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Annnnd... We're back!

For a few months, anyway. June's coming up pretty quick, and once it hits I'll be going on extended hiatus - hopefully for good reasons this time!

For now, I've put up request posts for people at those tiers - and everyone else can enjoy the resulting stories. I guess that's all for now! Have a fun April, folks!


There were few stars of the Pokémon world that were known for such a meteoric rise as Ash Ketchum. How could there be? Most trainers travelled the circuit of one or two regions, honing their skills and specializations to something akin to a razor’s edge, and carved out their own niche and style before moving on to doing what they really wanted to do with their life. You know, like archaeology or computer science or, well, anything. It took a truly special talent to rise out of the ranks at that stage and become a professional Champion.

But Ash hadn’t done any of that. Perhaps if he’d scored better in his first Pokémon League, if he hadn’t been blindsided by misfortune and exhaustion, maybe his career would have gone down that path. His mother certainly would have preferred it! Instead, though, he’d realised that the world was so much wider than just one region – and then gone out and journeyed through practically all of them.

Few people in history have held so many gym badges. Even fewer have such a storied history across various Pokémon conferences. Perhaps only one man could have kept going through the losses and defeats that he suffered.

But by the time he was crowned the Monarch of the World Coronation Series, he was possibly the world’s greatest expert on Pokémon – at least when it came to battling. People spoke in awe of his out of the box strategies and his unorthodox techniques, but he was only capable of such things because he had gotten to know what each and every Pokémon was capable of. His Pokédex had recorded pretty much every known Pokémon in existence, and even when more were discovered, it was never long before his log was complete again.

Truly, if anyone could claim the title of ‘Pokémon Master’, it was he. And this remained true as he continued his journey, even after he’d claimed the championship. There was always more of the world to see, more Pokémon to discover for him. Truly, a unique soul among souls.

What got discussed much less often was the trail of devastation he left in his wake. But to be fair, most people didn’t consider wiping multiple Pokémon stealing, world conquering/destroying organizations off the map to really count as ‘devastation’.

Those organizations did, though, as did their successors. Truly, to those criminals who heard the legend of ‘The Twerp’, there was no greater group of heroes than those brave three souls who had fought his wrath across multiple continents, all trying to put an end to his horrendous rampage. Oh, Team Rocket, truly, you did your best to protect the world from devastation…

But there was another group who had a couple of hard feelings. A group with a vested interest. A group that could muster up a scary amount of focus when given the correct incentive. A group that Ash had a historically bad track record of being able to deal with. A group that was, at this very moment, conducting a sinister, shadowed meeting to discuss the man himself.

“Ash Ketchum…”

“It’s time. We’re gunna find him…”

“And we’re totally gunna, like, rock his world~!”

The girls.

Oh yes, Ash Ketchum had left a long line of heartbreak behind him in his quest to- Okay, no, nope, can’t get through that with a straight face. Let’s be honest, Ash was such a dolt when it came to matters of the fairer sex that he probably didn’t even know that boobs weren’t some obscure Pokémon he’d somehow missed. Yep, he’d made it through puberty and well into manhood, but he still needed serious help with the dating scene.

To be fair, one of his formative memories on the subject of men and dating was Brock, and… Okay maybe it was understandable that he’d just decided not to bother, you know?

But after joining Team Pink, May, Dawn, and Serena understood that like they understood quantum physics – they couldn’t even spell it.

“So, like…” May was the one taking charge of this little meetup, dressed in her now trademark Team Pink style – a pink bandana in her hair, and a pink jacket wrapped around her ginormous titties, with a simple zipper in place to let them out at the drop of a hat. The Bimbo of Hoen was living up to her title these days, and had been responsible for a massive boost in Team membership – but now she faced one of her most difficult tasks. “The Boss says we’ve gotta bring Ash into Team Pink!”

“Oooh!” Serena’s eyes lit up. Like her bimbo bestie, she was dressed in her finest Team Pink uniform – specifically, a pink hat with the Team Pink brand front and centre, a tight black T-shirt (though what wouldn’t be tight on boobs like that?) and a pink jacket, and of course, a pink miniskirt ready to flash everyone at the slightest hint of a breeze. Though, since she was sat down with her legs spread currently, it was happy to reveal the goods to anyone who wanted to look now, as well… “I’ll totally let him into this Team Pink~”

“You slut!” At her side, Dawn – dressed as the skimpy, slutty, utterly bimbofied Team Pink cheerleader that she was - gave her a hi-five. “But yeah, totally, me too~”

One might think the three of them were competing to see which one could be the sluttiest, but that would be wrong. They’d tried it before, and every time they’d forgotten the point of their contest, ended up fucking each other’s brains out, and then tried again a few weeks later. Right now, they were in their ‘forgot’ cycle, so they were just being sluts.

And May had bad news to deliver. “Sorry girls, we’re not supposed ta’ fuck him.”

The other two bimbos gasped, shocked and horrified.


“No way!”

May just nodded sadly, before pausing, putting a finger to her plush lips. “Well, not much. Boss wants him to join Team Pink.” She smiled and snapped her fingers, as if she’d just had a genius idea. “Then you can fuck him as much as you want!”

“Awh, that won’t be as much fun…” Serena pouted. She was, after all, the one with the most ‘vested interest’ in Ash, though her position had turned from chaste sweetheart to lusty groupie of late.

But Dawn gave her a nudge and a perverted grin. “It will be once we teach him a few tricks~”

The airheaded blonde’s eyes widened. She hadn’t thought about that. “Oooohhh…”

“Kay!” Dawn turned back to May as Serena started drooling. “So, like… How? Do you wanna dig a pit trap under the road or somethin’? ‘Cuz he fell for that one, like, all the time…”

“Nah.” May gave her friends a sinister grin – or as sinister as a ditz like her could get, anyway. “I’ve got a plan. A totally amazing one! It’s based on something I heard he did once, and it’ll work great! We just need to lure him here somehow.”

“Oh, but… How?” Serena asked, twirling her hair as she came back to reality. “He’s, like, super clever-” She ignored May’s disbelieving snort. “And super strong! I dunno how we could ever-”

“Done!” Dawn was already on her phone. “I got it. He’ll be here in, like, a day, tops.”

“Eh?” Both bimbos looked at her in amazement. “How?”

She hit send and giggled. “Trust me~”


[Me Serena and May cn totally, like, kick yoor ass in a Pokymon Battle!]

Ash stared at the note he’d received on his phone in utter confusion. It had been a while since he’d last heard from any of the girls – he’d been off catching Pokémon in a new region, because of course he had been – but he didn’t remember Dawn’s spelling being that bad…

“What do you think?” He asked, turning to his ever present companion.


“You’re right.” He slumped. “I can’t ignore the challenge. And I mean, I guess it could be worse. Misty could be in there too… Or Iris…”

Yeah, maybe he should count his blessings. It was just a one-on-three battle against a group who weren’t even dedicated battlers! He was the world champ! How dangerous could it be, really?


A day later – hey, interregional travel was easy when you had access to as many flying Pokémon as he did – Ash stood before the great doors of the Contest Hall at Lake Valor. It was a place where he had a lot of memories – he’d seen both May and Dawn compete here, and it didn’t shock him that Serena might be interested in it too. It was a pretty famous place on the Coordinator circuit.

But of course, he wasn’t a Coordinator. He was just a Trainer on route to becoming a Pokémon Master. He was prepared. He was ready. He was on his game. He…

… was wondering if there had been some kind of mistake.

“It this really the place?” He asked Pikachu, who was currently balanced comfortably on his shoulder. “It looks kinda…”

“Pika pi.” The Pokémon shrugged. It didn’t look right to him, either, but humans being weird was nothing new.

The reason for his hesitancy was easy to spot. Lake Valor was a grand, historic location, and the town around it reflected that. It was the chosen site of numerous leagues and contests, and many would say it was the most famous competition ground in all of Sinnoh. Its popularity made it quite the tourist trap. But right now…

Right now it seemed to be in the middle of a new kind of festival. One that involved lots of pink. There were pink banners, pink flags, people wearing pink – a lot of women wearing it, he noticed. Huh, should he have brought a pink jacket or something…?

Ash had grown a lot over the years. Once a scrawny runt of a lad, over a decade of nigh-constant travel through the wilderness, across some of the harshest environments known to man and Pokemon alike, had done him the world of good. He’d grown tall, he’d grown broad, he’d grown stronger, he’d grown… Well, no, not wiser, really, not that, no. But hey, he had a lot of experience under his belt! That counted for something.

But yes, as an adult, the wanderer from Pallet definitely showed the results of a life spent eternally on the hunt. He had quite the fanclub – that he was, of course, completely oblivious to. (Serena may or may not have been a founding member.) Thus, he was drawing quite a lot of eyes from the crowds of women around him as he wandered closer to the arena. It was kind of creepy, actually.

Well, he’d decided it was too late to worry about that, and kept on marching for his destination – but now he’d found the contest hall, he found that even they had got in on the craze. Every wall had a banner showing off the strange ‘TP’ logo he’d seen all throughout town. Were they holding a convention in there or something?

So this couldn’t be where his friends wanted to battle him, could it…?

He paused for a moment, considering what’d happen if he just walked away. It’d be fine if there really was a mistake, but if they were waiting for him and he didn’t show up…

“Ha! I guess I’m the Monarch now~!”

Yep, he could just imagine May or Dawn being that smug about it, while Serena’d look sad and disappointed. Obviously, none of that could happen! Steeling himself, the trainer from Pallet strode forward and pushed in through the doors.

The inside was, if anything, pinker than the outside. Crowds of people – mostly, in fact nearly all, women – swarmed around the place dressed in TP branded clothes. Yep, must have been a convention for a fashion line. Maybe that was why the girls had wanted to meet him here?

“I definitely missed a memo or something…”


There was something else, too. A scent on the air. Perfume. It was as thick as a cloud in here, and something about it felt… familiar. As if he’d smelled something like it before.

He sniffed the air curiously, but couldn’t place it. “Do you recognise that, buddy?”

The Pokémon followed his example, but just shrugged. That was a negative. Hm. Well, it couldn’t be that-Gahk!

“Ashy! There you are~” Suddenly, an attack! Arms wrapped around him from behind, pulling him to a (weirdly squishy) hug that threatened to crush his lungs. “It’s been so long!”

“Gah!” He struggled, trying to break free – but alas, his captor was too strong. Which shouldn’t have actually been the case, really. He was a fairly strong man these days, wrestling with his pokemon for training in person from time to time, but for some reason he couldn’t muster his strength. His arms and legs were actually feeling kind of noodly at the moment, all slim and slender for some reason…

But he didn’t notice any of that, instead focused on escape. And only one route seemed open to him here - he was forced to turn to his only hope of rescue. “Pikachu, help me!”

But to his irritation, the smug looking rodent just snorted, waving happily at the barnacle in human form who had him in its grip. Traitor.

“Good to see you too, Pikachu~!”

Finally, the arms released him, and allowed him to turn around. Now he could finally recognise the woman.

Hmm. Dark hair. Pink headband. Smiling face. Pink kimono that looked like it must have been a real struggle to pull on, given how tight she’d knotted it. And it still wasn’t even doing a good job, the edges of her robe barely meeting in the middle and giving her a massive cleavage line down the middle… And that skirt must have been made for pretty warm climates, given how short it was. Now who was this…?

It took him a moment. He’d always been bad with faces. But eventually, “… Erika?”

The black haired beauty clapped her hands together happily. “That’s right! It’s been, like, ages and ages, hasn’t it? D’awh, you’re not such a little cutie anymore – now you’re all handsome and stuff…”

“Uh, thanks!” He rubbed the back of his neck, blushing. “Hey, did your dress shrink in the wash or someth-ow! What?” The man glared at his Pokemon, who pulled back his bopping fist with a roll of his eyes.


Fine. Maybe he didn’t need to ask that. Uh, different topic, different topic… Aha! “So what are you doing here? Aren’t you running the gym in Celadon anymore?”

Erika giggled, her top loosening just a touch at the motion. “Oh, sure, but, like, a couple of cuties asked me to come do them a favour, and I couldn’t say no to my fellow Pinkies~!”

He blinked. “A favour? What do you mean?”

“That’s a secret~” she singsonged, putting a finger to her lips with a wink. “But if you want a clue, here – remember Gloomy?”


She giggled, and then turned around, bending down – shoving her ass in Ash’s direction, though he really didn’t seem to notice – before spinning back with a familiar Pokémon in her arms.


Aha! Well of course Ash remembered Gloom – he’d run into a fire to pull it out of danger once. But it seemed like the flower Pokémon had upped its style over the years. Its petals were certainly looking a lot pinker now… Ack, and its perfume was way sweeter!

He coughed and spluttered as the source of that ‘familiar’ perfume blasted him in the face with a cloud of it, Pikachu instantly having a sneezing fit. As he did, neither of them noticed that their voices were starting to sound a little higher pitched than before…

“Ahw, she likes you~”

Ash was still gasping for air, his breath sounding higher and higher. That wasn’t all that was rising, though. With every gulping lungful, his chest was pushing out further and further, rising as he breathed in, and then completely failing to fall as he breathed out. By the time he’d recovered, he had two perky breasts resting snugly on his front, framed nicely by his now very tight t-shirt.

“It’s… sweet…?” He finally managed, commenting on the perfume – and not on why he suddenly felt kind of unbalanced. Nor, for the record, was he referring to his new girly voice, which had a nice tomboyish lilt to it now “That’s… Not what I normally expect from a Gloom…”

Erika, for her part, nodded. “Yeah, it was a real surprise to me when she started doing it! But,” she giggled, “once I got used to it, I realised I was overthinking the whole thing. Now I’m waaay better about that, and everything’s way more fun!”

Huh. A Gloom just changing their scent out of the blue like that? That was pretty unusual, wasn’t it? Still, Erika didn’t seem to be concerned… About anything, really. She was the one who’d know, so if she wasn’t worried, Ash didn’t see a reason to worry for her.

“Well, it was nice to see you again,” he said, giving the Gym Leader a polite smile. “But I can’t hang around. “Sorry, I’ve got a battle to attend.”

“Of course!” The dark haired beauty (and Gloomy) gave him a wave as he ran off, still trailing a cloud of perfume. And both of them watched as the Trainer’s hair crept slowly down his back, to just about his ass as it fattened inside his jeans, straining the stitching. His next step was a stumble, as he felt a sudden sensation – a kind of sucking feeling, and then a strange absence between her legs…

Did she notice the difference?

“Why are you always nicer to girls than to me?”

“Pi pika chu.”

“What do you mean I’ll never understand?!”

Nope. She just kept arguing with her best friend – who, incidentally, was now sporting a heart shaped tail and a much gentler voice herself – as she ran off to find her match.

“Mmm…” Erika giggled, licking her lips while she watched her go. “She’s a cutie. I’ll totally have to see if the girl’sll share her when they’re done~”


Eventually, Ash found what she was looking for – the arena where she’d been challenged. It had taken her a while of wandering through the pink, perfumed crowds, but to be fair, the Contest Hall was a big place! With big doors – that took a little more effort than before, for some reason – to get in her way. Finally, though, she stepped inside, onto the field.

“’Bout time you showed up!”

“We’ve been waiting for, like, ever!”

“Hey Babe, wanna go steady~?”

 And immediately, she was greeted by three boisterous cry – ones that she’d recognise from anywhere. There, in front of him, stood three familiar women, Dawn to the left, Serena to the right, and May in the middle. Between them, it looked like they’re been practicing a bold greeting, but the way they were giving the blonde the stink eye indicated she had changed the script a little.

Ash just waved. “Oh hey guys. Sorry I’m late, this place is pretty crowded today.” Then she squinted at them. “… Did you do something with your hair?”

The mood in the room deflated so quickly that it should have raised air supply concerns.

“What?” May slumped, her top straining to keep her contained at the sudden motion.

Even Dawn seemed surprised. “Is that all you’ve got to say?”

And the third bimbo… “Actually I have been, like, growing it an inch longer, do you think it’s cute?”

The other two gave her another look. “Serena. Honey. Baby. Focus.”

She giggled, bopping herself on the head. “Oopsy.”

As one, they returned their attention to the newly female Trainer across the arena from them. “Okay, Ashy? Just so you know, we’re going to bimbo you extra hard for that one.”

“What one?” The Trainer tilted her head, before looking to Pikachu. “Ugh, I swear, I’ll never understand girls.”

“Piiika pi.”

The trio paused. Then, individually, each of the three studied their opponent, their eyes flicking over Ash’s body. Luxurious long black hair. Cute, perky boobs her top did absolutely nothing to hide. Heart shaped hips barely squeezed into her jeans, with no trace of any ‘extra packages’ down there…

“One sec.” May held up a finger, gesturing for her besties to come over. “Group huddle.”

The three quickly gathered, heads bowed, voices hushed.

“… Hasn’t she noticed?” Even Serena was stunned by this one.

Dawn shook her head. “No. No she has not.”

“How can’t she notice?” May looked between them. “Is she already a bimbo?”

They thought about it for a second. Then Dawn sighed. “… Nah. She was always kind of like that.”

The other two winced and nodded. “True…”

They separated, taking their positions and poses once more. “Okay, whatever! Doesn’t matter. Like, you can be as dumb as you like – actually, that’ll totally help you out later… But yeah!” May pointed, adjusting her pink headband to proudly display its TP logo. “Ash Ketchum! We are totally inviting you to join Team Pink!”

The other two bimbos cheered and showed off their TP branded clothing too. Ash just looked between them, not following. “Team what?”

The three giggled, and May grinned. “It’s the hottest…”

“… Sexiest…” Serena added.

“… Most Awesomest Team ever!” Dawn finished, doing a little cheerleader hop and shaking her poms. “It’s, like, a total honour to be invited!”

Hmm. “This isn’t a Team Rocket thing, right?”

“Ew!” The bimbos looked disgusted. “No way! Team Pink is, like, totally original!”

“And you’re all members?”

“Yeppers! My Agent set me up a meeting…” May preened, eyes twinkling as she remembered her recruitment.

“MayMay convinced me to give ‘em a try~” Dawn winked, giving her bimbo bestie a fist bump.

“I, like, totally got on board once I visited their spa!” Serena giggled, shivering with delight as she thought back.

“Huh.” Ash shared another glance with equally confused partner. “Well, that’s cool and all, but I’m not really looking for a sponsor, so I’m going to have to say no…”

But before he could turn to leave, the doors to the arena slammed shut behind him.

May smirked. “Well duh. Even a bimbo could see that coming.”

“Yep! I totally did!” Serena clapped her hands. “But don’t worry!”

Dawn shook her pompoms again. “We’re defo not asking~!”

And as one, all three reached between their breasts, each pulling out a pink Pokéball.




“I choose you!”

They threw, and in a flash of pink light, all three Pokémon appeared before their owners.

“You totally screwed up coming to face all three of us today, Ash,” May giggled, twirling a microphone around her fingers before snapping it into her palm.

“’Cuz we’re no normal Team Pink grunts!” Dawn did a somersault, her skirt flying up around her hips for a moment, before she landed on the field next to her Pokémon.

“Together, we’re Team Pink’s Top Bimbo Coordinator Squad!” Serena strutted right up beside her, petting Sylveon’s head and winking towards the Trainer. “And now…”

“We’ll give you a show that’ll totally blow your brain!”

“Wiggly! Use Sing!”

“Oricorio! Use Revelation Dance!”

“Sylveon! Use Light Screen!”

It’s said that when a Pokémon Trainer and their Pokémon are in sync, there’s nothing they cannot achieve together. Well, right now there was nothing getting in the way of that for these simple creatures. No distracting thoughts or complicated feelings – just three hot, wet bimbos focused on sex and nothing else, joined with three Pokémon happy to grant that desire.

Light flared around the trio as Sylveon summoned a wall of hypnotic pink spirals as their backdrop. Gentle, soft music serenaded the entire court as Wigglytuff’s song washed through the room. And up front, Oricorio began to dance, waving its pink poms around, Dawn and Serena soon following suit, bouncing and jiggling proudly on stage. The performance was ready to begin.

And then as May raised the mic, the gentle serenade intensified into something more pop-y. The expected beat sped up, began to pound through the air like the heaviest base. The combination move turned this already stunning performance into the most dangerous attack imaginable – a bimbo pop ballad.

“Sit your ass down, babe, there's no time to think!
Not when you're the focus of the
best of Team Pink!
Not just pretty faces, no we're bimbos that's so true,
But that's the funny thing, babe! So. Are.

The force of the song knocked Ash from her feet, sending her tumbling over until she found herself on her ass, Pikachu dazed beside her. “H-hey,” she protested, “No fair starting! I haven’t even summoned my Pokémon yet!”

No one was listening, and even she found it difficult to care as she absorbed the show in front of her. There was something about the swirling lights, the throbbing beat, the bounciness of the dancers… She found herself feeling… Feeling really warm and strange… What was happening…?

The girls just giggled and danced with gleeful eyes on their helplessly captive audience, the microphone passing to Dawn as May joined the show. The brunette and the blonde twirled around one another, leaning in for a quick kiss in the background as the blunette took centre stage.

“We know you don't believe us baby, but that's becuz you're dumb.
So take a sec and listen honey, that brain is going numb.
We're sexy and we know it, and now you can't look away,
Just lay back, enjoy the show, and hear just what we say!”

“P… Pikachu… What’s…” Ash’s eyes were crossed, her lips pursed in confusion… And those lips were looking an awful lot plumper than they had a moment ago.

“Piiikkaaaa~” The Pokemon just giggled, swaying along with the melody. She was going through some changes of her own, the music moving through her and her Trainer together. The dark stripes on her back and at the base of her tail were turning pink, and the red spots on her face were getting an awful lot lighter too…

So she was no help. But then, Ash had no idea what help would look like right now. That funny feeling was getting stronger by the second, spreading through her like a thunderbolt. This weird, unfamiliar heat between her legs, in her chest, in her everything! It was making her start to squirm, her thighs twitching against the ground as she tried to… to… to something

And on stage, the mic spun through the air into Serena’s hand. The blonde had been standing in place, swaying her hips like a metronome, but now she spun up to the front, while her co-stars slipped backwards, and further slipped out of their tops, emphasising their curves as the slutty background dancers they’d become.

“You feel it in your chest and you feel it in your hips,
You feel the surge of warmth, and the rush of happy bliss,
You feel your body growing, feel your curves starting to swell,
You're feeling pretty horny as your IQ goes to hell!”

“Haaaahhh…” A confused sigh spilled through the dark haired Trainer’s lips as they continued to heat up – and they were far from the only part of her body to do so. Her top was getting incredibly tight, and her jeans were weirdly uncomfortable. “I don’t… like… under… under… um… I don’t get it…?”

She was feeling the warmth, absolutely. It was everywhere, coursing through her, sweat starting to drip down her body. And as that body grew, she was feeling the bliss, too – each pound of fat, each inch of skin, each bolt of pleasure was like a pitch perfect note played on her soul. Her mind was growing slower by the moment, thick confusion pouring into her head like concrete, but why did it matter when everything felt so good?

Her hips continued to grind, thighs rubbing together, her dainty hands rubbing at the front of her jeans, guided by instinct alone. Reason was on its way out of the building, and every rub was hastening its progress.

Up on stage, the mic was back in May’s hands, and May’s skirt was on the floor. Her free hand was spent caressing her eager body, while her two equally naked, equally eager co-stars were fully making out behind her, hips still swaying with the music.

“So just relax and take it Sugar, you’re getting nice and thick,
And what you need inside your cunny is a big fat dick!
Team Pink is going to give it to you, a fucking to remember,
So spread those legs and wet those lips 'cuz you're a lifelong member!”

She didn’t need to be told twice! The trainer’s legs snapped open like a Kingler’s claws, a motion that spelled the final straw for her jeans. The tough, travel worn fabric had put up with a lot over the years, but its wearer’s ass inflating like a pair of balloons was not on the warranty. Threads and fabrics stretched and then tore, splitting around her hips like an unwoven pair of shorts, leaving her in just a shorn pair of leggings. For a moment, a sodden set of underwear was revealed – before that elastic snapped too, leaving no obstruction to the view of the woman’s dripping cunt.

The T-shirt was doing better, but only because it had ridden up so high there was nothing covering her waist. The boobs on her chest had long left the ‘perky’ range – the only ranges they could be classified as part of now were mountain ranges – and were just barely kept in check by tight fabric that was quickly getting drenched in drool.

An eager, stupid smile was spreading over her pink lips now. Thoughts of big fat dicks and what she wanted to do with one, what she wanted one to do to her, what she wanted far more than one to do to her… These weren’t thoughts she’d ever had before, but now they were flooding into her brain, drowning out everything else!

Her hand inched closer, sliding down between her thighs…

… Only to be grabbed and yanked up, pulling the brain blitzed woman to her feet and up on stage!

Now she was in the middle of a very horny trio, and she was feeling pretty horny herself. This was a place she had no experience, no guidance, no idea of what to do. But fortunately, the girls were all too willing to show her. May’s hands were on her tits, Dawn was holding her up by her ass, and Serena was already taking a long lick up her- up her-…!

“Yeah you're a slut, an eager whore, but hey so what who cares?
It takes much more than that these days to keep those horny stares!
You feel the need, you want that meat, and that's just what you'll get!
Cuz that's how Team Pink bimbos roll, we're always hot and wet!”

The words vibrated through her, buzzing in through her ears, her mouth, her lower lips, all of it sending shocks up and down her spine. It was far, far too much to resist, if she even had the means. But the black haired beauty was far too gone for that, melting into the other women’s arms and letting them shape her, body, heart, soul and all. The music washed over them all, the beat reaching up to a crescendo.

Tongues twirled, toes curled, fingers groped and intwined. The bimbo pop performance had fully transitioned into a bimbo porn performance, and all four stars were completely onboard. Ash wouldn’t dream of asking anyone to stop right now, not as she let herself sink into a sea of tits and her mind drip out of her snatch, licked away by an eager roving tongue…

But something inside her was building. That bubbling, roiling heat between her legs, in her chest, in her head. Each stroke, each lick, each tickle and twitch, every sensation made it draw closer, made it bigger, filled her body fuller. Her heart hammered with the beat, her soul throbbed with need. She needed… She needed…!

“P-please…” She mewled, her voice high and desperate. “Let me-Mmp?!”

A sticky finger laid itself upon her lips. Behind it, three smiling faces lurked, their pink eyes shining in the flickering light.

“Careful now, Sweetie…” Serena purred, her hand stroking down between the Trainer’s legs. “You’re, like, on the edge~”

“She’s right.” Dawn giggled, drawing a squeal as she squeezed the beauty’s ass. “Only members of Team Pink get to cum here, y’know.”

“And you totally said you didn’t wanna join!” May was alternating between nipples, teasing one, pinching the other, then giving the third a kiss…

They were driving her wild. “Buh- But I-!”

“Oh, we know…” Serena stroked her cheek.

“You’re totally gunna explode!” Dawn winked. “If we let ya’.”

“But when you do, honey, there’s no goin’ back.” May leaned over her, eyes flashing with hunger. “It’s big tits…”

“Sucking dicks…”

“… And goodbye wits forever~!” The blonde cheered. “So, Ashley…”

All three leaned forward. There was no way to escape.

“Will you be a bimbo like us?”

“Wanna be a slut?”

“Time to admit, like, the whore you are…”

“Do you wanna join Team Pink?”

This was what it all came down t-


It was over in a flash. There wasn’t even time to think the question through. But one answer gave her pleasure, gave her release, gave her everything she wanted right now, and the other didn’t, so was it even really a question at all.

She just wanted to cum, and she’d have her wish. Her mind melted, her tits expanded, her ass fattened as she branded her soul with her new allegiance. And in return…

The bimbo screamed in pleasure, her high pitched voice bouncing off the walls all across the Contest Hall, juices squirting out of her as she came and came and came. Then, as the tongues returned, plugging her every hole and showing her that the Top Bimbo Coordinator Squad hadn’t even started showing her pleasure, she came again. And then she stopped thinking entirely, as the porno scene sank into irrecoverable depravity.


Hours later, the doors to the arena opened once again, revealing a Trainer much unlike the one who’d entered that morning. For one, her outfit had sure gotten a lot sluttier – her jeans now replaced with tight blue booty shorts, her T-shirt with a black bikini-top. Her jacket was mostly the same, though there was clearly no chance of ever closing it over those curves, but her hat had been traded in for a ‘TP’ brand pink cap, showing off where her loyalty now lay (and it wouldn’t be the only thing laying if she got her way).

The curves were another obvious change, of course. Her having grown tits larger than her head wasn’t the kind of thing that could be hidden, and no roaming pair of eyes was going to miss that wrecking ball of an ass she had shaking behind her. The sluttish aura around her was unmistakable. Coupled with her long black hair, she’dve made for quite the dark beauty – if not for her utterly vapid eyes and permanently mystified expression.

She’d certainly make for a fine Bimbo, though. And no one would be mistaking her for the world famous Monarch of the Pokémon world.

“So, like…” She was twirling a lock of hair around her finger as she strutted out of the arena, three familiar bimbos walking just behind her. “I don’t get it. What am I supposed to do when I meet this Master guy, again?”

“Don’t worry Ashley. You’ll totally understand when you see him,” Serena told her, skipping up along side her and taking her arm. “And, like, I’ll come and help guide you through it. We can suck him off together – your lips and my tits!”

“Awh, thanks Rena~” The two giggled and shared a kiss. Around their feet, a pink streaked, rather ditzy looking Pikachu gave the two a thumbs up.

“Just don’t hog all the cock!” May was resolute as she followed. “We, like, totally worked super hard on bimboing you!”

“Don’t worry, Maymay.” Dawn wrapped an arm around her friend’s waist. “He’ll never forget us! And I’ll make sure to keep you extra warm and ready for him while we’re waiting~”

Ashley smiled as her friends trailed off into moans and giggles. She really owed them big time for getting her into, like, such an awesome club! And she was totally gunna pay them back by being the best bimbo she could be! Yeah, it took a truly special talent to rise out of the ranks, and become a professional champion slut – but she knew she could do it. She had  faith.

She was gunna be the very best bimbo – like no one ever was!



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