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Alright folks! Next week we are back in business, so I hope those of you with comm slots are brainstorming up some ideas! It always sucks to miss your slot (trust me, forgetful as I can be, I know the feeling well).

For now, one last story of the month - enjoy another adventure from our favourite paladin and sorceress duo!


Hushed words echoed as whispers through the magnificent palace corridor, soon smothered by luxurious stone and glamorous gold.

“I am not going to let you ruin this for us.”

“I won’t ruin it.”

“I know, because I won’t let you!” Elora nodded to herself, assured in her own skills of paladin wrangling. “A chance like this comes but once in a lifetime. An elven lifetime, Tay, an elven one!”

At her side, the blonde knight rolled her eyes. “Okay, first off, you really don’t need to emphasise your lifespan so much.”

“Yes I do.”

“It makes you sound old.”

The elf put a hand to her chest and raised her head in the most haughty fashion imaginable, sweeping her long red hair back dramatically for good measure. “It makes me sound mysterious and alluring.”

Of course it did. Tay sighed and glanced around, making sure that her friend wasn’t drawing the wrong sort of attention with her antics. The pair were walking down one of the seemingly infinite corridors that guests of the palace were expected to traverse, trophies of wealth and power surrounding them on all sides. The walls were carved marble, the paintings famed masterpieces in solid gold frames, the carpets were so plush you could sink into them…

And, of course, there were guards posted every few meters in powerful magical armour watching their every move. That was why they were talking in hushed voices, even though they were ostensibly alone. Fortunately, none of them were looking their way. So far so good.

“Second off,” the paladin decided to continue. “You know, I never had you figured for a monarchist.”

Elora blinked. “Monar-whatnow?”

“…” The blonde’s eyes narrowed, and she spoke slowly. “A supporter of the monarchy.”

“There’s that word again.” El shook her head, shrugging. “Sounds like a silly human one you made up.”

“All words are- No, the monar- The royal family.” Tay could feel her teeth grinding.

“Oh.” The elf didn’t seem any more enlightened. “Who cares about them?”

“You do, apparently!”

Finally, the light of understanding dawned.

“Nooooo,” El shook her head, smirking with amusement at her poor, foolish, paladin friend. “I care about not making a fool of myself in front of Alura the Enchantress. The Enchantress herself, Tay! She’s one of the greatest magical artisans of all time! And we get to meet her in person! Not a magical projection or sending spell – she’ll be legit in front of us, talking to us! Eee~”

“Oh.” Tanya had to stop herself from groaning. Oh, of course it was something like that.

Her efforts did not go unnoticed. “What’s with the tone, paladin? Don’t tell me you’re one of those.”

“One of what?” The blonde raised a curious eyebrow. “What’s those?”

El rolled her eyes and waved a hand. “One of those people who hold her youthful indiscretions against her.”

Youthful-?! “She conquered all of Gepanya! The whole continent, kneeling at her feet!”

That got a dreamy giggle. “Yeah, it was awesome~”

“It was evil!”

“Sure, sure, a little bit.” The sorceress gave a non-committal shrug. “But it was all enchantments! It’s not like she really hurt anyone, ‘s more than you can say for most former Dark Lords.”

“Most ‘former’ Dark Lords don’t go on to become the Queen of an entire nation!” The paladin was grumbling now, her voice quieter than ever as she eyed the nearby guards.

El was much less restrained. “Psh, come on, she isn’t the first to get charmed by a roguish, dashing young hero. King Wendel was pretty handsome back in the day. You know how it is. Power of love, dramatic redemption, yadda yadda yadda…” She sighed. “We lose so many promising spell casters that way…”

Tay snorted. “Yeah, that’s what the official record says, anyway.”

The elf gave her companion a look. “What, you think this is all some elaborate evil plot? That she’s been the reigning monarch over one of the most prosperous and peaceful nations, surrounded by the most powerful and most hawkish followers of the light who’d lop her head off the moment she stepped out of line even slightly, for thirty years as part of a dark scheme to… Uh… Do something dastardly and fiendish that we’ve not seen any signs of at all?”

There was a pause. Silence reigned over their walk for a long moment. And then… “Okay when you put it like that it sounds ridiculous…”

“A lot of what you say sounds ridiculous when said out loud, yes.”

“But I still don’t trust her! She’s a powerful Enchantress, there’s no limit to what she could be up to!”

So powerful, did you see what she did to-”

“And a former Dark Lord!” Tanya was not about to give her friend a chance to start fangirling, it would get disturbing fast. “I just think some suspicion is warranted.”

Elora sighed. “Look, whatever you think, I don’t want you giving any of this attitude to the Queen herself, okay?”

To which the paladin folded her arms, trying not to look like she was sulking and not really succeeding. “It’s fine, I’m not an idiot. Of course I’ll give my due respect to a member of the royal family. Just… Keep your guard up, okay?”

“Keep my guard up around one of the most powerful Enchanters in history?” The sorceress snorted. “Tay. Please. I’ve been monitoring our auras since the moment we got the invitation. The second anyone tried to work any magic on us, I’ll know. Don’t worry, I’m star struck, but I’m not a novice.”

Oh, thank the forces. Tanya finally let herself take a breath of relief, knowing that her friend wasn’t completely ignoring her fears. Sure, this job could be completely normal and boring – but if it wasn’t, she wanted to be prepared for it.

The invitation they had gotten had been a strange one, too. Job requests specifically for the two of them weren’t entirely unusual – they had been adventuring for a long time, and the two of them had made many friends (and more than a few enemies) over the course of their quests. But none of those quests had ever taken them anywhere near the royal palace. So why would the Queen of the kingdom specifically call for them, by name, for a bodyguard request?

She’d been thinking about it a lot, but nothing came to her. Maybe it was innocent… Or maybe there was something sinister afoot. Either way, her instincts were warning her to be on edge, and she was glad to hear that her friend was taking this as seriously as she was.

As long as they were working together, she was confident they could handle anything.


Except this, maybe.

“Oh aren’t you darling!”


Tanya was a paladin. She was used to greeting and speaking with nobles and dignitaries on a relatively even, though respectful, level. Her position as a holy warrior came with some small degree of status, one that she was not above using to leverage a good result for the forces of light.

Obviously, nothing she had ever dealt with on that stage had ever come close to the likes of an actual Queen, but she felt she knew what to expect. A polite greeting. Perhaps a kneeling kiss to the back of her hand. Proper, respectful, traditional offerings of submission to the crown, these things she understood and accepted.

She had no idea how to take being swept off of her feet, full-plate armour and all, and drawn into a swinging hug, kissing lips pressed against her cheeks before she was released.

The blonde staggered, barely managing to keep her feet as she stared at her assaulter with wide eyes. The woman was impossible not to recognise. Wavy green hair, tied up in a bun by broaches of glittering emeralds. A long, royal dress of flowing purple and white silks. The regal way in which she held herself, her confident, curvaceous figure striking a captivating silhouette. The tiara of gold and platinum resting on her brow. Yep, this could only be one person.

“Y-Your Highness,” Tanya stuttered, unsure whether she should talk this out or just start fleeing now. “I, ah, I’m flattered, but…!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, dear.” Queen Alura put a hand to her mouth, daintily hiding an embarrassed smile. “I just completely lost control of myself. Totally improper, I know, but I’ve always had such a thing for knights in shining armour… My, you are gallant, aren’t you?”

Once again, the paladin felt her flight or flight instincts try to kick in, her body uncharacteristically freezing in place as the ruler’s eyes swept over her, scanning her like she was meat in a butcher’s shop.

“Almost seems a shame to waste you as a mere bodyguard, but needs must, needs must,” the older woman hummed to herself, before shaking her head. “Again, my most sincere apologies, my noble knight. I was just expecting someone a little more dour and worn, not a heroic paragon in her prime. Why you almost remind me of my husband, some twenty years ago…”

The Queen chuckled to herself, before finally stepping back, retreating into her study, where the adventurers had been instructed to meet her. And it was only then, as the woman’s presence receded to a more tolerable level, that Tanya realised there was someone standing next to her. Someone who was glaring holes in the side of her head.

“I can’t believe you ruined this,” Elora whispered, looking very much like she wanted to start throwing fireballs in her direction.

“I didn’t do anything!”

Tanya’s helpless protest fell on deaf pointed ears. “Don’t you give me that. You’re doing that whole stupid chivalrous knight routine again, and I-!

“Ladies?” The Queen called, drawing both Adventurers to look over. The green haired royal had taken a seat in a very plush looking chair across the room, and was gesturing for the two of them to follow suit nearby. “Please, we have much to discuss.”

The pair looked back at one another. There was a short, tense silence between the two.

We’ll discuss this later,” the elf hissed. Then her burning fury vanished, and she stepped forward with a graceful curtsy and a beautiful smile. “It would be our honour, your Benevolence.”

Tanya followed slightly less fluidly, still kind of thrown by the whole thing. This really wasn’t how she’d expected any of this to go.

Alura didn’t seem to notice any issues as they took their seats across the coffee table from her. She just smiled, pouring out cups of tea for herself and her two guests. “So polite. I know our silly customs must be nothing but an irritation to you, fair lady.”

El blinked, and then seemed to perk up as the royal finally paid attention to her. “Oh heavens no! I’ve spent a lot of time in human lands, your Highness – I’m very used to human ingenuity.”

“That’s not what you-”

Elora’s foot shouldn’t have been able to reach Tanya’s ankle, the paladin’s greaves being designed to specifically stop physical attacks from far stronger opponents dead – and yet, somehow, the lightning fast kick to the shins shut her up all the same.

It was fair. She wouldn’t have said anything if she wasn’t still so disorientated.

“You flatter us.” The Queen continued to ignore anything strange. “Tell me, do I detect the aura of a tested spellcaster? It’s been some time since my days in the field, as it were, but I like to think I still have an eye for recognising power when I see it.” She winked.

“Oh, your Majesty, you’re far too kind!” The sorceress was back in her element, pouring on the charm so thick that it was a shock leprechauns didn’t immediately appear to do a jig on her head. “I do practice the art, you’re right, but I could hardly call myself tested – certainly not in the presence of a legend like yourself!”

“My my, you are a charmer, aren’t you? Why, I think I might risk losing all composure if I’m left around the two of you. Ah, speaking of – guards?” The green haired woman turned to the pair of knights stationed at the doorway. “You may leave us. I wish to discuss my business with these fine ladies in private.”

The two nodded, departing without a word. Honestly, Tanya wanted to call them back – she needed someone to protect her from these two! But alas, the doors slammed shut, and any hope of rescue was firmly banished.

Once they were gone, Alura snapped her fingers, and Elora gasped. For a moment, Tay worried that she’d seen some kind of threat, but instead her eyes were fixed on the closed doors with a look of delight on her face. “That spell…”

“Just a small veil, to assure we suffer no interlopers,” the Queen said, sipping at her tea – a little smugly, if Tanya was any judge. “No words or sights will leave this room without my say so until I release it.”

“Masterfully done, my lady.” El’s eyes were practically shining. Then she leaned over to whisper to Tanya, too excited not to explain. “That spell should have taken five mages working in tandem – and she did it with a snap of her fingers! Isn’t she amazing?”

“Uh…” Between her friend’s fangirling and her client/ruler’s forthright attitude, the paladin was finding it hard to keep up. It did sound impressive, but also pretty concerning? Or- Or was that just her being paranoid?

Alura started talking before she could decide. “Now, let us speak about why I called you here. I imagine you have questions, but before we begin, I must test something.” She straightened up and cleared her throat, rubbing under her chin. “A moment, it’s been a while. Don’t find anything unusual about any of this, and could you take your tops off for me, please?”

The words seemed to ring through the room like an old church bell, buzzing through both Adventurers and rattling their teeth. There was a power to them, like they were more real than reality… But then, there was nothing unusual about that.

“Of course,” Tanya nodded matter of factly, already pulling off her gauntlets. “El, could you give me a hand with my breastplate?”

“Always making things difficult…” The sorceress had already yanked her robes off, leaving her clad in a (very fashionable) skirt and little else. With a roll of her eyes she leaned over and helped her friend with the clasps, yanking the heavy metal away and allowing the blonde to strip down out of her under garments, neatly folding them all in a neat pile at her feet. “Like what you see, your Highness?”

“Oh definitely.” The Queen grinned, absolutely enjoying the view as the two Adventurers showed off their (rather buxom) chests without a hint of shame. “Thank you, dears. But let me just make sure… So you are the elf and you are the human?” She pointed to Tanya and Elora respectively.

Again, the words seemed to pulse through them, for a moment making the world seem less real…

Then Tay nodded. “That’s right,” she said, brushing back her hair to reveal her pointed ears for a moment, before smiling. “I know elven knights of the light are rare, but I was fortunate enough to be taken in by an open minded sect three centuries back…”

“Oh, don’t let her bore you talking about her history,” Elora interrupted her, waving a hand with decidedly less fluid grace than normal. “She’ll keep you here all day. We know you’re old, dear.” She sipped her tea and gave the elf a pointed look.

“I’ll remember you said that when you’re old and grey and want to reminisce about the good old times,” Tay sniffed, folding her arms.

“As if I’d have good times to remember with you…”

“Perfect!” Alura clapped in delight, interrupting another squabble before it could begin. “Oh yes, you two will do very nicely. You’re exactly what I’m looking for.”

The pair paused, remembering where they were, and sat back in their chairs, trying to not look too much like they’d been caught with their hands in the cookie jars. The paladin was the one who spoke up first.

“I’m sorry, your Highness”, she said, finally feeling like she’d found her feet. The weight of her centuries of experience was anchoring her – really, it was strange that she’d been as thrown as she had been. “But I must ask, what do you mean, we’re what you’re looking for?”

The Queen nodded, chuckling. “I’m sorry, I know I’m getting ahead of myself. Like I said, you must be confused. I’m just pleased that I was able to find such a malleable pair!”

The two shared another look – this one rather confused. “Malleable, my Queen?”

“Ah. Oops.” Alura giggled, pressing her hand against her lips. “Silly me, forget I said that. In fact, forget all about this line of questioning, please, it will just get awkward. No need for you to know I’ve been looking through your medical records…

Tanya frowned. “Uh- Wait, what was I saying…?”

“Something boring, probably,” Elora yawned. “So nothing important. Now, your Highness, I have to know – Why are we here? The palace so rarely hires Adventurers! I know the job notice said ‘Bodyguard’, but you seem to have plenty of guards – and obviously, you’re one of the most accomplished spellweavers of the age… Able to lay armies low with a snap of your fingers… Just, like, incredible awesome in general…”

“What my companions means to say,” the paladin interrupted, “is just what job have we been hired for, exactly?”

“Of course, of course.” The Queen was still smiling as she sipped her tea. “I can quite understand your curiosity. Very well, I shall be frank.”

She set down her tea cup and looked over the pair, who sat attentively, listening to every word.

“Truth be told, my job keeps me very busy these days,” she sighed. “A nation doesn’t run itself! Not to mention my daughter is at difficult age, where she needs my support and guidance more than ever. And though my husband works hard, he’s not suited for some of the subtler intricacies of rulership… Though he can still handle a sword just fine, I can tell you that right now…”

Her smile turned into a distracted grin, and she trailed off, lost in thought, until an embarrassed cough from the paladin brought her back to the present.

“Ah, right. At any rate, I’ve decided that I need some assistance. I need women who I can trust to handle delicate tasks in my place. Women I can trust with my full authority and power to do whatever must be done. Well.” She paused, thinking. “Almost my full authority and power, anyway.”

Tanya and Elora weren’t following. Elven and human eyes met, and though they may have unknowingly been in the wrong faces at the moment, they communicated their nervous confusion well all the same.

“I’m sorry, my Queen,” El said, her voice tentative, uncertain. “That doesn’t sound like the kind of thing you hire a bodyguard for…?”

“True, true.” Alura agreed with a nod. “I suppose bodyguard was the wrong word. What I need, my dears, are body doubles.”

Another confused shared glance. This really wasn’t explaining anything.

“Then why call us?”

“Yeah – I mean, forgive me, your highness.” El blushed at her accidental casual speech. “But we’re not shapeshifters or anything. And we look nothing like you. N-not that you look bad or anything, you’re amazing, but-”

It was Tay’s hand over her mouth that silenced her this time.

But the Queen just laughed. “Nonsense, dears, you look just like me!

The world turned fuzzy, like it was being viewed through an unfocused lens. Shapes and concepts became undefined. Confusion seeped in through every pore. Motion and thought seemed to slide to a stop, unsure of how to go until the words of reality told them what was to be.

It was difficult to speak in this strange, unsteady world, but Tay managed to push the words out from between her lips with some effort. “We… do…?”

Alura nodded. “Of course. You’re both human women…”

Pointed ears vanished, returned to rounded smoothness, as sharp eyes and ethereal reflexes faded into human norms. Tanya found herself nodding, almost sleepily. Of course she was a human woman. Always had been. And so had El, of course.

“Of a certain, mature age…”

A pair of sighs washed through the room, as the adventuresome energy of youth was replaced by the sincere wisdom of age. The two women advanced through the years without a hint of complaint, gaining confidence and experience – as well as a few worn lines on their face, and a hint of sag to their breasts. Nothing extreme, but it was clear their younger days were far behind them now.

Because of course they were. The two had been adventuring together for decades now. People had been saying they should consider retirement, perhaps take up teaching positions in the city, but there was always more work left to be done.

“With lovely sea green hair…

Green hair was a rarity in humans, usually indicating the touch of the fae in your bloodline. Both Tanya and Elora had always worn theirs proudly, even if it did occasionally give them an unsightly reputation as tricksters and seductresses.

Granted a quick kick and an even quicker fireball had always put an end to that kind of talk!

“Green eyes…”

True. Actually, now that she put it like that, hiring them as body doubles was starting to make a lot of sense – though there were still a few differences. For instance, neither of them had-

“A healthy, voluptuous figure…”

There was a small chorus of giggles as the pair flushed and preened, their bare chests blatantly growing while their still clothed asses swelled. Yes, guilty as charged – they’d always been known for their alluring builds. Truth be told, neither of them had ever been forced to pay for a tavern room in their lives – there was always someone willing to foot the bill to share a bed with them, if they so desired it.

… Even the same clothes…

There was a rustling of fabric and a metallic whisper, as every last trace of the pair’s old outfits vanished, and instead they found themselves clad in the same royal robes as the woman in front of them.

Why, I dare say if anyone ever saw the three of us together, they would think us sisters – triplets even!”

Oh. Well, yes, of course. That made perfect sense. They’d always been told that their similarity to the Queen was astounding, and now that they were sat across from her they could see that was obviously true. The three of them might well have been separated at birth, they were so similar!

“Though obviously, I’m the real deal, and you two are my doubles. You answer to me, always. This is no alliance of equals.”

Obviously, obviously. The two Adventurers nodded, accepting their place in the hierarchy without complaint. Queen Alura was their superior, that would never be questioned.

The world snapped back into focus – rewritten into a new, much more convenient form. Three practically identical women smiled at each other, all glad that this state of affairs made so much sense.

“I see,” said Tanya. “Then I-”

“Oh, and you sound like me too.”

Her voice dropped a couple of octaves, and picked up a touch of that Gepanyan twang. “Uh- Oh. Ah, I suppose we do sound alike as well, yes.”

“Quite.” Elora was back to daintily sipping her tea, adjusting well to her new reality – one where her resemblance to the Queen had given her something of an upper class attitude. “In many ways, I suppose hiring us as your body doubles makes perfect sense! I can’t think why I ever questioned the idea.”

“Indeed. Given the obvious logic of it all… I mean, I’d be honoured to serve the crown in such a way, your Highness. May I ask what kind of duties you’d like us to perform?” Naturally, it couldn’t be anything too important. The two of them were just Adventurers, after all, not trained dignitaries. Taking the Queen’s place during dangerous events and distracting visits seemed like the most likely tasks they had ahead of them.

But Alura surprised them. “Oh, you know, the usual,” she said with a shrug. “I want to spend more time with my daughter, so you two handling state affairs and all that will be ideal.”

“B-but your Highness!” Even Elora had to stutter at that idea. “We’re… We’re hardly trained for that sort of thing!”

She hadn’t meant it as a joke, but the Queen apparently found her protest very funny. “Not a problem,” she said, getting to her feet. “Training you will take no time at all. Here, I’ll run you through the most important parts.”

Beckoning them to follow, she walked around the room, navigating her study with the ease you’d expect of a woman in her own space. The Adventurers shared one last, still desperately confused, glance, before rising and going after her, obviously much less familiar with the terrain. They soon found themselves standing in front of a full sized family portrait, the Queen presenting it to her guests.

“This is portrait of our beloved family,” she explained, as if it needed explanation. “Me, my husband King Rupert Wendel the Third, and our beautiful daughter, Emerald. Isn’t she adorable?”

That enchantment might not have been, strictly speaking, entirely necessary – but it certainly made the woman smile as her doubles got starry-eyed and cooed over the sweet green hared girl in the picture. “Yes, exactly.”

She coughed again, stretching her vocal chords, before reality swam out of focus once more.

Memorise these faces. They are the most important people in the world to you. There’s ourself, obviously, we are amazing…

“We are amazing,” the pair droned – one with considerably more enthusiasm than the other, guess which.

… And you’d give your life to protect Rupert, obviously, though I’m sure he’ll never need it. He’s still as strong and virile as he ever was…” Alura fondly stroked his picture. “Such a kind soul. The perfect man, right?

“Absolutely perfect,” Tay agreed – a little empty headedly, sure, but the feeling was there.

“Sooo dreamy.” Elora was all aboard and demanding the driver run this ship faster.

And if anything ever happened to Emerald… Well, you would rip this entire nation in half to crush the dreams of whoever caused her pain.” She gave them a bright, noble smile – one they reflected down to the last detail as the world came back into focus. “Simple, no?”

“Perfectly so, your Highness.”

“Couldn’t have put it better myself.”

“Excellent!” The noble enchantress clapped her hands together. “You’re coming along wonderfully. Those are the most important things. Everything else is mostly secondary. Oh, you know, act in the best interests of the kingdom and all that, obviously – we’re not teenagers anymore, we don’t just start throwing curses around when we don’t get what we want…”

All three of them sighed, remembering the good old days – the same good old days, in fact.

“Yes,” she decided, nodding. “You’re almost there. Just one last test, I think. A moment…” She reached out and plucked a small hand bell from the table at her side, ringing it with a flick of her wrist. “I’ll lower the veil for a moment, allow them to respond…”

A moment was all it took. Before the doubles could even question what she was up to, the doors burst open, and two maids stepped in – the one with dark hair standing up so straight it looked like she might snap her back in two, while the blonde was slouched and clearly not paying attention.

“Y-You rang, Mistress?”

“Oh hey, why are there three of you?”

“F-Focus, Natalia! This- This isn’t the time for questions!”

“Psssh, don’t be so uptight Demissa~”

The Queen grinned, sliding her arms around her doubles’ shoulders as the world faded out of focus once again. “There, the perfect test subjects. Alright girls. You look like me. You love like me. You think like me. You are me. So show me my abilities. Help these two settle into their new positions here with some enchantments~

The two not-quite-Queens shuddered as their souls, their very core essences, shifted further from their old selves, and shimmered closer to the woman who held them tight in her grip. A glow seemed to light in their eyes, the pair staring at these new arrivals with curiosity and… hunger.

“H… How…?” It wasn’t clear which one of them had spoken. It didn’t really make a difference at this point.

Feel the magic flow through you,” the Queen explained. “Feel the knowledge unroll inside your minds. Take a look at your targets.

She leaned to her left, speaking more directly into Tanya’s ear. “The black haired one. Doesn’t she look stressed? Think. How can you help her out? How can you lighten her burden?”

The green haired knight-queen blinked… And then smiled as the knowledge spread through her mind. She raised her head, pursing her lips as she gathered the power within – and then spoke a single word.


Reality shuddered, bent, twisted. Her will overrode all.

In front of them, the dark haired maid changed. Her expression, so carefully schooled, slackened, jaw dropping open as her eyes glazed. Her hair shimmered, turning from black to shining platinum blonde. Her breasts expanded, her ass grew fat, her cleavage window pulling open as her skirt lost a handful of inches. Her entire demeanour changed, her stance shifting from stiff at attention to shoving her tits in everyone’s faces.

In but a word and a moment, her entire existence had been rewritten.

“Good.” The Queen smirked, and then leaned to the right, speaking now to Elora. “Look at the blonde. So lax and indecisive. How will you make her better?”

The sorceress-queen’s smile was every bit her sculptor’s equal. She was already prepared to speak.


Her voice rang through the world, leaving naught but her desires in its wake.

Natalia stiffened, her eyes going blank. Blonde hair vanished under a tide of black liquid that poured itself over her, obscuring her flesh as it blended with her outfit, and then hardened into a firm rubbery shell, concealing her face, and indeed every distinguishing thing about her, from the world. Her breasts and behind swelled, though not to the extent of her bimbofied friend.

Faceless. Mindless. Will-less. The maid drone saluted in place, waiting for orders.

“Excellent work,” the Queen hissed, hugging both of her girls tight. “Doesn’t it feel good to control them?

The two doubles were smiling. “Yes…”

To shape them to your desires?

It had felt so good! “Yeesss…”

To grip their destiny in your fingers and squeeze?


Everything clicked. Their essences, their souls, minds, hearts and bodies completely in sync. Three were one and one was three.

“Perfect. Then you may forget everything else from before you entered this room. None of it matters. You are me, my doubles, and that is all you have ever been.” She released them, breathing a sigh of proud relief. A job well done. “Oh, and you two may go back to your duties.”

The drone maid saluted, while the bimbo maid giggled as they departed. “I’m gunna go see if any cute guards are in the break room~”

“… I should probably fix them later. After they’ve had some fun.” Alura Prime shrugged. It was always a shame to undo fun enchantments, but she was trying to be good these days . Mostly.

“I’m sure they won’t come to any harm. It’ll do them both some good,” Alura Alpha – who may, in another reality, have called herself Elora – nodded, firmly confident.

“Exactly. We’ve gifted them the rare chance to see things from the other side. Totally not evil.” Alura One – Who might have been Tanya, but she also might have been Elora, and honestly it was pointless to keep track at this point – agreed with herself. “Now, what do we need to do today, Me?”

Prime chuckled, merrily assured by her fellow Her’s logic. “Alright. We have an all day meeting with the diplomat from the north. They’ve been testing the borders a bit much up there lately, so…”

“So we’ll make sure they understand the consequences of angering us.” One grinned. The other two did as well.

“Perfect. Then I’ll send Me,” she looked to Alpha, “to work with the auditing office.”

“Of course,” her double nodded. “It’s high time we made sure that all the palaces finances are in order.”

“It is, it is.” The original patted her fellow on the back, understanding how dull the work threatened to be. But someone had to do it, and it might as well be Her. “And that leaves Me free to play with Emerald when she’s done with her tutoring.” She clapped her hands. “Wonderful!”

“Give her My love~”

“Always.” The three exchanged kisses to the cheeks – a little narcissistic, sure, but that was not even remotely a surprise here – and then two of Her turned and went to assume their duties. They left through separate doors, of course. No need to make it too obvious that there were three of Her.

Alura smiled as she watched them go. They were perfect duplicates, even if she did say so herself. Oh, she’d have to let them go eventually – even if she wasn’t a goody two-shoes now, it would have been such a shame to lose such a striking knight.

Still… That could definitely wait a while. After all, her beloved Rupey-bear’s birthday was coming up next month, and what better gift could he receive than three of his adoring wife? Ah, he was such a manly man, even in his advanced years. Still, as long as all three of her were working together, they could handle anything~


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