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Well, the poll is no way near it's finish date yet, but already it's 90% in favour of adding a fox girl at 18 votes yes. So, here she is, what does people think? This is just a first version, so things can be changed if people have suggestions!



Julian Harper

Never understood the whole fury thing, but hey if it’s what people want... what’s her place in the game?


She'll be a side character, someone you just see in events for other characters, but won't have any of her own storyline, other than what's in those events


She's a Cutie.


She is cute, maybe consider changing the black fur on her arms white or brown to match because they look too much like human fur & makes her look manly lol

Wild Bill

I like less furry girls with just ears and a tail, but she's cute. Maybe change her fur to orange with a white front, that might look a bit better maybe?


I'm still tinkering with the fur colours, I'll give that a try and see what it looks like. I did originally try full orange, but it was a bit much. So I'll try a combination of both