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The small princess~

Hyla is a good girl, but sort of under the radar for the adults who have other things to worry about at the moment. She likes animals and secretly would like to be an animal doctor when she grows up (her mother advised against telling this to daddy). Her favorite classes are penmanship and diction, and her favorite color is green. Her favorite food is fruit preserves. Her least favorite thing is being ignored. 

Even though her brother and sister are much older, she misses being around both of them a lot, especially Suda. She thinks that she did something to make her sister mad, because Rana is always so angry nowadays, but she has no idea what she did wrong and Rana doesn't want to talk to her anymore.  Sometimes it seems like nobody even cares about her unless she's being a nuisance. Every time she asks, people tell her that everything is going to be okay, but she's starting to think that maybe it's not.  
