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Hey folks. Still rolling along over here. Writing is going well, and I hope you all are too!


Tifa frowned as she stepped over the threshold, and the door sealed shut behind her. The room before her was far from the comfortable waiting room that she’d been hoping for. In fact, it look positively… drab.

“Ugh. Really?” She folded her arms as she walked forward, taking care to make sure that her long pink dress never dragged along the floor. “Now this will never do. Do they really expect someone of my station to sit around in this… This slum den?”

Part of her protested that it really could have been worse. There weren’t, like, exposed pipes or damp patches or uneven floorboards or anything like that. It was far from the worst establishment she had ever been in.

Naturally, she ignored that part with a vengeance. Standards were standards, and this place… Well, she doubted anyone who worked here knew what standards were. The walls where white and bare, with no real decorations to distract the eye. A simple portrait or two, maybe even a nice bright landscape painting, would have brightened the whole thing up immeasurably. But instead… Drab. White. Dull. The light fixtures were flickering neon tubes that ran along the cheaply tiled ceiling, rather than chandeliers, and the carpet… Ugh, did this brown scuzz really count as carpet? It was a mat at best, but it had been worn so badly she could see the black plastic underlay all over the place. It was sticky under her heels.


“Hey, uh… Do I know you?”

And then there was that thing.

Over in the corner, sitting on one of the wooden benches (Ugh, cheap and old and tacky) quietly, was a… a woman, dressed in furs and leather. A woman with slick green skin and sharp looking fangs, the kind that stuck out past her lips. A woman with muscles in her arms that were larger than her head, curves somehow even larger still, and a wooden club sat next to her that was taller than she was. She had long brown hair all bound up in a tight ponytail from the top of her head, flicking off behind her back. A filthy, disgusting, savage little or-


Tifa shook her head, scolding herself internally. What was she doing, thinking about another person like that? This wasn’t her, was it? … Was it? She couldn’t quite remember. Actually, come to think of it, everything before she’d stepped into this room was a strange haze. Oh dear.

Well, never mind that. It was still no cause to be rude, even in her own head. Especially towards someone who seemed… Kind of familiar, now that she looked at them properly? There was something about their eyes… About their frame… About the way they were sitting… Something that rang all sorts of bells that she just couldn’t place right now.

She realised that she still hadn’t answered the question.

“I… Maybe? I’m sorry, but everything’s kind of a blur right now. I can’t quite recall how I got here.”

“Oh, you too?” The orc’s voice was softer than it should have been. It didn’t suit her big, muscular frame at all. But it still carried that familiar air to it… “They told me to sit down and wait in here, but I can’t remember why…”

Sighing, Tifa nodded and sat down on the bench across from the other woman – it seemed pretty clear that better accommodations were not likely to be coming along any time soon. “Same,” she said, stroking her long dark hair back over her shoulder with a white gloved hand, careful not to dislodge the golden tiara resting on her brow. “It’s all quite peculiar, don’t you think?”

The green skinned woman snorted. “Sure, I guess you can put it that way.”

Hmph. Too much to expect for some muscle headed orc to appreciate a little elegance then, was it? Typical. “I shall, thank you.”

An uncomfortable silence settled over the room. The two women made a subtle point of trying to look at anything that wasn’t each other, but… Well, as mentioned, there really wasn’t anything else here. This was where a painting really would have come in handy. Thus, it was only a matter of time before…



The new arrival forged ahead. "How rude of me, I haven't introduced myself.” She gave the other woman a gracious smile. I am Tifa, though you may refer to me as your Highness if you so desire."

“Heh. Highness, huh?” The orc smirked. “What, you think you’re some kinda royalty?”

“I…” Tifa paused, again uncertain for reasons she couldn’t quite name. “I… am, yes. Yes, I’m sure I am.”

She didn’t sound sure, though she gained confidence as she went.

“Well then I’m Rith. And you can call me my name, not one of those silly stuck up titles.”

By this point, the princess’s smile had grown quite strained – though it never fell entirely. She had far too much decorum for that. In fact, uncomfortable disdain was rolling through Tifa’s head at the mere idea of being forced to speak to such a lowbrow thug – a feeling so entirely alien to her that she found herself taking an internal doubletake. Just what was up with her today?

Of course, this just gave the orc woman a chance to seize initiative – and control of the conversation. “What’s your story?”

That pulled her out of her own head, at least. She raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t I already say I don’t quite recall at the moment?”

“Yeah, but if your head is anything like mine…” The orc tapped her noggin with a dark talon and grunted. “Then I bet you’ve got some stuff kickin’ about up there. Just kinda hazy, right?”

… Well, that wasn’t inaccurate. Her memory was… To put it succinctly, it was just a bit out of focus at the moment. A little vague, and… somehow ill-fitting? It was strange, but the feeling that what little she remembered was wrong echoed through her. Still, she could recall some details. She thought. “I suppose.”

The orc grinned. Gosh her teeth looked sharp. “Exactly. So what I wanna know…” She leaned forward, her leather chest piece creaking. “Is why they shoved some busty princess lady in here with me~”

Hmph. Busty? Tifa looked down at herself. Her breasts looked totally normal to her. Sure, they were at least twice the size of her head, but that was why she kept them tightly squeezed up in this dress… Bah, she didn’t need to justify herself to an orc!

In fact, who was this mere orc to question her? Weren’t her kind known for being dense? If so, it was time that she made it clear who was in charge around here.

“Well, it’s hardly complicated, is it?” Tifa smirked, speaking slowly, as if to a simpleton. “Do you really not know?”

That got a glare from the orc girl. “I just said I didn’t, didn’t I?”

Heh. The princess smirked, then put a finger to her lips, thinking back. Her memory was still rather liquid, with bits and pieces sloshing over one another, but there was a shape to it that she was sure she could discern with just a little concentration. And there was precious little else to do in this drab place.

“Let me tell you what I remember…”


“It’s definitely this place!”

That was what my friend told me. We were stood outside a building – a shop, I believe. A rather cheap one, actually. The name over the door read ‘Rent-a-Role’, and it looked every bit as hideous as it sounds, I can assure you…

(“Oh, a friend? What was her name?”)

(“Unimportant. And don’t interrupt.”)

For some reason she’d gotten it into her head that there had been disappearances in the town we were staying in – and that, instead of handing the matter over to the local guard, she wanted us to deal with it ourselves…

(“You? Deal with kidnappers? Really?”)

(“I’ll have you know that I’m quite the capable combatant, thank you.”)

(“Yeah? You and what muscles, titty princess?”)

(“… Shut up.”)


“Are you sure about this?” I said – because of course, while I’m ever concerned by the plight of the less fortunate, this did seem a little reckless. “We don’t have any evidence…”

“Oh, don’t worry about that,” she said – I remember it distinctly. “That’s why we’re going in to take a look around! If there’s really nothing wrong, then we’ll leave before they notice, and no one’ll be any the wiser.”

Obviously, it was all her idea, and I never would have gone along with any of it if I wasn’t worried that she might get herself hurt without me. I was simply carried along with her wild scheme, a helpless prisoner of circumstance!

So naturally I hopped the chain-link fence around the back of the store with a single bound, and ripped the door from its hinges-



(“I was willing to let you spout that crap about how you were a super innocent bystander all you liked, but there’s no way a twig like you could have a piece of paper, let alone a door from its hinges. And I don’t buy you jumping anywhere in that dress, neither.”)

(“Hmph! Well, I… I suppose it does seem a bit strange…”)

(“A bit.”)

(“Fine. I suppose I… I suppose I simply found a hole in the fence. And the door must have been unlocked. Happy?”)


If that’s enough interruptions, then, I’ll continue. The two of us – my friend and I – entered the back of the store together. There, we found rows and rows of… merchandise. Costumes, I suppose, of all kinds and colours. I believe I saw the red hat of a plumber, the arm cannon of a bounty hunter, even the silver knives of a maid…

(“Hold on, the what?”)

(“I don’t know, that’s what the label said.”)

It was a massive storehouse. Come to think of it, it may have been even bigger than it should have been. I remember thinking that the building wasn’t big enough to contain it all… Or, did I… Hm, maybe I’m getting confused.

At any rate, it was my friend who went straight for the nearest costume she saw. Terrible impulse control, that woman.

“Hey look!” She practically squealed as she grabbed it off the shelf and turned to show it to me. “A princess dress! Don’t you think it’d look cute on you?”

Which was stupid, of course. I’m already a princess, why would I need some silly costume dress to prove it? I mean, it was a good costume, sure - it even looked just like this one! But I hardly need to double dip.

Besides, I saw the label. ‘Ditzy Titty Damsel’ indeed. Hmph!

(“I dunno, that sounds-“)

(“Do you want me to finish this story or not?!”)

So, I… I took the costume to… To put it back, I’m sure. But before I did that, of course I had to get my revenge. Just a harmless little prank, you know? So I looked around, and I saw the perfect costume for her. Just absolutely spot on.

I grabbed it immediately and handed it to her. “Not as cute as you’d look in this,” I said, heehee~

Oh, I think I shall always remember the look on her face when she saw the ‘Musclehead Orc Brute’ package in her hands.


(“Oh get over it, it was just a costume.”)

Alas, just before we could put those costumes back, that was when we heard someone moving around further in. An employee. Obviously, we ducked back out of sight, but my friend insisted we follow him – he’d know where the missing people were. Naturally, I advised caution, but she hurried on. Honestly, she was such a handful.

Anyway, of course I followed her, following him. We scuttled deeper and deeper into this strange building – and personally I thought I did a marvellous job sneaking around. Didn’t make a sound, I’m sure. But, uh, well, my friend must have been less stealthy or something, because just as we were following the man through this strange white room, a metal shutter slammed down behind us. And before we could follow him out, another shutter slammed down behind him. Then everything started glowing very, very brightly, and…

… And…


(“And give me a second! It gets really hazy here.”)

It was like the whole world fell away. Everything was light. It was… It was mesmerising… So… So hard to look away… So hard to think...

I… I remember a voice… Someone speaking to me over the brightness…

Someone telling me what a pretty princess I was…

And then…


The orc woman drummed her fingers on the chair next to her. “And then?”

Princess Tifa bit her lip, shaking her head. “And then the next thing I remember is walking in here. Everything in between is a blur.”

“Hn.” Her companion grunted in disgust. “So what was all that smug attitude about knowing why we were here was just hot air, huh? Shoulda guessed.”

“Ah, w-well, obviously, we were… We were…”

She paused, licking her lips nervously. Why were they here? It had felt so clear to her a few moments ago, and yet now she couldn’t recall it in the slightest. All that filled her head when she tried to think was that charming, relaxing white light…

“Hey, Princess. You still there?”

“Huh?” She shook her head. “Oh, my apologies. I must have zoned out there for a second.”

The orc snorted. “Sure. Whatever. Well, since you’ve proven to be completely useless…”


“Then lemme fill in the gaps for you. My memory ain’t much good neither, but I reckon I can figure out what’s what.”

Tifa raised an eyebrow as she folded her arms. “Oh really? This should be amusing...”


So I was investigatin’ some disappearances from my tribe with someone from my clan…


(“Yeah, friend’a mine. You’d hate her, she’s even stronger than me.”)

(“Ugh, sounds positively brutish.”)

(“Hell yeah~”)

We’d tracked ‘em down to this shop. Some rental-whatsit place, I dunno. Doesn’t matter. We got around the back and picked the lock-

(“Really? You expect me to believe you picked the lock?”)

(“Yeah, why?”)

(“Come on now, who are you trying to fool? Just say what really happened.”)

(“But I… Uh… I…”)

Oh yeah, I guess I just smashed the stupid thing, didn’t I? Heh heh, no way that puny lock was gunna stand up to me! Right, we shoved our way in to take a look around. I remember there were a lotta them costumes everywhere…

(“Well now you’re just copying my story.”)

Nah, nah, there were like… clothes and stuff. I think I… Did I pick one up?

Eh, whatever. We saw some guy and we sneaked after him.

(“Oh of all the nonsense you could have said, really?”)

(“Huh? What now?”)

(“You? Sneak? I’d bet my third mansion that you have all the stealth capability of a marching brass band!”)

(“Hey, that ain’t…”)

(“Come now, look at yourself. Do you really think you’re the sneaky type? Hm?”)

(“I… Well… Uhh…”)

(“Just be honest now. What really happened?”)

Uuuhhh… Nn… Ye-yeah… We’s… We saw d’at guy and… An’ we chased after him!

(“Hooting and hollering like maniacs, I assume.”)

Ha! Yeh! Yeah, that were- I- I mean, that was right. We scared the guy out of his wits, lil’ pipsqueak. He ran like his life depended on it. An’ we charged right after ‘im, ‘course. Right up until…


Until… Huh. I dun remember that part so good. Just this bright white light… And my friend, yeah, I remember lookin’ at her, seein’ her go all… weird an’ stuff. Sorta just standing there, droolin’… There was sumthin’ about her clothes, too. They was changin’. Turnin’ all pink and glitzy. Kinda… Kinda like the costume she wuz holdin’…

“And that’s all you’ve got?”

Rith scratched her head, green skin turning just a hint of pink as she blushed with embarrassment. “After that it gets kinda bright n’ hazy.”

The woman in pink huffed. “Well what was the point of that?” She asked, glaring in annoyance. “I thought you said you were going to ‘figure this out’. That story was even less revealing than mine!”

The orc grumbled. “Look, Tifa-“

“Tiffany,” the princess snapped. “Princess Tiffany. Thank you.”

“Yeh whatever.” Rith growled. “Look, I was gunna say more but…”


“… But I kinda…” The aggressive attitude melted into awkward embarrassment again. “I dunno. Forgot.”

“You forgot?”

“Yeah. Like, I was gunna say somethin’, I’m pretty sure. But den- But then, I just thought ‘bout that light again and now… I dunno what it was?”

The brunette raised an eyebrow. “The light?”

That light…

The two women trailed off into silence again, both of them thinking back to that bright white light. It seemed to fill their heads, washing over their minds, carrying them both back to that moment. To that room. To that warm, thoughtless bliss…

An empty headed smile settled on Tifa- On Princess Tiffany’s face as she relaxed in her seat, her bust swelling up another couple of cup sizes to make her dress nice and tight, draining any last hints of any muscles from her arms and legs to do so. Across from her, Rith was openly drooling as her green skinned muscles grew even bigger, more defined, her eyes seeming to glaze more and more the larger they grew.

It was some time later when they seemed to come back to themselves. “Let’s… Let’s try this again, yeah?” Princess Tiffany said, folding her fingers in her lap. Her accent seemed… Sharper, somehow. More refined. Though her actual tone sounded much duller, by comparison. “We’ll tell our stories from the top, and try to recall any, y’know, stuff, that might explain what we’re doing here one more time!”

“Sure,” Rith grunted, her ponytail swaying as she nodded. Her accent had deteriorated, growing duller, slower, while her vocabulary seemed to have shrunk to a bunch of very small words.  “Dat sounds gud.”

… Charming…

Tiffany took a breath and pushed her discomfort at the presence of this mindless brute from her head. She was stuck with her for now – she’d just have to make the best of it.

“Alright,” she said, twirling a lock of her long, luxurious hair around a white gloved finger. “Now, like, where did I start last time…?”

As I recall, my carriage arrived at the shop at around about ten. A little late in the evening, yeah, but the staff were happy to keep the store open for someone of my status. I remember being helped down the steps to the front door by a dreamy dude, and walked in through the front door…

(“Uh… What? Dat don’t sound like your story from before…?”)

(“No way, this is totally what I said~”)

So yeah, where was I? Oh right!

Yeah, I walked in, and everything was, like, sooo pretty. Such pretty dresses! Naturally, I wanted to try all of them on, but that would have taken all day, so I just took, y’know, the very prettiest ones! Y’know, the ones that make me look like the super pretty princess that I am!

Obviously, no shop with such great clothes could be evil, so I told them everything was good! Then they brought me back here to sit down and wait, and now here we are!

The princess giggled, clapping her hands as she brought her tale to an end with the brightest smile imaginable on her face. “So yeah! Y’know, I forget, why were we even worried about any of that? It’s all totally normal, right?”

Rith blinked at her, her lips pursed in confusion. Though, obviously, the big dumb orc was probably just having trouble following her super simple story. Orcs were just kinda like that, y’know?

“Dat… Wus you sure dat right?”

Ugh, she sounded dumber by the minute. “Yeah, duh.” Tiffany rolled her eyes. “So go on. Your turn now, right?”

The orc’s brow wrinkled in confusion. “Me… turn?”

“Yeah!” Maybe she shoulda, like, used smaller words? “To tell your story, right?”

“Oh… Yeh. Right.” The other woman nodded slowly. Hoo, this might take a while…

Me was stalkin’ through town after getting’ thrown out of da pub fer winnin’ too many fights. Den me saw dis pretty shop with dey’s lights on! So me stomp up to come look.

Saw lots’a pretty costumes. Took sum for meself. Den some guy came an’ took me back here. Den me met you. Right?

The orc stumbled to the end of her story, looking up at Tiffany for confirmation that she’d done as she asked. To her surprise, the princess was instead examining the back of her gloved hand, pursing her pretty pink lips as if seeing something she didn’t like there.

“Um.” Rith tried to draw her attention. “Wus dat wut you want?”

“Hm? Oh, I wasn’t listening,” Tiffany admitted, still playing with her nails. “Did you say something important? I kinda doubt it, you know? Orcs are kinda known for being pretty dumb.”

“Dey is?” Those frown lines on her brow returned, slightly deeper this time. “Hey, wait. Is you callin’ me dumb?”

The princess gave her a sunny, insincere smile. “Oh come on, would I do that?”

“Dat what me askin’.”

Right, right, smaller words. “Nooo, I’d never!” Tiffany tried again – in an equally fake manner.

Happily, that seemed to satisfy the orc, who smiled and nodded, relieved. “Gud.”

Those muscles were definitely bigger than the brute’s brains, that was for sure. Perhaps she could amuse herself a little more by seeing how many times she could insult the poor creature before she caught on…

Fortunately for everyone involved, that was when the entrance to the room at last slid open again, and a man in a retail shop uniform stepped inside. “Let’s see how the new merchandise is doing…” He was muttering to himself.

Instantly, the two women sat up, their eyes fixed on the new arrival. Neither woman could really explain why – neither really had the vocabulary to even try anymore – but both of them felt the urge to preen for the gentleman, a quickening of their heartbeat stirring them to act. The pair sat up, giving him the best view of their bodies that they could – Princess Tiffany stretching her arms behind her head and pushing out her chest, while Rith the barbarian stood up tall and pumped to show off her muscles.

He grinned at the sight. “It looks like you two have settled in nicely!” The man walked over, finally stopping in front of them and looking them both over. “Do either of you have any questions or requests for me?”

“Not a thing, handsome~” Tiffany giggled. “Oh, except, do you have any royal blood in you? ‘Cus you totally look like my Prince Charming.”

Rith had a different answer. “Me do!” She said, nodding empathically. “You want snu-snu?”

“Hey!” The princess glared at her. “I saw him first!”



“Ladies, ladies, please.” The young man chuckled, getting something out of his pocket. A long dark metal cylinder, with one end widening out into a glass lens. “Company policy forbids me from making use of company property that hasn’t been placed in the discount aisle, so I’m afraid there will be no ‘snu-snu’ with me. But we’ll get you set up with your new owner soon, and then there’ll be all the snu-snu you could ever want. So, if I could just direct your attention here for a moment, please?”

He was looking at the princess as he spoke, pointing her eyes towards the glass end of his device. She smiled happily, eager to do as she was asked. Without hesitation, her gaze swung around to stare straight into the end of the torch…


And then her eyes turned pure white as the light within washed through her mind. Her smile froze on her face, now more mindless than sweet, and her body otherwise went still.

“Perfect!” The man nodded, turning to the orc. “And the same from you?”

“Huh?” Rith wasn’t really keeping up with what was happening – but her eyes followed the staff member’s direction all the same.


And then there were two blank, drooling, mindless maidens sitting in the waiting room. A princess and a barbarian, with not so much as a single thought in their empty heads.

“Wonderful,” the man said, tucking the torch back into his pocket. “Now, I’ll make this quick. We’ve lined up a buyer - and you’re in luck! They’re looking for a pair of pretty slaves, and they’ve decided to purchase you both. Which means instead of you forgetting about each other forever, you’ll be getting very close indeed~”

He chuckled. Tiffany echoed him, her ditzy giggle echoing through the room. Rith just drooled.

“Alright, so!” The man pulled out a notepad from one of his pockets and began to read. “Princess! Looks like your new owner wants to enjoy you both in bed at the same time, so instead of being disgusted by this dumb orc slut, she is now the most beautiful creature you have ever laid eyes on – save for your owner, of course.”

The busty woman sighed pleasantly as her mind was rewritten – and her heart quickened a beat as her head filled with images of a certain beautifully buff orc babe.

“Rith is now your bodyguard, protector, and lover – and has been for years. You’re utterly helpless without her to attend your every need. Understood?”

Tiffany nodded, her eyes still blank, her smile just a touch wider than before. “Yes sir.”

“Good.” He turned to Rith. “Okay, Orc girl, listen up! This princess is now your sacred treasure and you would protect her with your life. She is your mistress, your commander, and your lover, all rolled into one. You serve as her guard by day, and her bedwarmer by night. Since you’re so dumb, you follow all of her orders without question, unless your owner tells you otherwise. Naturally, he always comes first. Understood?”

The barbarian nodded. There was a certain clarity in her expression that had been absent for come time – and would soon vanish again, once she woke up. “Yes sir.”

“Great!” He stepped back, flipping to the next page in his book, where he squinted to try and read his own handwriting. “The two of you have been in love for years, though obviously you practice an open relationship, and your owner comes first. As does anyone he chooses to share you with. Annnd…” He flipped through his notes. “I think that does it! You can both wake up now.”

The two women closed their blank eyes, bowing their heads… And then opened them again, their irises returned, full of life once more. Though, truth be told, both ladies looked more than a little glazed and vapid after their ordeal.

Neither of them seemed to notice. In fact, the only thing they seemed to see was each other. No sooner had Rith opened her eyes than she had zipped across the room, seating herself next to her princess rather than across from her. Fingers entwined, a white glove wrapping around dark taloned digits. Brown eyes gazed up into yellow, lips slowly drawing close…


Only to be rudely interrupted reality.

“Sorry, ladies, but we need to get you shipped out tonight.” The staff member said, gesturing for them to rise and follow him. “And we’ll have to hurry to get you boxed up before the mail goes out, so if you’d please follow me?”

Nodding, the pair rose to their feet – and then the dainty, busty princess leaned up against her darling knight. “Carry me~”

The orc barbarian grinned, and knelt down to scoop up her beloved in – naturally – a princess carry. Then, at last, their lips met, the two giving in to their lusty passions as the orc’s feet followed after their guide. They wanted to be nice and warmed up for when they finally met their new owner, after all.

The two crossed over the threshold – away from any last scraps of leftover memory from old, unimportant lives, and onwards toward a brighter future.

They couldn’t wait to tell their new owner the story of how they met~


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