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Hey there folks!

Wow, we're almost to the end of May already, and to my hiatus. I'll be putting the patreon on pause in a day or two so no one new can sign up, though I'll still be posting the remaining stories I owe up here until I'm in the clear.

I'll save my thoughts and goodbyes (for half a year) for next week, so, for now, I hope you enjoy this month's shorts!


Request: FMP Sailor Moon – Ami: Ami’s focus will be primarily on her ass. While she’ll be getting a general tuneup all around, like head sized tits most of Ami’s new mass will be in her ass.


Ami Mizuno had been on the job for a long time. That job being ‘Protecting and looking after the princess/future queen of earth’. She was Usagi’s oldest friend in the senshi, aside from maybe Luna (who was more of a mentor than a friend, let’s face it), and she’d been fighting at her side for longer than anyone else (aside from Mamori, naturally). In many ways, of all the inner senshi, she was the one who knew her Princess best of anyone.

It was a job she would have done for free, which was good, because was not, in fact, being paid for any of this. Usagi meant the world to her, and had since pretty much the day they first met. The silver haired clutz had been her first friend – and, as they’d grown older, her first lover. The woman was her destiny, this Ami believed quite fervently, even if it wasn’t entirely logical to do so.

As the Sailor Senshi of Mercury, she had a duty to protect Usagi, and indeed the world, from any darkness that loomed, from any threat that presented itself. As Ami Mizuno, she was one of the smartest beings in the entire solar system. The combination made for a devastatingly intelligent woman who… often didn’t have time for anything other than studying. She was not a woman who relaxed easily. She just wasn’t. Her mind was always racing, always thinking, always working on some fantastically complicated problem…

Even now, as she lay face down on the masseuse’s table at the Faire Salon, her modesty protected only by a towel, her thoughts were still struggling to let go. She knew (or thought that she knew) that the whole point of these massages was to rest and enjoy, but she couldn’t empty her head. It just went against her base nature!

“Dear.” Even the masseuse had noticed. She sounded bemused. “You’re supposed to be here to relax, you know? I’m starting to wonder if I’m bad at my job.”

“S-Sorry…” The blunette gave her a meek smile. “I’m trying, it’s just… W-well, I’ve got a lot on my mind. There’s a college exam to study for next week, and I have five papers due the week after, and…”

“Oh my! Such a smart young lady,” the woman purred, making Ami blush. She was a humble girl, but one should never underestimate how much a smart young loner wanted to be praised for their work. “But this isn’t the place for any of that stuff. How about a little game to help you relax? See if you can name all the muscles I’m massaging as I go.”

“Oh! That sounds interesting.” Already the blunette’s mind was whirring. She had studied for years and years to become a doctor like her mother, so this sounded like the perfect quiz to test her knowledge. And Ami Mizuno never failed a test. “Mmn! Ooohh, that… That feels like, ah… The levator scapulae…?”

The masseuse giggled as her hands worked the base of her client’s neck, thumbs rubbing in small, tension relieving circles. “Very good. Annnd… This…?”

Her hands moved lower, drawing a pleased moan from the genius. “Oooohh… That… That’s really… Umm…” The blunette took a moment, slowly sinking into the table. “That… trapezius…?”

“Excellent!” Those soft, warm hands squeezed another knot of tension out of the senshi, a nice shot of bliss as a reward for her good work, and practically left Ami drooling. “How about… here…?”

“Mmmn…” The game was clearly working. The genius’s eyes were half-lidded, her squirming starting to slow. Even as she struggled to answer, her eyelids momentarily slid closed several times. “I… Haaah… Rhomboid… m…. m-major?”

“Suuuuch a smart girl…” The masseuse smirked, hands gliding down even lower, all the way to Ami’s cute little behind, kneading and squeezing. “And now?”

The purr of satisfaction from Ami’s throat could have been mistaken for a lunar cat’s. Her eyes had completely closed by now, her body limp and splayed on the table. There was no more struggling, no more squirming, no more racing thoughts. Just pleasure and relaxation. Even her voice sounded like it was drifting away as she answered with a sigh. “G… Gluteusss maximussssssss…”

Her jaw went slack, lips lightly tweaked into a sleepy smile. She was out.

The fae massaging her paused to take a breath. Hoo, that had been a tough one. But now it was time for the real work to begin. Grinning, she gently lifted the towel, already pulled down to just Ami’s legs, and threw it aside. It wouldn’t be needed anymore.

“Correct again, dear,” she giggled, her hands settling back on Ami’s ass, and drawing another delighted moan from the girl. “And you know, of course, that the gluteus maximus is the largest muscle on the body? Well, I’m going to make that extra true for you~”

Judging by her wanton giggle as the masseuse began to squeeze, the genius had no objection to this! And from the wiggle of her hips as her ass began to expand, she might even have been eager for the change. That was good – because they’d only just begun.

Oil slicked cheeks slapped together as they were squished and plumped. With each stroke of the fae’s palms, each pinch of her fingers, Ami’s ass swelled outwards, growing larger and larger by the second. Her behind had never been one of her most attractive features – at least not in her mind (she, naturally, assumed her brain had that spot) – but now it was becoming the most eye catching part of her by miles. It shot up and out, through booty, to dumptruck, all then all the way to full on bubble butt over the course of a very pleasurable, eye-wateringly intense massage – one that melted that mighty mind into a puddle.

Oh yes, Ami was drooling outright by the time the masseuse was done – which was just what the fae had wanted to see. Now the senshi was ready to hear some new truths.

“So,” she began, moving her hands up to the blunette’s hips. They’d be made a bit wider – not much, just enough to support the beachballs below without taking any focus away from them – as she worked. “Tell me, my smart, smart girl, what do you think of your friends? I know you love Usagi and Mamori…” That got a giggle of agreement from the woman on the table. “But what about the others? Rei? Makoto? Minako? What do you think of them?”

“My… friends?” Even in her trance, Ami’s brow furrowed, uncertain. Then it smoothed out as she relaxed again. “Best… friends.”

“You love them?”

“Yeah…” Well of course she did. They were her family, her fellow members of Usagi’s harem. Sure, it was familial love instead of romantic, but all three of them meant the world to her, even if she’d never-

“You lust for them~”

… N… Never… Uh… Lust? Lust for them? That furrow in her brow was back again. She loved them dearly, yes, but she’d never-Oooohhhh!

The fae smirked as her hand slid between Ami’s thickened thighs and stroked the cleft above them, one dexterous digit sliding up and down her sensitive lips, while another circled her clit. “They make you so wet, don’t they?”

Suddenly the blunette’s objections didn’t seem like such a big deal.

“Rei’s legs…”

Stroke, stroke…

“Mako’s tits…”

Stroke, stroke…!

“Mina’s everything…”

Stroke! Stroke!

“Aren’t they hot? Don’t they make you horny? Come on, smart girl, put it all together. You love them, don’t you? You want to fuck their brains out, and let them do the same to you, and you always have, right?”

“Nghaahhhh!!” Ami was nodding, frantically, squirming on the table once again – this time out of pure hot need. All of it made sense, all of it was true. Her memories were rewriting themselves with every heartbeat. That pleasure cruise with Rei where they’d barely left the bedroom long enough to beat the bad guy… Those midnight tangos with Makoto… All those ‘English lessons’ around at Minako’s place…

It was all building in her head, a tidal wave of pleasure and lust threatening to crash over her at any moment… But she wasn’t being let off so easily just yet.

Instead, the masseuse’s hands slid out and returned to her ass, squeezing it again, giving it that little extra boost in growth – and starting to seed in another enchantment. Now Ami’s moans were starting to grow in both frequency and pitch, as with every pinch, her massive bubble butt grew more and more sensitive. All of the pleasure building up inside of her, all of the lust and heated desire, all of it was woven into her newly sensitive nerves. Even the act of sitting down was going to be a sexual experience for her from now on!

And in response, of course, the floodgates began to leak. The blunette was already wet from the stimulation before, but now her arousal was starting to pour out of her like a burst faucet. She’d always been the senshi of water, and now, thanks to little nether massage earlier, she was going to show it. She’d come more from one orgasm than any other girl would in a year! Which was something she was getting close to demonstrating right here and now.

“It’s a good thing you’ve got such a big brain to hold all those sexual positions you love so much,” the masseuse giggled, smiling as her client’s mind filled with carnal knowledge. “You’re practically a walking kama sutra! Now, why don’t you dream up your five, no, ten favourite ways of getting fucked – and imagine your wonderful, beloved girlfriends doing all of them to you?”

Ami’s moans intensified higher and hotter than ever before. She was at her limit, and the fae knew it. The magical woman only paused for a moment, giving the blunette’s hips a small extra tweak – something to make sure that the woman never took another step without strutting, to make sure that her butt was always swaying unless while she was on her feet – and then raised her hand. “Now cum those brains out for me, dear~”


“Guuaaahhh!” And gush she did, all resistance, all hesitation, all memory of the woman she’d been before squirted out of Ami in a rush, absolutely soaking the table underneath her. The senshi’s eyes rolled up in her head beneath her closed eyelids, her mind went white with pleasure, leaving her drooling from both sets of lips.

Perfect. The fae looked over her work, and took a satisfied breath. This one would be a bubble butt slut like no other. Though, of course, they weren’t done yet…

“Now, will my very good, very smart girl turn over?” She asked, stroking between Ami’s legs and soaking her fingers in the gush. “We have to take care of your front, too.”

She didn’t need to ask twice. The blunette moaned again as she rolled onto her back, her ass squishing delightfully against the table, and propping her legs up into the air. A lovely sight – but the fae had business at the other end to sort out before she enjoyed it.

“These poor tits aren’t anywhere near the size of your head!” Her fingers gave the blunette’s bust a small, growth enhancing squeeze. “Let’s fix that, shall we?”

Naturally, even in an enchanted sleep, the genius knew the right answer to that question~


Some time later, a much bustier (though her top was nowhere near as big as her bottom) Ami stepped out of her massage parlour feeling utterly refreshed. Mmn, she practically felt like she’d been reincarnated again, with how much stress had been lifted from her shoulders! She took a deep breath just to enjoy the feeling – though she was careful not to breathe too deep, lest she pop all the buttons on her tight navy-blue blouse. That was always a risk for her.

Of course even if she did burst her top, it was unlikely anyone’d notice – not with her massive ass taking up everyone’s view. Even the longest skirt she’d found couldn’t cover all of it, and she was not wearing a long skirt. As it was, the dark blue cloth was practically laying on top of her behind, leaving most of her cheeks fully exposed – her panties barely forming a deep diving thong and covering her dripping nethers. Fortunately a little fae magic meant she’d never get in trouble with the police or the weather for showing so much skin, not that she knew that.

Naturally, the blunette only managed to take a few strutting steps – nearly knocking a vase off a passing table – before she ran into Rei, and they had their tongue twisting reunion. The pair could barely keep their hands off one another – but they knew the other two were nearby, and they didn’t want to leave them out.

“Mmmn…” The two of them separated after another kiss, and Ami giggled as she turned around and ground her fat bubble butt against Rei’s heavenly legs, resting her head in her holy cleavage. “What do you think, honey? Are we going to last long enough to get our Queens involved in the orgy?”

“I have no idea~” The ebon haired priestess purred, wrapping one arm around Ami’s slender waist, while the other grabbed her ass and squeezed. “Honestly, I don’t know if we’ll make it to Mina and Mako at this rate.”

The squeak that Ami made at the squeeze nearly broke them both. Ami had already been dripping, now there was a small flood running down both of their legs. “Oooh… B-buht we should try…”

“We should.” Rei nodded, wrapping her tits around the back of her lover’s head. “We realllly should…”

Oh dear. The others had better show up soon – or this party was going to start without them.

But even if it did, not to worry. Ami was already working out the ways she could make it up to them – and for their Queens, when they finally made it back to them after this wonderful treat. She already knew all of their favourite positions – and she had plenty of ideas of new ones they could enjoy too!

That was the wonderful thing about being a genius. Her mind was always racing, always thinking, always working out the best ways of fucking someone (or getting fucked) senseless~


Request: With her assets from the brainwashed BB to the former fox Bunnies, Koyanskaya is finally ready to take her ultimate prize: Chaldea as a branch office of the NFF. Does Ritsuka have any chance of resisting the sultry secretary’s brainwashing and contract signing after she’s sunk her claws in so deep amongst his servants? (Spoiler: no)

Some might wonder how a place like Chaldea functions. How such a mess of powers and agendas could possibly exist without falling into complete chaos. How heroes from all eras and societies could be put in the same facility and not rip it to pieces in the process of doing the same to each other. How one group, one rag-tag group of civilians and mages, could bear the weight of preserving all of humanity under such dire circumstances.

The answer usually given is that it works through the incredible work of Chaldea’s Master. Balancing different ideals and people, reaching the hearts of the heartless and calming those who could never be calm. Accepting and understanding of all who came to their door. In almost all tales of Chaldea, it was the last Master who shone at the centre of it all.

But the truth? The real answer to how Chaldea functions? Well, the truth is…

… Sometimes it doesn’t.

“So sorry it worked out this way, Master.” Koyanskaya, the heir to the title of Beast 4, full owner of the title of Tamamo (after she’d gotten her lovely bimbo buns to sign it away to her), and now, owner of Chaldea via hostile takeover, smiled with ruby red lips. She loved it when a plan came together. “But that’s just business, you know?”

The Ritsuka of this Chaldea grunted as he was forced down to his knees by a pair of Koyanskayas, both dressed in security uniform catsuits. One of them ruffled his hair, shouldering her sword Clarent with her other arm. “Thanks for making it so easy, Rits~”

Honestly, he really should have seen this coming.

“As you can see…” Koyanskaya, the original, dressed in her classic white and pink secretary outfit and gesturing around. “Chaldea has ceased to function as a security organization. It can no longer provide the services that it once swore to supply. As a corporate entity, it is no more.”

It was true, alas. Chaldea, the hub of multiple humanity-saving operations, had been conquered. The lights shone pink instead of blue. Cat-suited security agents roamed the halls, containing any last resisting Servants with ease. Even the logo, that big C? It had been turned into a K. Chaldea had fallen. And Koyanskaya stood with her boot on the corpse.

Only metaphorically, though. In reality, her boot was very much on Ritsuka’s head.

“You won’t get away with this!” He tried. It was feeble, even for him, but it made her laugh, which even now sent thrills down his spine.

“I’m sorry, ‘Master’, but I think you’ll find I already have! I’m afraid while you were busy distracting yourself with my lovely bunny pets, I was consolidating my hold on your organization. Now all of your most powerful Servants belong to me, and your support staff obey my every whim – if they haven’t been literally turned into another me~” She winked at a few fellow Koyanskayas dotted around the room. Ah, the benefits of being a ‘former’ Beast.

He had no one to blame but himself, honestly. Ritsuka knew well that certain servants needed to have an eye kept on. But what could he say? He really liked bunny girls…

The fox-girl’s foot slid off his head, her toes hooking under his chin so that he was forced to glare up at her. The look only seemed to delight her more.

“Awh, there’s no need to look so angry, ‘Master’. As cute as it is, you’ve got me all wrong! Of course I’d never abandon a customer in their time of need, and we do have a contract, don’t we?”

A contract? Right, there had been one of those, hadn’t there? Something that the wily fox had encouraged him to sign right when she’d first been summoned. He’d been wary, of course, but reading through it hadn’t revealed anything too dangerous – or so he’d thought at the time.

Now he had a few doubts. He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

And the pink haired fox gave a theatrical gasp. “Why, you couldn’t have forgotten, could you? So forgetful, Master. But don’t worry, that’s just the sort of thing that everyone’s favourite fox is here to fix!”

She reached into her tightly buttoned up cleavage and pulled out a sheet of paper, presenting it proudly. At the bottom, one could clearly see Ritsuka’s signature, scrawled in black ink.

“I, the undersigned, here by do declare blah blah blah blah services of one absolutely amazing servant (that would be me) yadda yadda yadda relationship shall be one of Master and loyal Secretary, etc etc etc, until such time as this contract is released via mutual agreement, signed ‘Ritsuka Fujimaru’. Clear as can be, yes?”

The black haired sort-of-mage frowned. Yeah, that all sounded familiar. “If you’re asking to release the contract and desummon yourself I’m happy to agree!”

Koyanskaya rolled her eyes and bopped him on the nose merrily. “Perish the thought, Master! I have no intention of ever leaving you~ We just have to change a few things about our working relationship, and then we can continue our ever-so profitable arrangement as if nothing’s different at all!”

He looked around at the conquered ruins of Chaldea. “That doesn’t sound likely.”

The Servant smirked. “You’d be surprised what a can-do attitude and a little elbow-grease can do! Now, let’s address the obvious problem. Our contract demands one master and one secretary, but I’m afraid with Chaldea in a state like this, there’s just nothing for me to be a secretary of! Such a tragic shame.”

Ritsuka gave her a suspicious look. It felt like there was something he was missing here – like he was in one of those singularities that compelled him to state the obvious every five minutes and ignore the obvious bad guy (man those were so annoying). “Okay… Well, off you go then? Contract’s unenforceable, go away.”

That earned him another bop. “Silly! The contract’s not unenforceable at all!” She smiled, holding it up in front of his eyes. “It simply says that one of us will be the Master, and the other the secretary. It never says which will be which~”

Eh? He frowned. “What do you mean, Master?”

Then he blinked. Uh oh.

Koyanskaya’s smile turned savage – you could see why so many believed she was Tamamo Shark. “I’m afraid Chaldea has no more use for a Master anyway, Ritsuka,” she said, as the contract began to glow with bright pink light. “But don’t worry. There’s always room for another secretary at the Nine Fox Foundation!”

The contract flared, glowing even brighter, blindingly so – and then it unfolded itself, reams of paper reaching out and wrapping around the stunned human. In a matter of seconds, the last master of humanity was enveloped completely in glowing pink bonds.

“Though I do have to warn you now,” he heard his treacherous Servant’s words echoing in his ears as he was cut off from the world. “I have pretty specific tastes, and I’m going to hold you to them~”

He couldn’t really ask what she meant – paper was wrapped tight over his mouth, gagging him – but he’d find out soon enough. Pink light was everywhere, touching, stroking, squeezing, changing him…

Warmth spread through his body. First in his hips, and then in his chest, and then spreading out from there. A kind of liquid heat that spread through his veins, pooling in every dip and ditch – especially down between his legs. His struggles took an uncertain, almost uncomfortable tone as he found himself growing stiff and… horny? Okay, this entire scenario was kind of hot, but this wasn’t the time for-Eep!

There was a sudden sucking sensation between Ritsuka’s legs, short, sharp, and dazzlingly sweet. It was an impossible thing to describe, the feeling of unimaginable pleasure that shot through Ritsuka as his entire member shot up inside of him, balls and all, leaving a deeply feminine slit and perfectly functioning ovaries embedded inside him.

It was only matched a second later when his chest suddenly surged outwards, as if inflating under the heat, and she found herself in possession of a surprisingly large set of breasts. Suddenly every piece of paperwork she’d recorded her gender on was wrong. Good thing humanity had been obliterated, eh?

That was just the beginning, of course, but Ritsuka was understandably stunned – both by her sudden gender inversion, and by the sudden overwhelming pleasure that washed through her with each change. So she didn’t really notice the tingle in her head as her hair grew out, long and smooth down to the small of her back (remaining black as night all the way). Nor did she pay attention to the sweet brushes along her face that gave her a more feminine countenance. The smacking sensation against her ass nearly roused her, but the swelling of her cheeks quickly blitzed her out on pleasure again (they ended up a little smaller than her boobs).

No, she was pretty out of it for the rest of the process. But when the paper finally parted, cracking like an egg, there was no mistaking what she’d become.

A delightful NFF secretary knelt on the floor, surrounded by reams of her legal contract – one who looked very similar, in both size and figure – to the woman standing over her. She’d even been dressed in a Koyanskaya classic secretary outfit, complete with white and pink hat.

Naturally, her captor was delighted. “Well look at you! Didn’t you turn out nicely? My, you turn into a girl so easily~ It’s like you we born to be my lovely little secretary!”

Her words finally broke through to Ritsuka, who returned to glaring – though, on her new face, it just looked cute. “Do whatever you want to me – I’ll never work for you.”

That just got the fox to roll her eyes. “Now now, never say never,” she said with a shrug, fishing something else out of her cleavage – a smart phone, complete with headphones. “I think you’ll find you have a knack for it. Just give this tutorial a watch.”

And before the former Master could react, Koyanskaya had slipped the headphones into her ears, and forced the phone into her hand, holding it up to her face to watch.


The screen lit up – and a familiar face looked out of it. “Oh hey there, former Master!” BB waved brightly, her eyes swirling with purple spirals, her bare breasts bouncing. “You’re here to serve Mistress too! Yay! Now you can be my senpai again!”

Ah. You know, she’d been wondering why she hadn’t heard anything from the digital menace for a while now. This made sense. But what was she going to-


Now, it should be noted that Ritsuka was an ordinary human. This was an important thing about them, in fact – that they were completely average, aside from being pretty good at getting along with Servants, and apparently being very compatible with gender swapping. If they had a definining trait, it was their averageness.

Which is to say, they were not a heroic spirit, famed for their strong will and incredible skill. They were no powerful mage, nor a world shaking swords(wo)man. Sure, they’d accomplished a lot, but they were still just a normal person underneath it all.

So they had roughly 0% resistance to BB’s brainwashing technique.

Her jaw dropped open as the screen filled with a purple spiral, and drool poured from her lips as subliminal laden beats began to play in through her ears. She was under in an instant, her eyes spinning with purple swirls – prime fodder to be rewritten.

And the bimbofied BB was happy to do just that!

Information poured out of the confused former-master’s brain, sucked out of her left ear and into oblivion. Stuff like how to command Servants, or what happened to humanity, or who she was, silly stuff like that. And it was being quickly replaced by all sorts of useful data – how to be the best Sexcretary she could be, how to love, serve, and obey Koyanskaya with all of her heart, what kind of temperature that goddess of a fox liked her coffee… Absolutely vital facts that no one should ever live without, being pumped into her head through her right ear!

It was a perfect cycle, a wonderful spring cleaning for her head, getting rid of all that old clutter, and making way for the new, sexier her. And again, Ritsuka was not exactly a resistant soul – the whole process took less than 30 seconds.

Then it was over. BB gave her new co-worker a wink, and then vanished as her screen went dark, the smartphone dropping back into sleep mode. Ritsuka stared at it blankly for a few seconds more, her glazed eyes fixed on the point where her mind had disappeared…

And then Koyanskaya snapped her fingers. “Well?” She asked, looking down at the kneeling girl. “What do you have to say for yourself now?”

The former master blinked, her head shaking a little as she came back to herself. She slowly rose to her feet, a little uncertain on these unfamiliar heels, before looking straight at the woman who’d done all of this to her. And she smiled.

“Sexcretary Ritsuka reporting for duty, Boss!” She chirped, snapping into a proud salute and sticking out her chest. “Ready to serve and please however you require! Would you like me to read you your schedule for the day? Fetch you coffee? Stroke your tails? Bend over the nearest desk? Your wish is my command!”

She looked so happy to be saying it, too. Another bright and eager hire for the NFF.

And so naturally, Koyanskaya was delighted. “Wonderful!” She clapped her hands, happy as a clam. “Welcome aboard. Annnd… That should be enough time for your orientation, so, dictation, let’s go.”

The CEO spun on her heel, marching off down the corridor, her new Sexcretary scampering along at her heel. The black haired beauty had already pulled out a tablet and was quickly typing in everything her boss was saying. “Today’s schedule: Noon, make use of the cafeteria, inspect the new kitchen ‘hires’. 12:30 to 1:30, check on Raikou and see how she’s doing recruiting the last few holdouts. 1:30 to 2:30, work with Suzuka on the next NFF advertising project…”

She interrupted herself, eyes drawn to the swinging rear of her newest employee, before grinning and giving it a smack. “2:30 to 4pm, time reserved for breaking in my newest pet~”

Ritsuka blushed, not even trying to hide her smile. She couldn’t wait.

So, how does Chaldea function? … Maybe there are some questions it was better not to ask.


Request: Luke gets confronted by none other than Red, along with Mewtwo, both deciding that his scheme to turn the world into Pokebabes needs to be stopped. Unfortunately (or fortunately), his power is so great he's able to overpower Mewtwo's aura with his, turning both of them into his loyal Mewtwo Pokebabes.


Things were changing in the Pokémon world. The end of an era had arrived. The bonds of peace and trust between Pokémon and man had long been tested, but never had the relationship been so threatened as it was right now. Every region stood on the brink.

Perhaps the seeds of this calamity had been planted long ago. It had been clear for some time that such a shift was coming. Groups of people across the globe had been working to overthrow the current world order, Teams all organized with their own visions of what the new world might be. From simple crime lords, to Poké-right protestors, to overactive eco-warriors, to mad men and women willing to rip reality apart at the seams to see their will done…

… Yeah, honestly, things had been getting rather unstable for a while now. It was only a matter of time before someone rose to the top of the pile, and forced his own vision of the future on everyone else.

But no one had suspected that it would be a Pokémon that would do the deed.

“You can’t do this!” A human – a trainer, judging by their belt – screamed at the blue furred puppet master of disaster as he was forced to kneel in front of him by a loyal pair of big titted Pokébimbos. “Show some mercy!”

“I fail to see,” Luke muttered with a roll of his eyes, “How anyone could look around at this scene and think that I can’t do anything I please.”

It was hard to argue with his point. The Lucario and his forces had swept into Cerulean City like a storm. There had been no warning of his coming, and the population had found themselves caught completely off guard, with few of them able to defend themselves.

Some had tried, of course. Which was why the three Cerulean City Gym leader sisters were now a trio of Magikarp Pokébabes flopping around at the feet of a certain Gyarados girl, and the other trainers in the city were bound up in front of Luke. He’d be dealing with them in his own time.

For now, he was overseeing the fall of the City. Arcanine Jennys and Chansey Joys roamed the streets, each with their own methods of subduing those who tried to flee. A bite, a claw, or simply being caught under their weight would be enough for a Jenny to start their target’s transformation – while the Joys tended to be more enchanting, luring in the unwary with their happy auras and their hypnotic busts. People were falling by the dozen. Good.

He turned an eye to the sky. There, flying Pokébabes swept through the air, all invested with a sliver of his aura. Every now and then a dragon girl or a bird girl would swoop down on the city and grab up a fleeing civilian in their arms, carrying away into the clouds. And after a few minutes, there’s be another Pokébabe flying around, hunting stragglers.

Even the famed Cerulean waterways weren’t safe. Fleets of Whoreseas and tentababes made sure no one was making a crossing without being dragged into the bimbolicious depths. There was no escape.

It was, in Luke’s opinion, a fine start on the new world.

Obviously the ace trainer in front of him disagreed. “But you’re just a Pokémon! You’re supposed to obey us!”

The Lucario chuckled, shaking his head and waving his hand. “You must not have been very smart to begin with. Tell me, what would you do if you had all this power I’ve collected?”

“Whatever you want, Master~!” The big boobed Beedrill Pokébabe giggled, her wings fluttering as new black and yellow stripes swirled around her massive booty. The bindings that had been holding her snapped with her sudden metamorphosis, allowing her to hover up in the air proudly.

“Yes,” Luke smirked. “I thought you might.”

He turned back to his conquered city as she fluttered up into the sky to catch a few more bimbos with her stinger tail. Cerulean had fallen within minutes – and most of that was just travel time. The rest of Kanto wouldn’t last the week. The world within a month. Soon, Pokémon would be on top, and humanity would be 90% bimbos serving their every whim. A new age was dawning – and all by his whim, and his whim alone.

Honestly, it was almost too easy.

And then, just as he was about to bask in his victory, the ground began to rumble.

Lightning cracked through the sky, striking every flying Pokébabe to the ground. Waves as tall as buildings crashed down the waterways, sweeping the swimming Pokébabes out of the city entirely. Vines and flames and blasts of water cannoned down the streets, binding and KOing every walking babe, all Arcanines and Chanseys included.

“What the…?” Luke frowned, turning to order his most loyal bimbos to prepare for battle – only to find them all snoring on the ground. Purple haze hung around their heads, crackling with psionic energy as it dissipated. In an instant, his forces had been felled by some mysterious, here-to unknown power.

He felt that same power trying to reach out for him, but he batted it away. He was far too strong to fall so easily. None the less, it was clear that a threat had arrived.

Though it turned out he was wrong about that, as it turned out.

In fact, it was two.

From out of the smoke, a figure emerged. A human. A human male, adult, perhaps around 6 feet tall. He wore blue jeans, a white shirt, and a red baseball cap, with dark hair sticking out from beneath. He looked utterly unassuming – but for a Lucario who could sense auras, his presence overshadowed the entire city.

Luke shrank back half a step. It couldn’t be… He was supposed to be a myth…!

But no. The legends were true. There, in the flesh, as silent as ever, stood the Pokémon trainer known to one and all as ‘Red’. The platinum standard of a Pokémon master, the man who had supposedly trained his Pokémon to the highest heights, and had completed his Pokédex for every region.

And that would be bad enough. But from the other direction, bearing in from the skies over the other side of the city, was a bright purple ball of light. One that shot down to hover just over the Lucario, and then burst to reveal a second legend. Number 150. Possibly the most powerful Pokémon ever created. He was here.

Mewtwo surveyed the chaos with his characteristic cold eyed dispassion. The devastation didn’t seem to bother him in the least, but his eyes tracked over every Pokémon present, as if scanning for something. And eventually, those dark eyes made their way to Luke.

<You are the cause of this panic? Of so many Pokémon in fear and madness?> His mental voice echoed in the Lucario’s mind. Mewtwo may not have had a mouth, but he could speak louder than anyone if he so wished. <I thought you would be taller.>

… Perhaps it was inevitable that he would show up. If there was any one consistent thing said about the most powerful Pokémon, it was that he was always keeping an eye on potential threats. This much chaos would have called out to his psychic senses from across the globe…

All too soon, though, the artificial Pokémon’s eyes moved on to Red. And there, they hardened.

<And I see you’re here as well. Hn.> The psychic Pokémon let off a sensation of scorn as he spied the legendary trainer. <As ever, you throw yourself into battle with the most dangerous opponents you can find. At least this time you’re not bothering me directly. Perhaps I should have waited a few minutes to allow you to join this one’s collection.>

“. . .” Red said nothing, simply tossing and catching a Pokéball in his hand.

<Typical.> Mewtwo did not sound impressed. But his gaze returned to the Lucario none the less. <I’ll deal with you later. First, this one needs to be put in his place.>

Of course. It would have been far too much to ask for that either of these titans get distracted before trying to squash him like a bug. Alright then.

Now, the clever thing to do would have been to set these two mighty foes – who clearly had something of a history together that neither was going much into – against one another. Use their opposite mights to balance each other out, and corrupt them both while they were weak.

But Luke was done being clever. Just as he stood on the cusp of victory, these two believed they could sweep in and stop him in his tracks? They believed that they were the real power houses around here? After all that he had done, after all of his struggles, after all of his hard fought victories, they believed they could stride over him and do as they pleased?

No. He would not have it. These two were going to learn what real power was.

He was done being clever – and that meant that they were too.

The Lucario extended his hands and focused. Closed his eyes, and let his spiritual senses guide him. Reached out, and let his power flow. He’d gathered much since his days wandering the wilds, learned everything there was to know about auras and how to shape them. He was a master of his craft, and he was going to show it.

<Foolish.> Mewtwo’s voice echoed in his head as the psychic Pokémon took a battle stance. <You cannot seriously believe that you can->


An unbreakable hush fell over the city as, on the spiritual plane, Luke unleashed his power. He pulled up every last drop of will he possessed, every ounce of skill, expanding his aura to smother everything around him. His power, his presence, his potency washed over everything, drowning it all in him. Here, he was all. Here, he was omnipotent. Here, he was god.

Mewtwo was a titan. The perfect Pokémon, at least on paper. A powerhouse that had never been truly beaten in a true fight. He’d been designed from the ground up to be unstoppable, and he’d spent years proving how accurate that design was. Unique, untamed, and all powerful, he was a creature of pure psychic totality – a champion of Pokékind who had never known defeat.

Red was a titan as well. It was almost impossible to believe that a mere human could possess such personal power, but the evidence spoke for itself. All of the connections he had made across his journey, all of the people he had helped along the way, and, most of all, all of the Pokémon he had bonded with – all of them added to him, enhanced him, made him more than the simple sum of his parts. Even the six Pokémon on his belt, all of them powerful enough to fell armies on their own, contributed their might to his.

But against Luke now, both of them may as well have been ice cubes before a fire storm. The Lucario reached out and smothered their auras in a heartbeat, forcing the pair to their knees, their fight lost before it could even begin.

<No! I… I will not… I will never…!>

“. . . .!”

And despite their protests, they weren’t managing to stop their opponent even slightly. They were changing fast. The Lucario’s power was remoulding their auras like they were made of clay, and their bodies had not the power to resist.

White and purple fur spread. Breasts grew. Inconvenient appendages vanished. Tails extended. Slits opened and moistened. In moments, the two kneeling Pokémon masters had gone from different as night and day, to impossible to tell apart. Their forms shaped into a feminine parody of Mewtwo’s original body, with heavy, heaving white furred breasts, and incredible bottom heavy purple behinds.

Where once had stood the two most unstoppable forces in the Pokémon world, now knelt two hot and wet Pokébabes.

<H-how…> Mewtwo’s mental voice now carried at a much higher pitch, despite that making no logical sense. Presumably, Luke just thought it sounded better this way. <How is this…?>

<. . . .!> Red’s mouth had sealed, and now she too spoke with psionics… Though she still had little to say. She still managed to sound feminine as well, too. Pretty impressive.

But naturally, they weren’t done yet. For as attractive as they now were, Luke had precious little use for intelligent, independent Pokébabes. Both women felt his aura clamp down on them, closing around their minds, tightening his grip and starting to squeeze.

Perhaps these Pokétitans would have taken some comfort in the idea that they lasted longer than their respective ‘rival’, but they didn’t even get that much. Both of them found their minds going


At the exact same time.


<. . . . . . !>

Dark eyes crossed. Wetness dripped. Breasts swelled another half-size larger as they drank down the last of the pair’s intellect. And the job was done.

Though, Luke didn’t take that for granted. He spent many minutes, despite the strain that every second he spent expending this much power took on him, feeling the psychic twins up and down. Inspecting their auras, their minds, and their bodies from every angle. It was only once he was certain that they were both hot, horny, obedient airheads, and nothing more, that he finally relaxed, releasing his power with a sigh.

The cost of going so far caught up with him immediately, and he would have fallen to the ground – had a cloud of purple haze not caught him.

<Master! Are you alright?>/<. . . .?!> At his sides, two purple and white Pokébabes were fretting over him, pressing their oh-so-soft breasts up against him as they tried to help him up. Honestly, their curves were getting in the way more than anything.

“I’m fine, girls,” he assured them chuckling as he straightened up and took a good look at them both. “Just fine.”

And he had to admit, he’d done fine work. The cold and unfeeling titans were now just sexy, stupid sluts. Their eyes vapid, and their curves oh so thick. Just how he liked them.

<Are you sure Master?> <. . . .?> <We can totally help you feel even better if you want~>

The way the two were leaning up against him, their hands wandering his body, the heat of their breath… Oh yes, there could be no doubt about what these two wanted more than anything right now.

Alas. “Maybe later, girls,” he said, wrapping his arms around their waists (much to their delight). “For now, I have a conquest to get back to.”

<Of course, Master.> <. . . .!> <Exactly! We’ll help however we can!>

They were practically one bimbo in two bodies. Oh, they were going to be fun. But that was for later. Right this second, he really did have to focus on the conquering the world thing. Bimbos later. And they’d be useful in the meantime anyway. He could already feel their incredible mental powers threading themselves into his own. Now, there truly would be no stopping him.

He had also, he realised as his new psychic pets amplified his awareness, just turned every human and uncaptured Pokémon in the entire region into a Pokébabe with the spillover from that little battle. Whoops. Well, that’d speed things up…

Yes, this would do nicely. Honestly, he couldn’t have hoped for better. And now that he knew for sure that no one would ever be able to get in his way again… Well, this Lucario sure had a lot of thinking to do.

But, for the moment, he had other things to worry about. With two floating psionic bimbo powerhouses on his arms, Luke turned towards the future, and smiled. He had a new era to rule.


Request: Thanks to a little "Prank" by Neo, Yang ends up being unable to refuse any request made of her. We start with her in the men's locker room at Beacon, with Neo silently snickering to herself as the boys make the brainwashed, and now naked, blonde do whatever they want - from ridiculous and humiliating, to sexy and embarrassing. The end result? A busty, brainwashed, blonde toy for the boys of Beacon Academy to enjoy whenever and however they want.


Yang Xiao Long was having a strange day. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what was strange about it, but there was definitely something off about it. Just a weird feeling, you know? Like she was missing something obvious. Whatever could it-?

The umbrella handle around the back of her neck yanked her forwards, and she stumbled as she rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah, I’m coming, I’m coming.”

Grumbling, she followed after Neo, not wondering in the least why she was allowing the diminutive criminal to lead her around. The pair had slipped into the men’s locker room after class had ended. No one was in there at the moment, but that was due to change soon. The men’s swim team was about done with their training for the evening, and they’d be headed straight back here.

Ordinarily, that would have just been kind of awkward. Some of the team members might have had a few things to say about her sneaking in here to watch them change (even if that hadn’t been her plan). And, y’know, she could understand that. Hell, it wouldn’t even be that bad – at least she could appreciate the eye candy!

But right now, there was an extra problem. Namely, that she was completely naked. Oh yeah, her girls were out, loud and proud for everyone to see, and there wasn’t even a single scrap of cloth hiding her nethers from the world. Anyone who looked at her right now would get the full show.

How had that happened? Simple. As soon as they’d walked in here, Neo had held up her scroll, with just the word ‘Strip’ written on it. Thus, the blonde Huntress had simply taken off her T-shirt and top, kicking off her leggings for good measure. She would have taken off her underwear too, but the thief had ripped them off her body first with a giggle. Rude.

So now she was being led into the centre of the room, away from any potential cover from the benches and the locker room. Neo even took her time arranging Yang’s stance, spreading her feet a little, and making sure her arms hung loose at her sides. Then, the criminal pulled something new out – a printer sized piece of card with a loop of string down one side. Said loop was soon thrown over the blonde’s neck, the card hanging down over her chest.

‘Use me!’ it read. ‘I’ll obey any request!’

Again, Yang was struck by that feeling of strangeness. What could be causing it? It had been hanging over her all day, ever since she’d woken up with those headphones in her ears and a looping music player on her chest…

But before she could think any further on that, the outer door to the changing rooms rattled. The swim team was here.

Yang and her nemesis shared a glance. Then Neo grinned and gave her a little wave, before vanishing into thin air. Her semblance at work. She might still be there, or she might have genuinely left. There was no way to tell.

Either way, she wasn’t really the focus of anyone’s attention as the door burst open, and the men’s swim team marched in – before stopping dead, jaws dropping.

“What the hell Xiao Long?!?”

Well what did they want from her? She shrugged. “Hey guys. How’s it hanging?”

The team captain – a muscular young man with copper red hair – stared at her. “Don’y ‘how’s it hanging’ me, Xiao long! What the fuck are you doing h- No, bigger question, where the fuck are your clothes?!”

She glanced behind her towards where she’d stripped. Her clothes had, of course, vanished, just like Neo. Thus, she shrugged. “No idea.”


“Hey, boss, hold on a sec!” Another member of the swim team, a taller man with short dark hair – one of the few who hadn’t hidden their face or averted their eyes out of embarrassment – had gotten closer, reading the sign around Yang’s neck. “It says here she’ll do anything we ask.”

“What?” The captain frowned. “The fuck’s that got to do with anything?” But never the less, he was getting closer to take a look for himself.

Another man – this one blond – slid around him, peering at Yang in all of her glory. “He’s right, cap. ‘Obey any request’…”

Dark hair was smirking, walking right up to the naked blonde. “Sounds like we should try it.”

The captain was still suspicious. “Don’t-!”

But neither of the other two were listening. “Yo, Blondie! Stand on one leg for me?”

… Well that was a stupid request. Easy, too. She was a Huntress, she knew how to balance herself. With a casual shrug, she lifted one leg up behind her, taking pride in the fact that she didn’t even wobble as she did so. “Happy?”

The blond man certainly was. “Hey, she’s doing it, she’s doing it!”

“Oh like that proves anything, moron.” Dark hair snorted.

That got an annoyed glare. “Okay, fine, you think of something, dipshit!”

“Sure.” The taller one shrugged, thinking. “Fine. Let’s try… Oh, hey – Yang, act like a chicken.”

“Seriously?” The shorter one rolled his eyes. “That’s the dumbest…”

Then he stopped dead as Yang obediently lifted her arms out at her sides, hands nestled under her armpits, and began to flap them.

“Cluck! Cluck!” She bent down, bobbling her head like she was pecking for grain, hopping around in a circle in the middle of the locker room. “Cluck!”

Honestly, it was pretty impressive that she did it without ever lowering her leg.

The swim team was stunned. Frantic looks of panic and curiosity were exchanged. Tall and dark was the first to speak. “… Guys, I think she’s serious.”

But the captain was still unconvinced. “No way. No way. This is a trick. A trap!”

“Yeah.” Now even the blond one was getting suspicious. “What’s going on here blondie?”

Kind of a weird nickname to pick, given he was just as blond, but whatever.

“Nothing’s going on.” She blinked at them, confused. “Why are you guys acting so weird?”

There was another group glance. This one was less panicked, more… Scheming. “… Hey, Xiao Long.” It was the captain this time. “I remember you saying some shit about cheerleaders. How about you act like a cheerleader yourself?”

Pft, cheerleaders. Yeah, she’d had a bunch of requests to join the Beacon cheer squad. People said she was a natural. She’d blown all of them off, of course. Cheerleaders were airheaded dancers that couldn’t make the cut on her own, in her opinion, and she’d said as much to anyone who asked. And several who hadn’t.

So naturally, she started bouncing in place – this time having to use both feet – and shaking her arms over her head like she was holding poms. The sign around her neck bounced as her tits jiggled, and she made sure to shimmy her ass in rhythm so that it didn’t get left out of the appreciative stares.

“Sure thing, I can’t wait!
Cheering is my bestest trait!
I’ll hop and skip and bounce and twirl,
You want cheerleading, I’m your girl! WOOOO!”

The swim team watched in awe. Some of them couldn’t keep their jaws off the floor. The captain was another matter, however.

“Eh, four out of ten.” He said with a shrug.


And he ignored her protests. “Still, this bimbo might be legit…”

Now that got an outright glare. “Who the hell are you calling a bimbo, jerk?”

“You, you dumb- Actually, yeah, there’s a request for you!” Now he was really getting into the idea, grinning from ear to ear. “Talk like a bimbo from now on, Yang!”

Like a bimbo? Come on, how would she even know how to do that?

“Well gawd, fine then.” The blonde flipped her hair back over her shoulder. “This is so totally dumb, you’re, like, acting all weird and stuff for no reason. Whatever, losers.”

For some reason, that got a round of snickers – even some outright laughs! – from the swim team.

The captain certainly sounded satisfied. “Okay, now she sounds as dumb as she is. I don’t think this is a trap, guys. I think she’s just desperate.”

Hey, now that she couldn’t let stand. “Excuse you? Desperate for, like, you dweebs? I can so totally do better than any of you.”

He just looked at her. “Do a little teapot dance.”

Sure thing. She arched her left arm, hand on her hip, and stuck out her right, twirling on the spot. “I’m a little teapot short and stout~ Here is my handle here is my spout~ When I get all steamed up hear me shout! Tip me up and pour me out~”

This time, the results were unanimous.

“Yeah, there’s no way she’s faking.” Everyone nodded. “She wants this.”

“Psh, like I want anything from you losers, gawd.” Why were these guys still giggling whenever she spoke? God, everyone was being so rude today.

The captain wasn’t giggling, though. He was grinning. “Oh yeah? Get on your knees and get those tits out.”

“Sure thing!” Finally, an easy request. Yang dropped down to her knees instantly, ripping the sign from her neck and tossing it aside. Smiling, she looked up at the man as he dropped his trunks – his very large, very hard member revealed right in front of her.

He didn’t need to say what he wanted, really, but he did anyway. “Show me how good you are at titjobs.”

“Yes sir~” She purred, crawling forward and wrapping her girls against his stiff manhood. Of course she knew how to do this – she knew everything about how to use her body to get what she wanted. Her talents didn’t end at standing on one leg, after all. Something she soon proved as she gave the copper haired captain’s mast a kiss, stroking him up and down…

“Ho… Always knew you were a slut, Xiao Long.” Unfair! She would have complained if her mouth wasn’t full of his cock. “Know what? Boys, go get that bench and pull it over. I think this bimbo wants to be shared…”

The squad was almost as eager to obey as Yang was. Soon, the naked and eager blonde was positioned nicely over the bench, all of her holes open and available to use. All kinds of requests were coming in now, as the very studly team surrounded her…

She still had a feeling something strange was going on. It was just a nagging feeling in the back of her head! It really wouldn’t shut up. But she didn’t have time to worry about any of that right now, as her eyes locked on the cock in front of her face. She had a request to obey~

It was a few hours later when Neo finally reappeared, stepping out of thin air in the locker room with no warning. But that was just how she operated. She wasn’t doing it for stealth – no one else was here, after all. Well, almost no one. All of the swim team had finally exhausted themselves and left, thoroughly satisfied with their after-training reward. And as for Yang…

The short thief skipped through the locker room with a merry gate, coming to a locker at the end of the row and popping it open with her umbrella. Within, a certain blonde treat awaited. Oh yes, the Huntress had enjoyed a very active evening, being shared by the entire team!

Though right now, Yang just stood in the locker. Her mouth hung open, her eyes staring into nothingness, her hands open, her legs spread, her arms stuck out at her sides. One of the last requests she had gotten from the men before they’d run out of steam and stuffed her in this locker for later was ‘act like a sex doll’, and she was giving that order her all! She certainly looked well used…

Neo grinned, pulling a pair of headphones and a music player out of her pocket, reaching up to slot the former into the ‘doll’s ears. The evening had only just begun, after all – and there were plenty of things she wanted to do with her new toy.

If Yang thought the day had been strange, just wait until she experienced the night~


Request: So basically this is like a follow-up to my last one with Lana being hypnotized at the hypnosis show.  It has been a few months. The hypnotist has moved on. But after a few shows in a row of messing with Lana, her mind is full of triggers and programming. She's dressing much sexier and skimpier, she has some silly, sexy triggers in her head. She doesn't notice, and otherwise acts normal, but people around her have definitely figured it out over time.  We just follow her on a typical day with her teenage sons, fellow gym-goers, coworkers, and boss taking advantage of the usually bitchy milf in different ways.


Lana studied her reflection carefully, giving her mirror image an uncertain pout as she held a dress from her closet up against her body. “What was I thinking with this outfit? It doesn’t show off my figure at all…!”

Frowning, she tossed it aside – onto a pile of likewise disappointing clothing. Ugh, her entire wardrobe felt like it had been designed by a housewife from the 1800s. Where had all these boring, practical clothes come from? There wasn’t a single piece here that suited her. How was she supposed to look sexy if all of her attire was seemingly designed to be as unflattering as possible?

“I’ll have to go on a long shopping trip this weekend,” the blonde muttered as she slid her now much emptier closet closed. “That can be a reward for me after doing all this work cleaning up this house while everyone else lazes around.”

It bore mentioning that the house was, in fact, rather neat and tidy before today’s cleaning fit, but Lana was the kind of woman who liked to have something to complain about. And it was also a point of note that all of the clothes she was throwing out (or rather, that she’d put in a pile for someone else to throw out later) were pieces that she’d been entirely happy with until a few months ago.

What had changed? As far as she was concerned, nothing! She’d just completely changed her sense of style overnight for no reason.

But everyone else suspected it might have had something to do with that stage hypnotist she’d gone to see at around the same time. She must have liked his show – she’d paid to watch it in front row seats every night that it was on, for almost two weeks straight! And while she said it had been so boring she’d slept through every show, people who caught the production themselves reported that she’d actually been up on stage as the hypnotist’s hypnotised assistant. All very strange.

He’d left town months ago, of course, moving on with his popular tour around the country. But some of his ‘suggestions’ were still floating around in Lana’s brain, waiting for the right trigger to come out…

But obviously, the blonde was aware of none of that. What she was aware of was that she was running late. She’d meant to be at the gym half an hour ago, but of course she’d gotten distracted sorting out all of this mess. If she was going to get a proper workout done at all today, and stop at the coffee shop on the way out for some pastries as a reward, she needed to get moving now!

“James!” She called as she walked down the stairs. “Your mother has to get moving. There’s a pile of clothes up in my room – throw them out for me by the time I get back, would you?”

A dark haired head poked itself out of the lounge below her, an eyebrow raised. “Uh, kinda busy at the moment, mom…”

She gave him a patronising look. “Now now, we agreed that you’d help out with chores and cleanup around here when you came back from university. That’s the price you pay for living under your parent’s roof.”

“But I already do clean up.” He gestured to the, quite frankly, spotless house. He’d been pretty on top of keeping things neat and orderly, but that didn’t mean he was his parent’s slave. “And you charge me rent!”

Lana shook her head as she reached the bottom of the steps. “Not having this talk again, James! Just have it done by the time I get home.”

The man sighed, pausing for a second to weigh something up, before speaking again. “I dunno, Mom, that sounds like a French Maid Freddie job…”

The blonde had almost reached the door when she heard him speak – but the instant she heard the words ‘French Maid Freddie’, she froze in place. Her eyes seemed to glaze, and after a moment her arm, which had been reaching for the handle, lowered. Her head tilted, as if her brain was resetting, and then…

“Ah, oui!” Lana spun around – or rather, ‘French Maid Freddie’ spun around, a bright smile on her face. “’Ow might I serve you today, Master?”

James chuckled, shaking his head a bit. The things he had to do to keep his mom in line. “Nothing much Freddie. Just some clothes to throw out upstairs.”

“Bon.” The French-maid-in-a-milfs-body curtsied. “I shall vanish them anon!”

And off she went, tottering up the stairs. James nodded as she went. He knew she’d get the job done. Freddie was always reliable – unlike his actual mom. Finding out about that particular trigger had been a life saver.

And fortunately, he was pretty sure he was the only one who’d found it. Good thing, really. Imagine the kind of trouble she’d get into if someone else found some of her keywords, huh?


Lana was pouting as she slid her car into the gym parking lot. For some reason the trip over had taken an extra half an hour longer than she’d expected. Traffic must have been worse than usual, and she knew those traffic lights were out to get her.

Tch. Whatever. She could still get her morning routine done without too much trouble. That was the important part.

Well… Second most important part…

“Oh, Millie!” The blonde smiled as she exited the changing room, now in her workout gear – a black sports bra and tight joggers made to show off her figure. It was, alas, women only hour this week, so there weren’t any men to appreciate the gazes of, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t anyone to show off too~ “You’re finally up to setting five? I’ve been wondering when you’d take the plunge!”

“Ngh.” The redheaded woman on the treadmill was running too hard to reply, but the small glare she shot Lana’s way showed she heard her words. Funny, though – as annoyed as she looked, there was something smug about her expression too… Oh well. The blonde moved on.

“And Jane! Nice to see you back again. I’m sure you’ll work your way back up to your old load in no time, as long as you remember to put the effort in.”

Jane – a dark haired Asian woman on the rowing machine who’d been forced to take time off for a family emergency – just smiled politely at the annoying woman. “Lana, so glad you could make it…”

Hm. People sure were in a good mood today. She turned her attention to the newest member of the gym.

“Oh, Billie, do be careful. Those weights look a little too much for you…”

The longhaired blonde didn’t stop lifting. “I’m fine thanks, Lana.”

“Now now.” The older woman waggled her fingers. “You should listen to people with more experience on these kinds of things. You really don’t know what you’re doing after all.”

That got an outright roll of Billie’s eyes, and then a shared glance between the three women. There was a feeling of camaraderie between them that only came from having to deal with a bossy bitch for far too long.

“Go on, Jane,” the redhead spoke up, slowing into a rest cycle on the treadmill. “Give it a try, just like we told you.”

Jane nodded, grinning at Lana from the rowing machine, and said, “It’s a bit hot for those clothes, isn’t it, Frisky Freddie?”

There wasn’t much of a change at this trigger. The blonde just blinked, and then smiled.

“Oh? Well, now that you mention it, you might be right!” Lana gave a smug smirk as she pulled off her sports bra and dragged her shorts down to her heels, underwear going with them. “I wouldn’t want to work up too much of a sweat now, would I?”

Well, okay, not much of a change to her personality. She was still Lana. Just now she was naked, and didn’t seem to mind at all.

“Anyway, girls, here, let me show you how the pros do it.”

She gave the three a flirtatious wink, and then strutted over to the yoga mats, beginning a very dexterous routine that would soon prove exactly how flexible she could be. And for once, the other three were happy to watch! It was always nice to have some oblivious entertainment while they exercised, after all~


By the time she got to the office, Lana was feeling fully refreshed from a good, long workout – ready to sit down and get on with her day. She’d gotten changed into her work clothes, of course. Her office wasn’t an appropriate place for gym gear, no matter how light and airy it was. Black blazer, white blouse, dark skirt and sensible heels, those were the keys to her killer style.

It was certainly helpful whenever she needed to charm a lowly office drone for a favour. They practically drooled over her, as far as she was concerned. Hey, you know what was more attractive than success? Success and being hot as hell! That was how she figured it, anyway. Of course anyone who didn’t feel the same was welcome to enter themselves on her shitlist and get all the worst contracts for themselves.

So yes, she certainly enjoyed her workplace – it was so much more appreciative than her home, where her husband and kids were just no end of annoyance. Although, as she walked past management on the way to her office, she couldn’t help but notice their tacky employee of the month portrait was Hugo at the moment.

That was worth a frown. It wasn’t a big deal, but she was used to her portrait being up there in gold. Normally she was able to get enough contracts sorted in a month that she was untouchable for the spot, but lately her numbers had been dropping. She couldn’t really explain it, honestly – she’d just been getting distracted at weird times…

“Hey, Freddie!” Oh joy. Speak of the devil – here came Hugo. “How’s it going today?”

Hugo wasn’t someone Lana wanted to spend much time thinking about, honestly. He’d once been one of the peons she’d foisted her work off onto, desperate for any little attention from her… Until he’d gotten promoted. Then he’d wanted more than a few smiles, and honestly, he just wasn’t attractive enough. He wasn’t exactly ugly, just… Well, short blonde hair and arms that could maybe lift a bag of shopping for a minute weren’t her idea of Adonis, you know?

So she mostly just ignored him. “Not my name, Hugo,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Get it wrong again and I’ll contact HR about sexual harassment.”

That should get him to leave. Hmph, maybe she’d contact them anyway, just to punish him for beating her sales this-

“Oh right, almost forgot.” He cleared his throat instead of fleeing for his life. “Happy Freddie Helper, one two three!”

And before she could ask him what the hell he was talking about, he clapped his hands, and a veil of disorientation fell over her thoughts. Once again, the blonde froze in place, her lips puffing up into an ‘o’ shape as her brain switched off, and another, much more fun system took over.

“Happy Freddie is happy to help!” She giggled, saluting with a much more genuine smile. “What can she help with today?”

Hugo grinned, shoving a collection of folders he’d been holding under his arm into her hands. “Hey, Freddie, I’ve got all of these contracts to get done by tonight, but I’ve also got a golf game in like 30 minutes I just can’t miss, so can you lend a hand and do all of these for me?”

“Oh gosh!” She took them with a determined nod. “That does sound important! Don’t you worry, sir – Helper Freddie is on the case!”

“Glad to hear it.” He grinned as she charged away, off to get started in her office. “I figured you owed me a few of these after you made me do so many for you.”

Lana might have thought otherwise – but fortunately, Lana wasn’t thinking much at all at the moment! And by the time she was back in control of herself, Hugo would be putting his heart out at the golf club, and she’d be wondering why she had so many folders to work through today…


It was getting pretty late in the day by this point, and the blonde executive was still swamped with work. Oh, she’d finished most of the new files that had come in today, at least, but her original workload was still taking its time. She was going to be in here all evening at this rate.

Or, that was what she thought – before her phone buzzed.

“Lana.” The voice of Mr. Peters, her manager, echoed through the speaker almost as soon as she lifted it out of the cradle. “A word in my office?”

“Oh, sure thing, boss,” she said, smiling. This was the kind of interruption she could get behind. “Did you get my complaint?”

“Sure, sure,” was the man’s casual reply. “We’ll discuss it when you get here.”

She hung up and practically skipped from her office to her manager’s. Oh, she had a long list of complaints. Sarah at reception was taking too long on her breaks. Jones from down the hall was playing their music too loud. Hugo just being… Hugo. Yes, she was sure there were lots of ways they could clean up around this place and make things more efficient – once Mr. Peters listened to her, of course~

The blonde stepped into his office and closed the door behind her with a polite smile. “What can I do for you, Sir? I think we have a lot to discuss.”

The older gentleman – greying a little at the temples, but still fit, she was happy to note (it made it much easier to flirt with him) – nodded to her as she entered. “Oh, I’m sure we do – but first, I need to do a little dictation. Mind helping me out, Miss Funbags?”

Another trigger word detonated inside the office worker’s head. This one was rather sweeping – knocking out all knowledge and desires that wouldn’t be useful for obeying her Master. And it was quite clear what her Master wanted today!

“Why sir,” she purred, sliding around his desk. “I’d be delighted~”

As she sank to her knees and slipped under her boss’s desk, she couldn’t help but reflect on how she’d gotten here. Things sure had been strange these past few months. But what could have changed? Obviously, nothing. No, she was just the same Lana she had always been, and would always be. If anyone else had a problem with that, well, that was their issue.

Somehow, though, she had a feeling that no one had any problem with her these days~


Request: Miorine must further endure the transformational onslaught of her accursed earphones, and as their effects become all-encompassing, so too does she change how she interacts and behaves around others.  Beyond her gym bunny persona, she's also becoming downright sluttier, I don't mind physical TFs like getting bustier, bigger bubble butt, firmer muscles, etc. In terms of strength, I'd imagine that she could effortlessly carry Suletta in a bridal carry, etc.

Suletta enters the story but she can only ever speak like a bratty, salacious princess--a contrast to her usual self. I mentioned Suletta also getting transformed last month, but since wordcount is scarce, you can also opt to not depict a transformation, but simply have her dialogue emit that way from Miorine's perspective. If you do want to depict the TF, then I say anything goes with what you think makes that image appealing, but I especially like the idea of a stuck-up princess with twintails.


Suletta Mercury (ne Rembran) was having an odd day, but that was nothing unusual. To be honest, she had more odd days than normal ones. Try as she might, she’d never fully gotten used to the way her life was now. Celebrated as a hero, surrounded by happy, loving family, married to the most beautiful, smartest, most amazing woman in the solar – no, in all of the universe…

It was a little much for the space equivalent of a country bumpkin to get used to sometimes, you know?

But she did her best. She went with the flow, and tried not to trip over her own feet too much, as it were. Granted, doing so literally had gotten a lot easier these past few years, thanks to her injuries from the whole Quiet Zero thing. But at the same time, harder? She had so many people fussing over her now, not least of all Miorine, that it was hard for her to make any mistakes at all without them getting caught in the first draft!

Hard, but far from impossible.

So yes, when she’d woken up that morning, after kissing Mio as she went off to start her morning exercise routine, she hadn’t given it much of a thought when her medical implants hissed with a strange rush of static. If it was a problem, surely someone would notice it before long. But it probably wasn’t! It was probably supposed to happen, you know?

And when the words that came out of her mouth didn’t quite match with what she’d intended to say, well, that was probably fine too. She did offend a lot of people speaking too casually – maybe someone had finally gotten her a little auto-correct program to help with that!

The first time it popped up was when she waved goodbye to Miorine as the silver haired woman set off. She knew that her beloved was too far away to actually hear her as she did so, but she always wanted to send a little message of warmth and love after her anyway. It was just a little habit of hers she hadn’t shared with anyone else, because it was kind of embarrassing.

But what she’d meant to say was “Good luck, Mio! You’re doing better every day!”

And what came out was “Hey, don’t wear yourself out too much, babe! You’ll get your real exercise in bed with me later!”

That had been a surprise, but also… right, somehow? O-or, she didn’t entirely disagree with it, aheh~

Still probably a good thing her wife hadn’t heard her, though.

Well, no worries. She’d wondered about why her words had come out wrong for a moment, but then decided it didn’t really matter, and skipped off to the kitchen – which was a little unusual for itself. She’d healed from a lot of her injuries over the years, but her days of youthful skipping were long behind her, or so she’d thought. This change might have actually given her pause if she’d noticed it, though, of course, she did not. Oh well.

What she did notice was what she said when she went to prepare breakfast. After growing up on space rations for most of her childhood, Suletta had developed into the least picky eater imaginable – but she still liked to try out new foods every now and then. So, as she went to the fridge, she was already imagining what she might find today. “I wonder how strawberries taste with spaghetti…”

Yeah, it was generally a mistake to leave her unsupervised in a kitchen. In this case, though, what she actually found herself saying was, “Ugh, my personal chef had better of made my food right this time, or heads are totally gunna roll.”

Oh, now that one definitely hadn’t sounded right. It was even kind of mean, wasn’t it?

But as she opened the fridge and pulled out the professionally made stack of syrup laden waffles, lavished with fresh fruit and cream, she had to admit that her chef had done a great job this time! Or, y’know… They’d done okay…

Where had this personal chef come from, and why hadn’t she known they existed before this moment? She didn’t think about that! Just like she didn’t think about her normally neatly trimmed nails growing long and stylistically painted pink as she tucked into her breakfast…

At any rate, she was in a good mood when she finally got around to checking her schedule for the day. She had a few meetings scheduled with people to talk to about setting up her dream school on earth, but…

Hm. When she scanned through the list of appointments, she found that none of them excited her. In fact, they all seemed quite boring. “Why do I feel so down about these…?” She wondered to herself…

Except, of course, what came out was, “Ugh. So many boring meetings. I should do something fun instead. Like a makeover! I can totally surprise Mimi with it~!”

Oh. Was that what was bothering her? Duh! Of course that was the problem! This list was waaaay too stuffy and stuff! Who’d ever have time for all this? A makeover’d be way more fun~ Yeah, she’d just do that today instead!

Nodding, Suletta skipped off to arrange it, not noticing how her clothes were transforming into a long, pink, form fitting dress around her, or how she was changing more and more with every word she said…


Miorine finally got out of the meeting with her head buzzing almost as much as her earphones. God, it had been a chore. All those comments about her outfit, or calling her the strangest names… So what if she wore her gym clothes to business meetings? She looked damn good in a sports bra and shorts, thank you! And it was certainly no reason for them to be calling her a ‘gym slut’ or a ‘muscle dummy’ for it…

Or… Or was that her earphones? Ngh, it was getting pretty hard to remember. All this buzzing had been generating a pretty thick fog in her head, and she was finding it hard to concentrate. Maybe she should take a break, do some quick cardio…

“Miss Steelbuns, your owner is here to pound you until you can’t think straight.”

The CEO blinked, looking up at her secretary with confusion. What had she… “I’m sorry?”

At least the secretary didn’t look surprised. That was to be expected, given that Mio had been acting like this all day. “I said your wife is here to see you.”

Oh! Well that was unexpected. Suletta had been pretty busy lately – setting up a school was hard work, no matter how you sliced it – so she hadn’t stopped by ‘the office’ as it were for some time. Seeing her now was sure to brighten the CEO’s day, no matter what! Hey, maybe it’d even help her forget about all this weird static and… and…

Miorine’s jaw dropped as Suletta rounded the corner, and she barely recognised her. But at the same time, her heart skipped a beat just at the sight of her. She was so different, and yet, in every way that mattered, she was the love of her life. What… What was this?

The Suletta she knew was a humble woman. Gutsy, fully of charm and wit and wonder when given the chance to be, ever ready with another surprise to spring on you just when you thought you’d learned everything there was to know about her… But most of all, humble. Sweet. Caring, to a ridiculous degree. These were all traits that Mio loved about her.

This Suletta… wasn’t any of those things. Or at least she didn’t look like it. Gone were the simple, slightly too big clothes. Gone was the dopey smile and the distracted eyes that could shine with such intensity. Instead her smile was… salacious, somehow. Hungry. And those eyes – they were still kind of dopey, but in a more vapid, airheaded way. And it wasn’t intensity they shone with. It was lust.

The look her wife was giving her right now as she strutted up was making Mio’s knees weak.

The redhead was wearing a long pink dress, one with cuts down the sides to show off her legs, and stitching that clung tight to her ass to show off her fat booty (had it always been so big?). But the most showy part was definitely the cleavage window, which framed her frankly massive tits in a way that should have been illegal – because it definitely felt like it was giving Miorine a heart attack every time she looked at it!

Expensive jewellery glittered around her neck, on her fingers, and hung from her neck. There was even a golden tiara sparkling on her head, nestled in her long, luxuriously styled red hair which had been tamed into two twintails. She looked like… She looked like a princess…

Albeit, a devastatingly slutty princess, as she proved as she began to saunter down the hall. Her hips swayed like a ship in a storm, her chest jiggling with the beat, and her eyes locked tight on her target. Miorine swallowed, feeling the eyes of a predator on her.

Her secretary tried to step between them.

“Ah, Miss Suletta, please keep in mind that-!”


The redhead walked straight past the secretary without so much as a glance, simply snapping her fingers in the woman’s face to shut her up. “Like, I dunno who you think you are to actually try an’, y’know, talk to me? But say another word and I’ll totally get you fired~”

It was shockingly assertive – certainly it shocked the secretary into silence. The CEO found herself breathing harder, heart hammering and thighs squirming as they rubbed together…

Then the beast was upon her.

“Heeey Mimi~” Suletta gave her wife a squeeze and a smooch. “Oooh, you’re looking good today! Has my little dumb muscle bunny been working out again?”

Ohhhh… The silver haired CEO found herself swaying. Suletta’s voice wasn’t like everyone else’s. She could hear her clearly. But it still rang with that buzz of static, trying to zap through her thoughts and fog up her head. And coming from the love of her life, it was harder to resist than ever…

The redhead seemed to sense her discomfort, pouting at her a little. “Awh, what’s wrong, babe? Did you get all confused again? Silly girl, you know your curves are bigger than your brain – why bother trying to think when you can just be my happy lil’ slut?”

Curves bigger than her brain… Haaah… Happy lil’ slut… Was that… Was that really who she was? She’d been trying to resist it… To fight back against these words… But if it was Suletta who was saying it, then maybe they were right after all?

No… That… Maybe?... Um…

The CEO bit her lip, channelling up the last dregs of her legendary stubbornness. “Suletta…” She gasped as her wife snuggled up against her – oh god, that dress was paper thin, she could feel everything – and struggled to speak. “Is… Is this… okay…?”

That got a giggle. “Of course it’s okay, dummy~ You’re my slutty dumb muscle bunny…” Suletta’s fingers traced up Miorine’s muscular chest as the two of them coiled closer together. “And you always have been~”

Their lips met, and something between Miorine’s ears popped. The hazy static that had been filling her head frothed and rose in volume, swallowing all of her doubts and resistance in a sea of roiling foam. Everything that wasn’t her, that wasn’t a…

… Dumb…

… Slutty…

… Strong…

… Weak willed…

 Gym slut

… Was all washed away, drowned out by the static buzz.

Said buzz soon ran down her spine and spread to the rest of her body, too, unleashing the rest of the changes she’d stubbornly held back. Her ass swelled, plumping out so much that her shorts almost tore open, while her breasts pumped themselves up to curvy perfection. A slutty figure to match her partner’s.

That wasn’t all, though. Her muscles, only fledgling before, now thickened to proper amazonian levels of physique. Where before she would have struggled to lift a heavy book, now Miorine would have no trouble lifting a truck if it got in her way. Her workout positive gym lifestyle had shown results and then some!

And judging by the way that princess Suletta was looking at her, those results were exactly what her partner wanted. The redhead cooed as she felt up her wife’s arms, practically drooling over the muscle bimbo’s figure.

“Now,” she purred with a grin, “why don’t we go blow off work and I’ll totally, like, fuck those silly brains right out of your head? Then none of those silly thoughts will ever bother you again~”

Mio’s vapid eyes lit up. That sounded awesome to her. “You got it, princess~”

She swept the redhead off her feet, hoisting her into a princess carry, and pulled her into a passionate kiss as she carted her away. Maybe some other people objected, maybe her secretary called after her… None of that mattered to the two of them.

No, all this muscle headed dunce and this spoilt brat of a princess cared about was each other – and they’d be showing each other as much, once they found a nice bed to use.

Well, at least Miorine got her wish – she could totally pick Suletta up whenever she wanted now~


Request: Cognitive Dissonance: Kasumi/Sumire to Cheerleader!


For every force, there’s an equal and opposite counter-balance. Those are the rules, and everyone has to abide by them. Trying to cheat is a very human thing to do, but ultimately every price must be paid, and every debt must be settled. The Phantom Thieves and their associates had gone up, and now they were going to come down.

This latest case was a slippery one, though. Her fraught issues with identity had made it rather difficult for the cognitive forces at work to notice her. It was almost like she wasn’t there in some ways, like her entire presence could be lifted out of the narrative without actually changing anything about important events…

But that was ridiculous, obviously – because the woman in question was a Phantom Thief. Not a mere associate, not an assistant, but a willing participant – one of the few who had directly defied the will of the collective consciousness! The fact that she had flown under the radar for so long was unthinkable. An anomaly. An error.

Another crime, for which she would be charged, sentenced, and rehabilitated.

Sumire Yoshizawa was an earnest girl who had lived in the shadow of her sister Kasumi for years, and suffered the loss of that sister harder than anyone. It was only now, as she recovered, that she learned to take strength from the love of her sibling and the support of others, and step out into the world as her own person. She’d worked hard to take ownership of her own strengths and styles, finally gaining confidence in herself, and belief in her ability to be loved.

Sure, she was still gentle, and soft hearted to the extreme, but she no longer shook at the prospect of determining her own path.

Well, that was fine. The Indisputable Detective who stepped from the sea of Memntos had no problem with that. In fact, she was happy to help, honest!

Oh yes. With her assistance, Sumire Yoshizawa would stand out like never before.


Sumire Yoshizawa wanted the ground to swallow her. This was so embarrassing! N-no, it didn’t beat ‘I ran around calling myself by my sister’s name for half a year and everyone around me knew I was doing it’ but, you know, few things did. You couldn’t place your bar for embarrassment so high like that, it was a complete outlier. So, yes, something as simple as ‘forgetting her ribbon’ could still qualify!

It wasn’t like she’d meant to do it. She’d just gotten a little swept up in the excitement. After weeks away from school for her gymnastics tournament (which she had aced~) it was nice to be back among her friends. And to be asked to put on a show for the whole school? There was a time when she would have refused the idea point blank, rejecting any notion that she was good enough at such a thing – but the new, recovered, improved Sumi was better than that. She only wanted to run away a little bit!

Although… it did feel like something had changed while she was gone. It was weird, nothing she could quite put words to, but there was something different about Shujin, and actually kind of about Tokyo in general, now that she’d returned. Just a weird buzz in the air, and a kind of… perverted energy, to everything?

See, it sounded weird when she put it like that, but she couldn’t think of another way to describe it. There was just this weird feeling to the school now. Nothing had changed, as far as she could tell, but…

Well, she was used to the boys being perverted, but she’d already been asked to pose for naked fan art by that weird nerd in the third year, the goth chick in the second year kept staring at her and licking her lips in the halls, and that American transfer student had clumsily asked her out on a date. Had the girls here always been so…?

Well, whatever. She could worry about that later. Sorry, ladies, but her heart was already taken – or should that be, stolen, heehee… Hey, a girl could dream, right? At any rate, she had a performance she was about to be late for, and she needed her ribbon, that was way more important than any of this stuff!

So important, in fact, that she nearly crashed into someone on her way into the girls locker room. A strangely familiar woman with blue hair…

“Sorry sorry sorry…” The gymnast bowed frantically. “I’m so sorry! Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you or anything, right? I’m just in a rush right now…”

“I’m fine,” the woman laughed. “You stopped just in time. Sharp reflexes, huh?”

Sumire blushed. “Well, I try.”

“So I see. I take it this is yours, then?” The blunette held out a familiar ribbon.

“Oh my gosh, yes!” The redhead seized it frantically – not even noticing the tingling feeling in her fingertips as she did so. She was too busy running back towards the stage. “Thank you so much, I really needed this!”

“Yes you did.” The woman grinned, waving her off as she pulled out her phone. “Oh, you most certainly did…”

Awazihsoy Erimus stepped into the cognitive world like a king returning to their kingdom. Her outfit befit a woman who intended to oversee the jailing of a sports criminal. A black and white stripped shirt. A whistle hanging around her neck. Black shorts. Running shoes, with spikes for grip. She was a referee through and through. Granted, it may have been for the wrong sport, but that was cognitive beings for you – they form around the perception of an idea, and not necessarily a correct one.

Erimus didn’t really care about that, though. All she cared about, like any Indisputable Detective, was catching her man. And happily for her, the Shadow she meant to capture today was already caged. She was dealing with a Phantom Thief, after all – she’d gone all in on preparation. She had no intention of allowing anything to stop her from making this arrest.

“Huh?” Sumire paused, mid-sprint through the halls of Shujin. She felt strange all of a sudden – and unlike how she felt about the supposed changes at school, this strangeness felt familiar. It was a feeling she associated with therapist offices and warped realities. A feeling she associated with Cognitive Manipulation.

Her hand shot to her phone.

Sumire’s Shadow glared at her captor through the cage bars that surrounded her. The cognitive landscape she’d been confined to was fairly fitting – an empty gym court, with blue light swirling through the windows and underneath the sealed doors. It was both familiar, and unfamiliar – a cold twist on a place that should have been home.

“We’re not doing this again,” she growled, golden eyes glowing through her glasses as she tried to shake the bars of her jail. “When are you people going to stop messing with my head?!”

“Oh, don’t worry,” the blue haired Detective almost giggled, walking towards her. “This won’t take long. I just need to make a feeeew small adjustments to your mind, and then we can go our separate ways. I’m thinking I’ll make you the school slut. All that flexibility of yours has far better uses than just some silly gymnastics.”

“What?” The Shadow pulled back, visibly disgusted. “You- you’re just like all the people the Phantom Thieves went after. Who are you?!”

Erimus smirked. “I am the judge, the jury, and the executioner. I am the enforcer who holds down the rules upon the masses. I am the Detective who will bring you to justice.” She flipped up her phone, blue spiral already swirling on its screen. “And this time you will not-”


Exactly what the Shadow ‘would not’ do would, alas, forever be a mystery, as a long heeled black boot slammed into her face. The Detective was sent tumbling backwards, phone flying out of her hand and clattering across the floor. And standing in her place, looking into the cage with astonishment, was…

“Hey, you’re me!”

Sumire Yoshizawa – or, as she was normally known when she was dressed in her current mask/jacket/boots combo, Violet. The thief had, as it were, returned to the scene of the crime.

Her shadow looked just as surprised to see her. “… Okay normally I’m the one who’s supposed to say that. But whatever, be careful! I can’t support you with skills while I’m trapped in-!”


The cage door swung open, its lock mangled and broken by the dead on shot of a sniper rifle. “You were saying?”

The Shadow grinned, flames burning around her as she transformed into her more traditional image – Ella. “I am thou, thou art I – so let’s kick this bitch’s ass together!”

“Damn straight!” Violet levelled her rapier. “No one’s messing with my head but me ever again!”

“You…” Erimus snarled as she got back to her feet. “Is there no end to your criminal ways?! So be it – Once I’m done with you, you’ll be such a big titted bimbo you’ll never think twice about gymnastics without hitting yourself in the face with your own boobs! I’m going to-!”

Again, misfortune came for the Detective before she could finish – this time in the form of an unexpected Bless vulnerability.


“-GYAAAHHH!” A pillar of blinding white light consumed the Detective – and a moment later, she was gone.

Violet sighed, partially in relief, partially in frustration. “Geeze. Who the heck was that? Where did they come from?”

Her Shadow, now rejoined with her as her Persona, had no answers, of course. The two of them were one – they knew just as much as each other. Which just left this entire mess as one big mystery.

“I’ll have to talk with the others,” she muttered, biting her lip. “The guys’ll want to know about this. I just wish I had something to actually show them…”

Then the thief paused. Her eyes flicked across the floor. There, resting face down, was the ‘Detective’s phone. Hm.

Cautiously, the Phantom Thief marched across the imaginary gym and picked the device up. It seemed like a modern phone – pretty similar to the one she had, actually. Maybe she could access some files? She turned it over to take a look.

The blue spiral flashed in her face.

“Woah…” She muttered, lips parted in curious surprise. “What is this…?”

There was something fascinating about the pattern. Something captivating. Something she couldn’t look away from. The way it twisted and turned before her eyes – it was like there was another picture there, shifting just beneath the surface, one she could almost make out… She just… Needed to stare a little longer…

“This was… This must have been… It was…” The redhead mumbled to herself, her thoughts slowly looping around themselves, swirling like the spiral. Her Shadow’s memories were mixing with her own, slowly helping her put the pieces together. “This was what she wanted to show me… To change me…”

The terrible truth dawned in her mind, but it was far too late to avoid what was happening. She could feel the blue ripples washing through her brain… Through her soul… She could feel herself shifting, becoming malleable.

It was a strangely pleasant sensation. Warm. Soothing. So easy to sink into.


“No one… changes… me… but me…” Sumire whispered, her eyes shining with blue light. It was true. She could feel the words resonating through her. Echoing through her soul.

No one would change her but her. It would always be that way. Unfortunately, right now, that wasn’t much help.

She tried to keep going. To state herself, her identity, so that they couldn’t be taken from her.

“I’m Sumire. I’m happy. I’m confident.”

And the words continued to flow through her, cementing herself as the person she wanted to be. The person that she was. The person she’d fought so hard to become. She could feel it solidifying, felt herself refuse to change.

“I’m in control.”

Heh. Yes. Yes, she was. This stupid little trap wasn’t going to work on her. She had this in the bag. She was in control, hear that? She was in control…

“Of everything.”

Uh oh. She hadn’t meant to say that, but a sudden surge of confidence in her heart drove her to commit. But it was fine, it was fine. She was in control of everything, what was the problem? She was exactly who she wanted to be, and everyone else had damn well better get with the program. On their knees, if that was what she wanted!

Sumire’s slack jawed, slightly drooling expression turned into a dark smile as her self confidence shot through the roof, and all too quickly verged into narcissism. All of her self-doubts and fears were gone like they’d never been – but so was her self-restraint. She plunged ahead.

“I’m happy. I’m confident. I’m popular. Everyone wants me.”

… She’d, ah… She’d meant to say ‘likes’ there, not wants, but at the last moment a more primal urge took hold. The desire to be wanted. The desire to be loved. The desire to be desired.

Her heart opened. Always a shy, somewhat awkward woman around the subject of relationships and romance, suddenly she couldn’t get enough of the stuff. Her new controlling, self-absorbed nature clicked fully into place as the need to be the centre of everyone’s love and attention took over. Yes, there was no stopping her now.

“I’m in control! I’m the most popular! I’m the most attractive! I rule the school! I’m the best ever, and everyone knows it!”

Despite her insistence, things were rapidly getting out of control for Sumire. She was deep under a hypnotic trance at this point, her common sense suspended, her ego running wild. She was speaking without thinking at all, and each word made sweeping changes to her entire personality.

Latent desires for acceptance and feeling slightly ‘out’ after meeting so many very curvy, very perverted girls earlier manifested easily, her breasts swelling out, her ass growing fat. A horny fire was stoking itself between her legs as all barriers to attraction in her mind fell. Sure, she might always have a special place in her heart for that special someone, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t spread her legs for whoever looked like they’d give her a good time~

There was more, though. She was starting to grow older, too. Taller, stronger, more powerful. The top dog of the school had to be in the top year, didn’t they? So now she was. Her memories shifted as her history changed – now she’d transferred to Shujin years ago, and she’d been a classmate of that nerd Niijima ever since. Though she swiftly forgot that fact as fast as she learned it, when her social status demanded she never acknowledge that Makoto even existed. Cheerleaders and nerds didn’t mix after all.

Cheerleader? Oh yes. Sure, it was nice being an internationally recognised gymnast – but everyone knew the real top dogs were the rich, bitchy cheerleaders – and OMG, that was exactly what she was, teehee~

Her outfit was changing now too. Her dark jacket and leotard lightening to white and red, folding together into a tight top with lots of cleavage on display, and a flashy red skirt that showed off her ass. Her boots morphed into red high heels, and her mask vanished entirely. Even her hair changed, shimmering to a light brown – the colour that she associated to this day with supreme confidence – and doing itself up in long wavy curls.

Makeup slathered her face – expertly applied, of course. She had her morning routine memorised and perfected. Thick red lipstick, dusty eyeshadow, just a hint of blush, and of course mascara for those lovely long lashes. Her posture straightened as her transformation reached its apex, standing taller – and of course, shoving her chest out while cocking her hips. She wasn’t just dominant – she was delicious. Desired. Everyone would be staring, wanting, lusting, she’d make sure of it.

“I’m just perfect, I’m the best!
Just so much better than the rest~!”

She shook the red pompoms that appeared in her hands as she cheered to a cheap little rhyme. Hell, she wasn’t just a cheerleader – she was cheer captain. She was the queen bee, she was in charge, she was in control.

Eyes still swirling with glowing blue spirals, she smiled as her new self embraced her – never realising for even a second that the new her could never have been a Phantom Thief…


“Miss Yoshizawa, please, reconsider!”

Sumire woke to find herself striding down one of the school’s many hallways, high heels clicking against the tile floor. Already, her memories of that strange other world were evaporating, vanishing in the mid-day sun. In moments, all she had of her time as a Phantom Thief was a feeling of warm, blue serenity… and then even that was gone.

She paid the loss no mind. She didn’t even remember it had happened. All she cared about was getting rid of this annoying pest. “As if, dude. If you want a cheerleading show up on stage, then you’re gunna have to do better than ‘please’. Like, get me straight As in history or whatever, then we’ll talk.”

The cheerleading captain swept her brown hair back over her shoulder, and gave a passing blonde a flirtatious smile. Oooh, that one looked tasty…

“B-but Miss Yoshizawa…!”

She snorted and moved on, strutting down the hall. It was a move designed to draw looks. Her uniform was decidedly non-regulation There was no way a skirt that tight, or a top with that much cleavage on display, should be allowed at a school, but no one could do anything about it. Jewellery clinked and clattered around her wrists and ears, lavishly painted nails decorated every finger…

It was the kind of look that only the Queen Bitch of the school could get away with.

“Kthxbye.” Sumire walked past the protesting principle without a second glance, dismissing him with a wave of her hand. She had so much more important things to do than some stupid performance for the school, gawd. Like figuring out which stud or babe she should invite back to her locker room for some personal training…~

Yes, the woman who walked down the hall was very different from the one who’d charged down it a few minutes before, hunting for her ribbon. So, perhaps it was still true – that the will of the Detectives was still Indisputable. This one definitely felt like it hadn’t gone to plan, though.

But at least one thing was for sure: No one changed Sumire Yoshizawa but herself.

She’d made damn sure of it~


Request: Since this will be the last one for awhile, I might as well go back to the beginning, at least for me. A continuation of a story from November 2021 and Luvias Mistake. Thank you for all the amazing stories!

Shirou Emiya was wondering where Rin was, last he heard was Rin being in the clock tower. Something about a prank from Luvia. Then he heard that Luvias went to see her, but has heard nothing from either of them since then. He walks in, eyes closed, knowing the layout well enough from his visits there with Rin. Welllll, until he tripped on something, landing face first in the most comfortable… moving? Pillow ever. He opens his eyes to see ass… and a blue butt plug? Then he feels a huge surge of magic as all the magic from the two former mages goes into the next best conduit, himself. The magic is of both Rin and Luvia, and it overpowers his magic, it quickly transforms him into a female magus that’s similar to both RIn and Luvia. Then she finally understands the perfect ass in front of her and starts to hear the music of Rin’s ringtone, and the curse that was on Rin starts again as she starts twerking her own ass, looking at Rin’s new perfect ass. All she wants is an ass that is slightly comparable to her god Queen ass. And much like with Rin, she puts everything into her ass to be just like Rin’s god Queens ass. But even with the overwhelming beauty of that ass, deep down Shirou knew something was wrong, so she called for Saber, and with the magic of three powerful magus’s in one, saber is summoned only to fall victim to the God Queen Ass of Rin’s and once the legendary hero falls for the ass, no one or thing can stop it, and everyone will submit to Rin’s God Queen, beautiful bouncing Ass.


Shirou Emiya was fairly used to strange shenanigans. For some reason they happened a lot around him. Oh, not like, magic and sorcery and wonder, of course those happened around him a lot – he was the ‘apprentice’/boyfriend of Rin Tohsaka, one of the greatest mages of her generation, and he was no magical slouch himself (though maybe other mages would disagree). You’d expect that kind of thing to be common when you were studying at the Clock Tower, the centre of the magus world.

No no, the strange stuff was way weirder than that. This was actual adventure stuff. Ever since the Holy Grail War he’d found himself wrapped up in the oddest events. Whenever he went out for a walk, there was like a 90% chance he’d stumble over an ancient conspiracy or a nest of vampires, or both. If he took a boat across the river, it’d certainly be accosted by sky pirates. In the middle of London. If he took a nice relaxing nap after lunch, the world might be invaded by aliens. Those kind of strange shenanigans.

Protagonism was a hard burden to bear. And that wasn’t even mentioning the girls that tended to fall all over him. Rin really didn’t like that part. Especially when the girl in question was Luvia.

Honestly, he was kind of a grump about the entire thing. Shirou was the kind of guy who grew up to think that a glass of warm milk was risky and exciting, so being dragged off to actual adventures every other week was just plain tiresome to him. He was just a little too rational, in a way. You could absolutely see him as a househusband or grouchy grandpa someday – such things were a natural fit.

Which wasn’t to say he wasn’t a badass, of course. No, the poor fool had more than ample ability when push came to shove. He had fought his way through pirate crews, escaped collapsing temples after foiling doomsday rituals, and had even defeated Servants in combat (ish… When they were heavily holding back). Just because the man didn’t like going on adventures didn’t mean he wasn’t good at them.

Still, as used to strangeness as he was, this latest batch had him worried. Because the current weirdness involved the feud between Rin and Luvia – which meant it was possibly more dangerous than all of his other adventures combined. Those two really just didn’t know how to quit. Whenever they were having a fight, things were bound to escalate until the inevitable disaster occurred, or someone stepped in. And unfortunately he’d been busy this past week…

Well, how bad could things have gotten, really? Yes, they were both absurdly powerful mages with incredibly short fuses, but they weren’t completely devoid of sense. Surely they wouldn’t have let it get too bad…

That was his hope, at least, as he approached Rin’s apartment. He’d heard about what happened in class between the two of them – Luvia had made a slip of the tongue, and then Rin had corrected her. Fairly minor stuff that shouldn’t have been important, but because it was Rin and Luvia, the blonde had certainly sworn revenge, and now no one had seen either of them for a few days. Not a great sign…

Nor was the door being unlocked when he reached it. Okay, no, scratch that – the door lock had been blasted to pieces. So, yes, Luvia had definitely visited. Welp.

The redhead sighed and closed his eyes, listening closely as he pushed the door open. Knowing these two, there could be all sorts of traps and curses laying about the place that would activate on eye contact – Mages had a thing about eyes – so this kind of precaution was necessary. Plus, odds were, whatever situation the two women had ended up in, they’d kill him if he actually saw them in it, so, going blind was just going to save some embarrassment. He knew the layout of Rin’s apartment by heart, anyway, so moving around wouldn’t be a problem as long as he was cautious.

Stepping inside, though, he had to admit that the silence was disconcerting. Rin had always kept her apartment spotless and neat, of course – she was ever the perfect and elegant magus – but right now there was a stillness to the air that the place never had before. Say what you like about her apartment, but it had always been filled with energy and life.

Except… Aha. Movement, down the hall. Close by, in fact, just somewhere to his right. Turning, Shirou called out, “Rin? Luvia?” and…

… Tripped on an unexpected fold in the carpet. “Gah!”

He pitched forward, arms flailing as he tried to catch himself. Fortunately, before he landed face first on the ground, he found himself landing in something soft, instead. Incredibly soft, in fact, like a pair of the finest pillows ever known to man. His face was instantly enveloped in gentle, warm comfort. It was genuinely hard to bring himself to pull away from them, even when they started moving…

… Wait, moving?

Surprised, and more than a little distracted by his brush with paradise, Shirou opened his eyes. He wasn’t entirely sure what he saw when he did so. A swaying, jiggly, lightly bouncing pair of the most glorious cheeks he had ever seen, perhaps, and there, nestled snugly between their generous mountains of creamy pink flesh, a circle of blue, the tip of a toy of pleasure.

It was impossible to process. The Ass was simply too big for his mind to comprehend. His jaw dropped, his misgivings evaporated, even his concern for his friends and lovers was swallowed up by that fattest of rears as it squashed all of the thoughts in his brain. It was too big, it was too much. There was just no room for anything else.

And that probably would have been bad enough, but there was another feeling, too. A crackling, electric feeling, like static running along his skin. The familiar sensation of gathering magic.

Rin was a powerful mage after all, and it was her Ass that the redhead had just landed face first in. Luvia had been every bit her equal as well, and though he didn’t recognise the blue butt plug as her, her magic was added to the storm too. And all of their power was dedicated to the service of Ass, and to making more servitors like them to do so.

If he’d been cognizant, perhaps Shirou would have tried to resist, but he probably wouldn’t have succeeded. He wasn’t a great mage on that front – no swords involved. In fact, as the wild spell took hold of him, his sword was the first thing he lost, his manhood shrinking back inside of him, practically melting into a warm, wet hole instead. There was only one kind of form that the worshipers of the Ass understood, and his muscular male one wasn’t it. That was easily corrected, though.

Transformation spread through him. His arms grew slender – still muscular beneath the surface, but more feminine in presentation. His rough nails grew neat, and gained a sheen of clear polish. His chest shrank, going from broad to petite, with all of the lost mass being channelled into his suddenly developing breasts. His bust grew in firm and healthy – slightly larger than Rin’s, slightly smaller than Luvia’s. That was something of a developing theme, in fact. His waist sinched in, thin like Rin, but strong like Luvia’s. His legs grew dainty, with Rin’s grace, and Luvia’s firm footing. Even his hair grew out, styling itself into long red twintails with drill-shaped tips.

It was a thorough change, but it only took a second. One moment, Shirou had been a rather handsome young lad, and then the next she was an especially elegant young lady. She didn’t even seem to notice the shift, though – mind too filled with Ass to care for such minor details. All she cared about was staring at the most magnificent thing she had ever seen, the new centre of her universe, the focus of all her being…!

And as if in reward… Rin’s phone chose that moment to ring once more, filling the hallway with loud, pounding rave music. It filled Shirou’s ears with pulsing, dizzying beats. But, much more importantly, it also filled Rin’s just the same.

Luvia’s original curse, though it may have mutated, had never ceased in its original purpose. Even though Rin Tohsaka’s mind was now thoroughly converted into fat for her Ass, her body still reacted to music in the only way it could.

She began to dance.

Shirou’s jaw dropped, drool pouring from her lips, her eyes rapidly starting to glaze as she saw those divine cheeks rise and then slam down, shimmying and shaking to the beat. Seeing that Ass shake and grove was annihilating every last trace of resistance, every last scrap of her old self in her head. There was no fighting against this, she was witnessing perfection. This was her God Queen Ass. No other title could describe it.

She wanted to feel it. She wanted to worship it. She wanted to be it.

And, much like the other two mages, her wish was heard, and granted.

Shirou groaned, her eyes rolling up slightly in her head as her ass began to fatten. Her pants, already ill-fitting with her new female figure, split at the seams and tore themselves apart as she swelled outwards. Her tongue lolled out, groaning in delight as her ass grew and grew, drinking down all of her useless thoughts, memories and skills, all of it to make her into the perfect worshiper of that God Queen Ass. She’d never have a God Queen Ass so perfect as the one now jiggling before her eyes, she knew that – but to have one even remotely comparable would be a dream come true…

And as it came to be… As she began to dip her knees, and bounce her behind to the same rhythm as her goddess… As she began to shake her fat money maker, throwing off the last threads of cloth left on her below the waist… As her behind finally became an Ass all of its own, almost as big as the one dancing in front of her…

She couldn’t have been happier.

Or, most of her was.

But deep within, at her core, some part of the soul of Shirou Emiya still tried to resist. Part of her knew this was wrong. And in desperation, it reached out for help – it called for the presence that had saved it in its darkest hour once before…

It shouldn’t have worked. Magics like this verged on the realm of Sorcery. And yet, there was no rule that said it couldn’t happen. The power of three mages came together, united in world shaking glory, for one desperate chance to avert calamity. The call went out, and it was answered.

A circle of light erupted on the floor, a beautiful blonde knight arising from the Throne of Heroes. “Shirou? Rin? I am unsure how this is possible, but if you require my sword, then it is yours. I ask you once again: Are you my- What the…!?”

Saber’s eyes widened as she surveyed the scene in front of her. The two mages that she’d responded to weren’t paying her any mind, too busy performing some slutty parody of a dance, bouncing their hips up and down, from side to side, their behinds inflated bigger than their heads…

They were clearly enchanted, captivated and transformed by a serious curse. It was clearly the kind of thing that the blonde king should move to counteract immediately. To break its influence and dispel its effects before they grew any worse.

But naturally, she didn’t. Because as she’d looked, her eyes had of course, fallen upon Rin’s God Queen Ass. And suddenly everything else had ceased to be important as she fell to her knees, her own behind starting to swell…

Soon, there’d just be one more mindless worshiper in the hall – the third of many to come. And with no one to stop it, the spread of this new religion was sure to take hold of the earth. Peace was assured, and bliss would soon be total.

All under the beautiful bounce of Rin Tohsaka’s God Queen Ass~



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