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The top proposals from the previous votes are:

  • 1st Vote -  The Dwen'del Palace, Drow Outpost in Ceiling
  • 2nd Vote - Partially-Submerged Beholder Lair, Deep Gnome Shipyard
  • 3rd Vote - Kobold Moss-Farming Village, Cackling Caverns

The top two proposals on this ballot will go on to a final vote, alongside the six listed above. Feel free to discuss, promote, or ask questions below. Good luck to everyone!

Mirjirj proposes the gigantic, petrified skull of an ancient deity, with several ruined structures inside and around it. Recently, these ruins have become the home of a small community of deep gnomes.

Sinam proposes a temple complex dedicated to the Flayed God, built around stalactites. The temple is populated by aquatic ixitxachitl and flying cloakers, with waterspouts connecting the temple to the sea below it.

Photopage proposes the citadel of a mind flayer lich. This lair is built partially into the cave wall and descends down into the water.

Hugh proposes a fortified dragonkin settlement on the Isle of Ash. The residents dedicate their lives to venerating the great dragon Kaliphex, who lives nearby.

Bugbeebane proposes an expansion of the the ruined illithid settlement of Gyan'dis, featuring the city's living quarters, markets, vaults and more.


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