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Everybody having a good holidays? I hope so, but if not, remember that 2020 is almost over, which is a cause for celebration by itself. And, with tomorrow being New Year's Eve, it's completely acceptable to drink your way across the finish line.

This map kind of feels like something someone else drew. It's a completely reasonable size, it's almost all outdoors and the map takes up the entire image with no convenient place to put a title. I mean, I did draw this and I remember doing it, but... how do I put this? It's like watching a movie with Liam Neeson in it and he doesn't kill a single person the whole time. It's not bad, necessarily, but it feels a bit strange.

By the way, floating markets aren't a thing I made up. They used to be fairly common in Southeast Asia and there are still a few around today. It's a very practical idea if you think about it. How do you get your stuff to the market? On a boat. Where do you sell it from once you get there? How about the boat? Then how do you get home? Throw the boat in reverse and you're on your way.

I considered drawing a bridge across the river, but I decided against it. That might seem like a strange choice, but I think it's actually better without one. If the players need to cross, they'll have to figure out how. There are plenty of possibilities if they aren't in a hurry, but if they are, they might have to do something crazy, like jump from boat to boat. It's a recipe for chaos, and chaos makes for interesting encounters. That's my thinking, but if you have any other thoughts about it, I'd love to hear them.

Anyway, next up is a mind flayer dreadnought, which is a spelljammer warship. After that, I'll be drawing an aarakocra village. But, as I promised earlier, I'll be taking a day to work on the dynamic lighting for Brazenthrone first. This has been going much more quickly than I thought and I suspect it'll be done by the end of January.

Well, I'd better get started on that. Let me know what you think of the map!

Download from Google Drive here (under NEWEST PATRON CONTENT).



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