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Hi folks!

Okay, some bad news on the shorts. Last week went well for writing, but this past one hit like a hurricane. I had to sort out a some stuff for my hiatus work starting next month, and it took up a lot more time than I expected. As such I'm going to be delaying posting up all of the shorts until next week. Apologies, it's a pain when this happens.

Instead, this week you get an unusual story where someone asked for a continuation of an old series with a happier ending! Not my normal thing, but I hope folks enjoy all the same!


Earth was a battlefield. With its greatest heroes conquered, the forces of Candy TV, led by their malevolent master Candemon had swept over the globe, turning it into a playground for evil, and humanity into playthings. Transformative magics crackled across the land like lightning, turning buildings into bimbo boutiques and towns into red light districts. Brains were drained, bodies transformed, souls corrupted. The people of the world faced their sweetest, darkest hour.

Fortunately, even now, they were not without allies.

“Galaxy Starlight Therapy Kiss!”

“Bimbo Beam!”

Pink and silver lights collided with each other, pulses of pure magical power slamming through the air against one another. For a moment, they struggled, each pushing the other back, before both exploded in a blast that cleared the clouds from the sky. High, high up above, the revealed moon shone down on the women battling for planet earth’s future.

On the roof of Candy TV studios, a curvaceous blonde stared up into the moonlight in awe.

“Oooh, pretty~”

“Mom, come on. I know focusing is kind of difficult for you right now, but can you at least try to take this seriously? At this rate I’m going to feel bad when I finish kicking your over-inflated ass.”

Across the rooftop, on the other side of the smoking crater their last exchange had left in the floor, a completely different, yet eerily similar, woman stood, charging silver energy for her next attack. In fact, aside from her long pink hair and her lack of world shaking curves, she looked so similar to the blonde that she could almost be her double. Same height, same size… She even wore the uniform that only the greatest defenders of the solar system earned the right to wear – that of the sailor senshi. In fact, among the senshi’s ranks, her colours – blue skirt, dark pink ribbon, and a red, heart shaped broach on her chest – denoted her as the one and only Sailor Moon!

Well, there should have been only one Sailor Moon, but time travel had gotten involved at some point, and the one woman who was supposed to stop this kind of thing from happening was infamously lax about doing so when it came to the solar system’s royal family, of which both Moons most assuredly were. Plus she was having troubles of her own right now…

So yes, right now, two Sailor Moons faced one another – one blonde, and one pink. Usagi Tsukino, the bimbofied bombshell that normally righted wrongs and triumphed over evil, and who now went by the title of ‘Sailor Sexy’, was up against Usagi Serenity the Second, her daughter from the future, now grown into an adult and returned to help her one-day-mother during her darkest, dumbest hour.

Honestly, it wasn’t an experience she relished. This entire thing was probably going to give her a complex, but that kind of came with being a pretty sailor suited warrior of justice. What mattered was that she had world to protect and a timeline to restore, and she was going to do just that, damnit.

It had been a long, hard fight. By the time anyone had realised that there was a problem, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus had all been corrupted – enslaved as busty bimbo sluts under the evil Candemon’s command. And they’d quickly been used as his devilishly ditzy (literally, in Mars’s case) minions, spreading his influence across the world, primarily through his ‘Candy TV’ front.

Caught by surprise, and having to fight against those they had sworn to protect, the remaining forces of light had struggled greatly to push back. The battle had been chaotic, fought on multiple fronts all at once, and at a few terrifying points, it seemed like darkness would win, more champions falling to the insidious sweetness of Candy.

But they had persevered. It had cost them almost everything, but now a warrior of the moonlight stood in the heart of Candemon’s territory, with only one obstacle between her and the final villain of this saga. If she could reach him, destroy him, then his spells would be undone, and all of this would be over.

Moon just had to make it past her mother first. The original Sailor Moon, the one who was supposed to be stopping this kind of thing from happening. Normally in this time, she was a cute blonde in her early 20s, still kind of a crybaby, but ultimately one of the greatest warriors for good in history.

Unfortunately, under Candemon’s influence, she’d become nothing more than a bimbofied parody of herself. Her breasts were bigger than her head, her hips wide enough to match, an ass so fat you’d think there were three moons out tonight if you saw her from behind. All of that, wrapped up in a thin mockery of her old outfit, a white silk uniform that was more air than cloth. It hid practically nothing, and highlighted everything.

But the real change was obviously inside her head. Sailor Moon – Usagi Tsukino – had never been the brightest light twinkling in the sky, despite her friends efforts, but she’d always had a caring cunning, endless willpower paired with unending compassion. But there was none of that in her gaze now. This woman was all about three things – sucking, fucking, and being the sexiest bimbo on the planet. Love? Friendship? She didn’t know how to spell either, and would never care to learn. She was dumb enough to fall for every blonde joke in existence, and she was proud of it.

Sailor Moon II had used many, many, many choice words to describe this younger version of her mother over the years – she had, in fact, been the originator of quite a few dumb blonde jokes, at her expense. But she’d never actually meant any of it, and now she was feeling all sorts of guilty about it…

“Sorry, Mom,” she frowned, levelling her wand for another attack. “Once I heal you, I promise I’ll be nicer to you from now on.”

“D’awh, really?” The bimbo suddenly bounced forward, wrapping her up in a suffocating hug. “That’ll be great! I promise I’ll be super nice to you too once you’re bimboed up all nice and stuff~”

“Gah!” Sailor Moon the Younger struggled free and shoved her mother away. “Stop that! Your fake boobs are way too big to hug anyone with, you idiot!”

Technically it wasn’t breaking a promise because she hadn’t healed her yet.

Still, Moon the Elder pouted. “Hey! My boobs are perfect! Master says I give the best titjobs out of his entire harem!”

The pink haired fighter’s eyes widened, and she couldn’t stop herself from gagging. “Oh my god, you can’t just say things like that to me!”

Her opponent blinked. “Why not?”

“Because I’m your daughter!” Oh she was absolutely going to get trauma from this fight. The court therapist would be earning their pay checks for the next millennium once she got back to vent to her.

“You are?” Moon twirled a lock of blonde hair as she thought this over. “I dunno, you look way too flat to be my kid…”

… “Right, I no longer feel bad about any of this.” Moon II’s wand shone with bright pink light, super charged by the crystal in her broach. The power of love, friendship, and ancient incredible magics sang through her, pleading for her call. She did not disappoint. “MOON SPIRAL HEART ATTACK!”

“Uh oh.” Alas, somewhat predictably, Sailor Sexy had allowed herself to become distracted, and had no chance of summoning a defence this time. She was hit straight on by the full blast, a giant pink glowing heart smashing into her and throwing her across the roof. Landing on her well padded rear, the dazed blonde swayed, eyes practically spinning as she tried to recover. “Ooooh, so that’s what that one feels like…”

She was helpless, and Sailor Moon II didn’t waste the opportunity. Raising her wand aloft, she summoned the healing power of the silver crystal. “Starlight Honeymoon Therapy- Huh?!”

The pink haired heroine dodged backwards – and just in time. Something flashed in front of her, just before her face – and in the ground where she’d been standing, a chocolate carved in the shape of a rose had embedded itself into the stone.

Her eyes narrowed into a glare as her gaze swung towards the source of the throw, on the lip of the building. “How dare you.”

“So sorry.” A sharply dressed man, a monster in human guise - Candemon took a one-armed bow. “But I’d hate to lose my studio’s best bimbo so easily.”

“Master!” Sailor Sexy perked up immediately, even if she was still too low on energy to actual move. “You’re here!”

“Of course. As if I’d ever leave a dunce like you to finish this fight alone.” The demon hopped down from the railing upon which he’d stood, landing next to his pet bimbo. “Victory is within my grasp – I’ve no intention of losing it now.”

Sailor Moon snorted, practically rolling her eyes – though she refused to look away from the bastard who’d done this to her family and friends for even a second. “Fine by me. You showing up saves me the trouble of hunting you down!”

Her attack before had been disrupted, but now she was free to blast her real target. It was just a matter of gathering up enough energy to fire again. Her wand was already glowing.

“Ah, but before you blast me to oblivion, allow me the pleasure of giving you one last show.” Candemon seemed completely unconcerned. “Do you, perchance, recognise any of these lovely ladies?”

He raised his arm – and behind him, from behind the edge of the building, rose 8 women, all thoroughly bimboed, all completely naked.  All of them very, very familiar to Sailor Moon.

She couldn’t bite back her gasp of horror. “Pluto! Hotaru!!!”

Yes, the last two guardians of the solar system floated there with the rest, both with tits bigger than their heads, and wind whistling between their ears. She’d hoped that the two of them would be able to avoid the fate of their fellow senshi – even after Uranus and Neptune had fallen (the two were still all over each other while they floated in the air). The last she’d seen of them had been them blasting a path through the demonic army so she could reach the studio…

“Ah, I thought you might.” Candemon laughed as the women behind him moaned and writhed. “The rest of your world’s defenders. How does it feel, knowing you’re the last one with the ability to count past five?”

Oh, she was going to enjoy blasting this cretin into space dust. “Let them go, monster!”

“Why, certainly!” He winked. “Just as soon as I get their help for one little thing.” Then his voice rose into a shout. “Hear me, my bimbos, and obey my command! Your leader needs you now, more than ever! Grant her your planetary power, and give Sailor Sexy the strength she needs to win the day!”

“Wha-?!” The pinkette’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t be asking for what it sounded like, could he? The planet attack was one of the strongest powers the senshi possessed – the act of calling upon the raw, unfiltered powers of their planets and combining them together into an unstoppable force. It was an action of last resort, much too strong for regular use… And surely, far too much for a bunch of bimbos to perform!

But despite the future princess’s beliefs, apparently such an ability was not beyond the reach of the sailor bimbos. One by one, they began to glow with the light of their planets – blue for Mercury, gold for Venus, red for Mars, green for Jupiter, purple for Saturn, yellow for Uranus, aqua for Neptune, and dark green for Pluto. And one by one, that coloured light streamed out of them, flowing through the air like water, all heading to the same destination.

Straight into Sailor Sexy. Their princess. Their leader.

All signs of weakness and fatigue in the blonde vanished. Crackling with power, breasts jiggling with energy, she rose to her feet, fists clenched, and let out a delighted cry. “Super Sailor Sexy Make Up!”

Light erupted from the bimbo, spilling across the rooftop, so bright and powerful that it forced even Candemon to stumble back from her. The power of the solar system, the power that had sustained the silver millennium, and would one day create the crystal future, radiated with blinding intensity. Ribbons swirled around the female figure in the centre of it all, dressing her in a new, somehow even more revealing version of her outfit – now with wings for that extra touch.

Then the light parted like petals of a rose, and from the centre of it all, Super Sailor Sexy rose into the air, her power restored, stronger than ever. Even the moon itself seemed to shrink back, pushed away by the power of pink.

Sailor Moon’s mouth still hadn’t managed to close. “D-did her boobs get even bigger…?”

They definitely had – and her ass had plumped out a fair bit too. That was the kind of thing that happened when you were channelling the pure essence of bimbo.

Sexy opened her eyes. They shone bright with pink. And then, with the finality of an airheaded slave following the will of her Master, she began to bring her new power to bear. Light flared, shockwaves of silence rolling through the world as an orb of magical might appeared over her extended palm.

“Booty Buster… Boobalicious… Bimbo… “

She was charging an attack – one fuled by the power of entire solar system, filtered in pink. Moon II swallowed, holding her wand up defensively. Against this kind of attack, she… “M-Mom, please…!”

Super Sailor Sexy pointed down at her. “BEAM!”

The orb erupted into a cascade of pink light, slamming down onto Sailor Moon with the force of a meteor. The roof buckled instantly, massive holes torn through solid cement, the beam blasting through the entire building. The pressure should have ripped through everything – but a shimmering shield of crystal appeared around Moon, protecting her from the wave of bimbofication… For a moment, at least. Even with all her power, she couldn’t hope to resist this attack for more than a few seconds. Already, she was falling to her knees, her last resort barrier was starting to crack.

Eyes wide, the pink haired sailor threw aside all pretence, crying out, “MOM!”

It was desperate – the plea of a girl screaming for her mother, trying to reach her, to get her to stop this before it was too late. It was the last cry of hope in a hopeless situation.

And against all odds, it was heard.

“… Huh?” Usagi Tsukino blinked. There was an uncomfortable sound, like cracks spreading through thick ice or sheet glass, and then a shattering cacophony. Uncertain, the light of her attack winked out, leaving her floating in the air, a strange look upon her face.

Candemon frowned. “What are you doing?” He gestured towards the kneeling Sailor Moon. “She’s weak! Finish her off, now!”

But his corrupted minion simply hung in the air, hand still extended… before it slowly dropped to her side.

“No…” She whispered. Then her voice grew louder. “No, I won’t… I won’t ever hurt my daughter like that!”

Her head rose, and intelligence shone behind her eyes for the first time in weeks, wit and wisdom glittering in her gaze – accompanied by an unholy level of anger directed solely at the man/demon/thing trying to command her.

Moon II looked up with disbelieving joy, tears in the corners of her eyes. “Mom!”

“How dare you…” Light spun around the Super Sailor, golden this time. It twirled around her, removed the slutty gaps in her costume, and clothed her in her old uniform once again. “This is unforgivable! Turning mother against daughter, turning friends against friends, turning warriors into bimbos…” Her glare alone forced Candemon to retreat a step.

“I AM SAILOR MOON!” Every last trace of pink vanished in a flash as she shone, restored to her brilliance as the Eternal Sailor Moon – albeit, still with the curves of her bimbo transformation. Those were a little trickier to get rid of, and she was on too much of a roll to worry about them. “And in the name of the moon… In the name of the senshi… In the name of everyone good and smart and beautiful… I WILL PUNISH YOU!”

There was a thunderclap, obliterating the last of the cloud cover over the studio, and allowing the full moon to shine down without obstruction once more as the blonde dropped down next to her daughter, offering her a hand to help her stand back up.

“Sorry about that, Chibi.”

The pink haired sailor soldier took the hand gratefully, then shot past it to wrap the other woman in a hug – this time not really caring about how much her chest got in the way. “It’s fine, mom,” she laughed with relief. “But don’t call me Chibi!”

“Awh.” The blonde pouted. “But you’re so cute when I-!”

“Focus!” Sailor Moon II shot out of the hug, and out of the incredibly embarrassing conversation in one move, returning to her fighting stance as she looked back over at Candemon. “We’re not done yet!”

“Oh, right.” Sailor Moon I nodded, doing the same at her side. “This jerk’s still around. Well let’s fix that.”

She levelled her wand, in complete sync with her daughter, who was just doing the same. As one, they began to channel their power.

This time, the demonic mastermind had nowhere left to run. “W-wait a second, hold on, don’t-!”

They didn’t listen. Together, the two Sailor Moons channelled their power, broaches opening to reveal their sparkling silver crystals. “Starlight Honeymoon Double therapy Kiss!!!”

Light blasted across the rooftop, shooting straight through the demon – “GYAAAHHHH!!!” - and into the sky behind him. Under the moon, their healing magic spread across the world, banishing the monsters who had taken up residence, repairing the damage inflicted, and restoring everyone who’d been cursed back to their old selves. Even Usagi found her own curves shrinking, her body finally returning to its original, much less busty, form.

It was impressive what a pair of magical moon princesses could do when they really put their minds into it. Or at least, it was, until Moon II dropped back to her knees as the spell came to an end, panting with exhaustion.

“Are you okay?!” Moon I was instantly by her side, checking her forehead for a temperature and in general doing many unhelpful, overly fussy motherly things.

“I’m fine… I’m fine…” Moon II giggled, dropping to sit against what was left of the roof. “Just kind of tired. Healing the world takes a lot out of me, you know?”

“Oh tell me about it.” The blonde nodded sagely. “I always need to go through, like, three sundaes before I start feeling like myself again.”

“What, as opposed your normal five?”

“Heeeey!” Moon I nudged her daughter, giggling. “I don’t eat that much. Not since they put a poster of me up behind the counter at the ice cream parlour and banned me from eating more than two, anyway…”

The two laughed together, smiling with relief that the danger was finally over…

“Not… So… Fast…!”

… Alas, they may have been a bit premature.

Hat still smouldering, his suit in ashes, the half-human shape of Candemon rose back out of the shadows, towering over the slumped Senshi. He’d clearly lost over half of his mass from the attack he’d just barely been able to survive, but it was nothing other than rage that kept him animated now.

“I won’t lose like this!” He roared, stumbling, stalking forwards towards the two women. “Not when I was so close to my bimbo paradise!”

Moon I gritted her teeth as Moon II snarled, struggling back to her feet. “Why can’t creeps like you ever accept defeat? It’s over!”

“Never!” He screamed back, full of just as much disgust for them as they were for him. “I was close – and I’ll have it all again! As long as I have you two under my control, I can corrupt the planet any time I want – I’ll just have to make you both too stupid to ever resist me, ever again!”

He wasn’t eloquent of confident, but judging by the power building around him, Candemon had every intention of backing up his threat. He was putting everything he had into this final round.

The two Moons looked at each other, and braced themselves for the attack. Weakened as they were after cleansing the world, this might be rough, but as long as they were together, they were sure things would be okay. Though, Moon I still stepped in front of Moon II, shielding her with her body. Even if she was confident, she wasn’t going to let anything hurt her future daughter.

Fortunately for them both…

“Venus Love Me Chain!!”

“Evil Spirit Be Gone!”

… It wouldn’t be necessary.

A golden chain whip snapped around the demon’s neck, dragging him backwards off the roof, just as an entire swarm of paper talismans slapped themselves up and down his body, sealing his magical powers. The mastermind crashed down painfully to the ground, looking up to see what the hell had attacked him.

Four shadowy figures stood around him, each glowing with the power of an entire planet. The symbols of Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter shone on their foreheads.

“Ah.” Even a demon could feel terror, apparently. “Ladies, perhaps-Gyah!!!”

The inner senshi were not violent girls by nature (okay, maybe Makoto was a bit) – but when pushed, each was fully capable of showing why they were entrusted with guarding the princess of the moon kingdom. And right now, they were feeling pushed like never before. Thousands of years of ass-kicking ability, backed up by ice, fire, lightning, and metal super powers, smashed into the weakened villain, and didn’t let up until his atomised dust was scattered to the four winds.

Even the Outers looked a little disturbed – or kind of jealous, in Haruka’s case.

“It’s fine,” Sailor Moon (the blonde one) said, peering over the edge of the building at the storm of violence. “They just needed to get this out of their systems…”

That said, she still put her hands over her daughters eyes. Some things, a young woman just shouldn’t have to see.


“We’re so sorry.” Some time later, after the villain was well and truly vanquished, Minako was in front of Usagi, head bowed, down on her hands and knees.

“G-guys, it’s fine!” Honestly, the Moon Princess had no idea where to look when her best friends got like this.

“It’s not! We- We-!” The normally cheerful blonde was on the verge of tears, voice bitter with frustration and self-loathing.

“We betrayed you, Usagi. Over and over.” Ami’s voice was so heavy with shame it was a surprise that the earth didn’t split open and swallow her.

“We- we weren’t ourselves, but, but even so…!” Makoto could barely make herself speak. Even the powerhouse of the senshi was completely at a loss here.

Rei wasn’t saying anything at all. Her body trembled with fury so hot that it practically burned just to be near it – all of it aimed entirely inwards. If anything, she was the one kneeling the lowest, her eyes shaded by her dark hair.

The Princess wasn’t having any of it.

“Guys. Seriously. It’s fine.” The warm love of Usagi Tsukino washed over her despairing friends. “I’ve been there too. I know exactly what it was like, twisted into one of those bimbos. You couldn’t think – you weren’t yourselves. It really wasn’t your fault.” She paused, her shoulders slumping. “If it’s anyone’s fault, it was mine…”

That got their attention. As one, the Inners snapped up, categorically denying her words.



“Absolutely not!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, meatball head!”

“No, really – I should have noticed something was up. You guys are my guardians, but I’m supposed to look after you, too! The fact that that bastard was able to capture you all without me noticing, it was… It was…” She sniffled. “It was all my fault!”

No one could burst into tears like Usagi Tsukino – and no one could reassure her like her inner guard. In an instant, all four women closed ranks, wrapping their precious princess in the warmest of hugs imaginable.

“It’s okay!”

“Wasn’t your fault…”

“Never your fault!”

“Stop crying or else, idiot. I mean it!”

There was another sniffle. “Can’t we just forgive each other and be friends again?”

Masterful. There was no way those four could resist.

“I… I guess?”

“If… I mean, if you insist?”

“If it’ll make you feel better…”

“You’re a dumbass, you know that?”

It was a pretty intense group hug. There were a lot of tears, but a lot of laughter, too. That was the real power of the Moon Princess. No one could deny her pure hearted love, no matter what they tried.

Honestly, it grossed her daughter out. “Bleh. It’s so sappy I kinda wish I’d never come back in the first place.”

At her side – one arm wrapped firmly around her protectively – Hotaru giggled. “I think it’s sweet~”

“It’s gross!” The pink haired time traveller protested. “That’s my mom and my four, you know, aunts getting all lovey dovey with each other. No one wants to see that!”

Much to her annoyance, no one took her complaint seriously. Haruka – Sailor Uranus – even ruffled her hair as she chuckled! “I guess you just get used to it around them, kiddo.”

“Not a kid, uncle Haruka!”

“My mistake!” She played it off, cool as a cucumber, but attentive eyes could catch the blush on the sandy haired blonde’s face as she was called ‘uncle’. “But, hey – good job out there. Sorry I wasn’t more help.”

“We both are.” Michiru – Sailor Neptune – sighed. “We wanted to do more.”

“Hey, you held off that ambush for us.” Moon II waved their apologies off with a roll of her eyes. “Seriously, you did what you had to. I wouldn’t have made it without you.”

“… Thanks, kiddo.”

“Still not a kid!”

“Aheh…” Michiru looked to the last member of their group. “Is it really over, though? Will everything be okay?”

“It will be fine.” Setsuna – Sailor Pluto, the guardian of Time – smiled mysteriously, as she always did. “Tomorrow morning, everyone will wake up believing that they just had a very strange dream. Some may question it, some may study it, but no one will find any answers. Eventually, it will be forgotten, and overall, this moment in history will be missed by the history books.”

The she coughed, and scratched her cheek. “And I’ll make sure to blow up any surviving archives that make any mention of all this in a couple of decades, just to make sure of it.”

People underestimated Pluto. That woman was scary. It was one of the reasons why Usagi the second loved her so~

“Of course,” she continued. “That’s just the public record. It remains to be seen how we senshi will deal with the side effects of our Princess’s cure…”

Sudden silence. Even the Inners had gone quiet. You could practically see the question marks hanging over everyone’s heads. Everyone save a certain blonde, that is, who was quietly trying to slip away – something she found difficult, still locked in a five way hug as she was.

Haruka was the one to finally ask. “Side effects? What side effects?”

“Oh…” Setsuna shrugged innocently. “Apparently Sailor Moon quite liked our ‘bimbo forms’ – she’s left them as an alternate transformation that we can use along side our sailor senshi forms. It’s quite impressive, actually, doing something like that on the fly requires a lot of magical skill…”

There was a pause. Everyone digested this idea. The group hug had suddenly gone very still. Then, from within the blob, the familiar voice of a certain fiery priestess could be heard. “Meatball head… What did you do?”

“Aheh… Ahah… W-well…” You could hear Usagi sweating. “So, don’t be mad…”

“Why would I be mad?” Rei’s voice was as sweet as sugar. “After all, you didn’t do anything stupid, did you? Haha, Pluto’s just making it all up, well known jokester that she is!”

The hug was starting to jostle a little. “Ahaaaah… Y-yeah…”

“I mean!” Jostling more than a little now. “Why would you do something like that, Meatball head? Why would you do that?!?”

“W-well, I mean, evil aside, you were all really really hot like that and I didn’t just wanna…”

USAGI!” There she went. A blonde blur ripped away from the hug, sprinting off and around the ruins of what had once been Candy TV – chased, a moment later, by a roaring red streak. “COME BACK HERE!

In her righteous rage, Rei apparently hadn’t even noticed that she’d just transformed back into her demon succubus form, wings flapping and big tits bouncing as she charged after her prey.

“Reeeiiii! You’re supposed to be being nice to meeeee!”

“I’ll be nice to you! Come here! Let me show you how nice I can be!”

“Waaaaaah, somebody save meeeeee!!!”

No one moved to follow – something that became clear as the two screaming women dashed past the others again and again, circling the same building. Sailor Moon II had her head in her hands, looking desperately like she wanted nothing more than a bottle of brain bleach… While the others just looked various degrees of nonplussed.

“Should… Should we put a stop to this?” Haruka finally asked as Rei and Usagi completed their fifth lap.

The Inners all shook their heads.

“No point,” Minako sighed – and privately, starting to consider if maybe her new bimbo mode could get her an edge in her acting career.

“You’d just get dragged in as well,” Ami spoke with experience – and tried not to think about how much she’d like to experiment with bimbo mode in proper, controlled circumstances. It had been pretty relaxing to be an idiot with no thoughts in her head…

“Best to just let them sort themselves out,” Makoto added. “One way or another.” She was just trying not to blush too hard.

And as if to prove their point, the sprinting duo circled around again.

“I mean you do look really hot!”


At long last, all was well under the light of the moon.


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