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Hi there Science Team (and beyond)!

Thank you again for taking your time to let us hear your thoughts on our progress on Projekt Melody: A Nut Between Worlds. We always want our community’s voice to be heard, and you’ve all provided us with some really great insight.

So lets start with some basics we’ve learned!

  • The majority of you, 82% to be exact, feel involved and happy with our progress! We love to hear that, and we will be looking at incorporating more public opportunities in the future for accessibility, as the majority of people feeling “uninvolved” were those who are not subscribed.
  • The most requested “see more” was more characters and cast reveals, which we have some more surprises in the works for. Those have been sidelined a bit to maintain “all hands on deck” during pushes for new build releases, but will be coming back in the future~
  • We understand that many of you aren’t thrilled with cross-promotions and partnerships. However, for the sake of transparency, we want to provide some insight as to why we do these. Promotions help us both boost ANBW which lets us make more of the game faster, as well as feature other talented creators that you may find interesting!
  • Senpai! tier are the chattiest, with nearly 40% of all responses.

Some changes we are implementing off of feedback:

  • There has been a lot of feedback on having roadmaps/dates. We absolutely hear you, and we do not want to run the risk of disappointments if we make a large overarching roadmap and dates don’t end up lining up (game development is full of surprises and curveballs). With that in mind, we will be starting each week going forward with  “Monday Milestones” where each department gives an update on what they are working on so you can get a better sense of where we are in production, and as we have dates for builds, we’ll share those in an effort to set clearer expectations.
  • One lifetime supporter in particular brought up a great point that even with lifetime support status, this group is not seeing as much of our progress as current subscribers with the exception of receiving the new builds. Going forward, we will be also posting our development progress posts in the “lifetime-support” channel, so no more missing out on new feature and content reveals!

Again, from the Big Bang team, thank you for supporting us as we create the greatest nut to ever exist. You are truly the best supporters we could have ever hoped for, and we look forward to bringing you an amazing game!



Rei Tsukino VT

I admit I’m a newcomer but i am very excited to see how things progress.


Melody model and voice is superb yup yup


Looking forward to seeing how the game progresses, been seeing a lot about this online recently

Therin Whitten

Yeah I know work like this takes alot of steady work. I know you guys will make it worth it.