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Hey folks!

I hope all is going well out there. Still got a few stories left to share, enjoy!


Morning always came early on Mother Moriene’s farm. Work began with the rise of the golden sun, inhabitants woken from their slumber by the light spilling from over the horizon. By the time the roosters began to crow, most were already rising, setting about their routines for the bright new day.

It wasn’t just the workers who were getting up, of course. A large farm like this had many cattle residents who were roused by the stirrings of activity – and a fair few more who’d been awake for a while already, come to that.

Small glittering lights could still be seen dancing through the fields of crops, as fairies spun their magics. They’d be gone by the time the sun really crested the hill, but they were always diligent to finish their work before they left. The result of some fae blessing on the land a few generations back. Strong crops for some favour that the owner of the land had done for the fairy king. Normally such deals ended up causing no end of trouble for the non-fae side of the bargain, but so far all the farm had boasted were record crop numbers year after year. Maybe fairies weren’t so bad after all.

The dryads in the orchard could be heard giggling and moaning – they always liked taking in the sun’s first rays. Judging by the clear sky, it probably wouldn’t be safe for any humanoids to enter their grove until well after noon today – not unless they wanted to add a new sapling to the orchard. Still, Mother Moriene always maintained that the sweetness of their fruit tress made the danger worth it, and their profits certainly seemed to agree!

And of course, over in the barn, the farm’s famed minotaur cow stock were stretching and starting to move about. All female, of course, and selected for their bountiful bosoms – minotaur milk was one of the farm’s most valuable products, and they made sure to keep their cattle high quality. No bulls were in at the moment – it wasn’t breeding season just yet – but they seemed content, none the less. Soon they’d be wandering their fields, eagerly awaiting their next milking…

Minotaurs were rather simple creatures according to stereotype, but these ones barely seemed to remember how to even speak half the time. It was a remarkable thing to see, as far as Laura was concerned. Was this what happened when people lived without worries? They became sluggish and dumb with no threats to spook them and all of their needs met by the farm?

She wasn’t really sure how she felt about her own kind being treated like that.

Well, it wasn’t any of her business. She tore her gaze away from the herd and back to her surroundings, just outside the guest house.

“Are ye sure yer not interested in settlin’ down?” Her guide was asking. The freckle-faced woman had been assigned to her when she’d first arrived at the farm, and had barely left her side since. They even slept in the next room over. “We could always use another milker around here, and you’d be well cared fer all the rest of your days. Much better deal than you’ll ever get in the city, ah’ll tell ye that here an’ now.”

The minotaur shook her head. “Nah, that ain’t what I’m about,” she said with a good natured chuckle. “I’ve got a job to do, and once I’ve done it I’ll be out of your hair and heading back home.”

The woman looked disappointed, and to be truthful, Laura couldn’t blame her. She was a fine example of a minotaur in her prime. Sharp horns, strong, powerful legs, arms that could rip a door off its hinges as easy as they could open it, and, of course, a chest that’d put any of those barn milkers to shame. Even her hide made her look good, her fur so light brown that it looked reddish gold in the right light. She was a catch, and she knew it well.

“If yer sure,” the guide said, trying not to sound too disappointed. “But y’know the offer’s always standin’!”

“I know, I know,” the minotaur nodded. “But enough ‘bout that. You said it was too late for questions last night, but how ‘bout now? I was lookin’ for somethin’ important, an’ I bet your lady is the one that can help me find it.” It was just a feeling she had.

Her guide grinned. “Why don’t we discuss it some after breakfast?”


“H-hey, hey, calm down, lady, I told you, we haven’t seen-!”


Dawn light glinted on the keenest edge of an incredibly sharp sword as it embedded itself in the wall right next to the thug’s eyes. So close that he could swear he felt blood trickling from the bridge of his nose.

“I heard you.” Tanya’s voice was calm. Practically civil. The fully armoured Paladin wasn’t even breathing heavily. The only signs that she was anything other than completely composed at that moment were a slight glint in her eyes, and the fact that she’d just plunged her sword two feet into solid stone one handed. “And now I’m giving you a second chance to consider not lying to me.”

“We- We weren’t!” The scruffy haired young man’s eyes were understandably wide. No one was going to come investigating his screams if he called for help. As settlements went, Boid’s Ridge was considered to be one of the scummiest towns in the region, and for good reason. Walk down a dark alley like this one unprotected and the least you’d be losing was your wallet.

The fact that this thug and his friends had thought that a paladin in full plate and carrying a small collection of swords could ever be considered ‘unprotected’ spoke very poorly of them. But it also meant that they were exactly what Tanya had been hoping for.

“I know she came through here,” the blonde knight explained, her tone still as pleasant as a summer breeze, as though she was discussing the weather over a mug of ale. “El always travels cheap when she’s on her own, and the cheapest route cuts right through this little hovel of yours.”

Another sign that she wasn’t as calm as she appeared. Tanya always took pains to be polite to people, even during an interrogation. Elora was the one who you could count on for the colourful commentary. But Elora wasn’t here. Actually, the paladin hadn’t seen Elora in weeks.

Well, that explained her attitude then.

The gauntleted hand she had wrapped around the thug’s throat tightened a bit. Not much. Certainly not as much as it could have. Just enough to make breathing a bit more of a chore. “You will have seen her. Everyone sees El. Redhead. Fashionable dress. Elf. How long ago did she pass through here?”

Questions like that were why she was interrogating people in alleyways. People in rough settlements like this were always averse to answering a paladin of the light’s questions, so encouragement was needed – and this option was cheaper.

They were questions she needed to ask, too, because her friend was proving difficult to track. Elora was flighty, and rather easily distracted. Hardly a problem when they were travelling together, but when they weren’t… Well, it turned out that the elf wouldn’t know what a direct route was if it gnawed her ears off. She seemed to travel at random, sometimes heading in the complete opposite direction of the place Tay knew was her ultimate destination. So following after her was taking a lot longer than the paladin would like.

Hence, sword, wall, idiot.

“Oh. Uh. Uhh. Oh!” Said idiot finally seemed to locate his brain, his eyes focusing on something behind the blonde. “The, uh, the elf woman, you mean? Sssure, I remember her now. Fancy lady, right? Hair was kind of wavy?”

Tanya nodded, finally loosening her grip a little. “That’s her.” She even smiled! “Did you see where she went?”

“Uh. Well! Um. The thing of that is…” He was really starting to squirm now, looking directly over her shoulder. “The thing is… Now, Tommy, now!

A club collided with the back of the paladin’s head with a hideous Cracking sound. The sound of wood snapping as it splintered on contact. The woman herself didn’t even flinch.

“I shouldn’t give advice,” she said neutrally, “but it’s incredibly bad form to yell ‘now’ when one of your friends is trying to pull off a sneak attack. Really gives the game away.


“I mean, I already knew he was there. And even if I didn’t, he lumbered up behind me like a frantic elephant trapped in a warehouse full of incredibly loud crates. Plus his swing had all the force of a sprite’s punch. A small sprite. None of it was ever going to work. But it’s the principle of the thing.”

She’d thought the thug looked pale before, but now he’d gone as pale as a sheet. She liked the look.

“Now,” she said, easily reaching behind her and hauling the second thug around, slamming him into the wall next to the first. “Are you going to answer my questions? Or do I have to start getting violent?”

The two terrified idiots shared a terrified glance.

“One last time,” the blonde said, looking between the pair, her grip tightening once more. “Where. Did. Elora. Go?


“Wow~” Breakfast at Ma Morienes was far more extravagant than Laura had been expecting. A full spread of eggs, bacon rashers, pastries, fruits, a few sausages, and of course a healthy tankard of fresh milk. Even for a woman as large as her – and granted, she was at least a couple of heads taller than anyone else on the farm - it seemed like it might be a bit much. “All this for just me?”

“Hey, farmin’s hard work,” her guide chirped, her own dish at the dinner table almost as big. “And Ma’ believes that hard work starts with the stomach! ‘Sides, we all know you gals need yer feedin’ to grow big an’ strong, right?”

“Well I don’t know about that.” Laura chuckled, shaking her head as she tucked in. Though, really, it was obvious what comparison the woman was drawing. It was just a joke, but the broad-shouldered bovine had to admit that deep down, she still didn’t like it. Minotaurs had an unfair reputation, she felt. Yes, of course, they were big and strong, but they weren’t dumb. At least, most of them weren’t. Though after seeing Moriene’s barn that morning, even she was having her doubts…

She shook her head, snorting. What was she getting all self-conscious for? She knew she was perfectly intelligent – hell, probably smarter than most! Just because some of her kind chose to spend their days brainlessly lazing and getting milked, that didn’t mean she had anything to prove. She was a tall, proud, strong, independent minotaur, and that was all she needed. Even if she’d chosen to wear the dungarees provided for her by the farm today (her clothes from yesterday hadn’t fit for some reason), that didn’t mean she was some stupid milker destined for the barn.

“Did y’sleep well, by the way?” the guide asked, already cleaning off the last of her plate. “Lemme know if there were any problems – Ma always insists we be the best with t’ hospitality.”

Laura eyed the woman as she considered her answer. She was everything you’d expect from a farmhand. Tall, broad – though hardly as much in either case as Laura herself – with a strong set of muscles that would give her even odds of outwrestling a mountain bear, and long, sun bleached hair to boot. She had a pretty curvy figure herself, even, though her frame hid it some. The night before she’d been dressed in blue overalls over a dark brown shirt, but today she’d opted for something a bit more casual – a blue denim skirt that almost reached her knees, and a tied-off blouse, dark green with some kind of flower pattern on it that had faded in the sun.

“I slept fine,” the minotaur finally answered with a shrug as she chomped down a pastry. “Some weird dreams, but that was it.”

“Oh?” Even though she’d tried to brush the matter off, her answer only seemed to get the guide’s attention. “Weird dreams? How’dya reckon?”

Laura sighed, thinking as she sipped at her milk. It was a sweet, creamy taste, and it almost distracted her from answering. “Uh… Huh? Oh. Nothing special… Just dreams, you know?”

“Dreams can be fun,” the other woman wouldn’t be deterred. “Go on, hun. What’d you dream ‘bout?”

Well, fine. “I dunno. Dream stuff.” She frowned as she took another gulp of milk. Honestly, she didn’t mind talking about her dreams, but they were difficult to remember. In fact, it felt like they were getting foggier by the second. “Strange dreams. Like I was someone else, I think? Someone… smaller.”

“Smaller, huh?” The guide chuckled, reaching over the table to top off Laura’s mug. “That so?”

“Yeah…” The minotaur felt uncertain. “Like, I was an adventurer. Going around fighting… things.” She took another gulp.

“Oh my my. Sounds scary.” The bleached blonde chuckled, before helping her charge lift her mug again. “Don’t forget to drink up!”

“Mmn, right…” She took another gulp, frown lines growing deeper as she tried to think. Her whole head seemed to be growing hazy now, her memories fading into white. “I think I was with someone? Like… Someone…” Another gulp. “… Annoying.”

Her guide giggled, standing up to massage the massive minotaur’s shoulders – it took a little stretching on her part, even with Laura sitting down. “Sounds like a stupid dream t’me. Best y’just go forgettin’ all ‘bout it now, yeah?”

“Mnnn…” By now her mug was at her lips non-stop, milk flowing down her throat without end. It was a big tankard, and the sweet creamy taste was addictive. Paired with the gentle massage, and the minotaur was feeling like she might fall asleep already just after waking up. White was spreading through her head, and she could feel a pleasant warmth in her chest.

By the time she’d finished drinking, her dream wasn’t even a distant memory anymore. She smacked her lips, eyes a little hazy. “What were we talking about?”

The guide grinned. “Nothin’ important. Now, you were sayin’ you wanted a meeting with Ma, right? Had a few questions fer her?”

Laura shifted in her dungarees. They were feeling awfully tight on her suddenly. She had questions…?

Oh yeah… Right. Questions… She had questions…


“So what happened?” Fiona Weathervalley leaned over the private table as she poured Tanya glass of wine – her own glass already well stocked. Around them the rest of the Guild Hall buzzed with typical Adventurer activity (the typically drunk kind), but no one was going to disturb any group Fiona was part of. The leader of the Tumberlund branch of the Adventurer’s Guild had been retired from active duty for decades, but if you ever saw her drinking you’d have no idea why. The woman could still easily out arm-wrestle an entire orcish army, and down enough rum to drown the saltiest of seadogs, and barely looked a day over 30.

Of course, that was the thing with dragons. They could look however they pleased. People who started trouble in her guild hall would quickly learn that appearances could be horrifically deceiving.

“It’s a long story,” Tay sighed, accepting the glass (and the significantly smaller than Fiona’s portion of drink contained within) with a grateful nod. She’d been travelling by foot for well over a week now, and the chance to rest, even if just for a few hours, had been a godsend. “Are you sure you have time?”

The Guild Leader snorted – Tay wasn’t sure, but she might have seen a hint of flame – and rolled her eyes. “Please, girl, I have all the time in the world and precious little entertainment to fill it. If you want my help, then give me your story – don’t make me rake you over burning coals.”

She probably didn’t mean that literally. Probably.

“Well, if you insist.” The paladin chuckled. That was the thing about Fiona – she wasn’t the kind of ‘woman’ who cared for gold or status, none of the traditional draconic weaknesses like that. Instead, she was an insatiable gossip hound – anyone could get a favour from her if they came in with an interesting enough story. Or they could if it was true, anyway. She tended to hold a grudge if you lied to her. “So, El got it into her head that she wanted to do a quest on her own…”

“Really now?” The raven haired woman raised an eyebrow, leaning on her elbow. “What on earth could have possessed her? I could have sworn the two of you were joined at the hip.”

“Mmm…” Tay sipped her wine with a sigh. “That was probably the problem. She’s been feeling like people don’t respect her enough lately. Wanted to prove to everyone that she could handle things on her own just fine…”

Fiona nodded, understanding pride perfectly well. “Ah, I see. Well, she’ll be furious if you charge in unneeded, you know.”

The paladin glared at her wineglass. “Well she should have thought of that before she vanished for weeks and didn’t send a message!”

Her grumpy answer earned an outright laugh from the dragon, and the blonde’s cheeks flushed as she realised how childish she sounded.

“I’ll back off if she has everything under control,” she amended. “And if she doesn’t then we keep it between us and she can try again some other time – so no gossiping about any of this to anyone, understand?”

The pointed look got a dramatic mock reaction of outrage. “What, me, gossip?” The ebon haired woman put her hand to her chest. “Why I’d neeever!”

The act last for a whole two seconds before both of them cracked up laughing.



“So,” Tanya finally managed, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Have you seen her?”

Fiona sighed, leaning back to think. She had a very good memory. That was one of the things that made her so frightening to deal with, sometimes. “Not officially. But I may have seen a hooded elf with just a sliver of fiery red hair peeking out stop by for drinks a few weeks back…”

Tay’s eyes lit up. “Perfect! That has to be her! Where did she go?”

The dragon-pretending-to-be-human squinted in concentration. “I think… Ah, yes. She hit it off with one of my regulars. A local landowner, you might have heard of her. Martha Moriene?”

The paladin blinked. “Mar- Wait, you mean Mother Moriene?” Of course she’d heard of her. Mother Moriene’s farms were famous in every corner of the kingdom – their produce was so high quality that they were practically considered luxury goods.

Fiona snapped her fingers, as if placing the name. “That’s the one. Yes, they got on like a cave on fire. Hell, they even left together after an evening of drinking. I think the elf said she had some ‘questions’ to ask the lady back home…”

Oh no. “Of course they did.” Tanya groaned. She could picture it now. El getting star struck and flirty at the first sight of such a distinguished – and rich – woman. Damnit. “Alright. I guess I know where I’m headed next. I swear, she’d better not have caused a scene…” The blonde sighed, and then smiled at her companion. “Thank you, Fiona. You’ve been a great help.”

The woman patted her on the shoulder as she threw back another glass of wine. “Any time, dear. Always happy to help such a productive member of the guild.” She paused to glare at the Guild Hall behind them. “Unlike any of my lot.”

Tanya smiled, flattered, as she rose out of her chair. The time for rest was over. “That’s very kind of you to say. Oh, but, remember - don’t mention this to anyone!”

Fiona pouted as she headed off. “Tch. Spoil sport. Oh well – give my regards to Martha when you see her!”


“Well hello there! And aren’t you the most charmin’ beast I ever did lay my eyes on?”

Martha ‘Mother’ Moriene was… Not the kind of woman Laura had been expecting. She hadn’t known what she’d expected, really, but some kind of old matron, perhaps? Or maybe a woman like her guide, a worn farmer’s wife type.

Nope. Miss Moriene honestly looked like she’d never worked a day in her life. Actually, she looked like she’d be offended if anyone ever asked her to so much as lift a jar of pickles. And yet, at the same time, she had the air of someone who’d knife you in the eye if you looked at her for too long. A kind of vicious, cut throat glint in her eyes that made even the towering minotaur swallow hard in her presence.

She was a blonde human woman, a little on the shorter side, with long blonde hair done up in curly drills around her head. Piercing blue eyes seemed to catch everything that happened in her presence, and her ruby red lips were never far from an unsettling smirk – unless they were taking a drag on the long silver cigarette holder that was always in her hand. Her long red dress - complete with black trim – looked completely out of place on a farm, but utterly proper on her, so much so that it was the farm itself that seemed wrong around her. There was just no questioning that kind of presence.

Which was troubling, because she was currently eyeing Laura up like she was a cut of beef. The two of them were in her office, with Laura’s guide standing by the door, smiling all the way. It was a pretty extravagant room, with much finer décor than anywhere else on the farm.

“Mm, so big and strong.” The diminutive blonde patted the minotaur’s dungaree covered stomach, feeling up her abs through the cloth. “You’ll be the pride of the herd!”

“Huh…?” Laura’s response was slow and confused. “N-no, ma’am, I’m just here t’ ask sum questions…” It was so hard to talk. Her tongue felt too thick for her mouth, and all the words she wanted to use slid from its tip.

Fortunately (?) it seemed that Moriene didn’t much care anyway!

“Psh, questions.” The blonde rolled her eyes. “Ya’ think ya’ get to ask questions? You’re just a big stupid heifer. Questions are fer people, darlin’. Just like them clothes you got on. Hey!” She snapped her fingers at the guide. “Get them off’a her!”

The bleached blonde quickly hopped to obey. “Sure thing, Ma!”

“H-hey, wait-!” Laura’s protests did no good. The straps of her dungarees peeled off her shoulders and sent the entire garment to the floor, and leaving the poor cow fully naked. She- she should have been able to stop them, she thought. She was twice their size and four times stronger than both women combined. But she just couldn’t think of anything she could do…

Not before Moriene interrupted her sluggish thoughts by groping her titanic tits, anyway.

“Moooh!” A shocked bleat of pleasure escaped the minotaur’s lips as she fell to her knees, gasping for breath, her cheeks flushed completely red – underneath her brown fur, anyway.

The blonde just grinned. “Oh yeah, y’all be doin’ just fine under me. See, see, I love me a big, strong, powerful woman. I love bringing them to their knees, makin’ them serve.” She squeezed again, delighting in playing Laura like a bovine instrument. “An’ you’ll be servin’ me a long, long time~”

“Nuh…” The minotaur shook her head, trying to grit her teeth. Everything was so fuzzy and warm – it felt like part of her brain was still melting from that last squeeze. But there was still some spark in her, still some fight. She wasn’t one of those drooling cattle in the barn! She was a tall, proud, strong, independent minotaur! “I… I’m leavin’…!”


The sudden sound shot through her head, silencing everything else, and her jaw dropped open. Drooling, she found herself staring at something glittering and gold held up before her face.

“Like the sound of that?” The blonde farm owner chuckled. “Thought you might, y’big dumb heifer. The raw milk works nicely to start the change. A nice dose of the stuff’ll make a nice cow outta anyone, an drain those stupid brains of yours into your tits t’boot.” Another burst of pleasure as she gave a demonstrative squeeze. “But it’s the bell that really seals the deal.”


The bell rang again as she shook her hand, the sound once again striking Laura right between the ears. Nothing in her head could withstand it – the sound swept all of her thoughts, thick and slow as they were, away. And it was almost as enchanting to watch as it was to hear. A big, angular, golden cowbell, swaying before her dazed eyes…

“Dunno what it is about the sound,” Moriene continued, even though it was clear her captive was barely listening, “but the ring o’one a’these bells just cuts right through any cow’s mind nice an’ simple. Makes ‘em even more docile an’ dumb than they were before. Can’t think a wink through it, can ya?”

The minotaur’s only response was to drool on her tits.


“Thought not.” The diminutive blonde giggled as she reached up and looped a collar around the taller woman’s neck. “Don’t worry none, tho, darlin’. You won’t need to be thinkin’ anymore, now you’re part o’mah herd.” She glanced at her farmhand, her smile eager and wide. “Get me a bucket or two - I’ll handle her first milkin’ personally~”

The farmhand hastened to obey once again, all with a smile on her face, and soon a pair of large wooden buckets were placed on the floor of the office, right beneath Laura’s heaving bosom. A white gloved finger stroked along her new bell’s length, making sure it was safely nestled between the new cow’s udders.

Then Moriene smiled up at her, taking her breasts in hand. “Welcome to the farm, heifer~”

And she squeezed.

“Moooo!” The minotaur’s eyes rolled up in her head, a wide smile on her face, as her brains squirted out of her teats forever.

Clang! Clang! Clang!


The sound of bells were ringing through the evening air as Tanya finally arrived at Mother Moriene’s farm. The journey had been long, and not an entirely comfortable experience. There had been a few encounters with bandit parties, and a couple of satyrs who were acting far too bold despite being hundreds of miles from the edge of the fae lands… Overall, she should have stopped to rest a long ways back.

But she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She had to find Elora first. That was what was important here.

So by the time she reached the gates, she was well and truly exhausted. She didn’t even get to ask her questions – just mumbled that she was there looking for someone, and was ushered into the main building of the farm by a helpful farmhand. There, she’d been shown into a waiting room and provided a free mug of milk while she waited – not what she would have asked for normally, but after the long trek (in full armour) she wasn’t going to turn it down.

It was creamier than she expected, but… sweeter, too. Mother Moriene certainly deserved her reputation. The warm drink was certainly just what she needed to bring life back to the blonde’s bones after her lengthy trek – though it might not have been what she needed to stay awake. Honestly, she felt more and more tired with every sip.

It was good though… Really… Good…

She wasn’t sure how long she waited. By the time her mug was empty, she could barely keep her eyes open. But eventually, she heard footsteps, and tried to rouse herself back to the waking world. She wasn’t completely successful – her thoughts still felt unbearably sluggish, and everything had a dreamlike haze – but at least she could look up as her guide returned.

Or… Look down. Funny, she could have sworn that the woman hadn’t looked so short before. And… Had the room gotten smaller? How strange. Whatever weird magic was effecting it must have worked on her armour too, because it was feeling all sorts of tight all of a sudden.

“Ma’s probably already in bed by now,” the farmhand in blue overalls was saying, her voice soft and soothing, and ever so hard to argue with. “But I’ll be your guide until she can see you in the morning. Would you like a tour of the farm, or do you want to head to your room right away?”

Tanya tried to answer, she really did. But all that came out when she went to speak was a long, sleepy yawn, and a smacking of tired lips.

“Bed it is,” the guide giggled, taking the paladin’s hand to help her to her feet. It was strange – Tanya's fingers felt so much bigger than hers when they clasped. And looking down, they seemed to be growing a sheen of… fur? Light brown, almost reddish gold. Heh, must’ve been some funny dream she was having…

The blonde slumped against the farmhand, an arm slung over her shoulders to keep her upright, her other hand finding itself grasping another tankard of milk that she greedily gulped down as they walked. It was more than enough to help her ignore the uncomfortable feeling of horns starting to grow out of her head.

But there was still something important. Something driving the paladin on. Something that had forced her to march all the way out here. Something she still needed to hear.

“… Lora…” The mumbled word just barely made it through her milk slicked lips.

It didn’t quite make the full journey to the farmhand’s ears. “Laura? Is that your name, hun? Well, you can tell me all about it in the mornin’. Let’s get you some rest.”

Her… name…? Her name was Laura…? That didn’t sound quite right, but she couldn’t quite remember what else her name was supposed to be right now. Every time she tried, she’d find her mind slipping into a rising tide of milky white bliss. And as her eyes finally slid closed completely, she just didn’t have the strength to resist it as she fell into a creamy, dream filled slumber.


The minotaur woke up slowly, her strange dreams already fading into nothingness. What had they been about? Some weird blonde lady? Already she couldn’t recall. But that was fine – she didn’t care to. All she wanted to do was stretch and smile as the roosters called in the new day.

Life was bliss here on the farm. She had no worries or stress. All she had to do was wander, graze, play with her sisters, and get milked whenever she could.

That last one was her favourite, of course. Milking was the best. Everything sloshed out of her head through her tits, leaving nothing but happiness and pleasure behind. And if milking wasn’t enough, the clanging of her bell would soon put a stop to any further attempts at deep thought. Or thought in general. Nothing felt better than being rendered joyfully mindless as even your simplest thoughts were sucked out of your teats~ It didn’t matter who did it – whether she was being milked by the farmers, or suckled by her sisters, it all felt just as good!

Sure, the farmhands tried to discourage them from ‘drinking from the tap’, as they put it, but they knew their cattle were far too stupid to ever remember being told not to do something, so it happened whenever their backs were turned. That was just how it was when you kept such a dumb, busty collection of cattle!

As the biggest, bustiest minotaur in the barn, she was a particular favourite of the rest of the herd, and could often be found mindless and drooling as two other cows drank from her teats. It was fine, of course. She produced plenty enough milk for everyone – her boobs were big enough that she never ran dry. She was the best cow in the barn, and she knew it~

Even if she knew precious little else!

Head empty – and looking forward to getting even emptier – the nameless, brown furred minotaur stretched, and trotted off to meet the day. Her massive bust bounced all the way.

And over by the main house, a certain pair watched her go.

“See something y’like over there?” Martha ‘Ma’ Moriene asked her companion, leaning against the door to her manor as she took a drag on her cigarette.

“Just a lil’ jealous, I guess Ma’,” the farmhand with bleached blonde hair giggled, watching the farm’s newest minotaur jiggle away. “They all seem so happy all the time, y’know?”

“True,” Ma chuckled, before slapping the woman on her plump posterior. “But sadly for you, babe, you’re too good a lay for me to let you join the herd. You’re mine, an’ I ain’t sharin’~”

The farmhand blushed proudly. “D’awh, Ma’, you say the sweetest things~”

“Darn tootin’ I do.” The mistress of the farm took a smug drag. “There’s a reason I ‘hired’ you in the first place, Ella~”

Sure, the hiring process had been a little more involved than she let on, but this obedient slut had no need to know that. ‘Ella’ remembered about as much of what her life had been like before she’d signed on at Ma’s as any of her cattle did. And Ma felt no need to go into just what had gone on in her bedroom that had turned the redheaded elven sorceress into a blonde human farm worker – all anyone needed to know was that it had involved an awful lot of lusty moaning on the elf’s part.

“In fact…” The smaller blonde wrapped an arm around her taller ‘employee/thrall’ and pulled her close. “Y’know, it’s been far too long since you were twixt my nethers. An’ I was gettin’ awful jealous watchin’ you pal around with that milk brained heifer…”

Ella squealed with delight as she was pulled in. “Well then, boss,” she said, leaning down for a kiss. “How ‘bout we have ourselves a lil’ hoedown of our own t’fix that?”

Their lips met. They wouldn’t be coming up for air for some time. Certainly not before they’d stumbled back into the house, already ripping one another’s clothes off. The door swung shut behind them, leaving the rest of the farm to get on with its work, and its cows to suckle merrily in the sun.

It was another fine morning on Mother Moriene’s farm. Just like all the others~


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