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The large-ish category vote has now closed. As usual, we have one clear winner, which is The Fallen Tower. Stand up and take a bow, Fallen Tower. No? You just want to lay there? That's fine too.

Since there are quite a few maps clustered around second place, we'll have a four-way runoff this time. As always, this vote is to the death. Your choices are:

  1. The Halls of Glory – An angelic temple fortress. Something that would be at home in Mount Celestia or elsewhere in the Upper Planes. Your paladin’s favorite place.
  2. Greenskin Rock – One or two sea stacks with a goblin or kobold community living in tunnels inside.
  3. Airship Waystation – A dock for airships up in the mountains. Someplace to eat, rest, resupply and change the wiper fluid.
  4. Bleakhall – This is a strange, unnatural place, like you might find on the Negative Energy Plane or in some sort of hell. It probably won’t be any specific sort of place, just… weird. Dark. Alien. Lovecraftian. 


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