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A lot of people will look at this map and see a place inhabited by one of two things:

  1. Bad guys
  2. Dwarves

Why? It's the lava, of course. Lava in FRPGs is practically code for dwarves and scumbags. It's almost like decent, respectable humans can't recognize the defensive utility of molten rock.

Hopefully, this isn't how it works in real life, because I recognize the defensive utility of molten rock. And I'm a little too tall to be a dwarf.

Anyway, the first vote of the Black Loch Conclave started yesterday and, if you're a patron, you should go cast a vote. There are some amazing ideas people have proposed for this and I really want to see what everyone decides on. Honestly, there are a few proposals that have inspired me so much that I'm thinking of incorporating some of their ideas into other maps if they don't win. I am so glad I did this.

Next up, I'll be drawing the Kuo-Toa Stronghold from the Black Loch. Like the Mother's Eye, it's going to be partially underwater. I don't think I've seen a map of a semi-submerged castle before, so this should be fairly unique, or at least not something there are a million of out there. And, once it's done, I should have time to knock out another one or two Black Loch maps this month.

Anyway, I'm gonna get to work. Let me know what you think of the Citadel!

Download from Google Drive here (under NEWEST PATRON CONTENT).



Magnus Meyer

Is it just me but I can't see a bed in the chastelans room, is this intentional?


No, I seem to have forgotten to give him a bed. We'll just say he sleeps at his desk. Highly diligent individual, great work ethic.


Thinking hobgoblin warlord & his legion for this one. What would you approximate the height from “top to ground” for the balconies, walls and tower tops? Think I see at least 6 different “distance-to-ground” from the vertical. Want to ensure I get the ranges for warrior arrows and devastator spell attacks (short/long & distance) as PCs perish on the attack (heh).


The curtain wall is probably 10m high, then the third floor balcony would be 15m, then 20m for the fourth floor, 25m for the fifth, 30 for the sixth and 40 for the roof.