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Experts Baffled By Mysterious 'Baby Rat Aliens' Found Crawling On Kitchen Floor

Experts Baffled By Mysterious 'Baby Rat Aliens' Found Crawling On Kitchen Floor. A mum was horrified after she discovered mysterious "baby rat aliens" in her kitchen - and even experts are struggling to identify them. The critters, described as “something out of a horror movie”, have small round bodies with long thin tails and can be seen squirming around in a disturbing video filmed in Auckland, New Zealand. Tim Clerke spotted the creatures at his mum’s house and appealed to his Facebook friends to try and identify them. He wrote: “My mother found these on the kitchen floor this morning. One is still alive. “Anyone know what they are? Nikki is horrified and will have nightmares for weeks.” One person said they were the “detached legs of a moth”. Another said: “It's like someone cut the bottom end off of baby mouse.” Another agreed that the things looked like deformed baby mice, while someone else chimed in with “miniature bats”. But despite the “disgusting” video being viewed more than 3,000 times, no one could come up with a definitive answer as to what they are. Experts too were perplexed by the specimens. The Biosecurity New Zealand entomology team suggested the video showed the detached legs of a moth. "They suggest that something [possibly a cat] had just recently eaten the body of the moth, which may explain why a few of the legs were still twitching," a spokesperson told Yahoo!7. Insect expert Eric Edwards, Science Advisor and Entomologist with the New Zealand Department of Conservation, then weighed in and said that they could be rat-tailed maggots. Earlier this month an Australian backpacker found something similar and it was later confirmed by an entomologist that he had found a hoverfly larvae, which is more commonly known as a rat-tailed maggot. The identity of this creature has yet to be determined.










