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As promised, here's the 3rd edition of the lore. I added a summary of each of the different districts of the city and some of the more notable buildings, like the Freehammer Forge and the Amethyst Arcade. It's stuff that I felt like I should explain for people who don't have access to the DM notes. While I tremendously appreciate the 187 people who are funding the creation of Brazenthrone, I also want it to be usable by people who can't afford to be patrons and people who won't discover it until 10 years from now.

If you are a patron and you've read through the DM notes, there's still a few new things here. There's some advice on using the city under "Notes from the Artist," there's an explanation of how the city is lit under "General Information" and the last entries under "Foreign Relations" and "Society" are new as well.

And with that done, I'm going to begin the task of stitching every chamber of every floor of Brazenthrone into a single image. I'd guess that'll take one day, maybe two, depending on how many times I crash Photoshop in the process. I'll take a photo of the originals, too, to show you how many trees had to die for all this.




While I’m only one patron and certainly can’t speak for all, I think releasing what you have for free is amazing and I definitely support it. It is by far the best way to add to the community and what allowed me to 1- find your work and 2- made me feel the compulsion to support it. Keep being awesome!


Also, let me just add again, great work. I love everything Brazenthrone and am blown away by just how quickly you are producing such high quality creations. Absolutely amazing work!


Thanks, a number of patrons have said the same thing to me and I'm really glad you guys feel that way. I told myself when I started this that I'd never wall off any maps and I've never felt any need to reconsider that. It's like... 15-year-old me wouldn't have been able to be a patron, but I want to make maps for people like him too, you know?