The 43rd Cartographic Congress Vote (Patreon)
Apologies for posting the vote late. I think all the votes happening lately got me a little mixed up. Anyway, this month, we've got a few past contenders, along with some excellent new ones. Here they are, listed in order of height above sea level (for no particular reason):
Senator Jon proposes the Barre Sinister, a port for Spelljamming pirates built into the palm of a gigantic stone hand that orbits the sun. There are docks and several buildings, most notably the Barre, a notorious tavern where pirates come to drink and parley.
Senator Morgan proposes the Sky Galleon docks of a city on the edge of the Great Murk.
Senator Shawn proposes an inn built over a set of cascading waterfalls, with a dragon's lair concealed behind the falls.
Senator Wagner proposes a Venetian-style palace by a canal, with gondolas passing by. This would be in a gothic or dark fantasy style.
Senator Chaan proposes a beholder lair, featuring vertical passages for the levitating orb that dwells there.
Senator AN7 proposes the arena of Vlyndarastyl, in the Black Loch.