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It was inevitable that we would talk about the recent NY Times article about ‘the end of the millennial lifestyle subsidy,’ as if it was a surprise that endless money was keeping rideshare apps’ prices artificially low in order to bankrupt their competition. We also discuss the Labour Party’s supposed roadmap to success or whatever. You will enjoy this!



I love this idea that American millennials, who mostly started their professional lives in a fucking recession, have been spoiled in some way. And now that many of us are starting to hit our stride professionally, we are once again being slapped with a global financial crisis. I don’t know that I took an Uber or a cab for the first 5 years I lived in NYC- I was busy spending that money on groceries, rent, and metro cards.

Man, I Got Nothing

It’s super infuriating because I feel like when people use the term Millennial they’re basically saying upper middle class or rich white person under the age of 45. I’ve lived in NYC 10 years and only now am I stable enough that having to take my like once a year Lyft trip won’t wreck my budget.

Oliver Cant

Yeah, that's thing. These columnists keep thinking millenials are all still the characters of "Friends". Like, that time has long gone and isn't coming back, and was never representative to begin with. Meanwhile Gen X and Boomer landlords continue to suck up every last penny anyone in our age group and younger earns. These landlords have it all, then get the nerve to blame us for their greed.


The other thing about all this is that boomers are literally the most coddled generation in history. They were the babies of the baby boom and so had schools & social services built specifically for them as the world repopulated after the war. They were the first teenagers to have disposable income and mobility and so were catered directly to. They were the target demographic of Thatcher and New Labour as a younger homeowning class, and now are the bedrock of Tory voters and so politically untouchable. At every point in their life their wants and needs have been the focal point of the political landscape.

Man, I Got Nothing

I remember reading about triple-locked pensions in the UK and being like "well, that's fucking rude." The gall of not only having basically Cadillac pensions for an entire generation but then legislating it in such a way that the costs swell, eat up more of the national budget passing the tax burden onto a younger generation, and then making it nearly impossible both to change that system and impossible for the next generation to access that same level of benefit. Talk about pulling up the ladder behind you. Social Security is fucked in the US, but in a way that seems less spiteful because everyone below a certain income, not generational level is screwed.


Wow the lathe really fucked up on this one