’know, like a quiz – or an exam!”

Moon groaned. She couldn’t help it. Of course, even as a bimbo, Ami would find a way to make everything about studying.

The blunette didn’t seem to get her meaning though – or maybe she did, all too well. “Don’t worry, it isn’t hard. Although maybe I just think that ‘cus I’m so smart~ But here, let’s get started, yeah? You’ll see how it works!”

It seemed Moon wouldn’t have a choice in the matter. Her chair still held her tight, and now a low hush filled the air. The light of the sign dimmed, leaving just two spotlights pointed down on the contestants. From the darkness, a generic announcer voice spoke up, its words booming all around them.

“Question one! Math: What is six plus nine?”

The blonde heroine blinked. That… that was it? Even she could do something that easy! “Fif- fifteen?”

But her answer was met with a negative buzzer, her spotlight turning red. Uncertainty gripped her. She hadn’t been wrong, had she…?

Ami just giggled. “No, dummy! Six plus nine is, like, sixty-nine!”

Ding! The light on Ami turned green, and she smiled, raising her arms in victory.

“What?” Moon frowned. “But that’s not- Ooh!

Before she could finish, the red light shining down on her turned pink, and her world suddenly exploded with pleasure. It was like every nerve the light touched was being firmly, pleasantly massaged – and that included her exposed chest. Moaning, the heroine threw her head back, bucking at her restraints, a hint of drool creeping down the side of her mouth as her eyes rolled back in her head.

It was a strange, intense feeling as the pink light seemed to shine in through her eyes and into her brain. She could feel her ability to think start to constrict, the molasses in her head slowly thickening into cement… It was her brain was almost literally starting to melt in the pleasure, shrinking down while the rest of her plumped up and grew even curvier…

… And then the light was gone, aside from some pleasant sparkly afterimages hanging out on her retinas. The studio was back, and Ami was bouncing on her heels watching her. “Oops~” The blunette smiled out at the audience. “Usagi got it wrong and got hit with the bimbo beam! But, like, that’s all cool and stuff, ‘cus the bimbo beam can’t do anything if you’re already a bimbo!”

If Moon still had all her faculties available, she might have found that news a little reassuring – since it had definitely affected her (oh my how it had affected her), so that meant she wasn’t a bimbo! … Yet.

But as she was, all she could think to do was groan and complain. “But, like, I was right!” She whined, pouting at her friend as if she’d eaten the last slice of one of Mako’s cakes.

Ami, of course, just tutted and wagged her finger at her. “Don’t be silly, Usagi. I mean, y’know, I’m a genius, so I’m, like, definitely super right about everything… So if you didn’t get the same answer as me, you’re totally wrong!”

Even to Sailor Moon’s thoroughly gummed up mind that didn’t sound right, but before she could press the issue, the announcer spoke up again, his voice booming through the studio.

“Question two! Geography: What is the capital of Turkey?”

… Well crap. “Uuuuhhhh…” The blonde licked her lips nervously. Okay, unfair, even on the best of days there was no way she could answer that one! And of course there was no way Ami wouldn’t know it…

“Heehee, don’t be silly! That’s totally a trick question!” Moon’s eyes widened and shot to look at Ami. Wait, what? “A Turkey is a bird, not a country!”

… Wow, it was even worse than she thought. Okay, if Ami got it wrong then-

Ding! Again, the light around Ami turned green.

“What?! There’s no way that’s-“ Unfortunately, by this point Usagi was dumb enough to argue. Bzzzt! The buzzer sounded again, and the light around her turned red. She gaped. “Hey! That’s not faaaaiiiiiiiiiirrrrrr~”

And then it turned pink. Honestly, there wasn’t much left in the poor heroine to bimbo up. She inflated a little, her seat struggling to hold her thunderous thighs, her mammoth mammaries bouncing happily behind her straining ribbon, but that was just gilding the lily. By this point, the main changes left to be done were in the mind, where the stubborn will of the princess of the sailor senshi was still fighting against the oncoming wave of pink – and she was starting to run out of room. There really wasn’t much brain left in her; most of it had been reduced to bubbly pink mush by now. And it was getting really, really hard to think…

The busty, bubbly, bouncy blonde moon princess let out a giggle and a moan, squirming in her chair as the pink light finally faded. The whole world around her had gotten hazy – she couldn’t really remember where she was, or why she was here. But she knew she felt, like, really nice right now!

“Ooohhh~” Ami drifted closer, eagerly crawling up into Moon’s chair and kneeling over her, hands exploring her former leader’s new grown assets. “You’re really starting to look the part now~”

“Noooo…” The blonde whimpered, clearly enjoying the attention – but part of her still held strong. “Nuh- Not a bimbo…”

“Oh no?” The voice of the announcer suddenly boomed through the studio, loud enough that Moon would have jumped were she not still fully restrained. “Let’s test that! Question three! Trivia: Who leads the Sailor Senshi?”

Ami just giggled and cupped her friend’s cheek fondly. “A silly little bimbo~”

Moon opened her mouth to disagree – to deny the fate that she was being swept towards like an insatiable pink waterfall – but before she could she was struck by a sudden wave of genius. Or, at least, an idea that qualified as genius for a brain as slow as hers had become. She’d tried arguing with Ami before, and it hadn’t worked – she’d just been zapped by the pink beam for it. If Ami was always right on this weird show of hers, then surely she’d win this time! As silly as it was, that made perfect sense to her right now.

“Uh…” The blonde licked her lips, and then nodded. “Y-yeah. What she said.”

There was a moment of silent tension in the studio. Even Ami looked surprised at her answer, hands paused while cupping the blonde’s tits. If there really was an audience out there, they waited in hushed anticipation. And finally…

“Well, nice of you to admit it! Let’s help her out by making her the biggest bimbo she can be, folks!”

“Huh?” Moon’s lips pouted in confusion. Wait, did that mean she’s got it right or wrooooooooohhhgod!

The pink light returned, now even stronger than ever, shining down on both her and Ami as the pair sat in the chair together – though, in possibly the most unfair twist of the entire show, it didn’t seem to affect Ami in the slightest. But then, of course it didn’t – the pink light didn’t affect you if you were already a bimbo.

But unfortunately for Usagi, she wasn’t quite there yet. The light flooded into her, even in Ami’s shadow, and filled her body to the utter brink. Her curves expanded again, a little wider, a little rounder. The arms smoothed, her legs lost definition. Her boots developed spiked heels, gloves turning glitzy. And in her head, the steadily building boiler of lust that had been fed and fed and fed throughout this entire journey began to buckle, steam hissing from the cracks as the valves hit critical levels. Desire, pleasure, and healthy, healthy dose of pink drowned what was left of the blonde’s non-bimbo thoughts, sending her core self plummeting down into the heart of a bimbo whirlpool…

… And leaving the rest of her panting and gasping in her chair, eyes glazed with lust, tongue lolling from her mouth while her brains were leaking out of her ears.

The blue haired ‘genius’ in her lap smiled, leaning in to kiss her friend on the forehead. “Don’t worry, Usagi – I know what you want~”

Then she lifted herself up, kneeling on the arm rests, and thrust her hips forward, into Moon’s lust addled face. If the blonde had been in any state to notice anything, she might have noticed how the juices dripping out of the blunette’s cunt glowed pink… But instead she just moaned in delight as more utter deliciousness consumed the last of her sense, and she buried herself tongue deep into one of her oldest friends.

“Well there you have it folks!” The announcer’s voice, so hauntingly familiar now that it no longer mattered, spoke up as the lights swirled around the pair. “Once again, our studio bimbo has defeated her brainiac challenger, and reduced her to an empty headed whore! Let’s give Ami a hand for her latest victory!”

Canned studio applause rang out – not that Ami noticed it, her peanut sized brain 100% occupied by the tongue licking her out. Of course, her not noticing things was kind of par for the course on this show.

“And as for our valiant contender, well, she’s not quite done yet. Put your hands together for the soon-to-be bimbo, Sailor Moon, and wish her well as she heads off to the grand finale of her channel hopping trip!”

More canned laughter. Neither girl paid it any mind – neither had mind left to give! They did notice, though, as one last portal opened up beneath Usagi, gravity slowly drawing her away from her latest treat and sending her off into the voice. Ami pouted, before a hand on her shoulder made her jump and look around.

Mr. Candy grinned at her. “Come along then, slut – let’s go see this to the finish.”

With a gasp and a happy smile, the blue haired ‘genius’ hopped to her feet and hugged the man, pressing a hungry kiss against his cheek, eagerly departing with him into the shadows.


Usagi Tsukino, the great and eternal Sailor Moon, touched down in the heart of the TV studio, dropping out of a portal and landing on her feet – but the Usagi who landed was a very different woman from the Usagi who had entered the studio not so long ago. Back then she had been an elegant and slender model of a woman with maybe a touch more weight to her frame than she wanted, but overall she probably would have been described as ‘cute’ rather than ‘sexy’.

Now, those qualities were little more than memories, just like the fabric of her sailor suit. Even simply standing there, the woman carried herself with a sexual energy that signalled to anyone who saw them that they burned with lust. ‘Elegant’? ‘Slender’? Not with tits bigger than her head and an ass that would crack a lamppost if she hip-checked it. The only word that’d pop into someone’s head to describe her frame now was ‘hourglass’, and the only argument would be over whether she was top or bottom heavy – where most would agree that she was heavy in both directions, and none in between. ‘Cute’ wasn’t even in the same dictionary as her – she was ‘Slut’ all the way down.

She stood there on an empty set, the walls bare, cameras rolling, teetering on her pink high heels, her breasts jiggling, her hips swaying, barely a scrap of fragment left to cover her – just the ribbon around her chest, nestled snuggly in her cleavage, and the torn hint of what might once have been a blue skirt around her waist. Slowly, she put one finely pink painted fingernail to her pink painted lips, and, with careful, deliberate effort, said…

“Like… What was I doing again?”

And then she giggled, a brainless smile settling on her face.

Clearly, the changes to her brain had been just as drastic as the changes to her body. While Usagi may have never been in the running for greatest mind of the century, she had never been so utterly vapid as the woman now stood in the centre of the stage. Usagi Tsukino was many, many things, but never a bimbo – until now, at least.

Of course, her vapid loitering couldn’t last forever, and it was interrupted by the sound of clapping.

“Bravo, Sailor Moon! Bravo!” Candemon laughed as he strode onto the stage, flanked by a pair of bimbo senshi on either side – Minako and Rei to his left, Makoto and Ami to his right. “That was a wonderful show. I trust you enjoyed seeing your friends again?”

Bimbo Moon’s glazed eyes slowly settled on the new arrivals, blinking once, twice… and then finally recognising them. “Oh hey guys!” She waved enthusiastically, her body bouncing along with her. “You all look, like, super sexy~”

The girls all seemed rather flattered – Rei, in particular, looked ready to rush the blonde in front of her right there and then to show her just how sexy she could be… But loyalty to her Master held her back. And Candemon wasn’t done with his gloating yet.

“Don’t they just?” He grinned. “An improvement, I’m sure you’ll agree. To each of them, I offered a special treat, whether they knew it was from me or not. A candy, invested with my own essence. And the results you see before you.” The women at his arms preened – Minako bending over to show off her chest and blow a kiss, Rei stretching her wings and licking suggestively along her tail with a forked tongue, Makoto folding her arms under her chest and hefting the milkers she carried there, and Ami clasping her hands behind her head to show off all of her body. It was like looking at a pin-up calendar come to life. “Of course, I didn’t stop there. Once they were mine, I made sure to make vigorous and frequent use of them… Now, my essence has infused their very cores – they have become my candies, the very candies you have suckled on tonight. And once you’ve had one final treat, you, too, will belong to me – and with the sailor senshi as my slutty slaves, the world will be my just desert~”

The dark haired ‘man’ looked as smug as any a man had ever been, his eyes glowing with deep purple, almost pink, light. His hour was at hand, and he was enjoying every moment of it.

Usagi, meanwhile, looked confused. “Um,” she finally said, squinting as if she was trying to work out a particularly difficult puzzle. “So, like… that was a lot of big words?” She managed, twirling one of her long pigtails around a finger. “And like… I don’t get it.”

The demon in human guise paused at that. “… I suppose I really only have myself to blame,” he muttered. “I really should have gloated before I had my girls make you dumber than a bag of rocks, that’s on me. Oh well.” He shrugged. Then, with a snap of his fingers, and a burst of pink fire, his suit burned away, revealing a muscular, well defined body – but Usagi’s eyes were drawn to one large feature in particular, and didn’t budge from it even slightly once they’d found it.

“This,” Candemon laughed, seeing her reaction. “This is what I offer you, Sailor Moon. A simple suck and fuck, and your troubles will be over. You’ll be an empty-headed bimbo just like all of your friends – a new star for my TV network, a mascot for everyone to see and know my power. Just wait until you see the show I have planned for you. All you have to do for a life of bliss is simply… Get on your knees.”

Moon barely heard a word, naturally. 99% of her bimbo brained processing was now drooling over the finest specimen of a cock she had ever seen. She didn’t care about stardom, or empty-headed bliss, or joining with her friends – she was a bimbo, all she cared about was getting fucked!


But that last 1% was a different matter. That last 1% was the part of Sailor Moon, the part of Usagi Tsukino that hadn’t given in. It was the part of her that was a hero, the part that Candemon wanted to banish forever. And though he thought he’d won, she’d been listening to every word – and she absolutely couldn’t forgive what he had done to her and her friends.

And as he approached, laying a hand upon her shoulder to guide her to her knees, she began to react.

Light burst out of the locket in the middle of her ribbon, blazing, burning brightness that shot up around her and burned the dark creature back. Pure white power consumed the bimbo that Sailor Moon had become, flowing out from her heart down every nerve, out through every pore swirling around her in a column of might – and burning away every trace of the foreign pink power that had corrupted her. The makeup, the spiderwebs, the titanic tits, all of it melted away… and from within them emerged an elegant and slender form.

Sailor Moon, the wings of an angel spread behind her, stepped out of the discarded shell of pink that Candemon had tried to entrap her in, her eyes alight with fury. “I am the Pretty Guardian who fights for Love and Justice!” Her voice echoed with power as her normal sailor suit reformed around her, the last of the corruption fully purified. “Vermin who has toyed with maiden’s hearts, who has corrupted their purity and perverted with their dreams – you who have turned my friends into airheads and sluts… I won’t forgive you!” The studio shook as she took another step forward. “I am Sailor Moon – and in the name of the moon, I’ll punish you!”

And the sinister force behind all of these dark deeds stumbled back. “No… No! Impossible! There’s no way you could resist me now – not when I was so close! You’d taken in more of my essence than any other! You were the ultimate bimbo! How do you still defy me?!”

There’s something that people really don’t ever say about Usagi Tsukino, even though it is the utter truth – that when she has decided, completely and truly, that you are an evil that must be removed, then she will cleanse you from this earth without mercy. There will be nowhere to hide, and nowhere to run. Perhaps they do not say it for the simple fact that the few who have ever managed to experience such a rare phenomenon simply have not survived long enough to do so.

“It’s simple,” the being of pure divine fury that was Sailor Moon replied, her wand appearing in her hand. She pointed it directly at him, raising her arm and starting to gather power. The studio trembled, the dark aura around the entire building coming apart as light won through. “You can do whatever you like to me, and maybe it’ll work. I know I’m not perfect. But when you threaten my friends? The ones that I love more than anyone? Then there is nothing I can’t do! My friends are my light – and that’s the light I will use to destroy you!”

“Well, like, hey now – if that’s right, then shouldn’t your friends get a say in this, babe?”

Suddenly, a golden chain shot in out of nowhere, wrapping around Moon’s wand in an instant and yanking it out of her hands. Her power faltered. “Huh?” Confused, the golden-haired sailor suited warrior of justice looked around…

… And really didn’t know how to parse what she saw. Around her were four women – familiar in their way, and yet, at the same time, dreadfully different from the women she knew. One of them, the blonde one like her, was holding Moon’s wand in one hand, her expression a friendly wink. The others were just watching her, some looking mildly guilty, some looking majorly lusty, and all of them channelling their power as sailor senshi.

Their uniforms were different now, of course. The colours were the same – gold for Venus, red for Mars, green for Jupiter, and blue for Mercury. But now said colours were mainly found in the collars around their necks, and the ribbons that formed the rest of their costume. Of their sailor suits there was no sign – these outfits were little more than decorations to show off their enhanced bodies, and nothing else. But it was unmistakable, none the less – they were the senshi, bimbofied and enslaved.

Moon hesitated again – she didn’t want to harm her friends. But that hesitation would prove most costly.

“Sorry, Moony~” Venus continued, sliding the wand away behind her – Moon had no idea where, it wasn’t as though that outfit could have pockets in it. “But like, we’re kinda having fun?”

“I finally get to fuck people. Do you, like, have any idea how boring it was being a shrine maiden?” Mars hissed, still in succubus form despite powering up.

“Master fucks me like I always wished my old senpai would~” Jupiter was giddy with excitement.

“It’ll be, like, way less stress for you when you’re a bimbo, Usagi,” Mercury nodded to herself. “And you totally already said you were one, so I kinda don’t get why you’re fighting it? So it must be wrong, ‘cus I’m, like, super clever!”

“And I’m finally a star!” Venus finished the circle. “I’m not giving that up! So, like… If you don’t wanna be a bimbo… Then I guess we’re gunna have to make you one ourselves!” In a flash, her chain whip was in her hands again, and flying straight at Moon. “Sailor Slut - Fuck Me Chain!”

Golden links shot around Moon in an instant, closing in and wrapping her up tightly, pinning her arms at her sides as her wings evaporated. The power of light that she’d gathered was slipping from her fingers, her iron resolve suddenly uncertain with her friends against her.

“You’ll feel way better once we bimbo you back up!” Mars was surrounded by a flaming aura. “Sailor Succubus – Lust Sniper!” Pink laced flames shot towards Moon, splitting in two just before hitting her – one shooting up into her mouth, while the other went low and flowed into her slit. Suddenly her body was alight with lust, and the lunar senshi gasped, the desire she’d felt before coming back a thousand-fold. She bucked and strained, but the golden chains held her firm, even starting to dissolve her costume.

“Just, like, relax!” Jupiter tried to soothe the lust laden lass, summoning a ball of crackling power into her palm. “Here, let me give you some healthy proportions~ Sailor Stepford – Sexi Evolution!” The orb shot forward, sinking into Moon’s chest, and her body began to feel warm – as if she was being massaged by a dozen expert hands kneading her flesh and soothing her tensions. She moaned, eyes rolling up in her head as the toll of the lust mounted, along with her body quickly starting to morph, her chest swelling, her ass plumping – soon growing out to be even bigger than the curves she’d had before…

Then hands clamped down around her ears. For a moment, clarity returned, and Moon stared forward – into the vapid and loving eyes of Sailor Mercury. “You were always kinda stupid, Usagi,” she said some of the cruellest words that had ever passed her lips as though they were the ultimate reassurance. “Let me wash away all that nasty knowledge you never wanted anyways. Sailor Smarty – Bubble Brain Blast!”

Bubbles gathered in the blunette’s palms – and flowed right down in through Moon’s ears into her brain, quickly swallowing thoughts and ideas alike. It felt a little like having a can of soda opened in her ears – or like being connected to an air hose. This wasn’t like before, when her mind had gradually been made sticky and slow by candy magics. This was much more direct, a high pressure hose being used to clean out her very mind. The concept of resisting, whenever it rose up, was swiftly caught in more bubbles as the frothy tide soaked deeper and deeper into her. Then the idea that this wasn’t what she wanted was swept away into oblivion. Even the idea of thinking itself was soon swallowed up as her history and memories were bubbled away, floating off into a dim, ditzy haze that swiftly settled through the blonde’s head as it was steadily cleaned out.

By the time the attack was almost done, the bubbles had all started to gather in the middle of her mind, slowly combining, merging together, growing outwards, bigger and bigger and bigger… Until there was only one bubble left, a single, huge bubble that contained all of Usagi’s knowledge, her memories, her intelligence and wit, anything that she wouldn’t need as a simple bubble bimbo, held trapped in the centre of her mind. Her head effectively empty, Moon started to drool, saliva dripping down her chin and onto her megamamoth tits – and her glazed eyes still staring into the former Mercury’s.

Sailor Mercury – no, Sailor Smarty – cooed sweetly, adoring this brainless look for her best friend, and swiftly decided that it would last. Before those very glazed eyes, she raised a hand, blue painted fingernails shimmering in the spotlight, and snapped her fingers.

The bubble popped.

Moon’s eyes crossed, a stunned pout on her lips, before the sensation of all of her knowledge rushing down out of her head and towards her nethers hit her like a ton of bricks. Her mouth opened to scream in pleasure as she came harder than she ever had in her life, all of that useless knowledge and identity soaking out of her in a rush of climactic ecstasy – but before her shrill cry could be heard, the blue haired girl who had just wiped her brain clean captured her lips in a kiss, drinking the pleasure down as a thank you for a job well done.

And then, as she finally stepped away, a thoroughly bimboed Sailor Moon dropped to her knees, the chains of light that had bound her fading. She had fought hard for the sake of her friends – and in return, they had gifted her an even finer body, and a mind that would never suffer worry ever again. At least, in their eyes, anyway.

Sailor Venus – who was now Sailor Slut – smiled, and turned back to her Master. “I think she’s ready for you now, Sir.”

Candemon, who had watched the whole show with something of a slack jaw, quickly tried to recover his composure. “I… I mean, yes! Well done, girls. I’m glad to see my backup plan worked.”

The girls all swooned (save Moon who drooled and giggled instead), buying his confident act without question. After all, this was Master. He was super smart! Of course he planned all this!

Hell, as he drew closer once more – a little more cautiously this time – even he started to convince himself. Yes, everything had gone entirely to plan. After all, here was Sailor Moon, a bigger bimbo than ever. Really, he’d only benefited from her temporary outburst. He’d gotten to see what his sluts were capable of, and he’d gotten an even finer whore as a reward. Yes, this had all worked out rather nicely. There was just one thing left to do.

“Well then, Bimbo,” he said, stepping in front of the kneeling super heroine and presenting himself to her. “I trust you know what to do with this now?”

Once again, Moon’s eyes locked onto his cock, and refused to let go. 99% of her tiny brain stopped thinking about shopping, and started thinking about her other specialty – fucking. She licked her suddenly dry lips, wetting them in preparation. And the 1% of her that was left over…

… That was entranced by his cock too. After all, without her friends spurring her on, what would she even fight for?

100% of Usagi Tsukino opened her mouth wide and leaned forward, kissing the demon’s tip, before pushing her head deeper, growing even wetter when she felt him grasp her hairstyle, and start to thrust.

By the time he finally came, his essence flowing into her very soul and binding her to him, there wasn’t a single hint of protest. She looked up at him with adoration, and, her four sister senshi at her side, begged for more. She was his bimbo now. Sailor Moon had been conquered.

He knew just what to do with her.


“Like, hey there everyone!” A bimbo bombshell, ‘dressed’ only in a pink ribbon that dangled loosely in her cantaloupe-like cleavage, a pink wand at her side, waved at the camera. She seemed to be in a jewellery shop, just before closing time. The ribbon, the wand, and the hairstyle would all indicate that once, this boob-tastic bimbo had been Sailor Moon, the beloved hero of millions – but today, she had a new name for herself. “I’m Sailor Sexy! And today on Bimbo Hunters, I’m giving a gift to an old friend of mine!”

“Sailor Moon?” A woman behind the counter with orange hair – one Naru Osaka looked half confused, half horrified at what had become of her old hero/friend. “What are you doing – how did you – here, let me get some clothes on you…!”

“Don’t be silly, Naru!” ‘Sailor Sexy’ giggled, pointing her wand at the woman. “That’d be dumb, cus, like, I’m here to make you take your clothes off! Bimbo Beam!!!”

Before the store owner could even think to question what the blonde had just said, she was struck by a bright pink beam shaped like a giant love heart – and everything changed. Her clothing – relatively tame and conservative – disintegrated, unravelling into mere threads, before restitching themselves into a denim skirt and a pink tube top around her body. Both garments hung loose, but only for a moment, before her body began to swell, her ass and her tits all growing out to fill her clothes and then some. Her shoes grew spiked heels, whorish makeup applied itself to her face – and inside her head, her brain turned pink, and shrunk five sizes.

“Ohhhh,” she squealed, one hand lifting her skirt, while the other slid underneath her top. “You gave me big boobies an’ stuff!”

Yes, by the time the magic faded, respectable jeweller Naru Osaka had been completely replaced by another airheaded bimbo whore. And Sailor Sexy couldn’t have looked more pleased.

“Yay! I always knew Naru was, like, totally dumber than she let on!” The blonde flashed a smile for the camera and bounced on her feet, giving her tits a jiggle. “Now she doesn’t have to pretend! But stay tuned folks – after I’ve fucked her, I’m totally going after her mom too~”

She winked at the audience – one that watched from around the globe, now that Candy TV had taken over – but especially to one watcher back at the studio. One who laughed, sitting back in his chair, eyeing the five screens in his office, each one showing one of his lovely senshi bimbo slaves, and wondered…

… Maybe his girls were ready for the interdimensional market. There were so many other universes out there. Why shouldn’t they ply their bimbo trade on other worlds? After all…

It would make them all so much easier to conquer...


Elsewhere, someone angrily hit the power button on the tv, and the winking image of Sailor Sexy vanished in a pop of light. Sailor Uranus, otherwise known as Haruka Tenou, ran a frustrated hand through her short, dirty blonde hair. “Damnit, Princess, what have you gotten yourself into this time?”

“I’m afraid all of the Inner Guard are in a similar state,” Setsuna Meiou – Sailor Pluto – spoke in a grave voice. She sat on the couch, red eyes opening as she continued. “Any force powerful enough to capture all five of them is surely one to take seriously. We will have to be careful.”

“You’re right.” Michiru Kaioh bit her lip. Sailor Neptune wasn’t one to lose her nerve easily, but seeing their friends so horribly twisted was an eye-opening experience. “Perhaps we might be wise to send word to some of our allies. I’m sure the Starlights would be happy to help…”

“What, and let that playboy Seiya see the Princess like this?” Haruka turned sharply. “No way!”

“Dear, please. I know it’s not a pleasant thought, but if it means having assistance to help our friends…” Michiru didn’t even flinch at her lover’s reaction, and soon it was Haruka who found herself backing down.

“Yeah, well… Maybe…” She grumbled – unhappy with the idea, obviously, but unwilling to fight over it.

Then the door opened.

“I don’t see why you’re all so worried.” Through it stepped a young woman in her early twenties with bright pink hair, styled in large, almost rabbit like pigtails. “If I’m still here, then clearly not all is lost yet.”

Usagi ‘Small Lady’ Serenity the Second couldn’t really be called Chibiusa anymore, but the nickname still clung to her whenever she visited her friends in the past. On the surface it annoyed her, but to tell the truth, the name had a special place in her heart – it represented a time and place she treasured more than she could ever truly describe… A time and place that was now in danger of being corrupted by whatever dark force had done its work.

“Ugh. Honestly, I thought my mom was embarrassing before,” she groaned, because grown up or not she was still Chibiusa. “This really takes the cake. I can absolutely see why it’d get edited out of the history books. Still, it’s nothing we can’t handle.” She hefted her own moon wand and laid it over her shoulder. She was Sailor Moon too, after all. “Especially since they probably got tricked somehow. Mom’s always been kind of a sucker like that. We know the threat is there now though, so they can’t hide. Right, Hotaru?”

At her side, Hotaru Tomoe, the ever terrifying Sailor Saturn, nodded resolutely. “Right. And Sailor Moon – Ah, the other Sailor Moon – her heart is strong. Whatever they’ve done to her and the others, their true selves are still in there somewhere. If we can reach her, we’ll be able to undo all of this.”

“Right.” The pink-haired Moon nodded. Around the room, the other senshi nodded with her. “Come on then, Ladies – let’s go fight some wrongs and triumph over evil, yeah?”

The light wasn’t out for this world just yet…


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