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Hi all!

It's that time of the month - the week where I drive myself crazy trying to write up your requests (I jest, I love doing this). Here are the rules:

I'll write you a small story of a couple of hundred words/a few paragraphs, based on a prompt you suggest. One prompt per patron, and preferably it should be TF or MC themed, or both, and adhering to my general commission rules (basically, no gross stuff)! Stick them in the comments below, and I'll try to get to them throughout the week.

I'm setting a deadline on this one, because I do need some time to think your ideas over and I want to get them out to you as soon as possible (Either next week, or the week after), so: Please post your requests by Sunday the 21st. If you miss this deadline, send me a DM - I'll see what I can do but your short will probably be a little late!

Last month had some amazing requests, as did pretty much every time I've ever done stuff like this, so I don't doubt this one will as well - I'm looking forward to what you suggest! 

Have fun all - I'll see you next week


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