Dear Patrons: This is the map you've been crowdfunding for the last year. (Patreon)
As it stands, the dwarven city of Brazenthrone has 497 buildings with 2,247 rooms across 6 different levels of elevation and has taken around 1,300 hours to draw and color. I hope you like it so far. I don't know if it's the largest hand-drawn fantasy map ever made, but I'd say it might be when it's finished.
There's still plenty more to do, like the Old Quarter, the mines and a number of residential areas, but this is the core of the map finished and none of the rest will take as long. I mean, I don't know exactly what the mushroom farms will be like yet, but they're definitely not going to be six floors high.
If you'll turn your attention to the second image, those are the original hand-drawn copies of all this, which are currently falling off my wall. Yep, there goes another one. Each page is 11"x15" (A3) in size and there are... I don't feel like counting them. There's a lot.
Anyway, next up is Mont-Saint-Michel, a fortified island monastery straight out of fantasy art, except it's somehow a real place. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it looks like this. Man... everyone, let's give France a round of applause. Well done, France. That is just... magnifique as hell.
If you’re not a patron and you’re interested in helping me make the rest of this monstrosity of a map, it'd be greatly appreciated if you're able.