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This is a battlemap for the Drow City of Vlyn'darastyl. It's mostly meant to be a backdrop for encounters your party might have in the city, but I figured I'd throw a tavern, a shop and a small market in there to give it a little extra utility. By the way, these buildings don't actually correspond to anyplace on the city map, so don't go crazy trying to find them. Hopefully no one did that before reading this far.

I'm going to draw a roof-level version of this map as well, which should only take a day or two. After that, I'll be drawing the map chosen by last month's Cartographic Congress, the Infected Citadel. This is a small, dwarven hold that's been tainted by the Far Realm. Things will look fairly normal at the top, but, as you descend, it starts to get stranger and stranger, until reality just completely breaks down at the bottom. Like, the floor becomes a thick mass of worms writhing around giant horse eyeballs. And there's an eight-eyed fish head sticking out of the wall. Or something like that, I don't know.

Honestly, I have no idea how I'm going to draw this place, but I'm very much looking forward to figuring it out. I promise you that it will be full-on crazy time.

Anyway, I'm gonna go post the last five proposals for the Black Loch Conclave. Let me know what you think of the map!



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