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This is the final round of voting in the Black Loch Conclave, with the top two proposals from each first-round vote pitted against each other. If necessary, these ideas will be whittled down in a series of runoff votes until one winner is chosen. That proposal will become a new location in the loch.

I want to say that quite a few of your ideas have inspired me so much that they'll have an impact on how I draw some of the other locations in the loch regardless. I'll get into the specifics of that once the voting is finished. In the meantime, here are your finalists. Feel free to discuss, debate and promote them below:

AN7 proposes the Dwen'del Palace, the ancient, dwarven-built palace in the drow city of Vlyn'darastyl.

Kenneth proposes a drow outpost built into the ceiling of the loch, allowing them to keep an eye on the passing ships below.

Carl proposes a beholder's lair in a three-dimensional labyrinth of caves, half above the water, half below. A waterfall at the top trickles down, winding its way through the lair.

Leo proposes a shipyard run by deep gnomes, famous for its high quality shipbuilding.

Alfred proposes a kobold village in a maze of wet, narrow tunnels and moss farms, which the kobolds travel through in coracles (tiny, circular rowboats). The thing the kobolds value most is their collection of rubbish and fungi, but their heaps of filth hide a much greater treasure.

Jon proposes the Cackling Caverns, a series of booby-trapped caves that serves as the final resting place of a pirate king and his entire ship and crew. Many adventurers have died in the strange caves, where the broken laughter of the long-dead pirate king is said to be heard echoing through the stone.

Mirjirj proposes the gigantic, petrified skull of an ancient deity, with several ruined structures inside and around it. Recently, these ruins have become the home of a small community of deep gnomes.

Bugbeebane proposes an expansion of the the ruined illithid settlement of Gyan'dis, featuring the city's living quarters, markets, vaults and more.



They're all SO good - I don't know if I can pick!


I kind of love all of these really. A lot. I think the Dwen’del Palace is probably known enough to anyone reading this but my hopes from here is to have a major set piece as to what makes Vlyn’darastyl unique. Why is it not just another Drow city? Lots of reasons, it is on a major water feature, it was once ruled by a house that worshiped someone other than Lolth, it has a hole to the surface world, but definitely worth remembering that it was once a dwarvish city. I am running a game where the characters are Drow who have been sent to this town and are becoming embroiled in the local politics. I have teased at them some details about the architecture near the center of town, but given that this is a game strongly motivated by the political flows they will absolutely spend some time at the seat of governance. So what does the seat of governance look like in a city that was once made by dwarves, taken over by drow, almost submerged, and now up for grabs in a high stakes drow politics game? I have no idea, but I am sure it would be fascinating. I really want to find out what looks familiar, and what got changed as the city evolved.