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Hey folks! I hope November's going well - if not, bare with it, you're over half way through! 

So, it's the third Wednesday of the month - which means this week I went back to trying out game design. I considered starting up a new project for a bit of variety, but I want to prove I can finish what I start before I go absolutely crazy on that front. Thus, I have an update for the Eraser demo for you all.

Three more floors have been unlocked for you to try out, with a few more challenges and puzzles to explore. You won't be able to access every area you find this time out - some things you'll have to come back for in later updates - but hopefully there's enough new content for you to have fun. 

I think I've learned a few more things about how to make games like this work - but what really helps me improve is feedback, so do let me know what you think I can do better once you've played ^^ (Also, I didn't have as much time to do bug testing this week as I would have liked, so if you find something that breaks, let me know ASAP, I'll try to get it fixed and reuploaded. - I know there's a slight bug with the elevator, but exit and re-enter it and it should work again.)

All in all, I hope you enjoy - and if you were hoping for stories, I'll have more for you next week. In fact, it's shorts requests week right now for the Ultra Patrons and above! If you'd like to request a short, consider signing on at that tier - you have until Sunday to get your requests in on the next post!


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