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This is the first vote in the Black Loch Conclave. With 20 proposals in all, there will be 3 more votes with 5 proposals in each. Afterwards, the top two proposals from each vote will move on to a final round of voting, in which one winner will be decided. The final round will likely have at least one runoff vote, but the others will not. This vote will remain open for 5 days. Good luck and godspeed!

Silas proposes “The Sundered Manacle,” a secret community of escaped slaves near the drow city of Vlyn'darastyl. Built inside the abandoned lair of a white dragon.

AN7 proposes the Dwen'del Palace, the ancient, dwarven-built palace in the drow city of Vlyn'darastyl.

Kurt proposes a half-submerged temple to the tentacled old ones.

Kenneth proposes a drow outpost built into the ceiling of the loch, allowing them to keep an eye on the passing ships below.

Al proposes a tower or set of caves inhabited by a banshee who was once a drow noblewoman.



Ooooo man there are a bunch of great ones in here. I am unsurprisingly biased to one but….ok fine, gunna take advantage of being able to vote for a couple.


Yeah, there are a ton of really good proposals. As soon as they started coming in, I was immediately glad I had done this.


I'm excited to see the new maps :)