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Hope everyone's having a good Christmas! My wife got me a second monitor and, let me tell you, it is everything I dreamed it would be. Hopefully you all scored some hot loot too. Well, I've got Christmas stuff to do and I'd better get back to it. I'll be leaving this up until the 30th at least. Have a good one!

Senator Matt proposes a battlemap for encounters set in the Drow City of Vlyn'darastyl. This would be a zoomed-in map of a small section of the city that would include some buildings, streets and flooded ruins.

Senator Ross proposes a regional exploration map of a wilderness/borderlands area.

Senator Carl proposes a city floating through the astral plane.

Senator Jon proposes a map of the Barre Sinister, a Spelljammer pirate port built into the palm of a gigantic stone hand orbiting the sun. There are docks and several buildings, most notably the Barre, a notorious tavern where pirates come to drink and parley.

Senator Anders proposes an old Norse stave church with a hidden cellar level and secret crypts.

Senator Fraz-Urb'luu proposes a great estate on the plane of shadow, with surreal, twisted architecture, doors that lead you back where you came from and lots of gargoyles.


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