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Hey folks!

March continues, and I'm trying to get as much rest and recovery in as I can. That and looking for a new filing system... Not much else to say, so here, have a cowgirl story!


“Chie!” Yukiko Amagi was, as far as Chie Satonaka was concerned, the most graceful, glamorous woman in all of Inaba, but you wouldn’t know it to look at her this second. It was hard to look like the mature beauty who had spawned the Amagi challenge when you were charging head first down the steps and throwing yourself around your best friend, after all.

“Yukiko!” Naturally, the brunette couldn’t keep a happy smile off of her face either, returning the hug in full force. “Hey there. Wow, it’s been way too long.”

“Over a year.” The black haired beauty pouted up at her. “You really couldn’t find any time to come back home for a visit for your bestie?”

Chie found herself blushing, rubbing the back of her neck – while still keeping hold of her friend with one arm. “Sorry. I tried, but police academy training is really tough. I couldn’t get away from Tokyo for the life of me. Still, I’m back now – and we’ve got a whole week to catch up! I want to hear all of the latest gossip!”

“You want to hear gossip? What about me? You’re the one that still gets to see Rise and Naoto from time to time!” Yukiko had long moved on from her early thoughts of moving away from Inaba to travel the rest of the world – she loved managing the Inn, having now fully taken over running the place, and it was where she had chosen to stay. Still, though, sometimes she couldn’t help but be a little jealous of her friends.

“Not as often as you’d think, honestly…” Chie finally released the other woman and hefted her suitcase back over her shoulder. “They’re really busy, and whenever I run into Naoto I somehow always end up stuck in some weird shadow incident…”

It had been years since the days of the Midnight Chanel Incident – but truthfully, having stepped into the other world had changed all of them in some way. Specifically, it apparently made them magnets for shadow weirdness wherever they went. It wasn’t as much of a bother as it sounded – if you’d gotten strong enough to kick the ass of a few gods around, you could handle the small-fry that popped up from time to time easily.

“Well you can relax,” Yukiko giggled, strolling up the steps towards the Inn with her new guest. “Inaba has been shadow free for ages. Mostly. Besides, I see those muscles of yours. I bet you could flatten anything if they tried to attack now.”

Chie grinned, flexing a little, before hurrying to catch up. “Maybe,” she said with a shrug. “If you don’t incinerate it first.”

“No promises~”

That was the way with old friends. Even if you hadn’t seen them in years, you instantly fell back into place, as if you’d never been apart. Though, it was strange. Chie couldn’t help but notice something a little off about her best friend – like something was on her mind.

It was probably nothing. For now, she was just glad that they were back together again.


“Thanks for the meal~” Chie slumped into her room with a wide smile on her face and a happy full feeling in her belly. “You guys still know how to make a good dinner around here!”

“Of course!” Yukiko grinned, shutting the door behind her. This was the room Chie had always used whenever she’d come around, so they were both very familiar with it. “The Amagi Inn prides itself on its customer service. Besides, it wasn’t hard to guess what you’d want for dinner after your long trip,” she finished with a wink.

“Hey, I don’t eat steak all of the time!” The brunette protested. That rep was completely overblown!

“Just most of it?”

“Just most of it, yeah!” Chie nodded proudly, before sitting down at the provided table. “So, that’s food taken care of. What did you want to do for the rest of the evening?”

Yukiko grinned, stepping over to the TV at the other end of the room and laying her hand on top of it. “Well, I figured you’d be tired after your trip, so how about we watch a movie?”

The brunette’s eyes lit up. “Heck yeah! Just like old times. What have you got? Any kickass martial arts movies?”

That got a giggle. “I don’t think any of those would compare to you these days, but I took a look. I found this old western movie I thought you might like…” She pulled out a DVD case from behind her back with a dusty looking gunslinger on the front cover.

A western, huh? “Sure, sounds fun!” It had been a while since she last saw one of those. Besides, it didn’t really matter what movie they watched – they were sure to have fun either enjoying or mocking it together.

Chie sat back with a please sigh, watching as the screen lit up and the titles began to roll. As she did, though, she couldn’t help but shift uncomfortably. Her bra was digging into her back a little. Ugh, she must have bought the wrong size. It was making her feel a little bit smothered – her chest was weirdly hot. She’d have to see about picking up a new one in town later…

Her discomfort must have shown, because Yukiko was on her in a second. “You okay, Chie?”

The brunette shrugged her concern off. “Yeah, fine. Just tired from the trip.” She wasn’t going to tell her friend she’d screwed up her bra – she’d be hearing jokes about it all weekend!

“Okay.” Huh. Was she disappointed? No, no, it was just Yukiko being Yukiko. “Lemme know if you have any problems, okay?”

“Of course.”

It was that feeling again, like her best friend was hiding something from her. But that was obviously ridiculous. It had just been way too long since they’d last seen each other, that was all. She was being silly.

It was probably nothing.


The next morning, she was frowning at herself in front of the bathroom mirror. Something seemed different about her reflection, but she couldn’t work out what. There was nothing on her face, her hair looked fine, she hadn’t put on any weight-

Wait, hod on a sec.

Blinking, Chie peered downwards, before lifting her hands under her breasts and gently cupping them, as if she was weighing them up. Her palms didn’t quite cup them like she was used to, a little more flesh than she could fit in her grip. Had… Had her boobs gotten bigger or something? Not by much, but a couple of cup sizes, right?

That would explain why her bra’d gotten so tight…

But that was weird, wasn’t it? She was well into her 20s now. Surely she was past the age where she got these sudden growth spurts. Where the hell had these babies come from?

It, it wasn’t like she was complaining or anything – hell, she’d take the boost to help compete with Rise and Naoto any time – but it still struck her as strange.

Well, whatever. She shrugged and pulled her shirt on, trying to put her new curves out of her mind. She had to go meet up with Yukiko. The two of them were going to spend all day hitting the town today, maybe tour Junes for nostalgia’s sake. She could pick up some new clothes for her new size there…


The next morning, she found herself in exactly the same spot, with exactly the same expression on her face. Once again, something struck her as off about her reflection, but this time it wasn’t her boobs. Those were the same as yesterday.

Her ass, however, had definitely grown. She could swear it! Her panties were ridiculously tight this morning and her skirts had no interest in slipping around her thighs. Ngh. Goddamn, when had she gotten this thick down there? She knew she had muscles, but this was something else!

What the hell? She’d been eating normally, right? No bottomless beef bowls in years! So where the hell was she getting all this weight from? And for her to only notice it now when she was on vacation with Yukiko, how embarrassing…

Ugh. She’d just have to suck it up. The two of them were heading out to the movies today, and Chie had absolutely no intention of ruining it. They were here to have fun, and fun would be had, damnit!

Just, y’know, hopefully she wouldn’t have to bend over to pick anything up or whatever…


The next morning…

… Went fine! No sudden growths, no stretched clothes, everything was great! Chie enjoyed her morning shower with a sense of palpable relief, glad that the strangeness had stopped, and that she was finally able to enjoy her vacation. She and Yukiko had planned a trip to the arcade, and then the tennis court in the afternoon, and she wanted to be in the best shape she could be to kick her friend’s ass!

No, it was the next evening when the problems came up, as she finally took her jacket off after a day of proving she was still the Deadly Dragon of Inaba, and noticed a strange pair of wet marks on her shirt, just over her chest. Huh, that was odd. Had she spilled something and not noticed?

But alas, the truth was stranger than that.

“I’m lactating?!?” She’d all but screamed at the mirror, staring at her breasts. It wasn’t much, no, but there were small droplets of – well, she guessed it was milk, slowly beading out of her nipples. And if she gave them a little squeeze, then rivulets of white fluid would stream out, trickling down her chest. It was kind of unmistakable. “How is that even possible?!”

Was- Was she pregnant or something? No, no way, that was impossible, she’d never- W-well, she wasn’t interested in- Look, her period had been fine, okay, no, that wasn’t it.

But what was it, then? Why was this happening? Her boobs were swelling, her hips were growing, and now this? What the hell was going on?

She stared at her reflection for a long moment, before storming away.

“I’m going to bed,” she grumbled. “I’ll work it out in the morning.”


“Chie, it’s all perfectly normal, don’t fret.” On the morning of her fifth day of vacation, she finally went to talk to Yukiko about what she’d been going through. “It’s just a growth spurt. All that hard work and exercise coupled with a healthy diet catching up with you. It’s nothing to worry about.”

Of course her friend was instantly able to put her at ease. That was the thing about Yukiko – she knew exactly what to say in these situations. Still, Chie couldn’t deny she still felt a little uncertain.

“Are you sure?” she asked, looking down at herself – and half checking to make sure there weren’t any more wet patches on her top. “This seems kinda strange…”

“I’m sure.” The raven haired heiress rubbed her friend’s back reassuringly. “Just put it out of your head. Tell you what, I know what’ll cheer you up!”

“Oh?” That got Chie’s attention. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I was going to keep it secret…” Yukiko smiled, her hands clasped behind her back. “Buuut I’ve given the chefs instructions to prepare us some amazing food tonight. It’s going to be a full feast! All of your favourites. Think that might help you forget about your worries for an evening?”

The brunette’s eyes lit up. She sure as hell wasn’t going to say no to that! “Awh, thanks Yuki. You always know exactly what I need.”

The heiress smiled. “Damn right I do.”


The feast was everything Yukiko promised and more – namely, in that it was delicious and exactly what Chie needed to feel better. The woman may have worn her heart on her sleeve, but her stomach was her real weak point. Much like a wild animal, if someone fed her properly, she’d follow them into hell itself.

It was a real spread, too – so many dishes to choose from, all of them made perfectly. It was more than you’d expect to get for just two people… And honestly, even between just the two of them, it was Chie who was doing all of the work. Yukiko hadn’t eaten much at all, the brunette noticed, and what little she did eat only came from certain plates.

“Ish shomfin’ wron’?” She asked when she noticed, half way through tearing into a chicken leg. “Yer nof eafin’!”

Which had, rather predictably, sent the heiress into a giggling fit.

“Oh, don’t worry,” she finally managed, once she’d calmed down. “Really! Most of this is for you, and I’m really not that hungry, so I don’t mind you having most of it. Just enjoy yourself, please.”

Chie shrugged. Welp, Yukiko had always been a light eater. Nothing new there. She tucked back into her meal without another thought.

By the time she was done, the table was looking a lot emptier, and she was looking a lot happier.

“Ahhh…” She sighed, leaning back a little and patting her stomach. “That was really great. Thanks, Yuki, I needed… Hm?”

Her pause was one of confusion, the brunette looking up as she saw her friend rise to her feet and circle around the table, walking over to sit down behind her. To her surprise, she found the heiress immediately wrapping her arms around her, snuggling up against her and laying her head on her shoulder.

In fact it was surprising enough that she found it difficult to react. What… What was she supposed to do here? Was she supposed to ask Yukiko to stop? Because she didn’t want to. This was… This was nice…

A little after-meal haze settled over Chie’s thoughts as she leaned back into Yukiko’s embrace, smiling a sleepy smile. Why care or fuss over it when she could just enjoy it? So for a few minutes, the pair snuggled against one another in happy, contented silence.

But eventually, curiosity got the better of her. “Yuki… What are you doing…?”

There was a giggle from her neck region. “I don’t just want to witness this – I want to feel it.”

That… That was an odd answer. Chie blinked, her brain rising a little out of its post-food coma haze. “What? Wait, what are you talking about?”

She still couldn’t bring herself to break the hug, though. This sleepy docility was too heavy for that.

“So, a few month ago…” Yukiko finally lifted her head, resting it against her friend’s. “We had a strange traveller come to stay. First time customer, paid in advance. Apparently she really liked the service she received here – said it was the best she’d ever seen. Because naturally it was.”

Chie could feel her friend’s smug grin even if she couldn’t see it, and found herself giggling at the woman’s pride.

“Anyway, she wanted to thank me personally, which was really nice. That’s always lovely to get. Then she said she was a witch, and it got a little less lovely, but, you know, customers are customers.”

She was the daughter of an inn keeper and it showed.

“She asked me what I’d want other than money. I didn’t believe her at first, but, you know, we’ve seen stranger things…”

Oh definitely.

“So I asked her to prove her credentials, show off some magic. And she did! She gave me this potion – said that if I used it right, it’d secure a supply of Amazing milk for the Amagi Inn that’d make us at least twice as famous as before.”

That’d have to be really good milk.

“It would,” Yukiko giggled, as if she could read Chie’s mind. “So I called her bluff. I tried a teaspoonful of it right in front of her. And then that got kind of embarrassing when my boobs suddenly inflated and burst through my shirt.” The brunette could feel the heat of her friend’s blush. “I still haven’t found all of the buttons that popped off of my shirt there…”

Ooh! Suddenly thoughts of Yuki boobs popped into Chie’s sleepy brain, and really didn’t want to leave.

“It felt amazing,” the heiress was saying, her voice breathy. “Like, incredible. And it felt even better when I started leaking milk! But it didn’t last…” Her voice turned disappointed. “After a few minutes it wore off. And the witch said that was just because I’d had such a small dose – that a proper dose would be permanent. I knew right then that whatever it took, I needed to get you to drink it!”

That finally roused a response out of Chie. “W-what? Why…?”

“Because!” Yukiko hugged the brunette closer to her, her hold turning possessive. “I’ve missed you. I’ve missed you so much! I know you wanted to go and become a police officer, but Inaba’s been so lonely without you. And if you were my adorable milker instead, you could stay here and be happy with me~”

“But… But I…” There were a lot of things that felt really important to say right now – like about how much she had missed Yukiko so much, too – but her tongue just couldn’t shape the words.

“Shhh…” The heiress pressed a finger against Chie’s confused lips. “Don’t think so hard about it. It’s already done. I’ve been dosing your food with the potion since you got here, but it was going so slowly – so I poured it all over your feast tonight. And now, it’s time to feel amazing~”

“I… I… Oohhh…”

She felt strange. That heat that had been flickering through her body – especially in her boobs – all vacation was suddenly flowing through every part of her, on its highest intensity. It felt… It felt…

It felt amazing.

Pleasure spiked through her body as her curves began to grow. It wasn’t like before, where she’d only noticed small changes well after the fact. Now, she could feel her body swelling, her breasts inflating, her top ripping. Each sensation drowned her brain in heady delight, washed away her concerns and fears…

But nothing felt as good as how tightly Yukiko was holding on to her, her roaming hands seeking out each change. Fingers were eagerly squeezing her tits as they broke through her top, thighs nuzzling up around her expanding ass, lips were kissing frantically along her neck. It felt fantastic, her best friend giving her the greatest pleasure she’d ever known.

It was far too much for the brunette to handle. Her eyes rolled up in her head, her brain turning to soft, suggestable sludge, as the potion ran wild within her. But though she was in no position to consciously hear anything anymore, the words Yukiko was still excitedly whispering into her ear still sank in.

“You’re going to be such a good cowgirl, Chie. The best cowgirl the Inn could ever have~”

She was going to be… a good cowgirl… the best cowgirl…

Her whispers took control of Chie’s malleable mind, and became her truth. She was going to be a good cowgirl – obedient and docile. She was going to be the best cowgirl – productive and strong. The ideas took root in her mind, dripping down into her soul, solidifying into reality through her pleasure blasted body. And in so doing, they began to guide the changes that the potion was making…

“I can see it now. Cute little cow horns poking through your hair…”

Cute little cow horns…

It was a picture that wrote itself over Chie’s mental image of herself all to easily. Cute little cow horns. Of course she had those. She could feel them now, rising up through her hair, making it clear just what a good little moo cow she was…

And indeed, it was just as she said – pointed little nubs rising up atop the crown of her hair. They slid up so smoothly that their presence was barely even noticed – it just felt so natural.

“Mm, and you’ll have a cute little tail over your big fat ass…”

Cute little tail… Big fat ass…

Another change that came to her without resistance. Yukiko gasped with delight, and then giggled as she felt a thin, fluffy tipped tail poke against her stomach, snaking its way out from the top of Chie’s tailbone. Then she bit her lip, eyes wide with excitement as the ass beneath it swelled, the brunette’s strong thighs making fantastic supports for the thickest goddamn butt you had ever seen in your life. The woman’s skirt stood no chance, shredded apart in an instant as those amazing cheeks forced Yukiko’s legs to spread around them. It was perfect.

She could see what was happening. She knew how important these next words would be. They were breathless as she leaned forward to deliver them.

“You’ll have the biggest, milkiest tits in the world, enough to supply the Inn for always~”

The biggest tits… The milkiest tits…

Chie groaned in eye-crossing delight as her breasts surged outward, inflating like beach balls. Her top was ripped apart in an instant, its wonderful tight pressure attempting and failing to keep her in as she grew. Yukiko’s hands fared far better, squeezing and stroking as flesh flooded out underneath them, carrying her with it and giving her so much more room to play in.

But the best part came as they finally settled at their new cowgirl-huge size - and both girls heard a sloshing sound as they bounced and settled. Instantly, Yukiko’s fingers leapt to Chie’s nipples and pinched – receiving, in reward, a thick spray of milk that flowed without pause, and an ecstatic moan from the brunette’s smiling lips. There was just no stopping what came next.


It was done. The lean, mean, martial arts machine was now a fat titted cow, and god she couldn’t have been happier about the switch.

Nor could her new owner, as the heiress continued to explore her body, especially her tits. More and more milk poured out of her ‘udders’, a seemingly endless supply, as Yukiko continued to grope and squeeze – occasionally stopping to lick her fingers, popping them in her mouth to suck them dry. The sounds she made when she did, the squeals of delight, made it clear what she thought. “Oh, Chie, you’re delicious! I knew you would be!”

“That’s great,” the cowgirl giggled, her eyes fluttering as exhaustion set in. A big meal and a heavy transformation could really take it out of a girl. “I’m the best cow girl the Inn could ever have~”

“Absolutely. And you always will be.” Finally, Yukiko stood up, leaving her new milk supply/employee/pet/lover to rest, and looked around. “Oh my. I think I might have gotten a bit carried away…”

The room was soaked. High powered milk had sprayed everywhere, drenching the table, the floor, the walls, the ceiling… Hm, she’d have to be careful how she set up the milking system. This had been fun, but she couldn’t let this much product go to waste regularly. It was far too good for that.

Ah, but it had been fun, hadn’t it? Draping herself around Chie as she finally became the cow she was destined to be, feeling every change up close and personal? Such a sensation. Such a thrill!

She needed to feel it again.

“Chie…” The heiress paused at the door, smiling back over her shoulder. “We shouldn’t keep this to ourselves. I think our friends need to experience this potion too, don’t you?”

A dopey smile crossed the still dripping cowgirl’s face as she swayed in place where she’d been left. “Mmm… Yeah… It’d be nice not to be the Inn’s only cowgirl~”

Yukiko nodded, and then stepped out of the bedroom, walking confidently through the Inn in the general direction of a mop. But she wasn’t thinking about that right now. Her thoughts were far away, already starting to plot how she could get Rise and Naoto to experience the joys of being milked.

She couldn’t wait to feel them change too.


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