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So let me start this off by saying I'm not asking for free ideas, I already have plenty of plans for things to add to the game. But with that said, I'm curious if I've missed anything obvious, or if there are parts of the game people might like me to expand more upon.

So my question is, what would you add to the game if you could? 

Please try to keep answers realistic and fitting to the game itself and what is already there. So no new characters for example. I'm just curious what people may come up with. If you have an idea or suggestion, but don't want to post it publicly, feel free to PM me here or on Discord.



Threesome scenes, Amy and Claire with the PC would be the most obvious one in my opinion, and Amy already met Serena, so that would be another possibility. Also maybe a timetable with character locations that's viewable inside the game, mostly relevant for Katie, but maybe it could be useful for future updates as well.


I would add the option for Amy to become a true Futanari. I would keep her balls because I'm into futa balls. I know, shame on me. I would also add the option for Amy and the main character to get other characters pregnant. Again, futanari impregnation, and impregnation in general is another fetish of mine. And finally I would add other options for characters to have dates at say add a beach or characters would actually go into the Mc's house instead of just the pool, and go to other locations as well once they're added. Sorry most of my answers were just plain smut. I try to control myself.


I mean think about it. Would Amy really want to give up her dick after having it for two years. Also, with her new added confidence, do you really think she will just give it up?


I may add a timetable, that's a good idea. It's just a lot of work for something I don't think is too essential as, other than Katie, most characters appear in the same places at the same times. As for the threesome scenes, well I won't say anything about that ;)


Pregnancy content is hard to do, as it requires the character to stay pregnant throughout the game. Which for some people they won't enjoy, so the only way to do it would make it optional, which would increase my workload a lot. I've got a couple of new things coming in this update (V0.7) that might satisfy that itch though :P Amy being a true futa is possible, but the reason I didn't do it from the start was because the shells and textures wouldn't work properly. I sort of already have a plan for Amy though in regards to her choice. That'll be resolved in V0.8 :) Finally new locations, yeah this is something I want to do, it's just justifying spending the time on creating a new location. If I do create one, it has to be something I could use multiple times.


Yeah, I would love for Amy to keep her dick especially after finding how great it is to fuck MC with it :D


More scenes with Amy, going both ways. Kissing scenes, cum play, animations.


Dom Amy Sub Mc


Animations unfortunately are causing me some hassle at the moment, I'm working on it and would like to do them eventually, they're just slightly out of reach at the moment! As for scenes with Amy, more will be coming eventually :)


Possible, although it's not really in Amy's character right now...

Julian Harper

All of this Amy love is making me happy :)


Dominatrix Amy needs to make it in, probably later on if she decides to stay the way she is. After she is completely sure the MC is ok with the way she is. Does the story have a villian? How about a sexy magic using witch that you come across throughout the story a couple times. She has a lustful personality & keeps trying to bang the MC everytime she sees him.

Wild Bill

The biggest thing I would ask for would just be more repeatable scenes, and I think that's already on the agenda. Other than that, I would love for Amy to have some sub scenes, the collar she wears when we first meet her and on the date really gives me ideas. (Also it's strange that she wears her workout clothes when meeting Serena, at the gym it makes sense but not so much then).


The thought behind that was that she would have just left the gym to go there, as she's at the gym all day every day and never meets Serena in the evening or at night. As for the scenes, yes more repeatable are planned. They kind of fell onto the back burner for this update. A lot of people are actually asking for dom scenes with Amy, rather than sub, so we'll see what I decide to do :P


I have to say a threesome with Amy and Claire is mandatory since they already had fun together but to be honest any scene including more than one girl and the MC is a win. With hopefully some cum-swap at the end instead of just vanishing cum. Considering Amy magical alteration, I have to say than, even if I'm more of a girl with vagina's fan, like Amy herself, I grow found of her the way she is even if I really want to see her with a pussy so I've been thinking to 3 possible outcomes with the "cure" : 1/ The cure is perfect and Amy (i.e. the dev meaning less work) or MC (i.e. the player meaning more work) can choose between a dick or a vagina for next scene. 2/ The cure didn't work as planned and the change between dick/pussy occurs randomly or after each orgasm. 3/ The curse is too strong and the interaction with the cure make it transferable meaning each time "The Magic Dick"© cum inside someone, it is transferred to that someone, so we can have some fun with the girl switching between dick and vagina. Heck, we could even have a double dick MC for those willing to be at the receiving end of "The Magic Dick"©. :P I know N°3 might be a lot of work but it could be a lot of fun too. Anyway, good luck with your work.


Those are some great ideas and the third one would be a lot of fun, but unfortunately you're right, it would be a lot of work. I have a plan for a cure that should satisfy both the futa and none futa fans though! :)


more repeatable scenes would be nice. to cure amy someone else has to take the dick so either clair gets a dick/pussy or MC dick gets bigger can choose.

Ben Mayers

Amy becomes comfortable with the idea that the cure didn’t work, player choice obviously, then goes to Serena to get hers enlarged because she will be the one topping the player, choice option again, I don’t know what everyone’s opinion is on Futa is always bigger, but I prefer that 😊