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Hey there, Science Team!

First of all: THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT so far and we hope this build is going to give you an idea of the scope we are going for with this game. It´s kinda big.

Hot Quicktip: Press ALT to lock and unlock the camera.

This build is marked PRE ALPHA because there are many new and experimental systems in place:

  • Character Spline Movement System

  • Genital Spline Movement System

  • Revamped Cinematic Storytelling Pipeline

  • Revamped Character Creator

  • Revamped True First Person Player Character

  • Full Overhaul on Animation Processing

  • Fully Rebuilt Sandbox aka Sandbox V2

  • Virtual Little Tokyo Full City Loading System

  • Full Revamp of the Outfit System

  • Procedural Head Orientation System

Below (KNOWN BUGS & ISSUES) you can find a number of issues and possible solutions when interacting with this PRE ALPHA build of ANBW.

This is a Pre-Alpha build, so there is definitely going to be some scuff. If you prefer a cleaner experience, we recommend waiting for the hotfixes that will be coming later this month.

Now to the official announcement message:

We're thrilled to announce the arrival of a NEW Build. In the latest subchapter in A Nut Between Worlds, get ready to introduce yourself to Melody properly, and see Virtual Little Tokyo for the very first time! Explore Melody’s apartment, get yourself some fresh clothes, and prepare to embark on your adventure to save VLT.

The Sandbox has also been REVAMPED and is easier to use now! With more animations and less technical tinkering, we think you’ll greatly enjoy what we’ve cooked up for you. There will also be new characters added soon!


  • Female Player Head does not receive skin tone changes (but body does)

  • Silent Protagonist currently has no speech bubbles (avoid playing with this option for now)

  • Popping and Hopping of the Camera between Scenes / Subchapters / while loading

  • Game at times can randomly skip entire subchapters, especially exploration sections

  • Some scenes in Sandbox V2 do have really shaky or blurry camera angles

  • Melody at times tracks back on the movement spline

  • Double Music in a section of Portal Subchapter

  • A spoken line in the new subchapter has no lipsync animation

  • City Lights load in late

  • Save and Loading System does not retain all character information (Outfit System)

  • Sandbox V2 - when playing with Melody interacting (pressing E) with her QUITS the game


  • We left portions of the STORY MAP menu in the game, which allows you to easily start over a new character at the character creator subchapter.

  • UE5 uses DX12 meaning your shader cache gets generated at runtime during gameplay. Expect hitches and harsher load times during your first play-through because of the caching working in the background.

As always, our team here at Big Bang appreciates all of your support! We look forward to hearing your feedback on the new story portions and features, as well as what you experience in the new Sandbox Mode.




My entire computer keeps crashing at parts that stress the graphics card. I have a pretty beefy one (AMD Radeon RX 6700) and this doesn't happen with any other game?


Just to let you know that for me the Uncesored version is censored. tried turning it on then off (to be clear it is set to off by default in settings) again which worked but once scene changes i turns on again everytime.


Thanks for letting us know! Putting it on the bug list to fix for the end of month patch <3


That looks like something we should discuss through our ticket system on the server. If you can :) Please make sure you are using TAA in the antialiasing settings and try that again. Also often issues occur with outdated drivers or generally "too high" settings. We can help you dial in the right ones through the ticket system <3


At the end of the play through I pressed W but nothing happen what do I do?

Wupperschnapper YT

Hello, i got a qick question to the new 5.0.0 pre alpha release... i am stuck in the storymission: "GO OUTSIDE" - "Take the elevator down to head off to Bliar´s Lab". I dont have any idea where to go after i used the elevator. Outside there are signs that say "Under Construction" and inside in front of the elevator door, there is a door that you cannot interact with. Can anyone tell me where i have to go to solve this mission?


In theory Melody should walk a few steps towards the street and you get a message that you´ve reached the current end of the pre alpha playthrough and can transition to testing the Sandbox V2 feature by hitting the Q button. If you need further help feel free to open a ticket on our discord server and we´ll walk you through the rest. A more polished version of the current build will be released end of this month!